Radicalism and Liberalism according to Emma Goldman
Janečková, Erika; Kleprlík, Michal; Bubíková, Šárka
2017 - anglický
This bachelor thesis deals with the analysis and comparison of radical and liberal views in selected essays of Emma Goldman - primarily in "What I Believe," "Anarchism: What It Really Stands for," "Was My Life Worth Living?" and "The Individual, Society and the State." The theoretical part provides the historical and cultural overview of the late 19th - early 20th century United States, and the theoretical background necessary for the analysis. In the practical part, Goldman's conception of individual freedom together with her views on the government, property, religion and violence are analyzed. The analysis also focuses on changes in Goldman's views throughout the years.
Klíčová slova:
radicalism; anarchism; liberalism; Emma Goldman; individualism; freedom; radikalismus; anarchismus; liberalismus; Emma Goldman; individualismus; svoboda
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Radicalism and Liberalism according to Emma Goldman
This bachelor thesis deals with the analysis and comparison of radical and liberal views in selected essays of Emma Goldman - primarily in "What I Believe," "Anarchism: What It Really Stands for," ...
Rosa Parks as a symbol of women's issues and roles in the Civil Rights Movement
Kopčiková, Dominika; Kleprlík, Michal; Bubíková, Šárka
2017 - anglický
The work focuses on the role of Rosa Parks in the civil rights struggle, mainly on her participation in the Montgomery Bus Boycott. The first chapter provides information on the historical development of racial segregation in the United States. The description and further analysis of the boycott itself are included in the following part of the thesis. The last chapter is dedicated to Afro-American women, presenting their activism as well as their position in American society.
Klíčová slova:
segregace; Afro-Američané; Rosa Parks; Afro-Americké hnutí za občanská práva; aktivismus; ženy; segregation; Afro-Americans; Rosa Parks; the Afro-American Civil Rights Movement; activism; women
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Rosa Parks as a symbol of women's issues and roles in the Civil Rights Movement
The work focuses on the role of Rosa Parks in the civil rights struggle, mainly on her participation in the Montgomery Bus Boycott. The first chapter provides information on the historical development ...
British Epic Theatre and the Influence of Bertolt Brecht on British Drama
Činovcová, Taťána; Kalavská, Petra; Kleprlík, Michal
2017 - anglický
The bachelor thesis focuses on the topic of British Epic Theatre. It introduces the life of Bertolt Brecht, the establishment of his theatrical group Berliner Ensemble, and continues to trace Brecht's theories and practices in the works of various British playwrights. The thesis attempts to pinpoint the various ways in which the Epic Theatre movement adapted in Britain. The paper further includes the analysis of Serjeant Musgrave's Dance by John Arden and The Cheviot, the Stag and the Black, Black Oil by John McGrath. The analysis considers the plot, characters, staging and music, and attempts to find traces of Brecht's legacy in them.
Klíčová slova:
Bertolt Brecht; Berlínský soubor; Britské Epické divadlo; Tanec Seržanta Musgravea; Ovce; Jeleni a Černočerná Ropa; Bertolt Brecht; Berliner Ensemble; British Epic Theatre; Serjeant Musgrave's Dance; The Cheviot; the Stag and the Black; Black Oil
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British Epic Theatre and the Influence of Bertolt Brecht on British Drama
The bachelor thesis focuses on the topic of British Epic Theatre. It introduces the life of Bertolt Brecht, the establishment of his theatrical group Berliner Ensemble, and continues to trace Brecht's ...
Word Order Irregularities and Sentence Patterns in Master Yoda's Speech
Dančová, Markéta; Ježková, Šárka; Huschová, Petra
2017 - anglický
This bachelor thesis deals with word order irregularities and sentence patterns in Master Yoda's speech and it is divided into a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part describes the unmarked word order and provides explanation of commonly used structures which differ from the regular English word order, namely fronting, inversion, and ellipsis. The structures and their subcategories are described in detail and contexts in which it is possible and common to use them are shown on example sentences. Based on the theory, the practical part describes the patterns used in Master Yoda's speech and gives explanation on how and when these patterns are used.
Klíčová slova:
inversion; fronting; ellipsis; spoken language; Star Wars; Master Yoda; inverze; prepozice; elipsa; mluvená řeč; Star Wars; Mistr Yoda
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Word Order Irregularities and Sentence Patterns in Master Yoda's Speech
This bachelor thesis deals with word order irregularities and sentence patterns in Master Yoda's speech and it is divided into a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part describes ...
Evaluating textbook activities developing writing
Šimková, Dominika; Reimannová, Irena; Vít, Marek
2017 - anglický
This bachelor thesis presents an evaluation of writing activities in selected course books aimed at developing writing skills. In the theoretical part, the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is described along with communicative language competences, as well as the Framework Educational Programme for Elementary Education and the foreign language section thereof. Furthermore, writing as a skill is described along with various types of writing and ELT methodology concerning writing. Finally, the course book and its role is described as well as the use of the course book in terms of the teaching of writing, which is followed by a coursebook evaluation. The practical part consists of an analysis and evaluation of the writing activities included in the course book.
Klíčová slova:
psaní; psací aktivity; komunikační kompetence; učebnice; writing; writing activities; communicative competences; course book
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Evaluating textbook activities developing writing
This bachelor thesis presents an evaluation of writing activities in selected course books aimed at developing writing skills. In the theoretical part, the Common European Framework of Reference for ...
Trauma in Don DeLillo's Falling Man and Jonathan Safran Foer's Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
Herrová, Laura; Bubíková, Šárka; Kleprlík, Michal
2017 - anglický
This paper focuses on experiencing and dealing with trauma and Post-traumatic stress disorder, caused by the November 2001 terrorist attacks in New York. The theoretical part deals with the term trauma, the explanation of Post-traumatic stress disorder and the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. This also briefly mentions occurrence of trauma and Post-traumatic stress disorder in American literature and authors of the 9/11 genre. The second part of the paper contains analyses main characters in Falling Man and Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close and describes their process in dealing with trauma and Post-traumatic stress disorder.
Klíčová slova:
terorismus; romány o 11 září; trauma; posttraumatická stresová porucha; terrorism; 9/11 novel; trauma; post-traumatic stress disorder
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Trauma in Don DeLillo's Falling Man and Jonathan Safran Foer's Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
This paper focuses on experiencing and dealing with trauma and Post-traumatic stress disorder, caused by the November 2001 terrorist attacks in New York. The theoretical part deals with the term ...
Listening in English Classes: Learners' Perspective
Procházková, Michaela; Černá, Monika; Vít, Marek
2017 - anglický
This bachelor thesis deals with listening in English classes and the learners' perspective on the listening skill in the context of Czech elementary schools. In the theoretical part, the Framework Educational Programme for Basic Education and the foreign language section is mentioned as well as the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, from which the communicative competences are discussed in the paper. Next, the listening skill and the different roles of listening and activities connected to listening are found in the paper. In the practical part, learners' perspective and opinions on listening are answered in the form of a questionnaire.
Klíčová slova:
poslech; poslechové aktivity; komunikační kompetence; pohled žáků; listening; listening activities; communicative competences; learners' perspective
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Listening in English Classes: Learners' Perspective
This bachelor thesis deals with listening in English classes and the learners' perspective on the listening skill in the context of Czech elementary schools. In the theoretical part, the Framework ...
Speech Acts in US Presidential Candidates' Speeches
Kroupa, Jan; Huschová, Petra; Nováková, Eva
2017 - anglický
This paper deals with speech acts in the political speeches and debates of two US presidential candidates. The theoretical part focuses on speech acts, mainly on the illocutionary act and its classification using the description and comparison of two taxonomies. The goal of the analytical part is to find out which illocutionary acts and forces are the most common in the corpus. In the practical part, the use of politeness strategies connected with the application of various speech acts will be discussed, too.
Klíčová slova:
speech acts; illocutionary force; political speeches; perlocutionary effect; řečové akty; ilokuční síla; politické projevy; perlokuční efekt
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Speech Acts in US Presidential Candidates' Speeches
This paper deals with speech acts in the political speeches and debates of two US presidential candidates. The theoretical part focuses on speech acts, mainly on the illocutionary act and its ...
Colloquial Language in Film Reviews
Zelenka, Tomáš; Huschová, Petra; Nováková, Eva
2017 - anglický
This bachelor thesis focuses on the use of colloquial English language in written and spoken film reviews. The first part of this paper provides the theoretical insight to the subjects of film reviews, colloquial language, and multi-word verbs. The latter part of this paper aims the attention at the determination and comparison of the frequency, type, and purposes for the usage of multi-word verbs in written and spoken film reviews.
Klíčová slova:
film review; colloquial English; phrasal verbs; prepositional verbs; phrasal-prepositional verbs; filmová recenze; kolokviální angličtina; frázová slovesa; předložková slovesa; frázovo-předložková slovesa
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Colloquial Language in Film Reviews
This bachelor thesis focuses on the use of colloquial English language in written and spoken film reviews. The first part of this paper provides the theoretical insight to the subjects of film ...
Relationships between Father and Son in Miller's Death of a Salesman
Fundová, Kateřina; Kleprlík, Michal; Bubíková, Šárka
2017 - anglický
This thesis analyzes relationships between father and sons in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman. It focuses on historical and cultural events before and after World Wars, which influenced American economy and families. These pieces of information are further incorporated in the analysis itself and serve as foundations for evaluating father-son relations in the play.
Klíčová slova:
rodinné vztahy; otec; syn; americký sen; americká ekonomika; family relations; father; son; American Dream; US economy
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Relationships between Father and Son in Miller's Death of a Salesman
This thesis analyzes relationships between father and sons in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman. It focuses on historical and cultural events before and after World Wars, which influenced American ...
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