Number of found documents: 763
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Reflection of the 1930´s British Society in Graham Greene´s Brighton Rock
Nešetřilová, Iva; Roebuck, Olga; Vít, Ladislav
2017 - English
This paper examines and analyses the reflection of British Society in the novel Brighton Rock by Graham Green. The first part explores the situation in Britain around the 1930s, the period when the book was written and published, and briefly focuses on the changing landscape brought about by the Depression and aftermath of the First World War. The emphasis is confined mostly to how these changes affected the lower classes, and a brief description of what constitutes working class is provided. This is followed by the main part of the thesis, which is centred on the book Brighton Rock and how it represents the lower classes, specifically in relation to changing values and deflection from religious beliefs. Further subchapters explore some of the effects of these changes, with emphasis on crime and morality, and the concept of heaven and hell. Brighton is also explored as a setting for the book in relation to its urban atmosphere and typography. In addition, a literary analysis on some of the main characters demonstrates how life choices affect the ability to advance or be led to damnation. Keywords: crime; morality; religion; societies; classes; zločinnost; morálka; náboženství; společnosti; třídy Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Reflection of the 1930´s British Society in Graham Greene´s Brighton Rock

This paper examines and analyses the reflection of British Society in the novel Brighton Rock by Graham Green. The first part explores the situation in Britain around the 1930s, the period when the ...

Nešetřilová, Iva; Roebuck, Olga; Vít, Ladislav
Univerzita Pardubice, 2017

Didactic games as a means for communicative competence development
Buršík, Bořek; Reimannová, Irena; Zitková, Helena
2017 - English
The thesis deals with the use of educational games for the purpose of English language acquisition with the focus on communicative competence development. In the theoretical part of the thesis, educational games are discussed with attention to their functions, types and usage in English language lessons. Then, levels of communication competence in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and key competencies in the Framework Educational Programme for Basic Education are presented. In the practical part of the thesis, educational games in English textbooks for language learners are evaluated, in order to determine their contribution to development of communicative competence and key competencies of learners. Keywords: didaktická hra; komunikační kompetence; výuka anglického jazyka; hodnocení učebnic; klíčové kompetence; didactic game; educational game; communicative competence; English language acquisition; evaluation; key competencies Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Didactic games as a means for communicative competence development

The thesis deals with the use of educational games for the purpose of English language acquisition with the focus on communicative competence development. In the theoretical part of the thesis, ...

Buršík, Bořek; Reimannová, Irena; Zitková, Helena
Univerzita Pardubice, 2017

Evaluation of Websites for Development of Listening Skills
Málek, Jan; Vít, Marek; Reimannová, Irena
2017 - English
This bachelor paper deals with the use of internet websites to develop listening skills of English language learners. The theoretical part focuses on communicative competence. Next, it presents the concept of listening as a skill and lists various types of listening. The third chapter of the theoretical part deals with the use of computers and the Internet as modern didactic means. The last chapter of the theoretical part examines the learner in the context of curricular documents. The practical part of the thesis establishes a checklist of criteria for evaluating websites that are designed to develop listening skills in English. Subsequently, these criteria are used to evaluate such websites. Keywords: poslech; internetové stránky; hodnocení; rast; listening; websites; evaluation; checklist Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Evaluation of Websites for Development of Listening Skills

This bachelor paper deals with the use of internet websites to develop listening skills of English language learners. The theoretical part focuses on communicative competence. Next, it presents the ...

Málek, Jan; Vít, Marek; Reimannová, Irena
Univerzita Pardubice, 2017

The Modification of an Authentic English Text for Non-native Students of English
Kánský, Tomáš; Reimannová, Irena; Černá, Monika
2017 - English
This thesis deals with the modification of English texts at the input level, which enables the communication of the contents of authentic texts to students of English at various levels of proficiency. The theoretical part is concerned with the phenomenon of authentic text and reading. It then describes grading of language from different perspectives and subsequent possibilities of simplification. In the practical part, selected texts are analyzed according to defined criteria and their suitability for readers at given levels is evaluated. Keywords: modifikace textu; autentický anglický text; čtení; jazykový vstup; modification of language; authentic English text; reading; language input Available in digital repository of UPCE.
The Modification of an Authentic English Text for Non-native Students of English

This thesis deals with the modification of English texts at the input level, which enables the communication of the contents of authentic texts to students of English at various levels of proficiency. ...

Kánský, Tomáš; Reimannová, Irena; Černá, Monika
Univerzita Pardubice, 2017

Semantics of the Modal Verb CAN in Scientific Style
Nedobylová, Jana; Huschová, Petra; Nováková, Eva
2017 - English
The aim of this paper is to map various uses of the modal verb CAN and its meanings in scientific style. The first part of this paper describes the modal verb CAN morphologically, syntactically and semantically. This part primarily explains the individual meanings of CAN, which is reflected in the analysis later in the second part of the paper. The meanings are analyzed based on the contextual factors which determine the particular meaning. The paper also includes a discussion of borderline cases. Conclusion of this paper summarizes the quantitative and qualitative results of the use of the modal verb CAN with regards to the particular functional style. Keywords: modalita; dispoziční; dynamická; jistotní; význam; modální sloveso can; vědecký styl; modality; deontic; dynamic; epistemic; meaning; modal verb can; scientific style Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Semantics of the Modal Verb CAN in Scientific Style

The aim of this paper is to map various uses of the modal verb CAN and its meanings in scientific style. The first part of this paper describes the modal verb CAN morphologically, syntactically and ...

Nedobylová, Jana; Huschová, Petra; Nováková, Eva
Univerzita Pardubice, 2017

Word-formation in Branding
Hromádko, Martin; Huschová, Petra; Ježková, Šárka
2017 - English
This bachelor paper discusses the word-formation in branding. The theoretical part explains branding. Furthermore, it focuses on word-formation and its processes. They are defined, their properties are described and possible classification mentioned. In the practical part, findings form the theoretical part are applied to the corpus of brand names for obtaining the result of the analysis. Keywords: kufříková slova; obchodní značení; odvozená slova; slovotvorba; složená slova; zkratky; abbreviation; blending; branding; compounding; word-formation Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Word-formation in Branding

This bachelor paper discusses the word-formation in branding. The theoretical part explains branding. Furthermore, it focuses on word-formation and its processes. They are defined, their properties ...

Hromádko, Martin; Huschová, Petra; Ježková, Šárka
Univerzita Pardubice, 2017

Direct and Indirect Speech Acts in Job Advertising
Šindlerová, Dominika; Huschová, Petra; Nováková, Eva
2017 - English
This thesis is devoted to the analysis of direct and indirect speech acts and their illocutionary force in job advertising. The theoretical part describes job advertising, its forms, content and persuasive function. Speech acts theory developed by J. Austin is introduced, their direct and indirect forms are distinguished and the illocutionary force of sentences is explained. The classification of speech acts developed by Searle is explained and functions as a basis for the analysis. The analytical part examines the occurrence of direct and indirect speech acts, their form and function, in provided job advertisements. Keywords: řečové akty; ilokuční akty; ilokuční síla; inzerce pracovních příležitostí; přímost; nepřímost; přesvědčovací funkce; zdvořilost; speech acts; illocutionary acts; illocutionary force; job advertising; directness; indirectness; persuasive function; politeness Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Direct and Indirect Speech Acts in Job Advertising

This thesis is devoted to the analysis of direct and indirect speech acts and their illocutionary force in job advertising. The theoretical part describes job advertising, its forms, content and ...

Šindlerová, Dominika; Huschová, Petra; Nováková, Eva
Univerzita Pardubice, 2017

Principles of membrane permeabilization of cells and organelles
Doubková, Karolína; Roušar, Tomáš
2017 - English
This thesis deals with the cellular and organellar membrane permeabilization and its occurence in physiological cell death and some pathophysiological processes with closer attention to cancer. Laboratory induced membrane permeabilization has found its importance within the development of treatment and better understanding of mechanisms staying behind certain diseases. Methods and their principles used to effectively disrupt the phospholipid bilayers in case of laboratory analysis has been described. Based on the increasing knowledge in the field of molecular biology, better treatment and early diagnostics of diseases can be achieved. This thesis helps to understand principles staying behind the cellular and organellar membrane permeabilization and analytical approaches used within the framework of evolving molecular analysis and cellular treatment. Keywords: permeabilization; cell membranes; organellar membranes; cell lysis; cancer; apoptosis; permeabilizace; buněčné membrány; membrány organel; buněčná lýze; rakovina; apoptóza Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Principles of membrane permeabilization of cells and organelles

This thesis deals with the cellular and organellar membrane permeabilization and its occurence in physiological cell death and some pathophysiological processes with closer attention to cancer. ...

Doubková, Karolína; Roušar, Tomáš
Univerzita Pardubice, 2017

Satiric Criticism of the English Government and the Enlightenment in Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift
Mikulecký, Martin; Roebuck, Olga; Vít, Ladislav
2017 - English
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to describe the satiric criticism of the English politics and society influenced by the Enlightenment in Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift. The paper is not divided into theoretical and practical part, instead, both parts are fused into one unit. The paper is initiated by the brief introduction of satire and satiric tools used by Swift. Then, the content focuses on the English politics with emphasis on parties Whigs and Tories, the English monarchy and the prosecution of Jacobite movement. The paper proceeds with the criticism of Anglo-French rivalries, which influence domestic and foreign policy. Finally, the chapter on the Enlightenment science illustrates the misuse of Isaac Newton in political affairs, which triggered the criticism of the whole scientific branch named natural philosophy. Keywords: Gulliverovy cesty; Jonathan Swift; satira; ironie; Hanover; Walpole; Whig; Tory; Francie; osvícenství; Newton; Gulliver's Travels; Jonathan Swift; satire; irony; Hanover; Walpole; Whig; Tory; France; Enlightenment; Newton Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Satiric Criticism of the English Government and the Enlightenment in Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to describe the satiric criticism of the English politics and society influenced by the Enlightenment in Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift. The paper is not ...

Mikulecký, Martin; Roebuck, Olga; Vít, Ladislav
Univerzita Pardubice, 2017

Sentence Structure of Twitter Messages
Klika, Lukáš; Ježková, Šárka; Nováková, Eva
2017 - English
This bachelor thesis focuses on the usage of ellipsis in twitter messages by native and non-native speakers of English. The paper presents ellipsis, its categories and criteria. It also introduces the terms of recoverability and position of ellipsis. Additionally, it covers the clausal elements which are commonly ellipted. The analysis of twitter messages focuses on the frequency of ellipsis in tweets of both native and non-native speakers of English in order to find differences in the usage of ellipsis. Keywords: elipsa; twitter; redukce; návratnost; situační návratnost; strukturální návratnost; anaforická návratnost; kataforická návratnost; ellipsis; twitter; reduction; recoverability; situational recoverability; structural recoverability; anaphoric recoverability; cataphoric recoverability Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Sentence Structure of Twitter Messages

This bachelor thesis focuses on the usage of ellipsis in twitter messages by native and non-native speakers of English. The paper presents ellipsis, its categories and criteria. It also introduces the ...

Klika, Lukáš; Ježková, Šárka; Nováková, Eva
Univerzita Pardubice, 2017

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