Response of aerosol concentrations to the daily atmospheric boundary layer variability at the national atmospheric observatory Košetice
Holubová Šmejkalová, Adéla; Zíková, Naděžda; Ždímal, Vladimír; Komínková, Kateřina; Holoubek, Ivan
2018 - English
The atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is the part of the troposphere directly influenced by the properties of the Earth’s surface. The ABL thickness reaches from hundreds of meters to a few kilometres. The daily cycle of the ABL height is primarily result of interaction between incoming solar radiation and Earth’s surface heat fluxes because a turbulent motion is dominant in this layer. Air pollutants are generally emitted from surface and their measured concentrations are also influenced by dilution of the atmosphere, or ABL thickness. This study is focused on the linkage between the diurnal ABL height evolution and aerosol particle number concentrations.
Atmospheric boundary layer; Aerosol total number concentrations; Polynomial regression
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Response of aerosol concentrations to the daily atmospheric boundary layer variability at the national atmospheric observatory Košetice
The atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is the part of the troposphere directly influenced by the properties of the Earth’s surface. The ABL thickness reaches from hundreds of meters to a few kilometres. ...
Highly time resolved measurement of atmospheric elemental and organic carbon at a typical background site in Central Europe.
Mbengue, Saliou; Fusek, M.; Schwarz, Jaroslav; Holoubek, Ivan
2017 - English
Atmospheric organic (OC) and elemental (EC) carbon play an important role in atmospheric chemistry, climate change and public health. There have been relatively few studies dealing with EC and OC in rural background sites which are less influenced by urban and industrial emissions. Nevertheless, measurements at background areas are important for understanding the transport and transformation characteristics of anthropogenic air pollutants, and their effects on various aspects of regional and global environment changes. In this study, we focus on variability of EC and OC concentrations (considering various day categories and seasons) from a rural background site which is representative for Central European rural areas.\n
organic carbon and elemental carbon; rural background; OC/EC ratio; variability
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Highly time resolved measurement of atmospheric elemental and organic carbon at a typical background site in Central Europe.
Atmospheric organic (OC) and elemental (EC) carbon play an important role in atmospheric chemistry, climate change and public health. There have been relatively few studies dealing with EC and OC in ...
Monitorování koeficientu rozptylu světla na aerosolových částicích na pozaďové stanici Košetice
Holubová Šmejkalová, Adéla; Zíková, Naděžda; Ždímal, Vladimír; Holoubek, Ivan
2017 - Czech
Přímé působení atmosférických aerosolů na radiační bilanci Země spočívá v rozptylu či absorpci světla na těchto částicích. Zatímco rozptyl slunečního záření na aerosolových částicích nebo od oblaků působí negativně na radiační bilanci (vede k ochlazení), při absorpci záření dochází ke zvýšení teploty okolního ovzduší. Jako příspěvek ke zkoumání vlivu aerosolových částic na klima je na na pozaďové stanici Košetice realizováno měření koeficientu rozptylu světla. Integrující Nephelometr měří dopředný a zpětný rozptyl světla na třech vlnových délkách (RGB). Pro hodnoty koeficientu rozptylu na vlnové délce 550 nm (zelená) jsou typické vysoké hodnoty v chladné části roku, které reflektují jak zvýšené koncentrace znečišťujících látek tak stabilní podmínky v atmosféře. Denní variabilita je nejmenší v létě (kolísá mezi 25 a 18 Mm-1 ), nejvýraznější denní chod pozorujeme na jaře, kdy ze stabilních hodnot 44 Mm-1 dochází po polední k poklesu na 26 Mm-1. Výpočet Ångströmova exponentu ukázal, že v letním období dominuje ve vzorkovaném vzduchu jemná frakce. The direct effect of the atmospheric aerosols to radiation balance is the scattering or absorption of light on these particles. While solar radiation on aerosol particles or clouds negatively affects the radiation (resulting in cooling), absorbtion causes increasing of the ambient air temperature. Contribution to the study of the effect of aerosol particles on the climate, a measurement of the coefficient of light scattering is carry out at the Kosetice background station. The Integrating Nefelometer measures at 3-wavelength (RGB) forward and back light scattering. The values of the scattering coefficient at 550 nm (green) are typically high in the cold part of the year, reflecting both increased concentrations of pollutants and stable atmospheric conditions. Daily variability is the smallest in summer (varies between 25 and 18 Mm-1), the most noticeable daily variation is observed in the spring, when stable values 44 Mm-1 drop after noon to 26 Mm-1. The calculation of Ångström's exponent showed that in the summer, the fine fraction dominates in the sampled air.
light scattering; aerosol particles; atmospheric station Košetice
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Monitorování koeficientu rozptylu světla na aerosolových částicích na pozaďové stanici Košetice
Přímé působení atmosférických aerosolů na radiační bilanci Země spočívá v rozptylu či absorpci světla na těchto částicích. Zatímco rozptyl slunečního záření na aerosolových částicích nebo od oblaků ...
Zahradníček, Pavel; Rožnovský, J.; Brzezina, J.; Štěpánek, Petr; Farda, Aleš; Chuchma, F.
2017 - English
Air temperature in winter months and colder half-year is an important factor for wide range of human activities, including recreation. As a result of current climate change, average air temperatures increase in winter as well. This, however, does not mean that there are no frosts. Each winter season can be assessed using several parameters. In this paper we used the sum of effective air temperatures below 0 degrees C and- 5 degrees C. Absolute minimum air temperature was used as an indicator of the extremity of a particular period. Space-time analysis has been performed for both parameters. Air temperatures in winter months are to a large extent influenced by the continentality of the climate. In general, the temperatures in Bohemia rise faster compared to Moravia and the absolute lowest minimum air temperatures are observed in the Western parts of the country. Based on a multiparametric analysis of climate characteristics, the coldest winter and colder half-year was in 1963, in contrast, the mildest winter was in 2007.
winter severity; euro-cordex; absolute minimum; effective temperature; recreation
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Air temperature in winter months and colder half-year is an important factor for wide range of human activities, including recreation. As a result of current climate change, average air temperatures ...
Seasonal, weekly and diurnal variability of elemental and organic carbon at a rural background site in Central Europe, a four years of measurement
Mbengue, Saliou; Fusek, M.; Schwarz, Jaroslav; Vodička, Petr; Holubová, Adéla; Holoubek, Ivan
2017 - English
Atmospheric organic (OC) and elemental (EC) carbon play an important role in\natmospheric chemistry, climate change and public health. There have been relatively\nfew studies dealing with EC and OC in rural background sites which are less influenced\nby urban and industrial emissions. Nevertheless, measurements at background areas are\nimportant for understanding the transport and transformation characteristics of\nanthropogenic air pollutants, and their effects on various aspects of regional and global\nenvironment changes. This work is one of the rare studies using a semi-continuous\nmeasurement technique to focus on long-term (4 years) measurements of EC and OC at\nregional background site in Europe. It focuses on the factors or phenomena influencing\nboth diurnal and weekly variability of EC and OC concentrations during various seasons\nat rural background area.
elemental; organic carbon; OC/EC ratio; variability; air masses origin; rural background side
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Seasonal, weekly and diurnal variability of elemental and organic carbon at a rural background site in Central Europe, a four years of measurement
Atmospheric organic (OC) and elemental (EC) carbon play an important role in\natmospheric chemistry, climate change and public health. There have been relatively\nfew studies dealing with EC and OC in ...
Dálkový průzkum Země jako podpůrný nástroj při posuzování zemědělského sucha
Hlavinka, Petr; Semerádová, Daniela; Balek, Jan; Žalud, Z.; Tadesse, T.; Hayes, M.; Wardlow, B.; Trnka, Miroslav
2016 - Czech
Díky satelitnímu snímání v rámci Dálkového průzkumu Země (DPZ) lze získávat velmi cenné údaje o podmínkách na rozsáhlých územích (napříč kontinenty i státy) i pro menší území v rozlišení stovek až desítek metrů. Mezi velké přednosti těchto přístupů patří časová a prostorová kontinuita získaných údajů. Pro hodnocení stavu vegetačního krytu na zemském povrchu jsou často využívány tzv. vegetační indexy. Předkládaný příspěvek si klade za cíl demonstrovat možnosti využití vegetačního indexu EVI2 (Enhanced Vegetation Index) v rámci sledování odezvy stavu vegetace na výskyt sucha. Výsledky jsou zaměřeny na popis situací ve vybraných letech za období 2000-2015 s využitím dat získaných pomocí zařízení MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) neseného družicí Terra. Prezentována jsou data dostupná v týdenním kroku pro celé území České republiky. Very important information about vegetation condition within wide areas (through continents and states) or for local areas in resolution from hundreds to tens of meters could be obtained from satellites within remote sensing. The temporal and spatial continuity is big advantage of this method. Namely so-called vegetation indices are often used for vegetation cover condition assessment. The aim of submitted study is to present possibility of using EVI2 (Enhanced Vegetation Index) for assessment of drought impact within vegetation. The results for selected years of the period 2000-2015 achieved using MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) aboard Terra satellite are included. The data in weekly time step and for the whole Czech Republic are presented.
satellite; vegetation indices; water balance
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Dálkový průzkum Země jako podpůrný nástroj při posuzování zemědělského sucha
Díky satelitnímu snímání v rámci Dálkového průzkumu Země (DPZ) lze získávat velmi cenné údaje o podmínkách na rozsáhlých územích (napříč kontinenty i státy) i pro menší území v rozlišení stovek až ...
Assessing the impact of drought stress on winter wheat canopy by hermes crop growth model
Wimmerová, Markéta; Pohanková, Eva; Kersebaum, K. C.; Trnka, Miroslav; Žalud, Zdeněk; Hlavinka, Petr
2016 - English
The main aim of this study was evaluate a drought stress effect on winter wheat development, growth (leaf area index), soil moisture and yields. Simultaneously, the ability of Hermes crop growth model to simulate drought stress response was tested. The field trial was established at Domanínek station (Bystřice nad Pernštejnem district, Czech Republic) in 2014. Mobile rain-out shelters for precipitation reduction were installed on the plots of winter wheat in May 2015. Results of this study showed that model is able to reproduce well a soil moisture content and to certain extent the drought stress for grain yields of winter wheat. Using the rain-out shelters (from 19 May to harvest on 6 August 2015), real winter wheat yields were reduced by 1.7 t/ha. The model was able to estimate the average yield with a deviation of 0.15 t/ha (6%) for no stressed variant. Model underestimated the yields for sheltered variant with a difference 0.67 t/ha (71%) on average against observed yields.
leaf area index; rain-out shelters; soil moisture; water balance; yields
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Assessing the impact of drought stress on winter wheat canopy by hermes crop growth model
The main aim of this study was evaluate a drought stress effect on winter wheat development, growth (leaf area index), soil moisture and yields. Simultaneously, the ability of Hermes crop growth model ...
Crop yield estimation in the field level using vegetation indicies
Jurečka, František; Hlavinka, Petr; Lukas, Vojtěch; Trnka, Miroslav; Žalud, Zdeněk
2016 - English
Remote sensing can be very useful tool for agriculture management. In this study, remote sensing methods were applied for yield estimation in the field level. There were compared remote sensing data together with yield data obtained from the field. The study area is located in Polkovice in Olomoucký region and a crop planted there in the year 2016 was spring barley as one of most important crops grown in the region. The study area in Polkovice is located at lower elevations with intensive crop production and is climatologically warmer and drier than other areas of the Czech Republic. Year 2016 was the first year when the harvest device has been used for yield analysis in this study area. The output of this method is the yield map displaying the amount of crop harvested in the particular place in the field. The yield data from the field were then compared with remote sensing data in the form of vegetation indices. Two of them were used for comparison – Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and a two-band Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI2). These indices have been often used for yield estimation in different studies but mostly in larger scales. This study investigates use of NDVI and EVI2 at more detailed scale while using various remote sensing methods. Comparisons show that remote sensing data can provide accurate estimation and can be used for yield forecasting or supplement traditional ways of yield estimation. Results of the study show that yield-index correlations are stronger for satellite data than for the drone data. NDVI showed slightly stronger correlations than EVI2. Strongest correlations between vegetation indices and yields were found for NDVI from Sentinel 2.
Yield; drone; spring barley; NDVI; EV12
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Crop yield estimation in the field level using vegetation indicies
Remote sensing can be very useful tool for agriculture management. In this study, remote sensing methods were applied for yield estimation in the field level. There were compared remote sensing data ...
Effect of high temperature and water shortage stresses duration during anthesis on the selected winter wheat yield formation components
Hlaváčová, Marcela; Rapantová, Barbora; Surá, Kateřina; Klem, Karel; Hlavinka, Petr; Trnka, Miroslav
2016 - English
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of drought and high temperatures on Tobak winter wheat variety during one of the most sensitive developmental stage (anthesis) from the viewpoint of harvest index (HI) and spike productivity (SP). The 5 growth chambers (where the plants were exposed to these stress factors) were used for these purposes. The various protocols consisting in photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) course, relative air humidity (RH) and daily temperature courses were run. The plants were divided into 2 groups within each growth chambers: (1) Drough-stressed (Dry) and (2) well-watered (Wet). Two lengths of stresses duration were tested: 3 and 7 days. The plants were exposed to ambient weather conditions up to the full maturity after stresses exposition within the growth chambers. Subsequently, the plants were harvested manually and HI and SP were evaluated. The statistical analyses showed that the effect of each stress factor separately was statistically significant both for HI and SP14, nevertheless, these two factors interaction was statistically significant only in the case of HI.
growth chamber; harvest index (HI); spike productivity; Tobak; winter wheat
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Effect of high temperature and water shortage stresses duration during anthesis on the selected winter wheat yield formation components
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of drought and high temperatures on Tobak winter wheat variety during one of the most sensitive developmental stage (anthesis) from the viewpoint of ...
Effect of drought stress on selected winter wheat yield formation components within pot and field experiimental design
Hlaváčová, Marcela; Pohanková, Eva; Klem, Karel; Hlavinka, Petr; Trnka, Miroslav
2016 - English
The object of this study was to find out what is the behaviour of the same winter wheat variety (Bohemia) plants cultivated within pot and field experiment. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to verify (based on the pot experiment results) whether the pot experiment (that is limited by the soil area) does not substantially affect plant reactions. The pot experiment was carried out in growth chambers where daily temperature course, relative humidity (RH) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) were set via protocols. The pots were exposed to the drought stress for 14 days with the daily maximum temperature 26 °C from noon to 2 p.m. The pots were split into 2 groups: (1) Dry where the soil moisture within pots were maintained below 30% of the maximum water holding capacity, (2) Wet where the soil moisture did not decrease below 70% of the maximum water holding capacity. The plants within Wet variant were considered as a control group. The pots were placed onto the concrete floor of a vegetation hall (where the plants were exposed to the weather conditions) prior and after stress regime exposition. The field experiment was conducted within experimental station in Bystřice nad Pernštejnem belonging to the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands in the Czech Republic. The drought stress was established through the transparent roofs installed above plants’ tops level in the field. The control experimental plot without roofs was nearby there as well. The plants were harvested when the full maturity was reached and the selected yield formation components were evaluated.
grains number; growth chamber; thousand grain weight (TGW); water shortage; winter wheat
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Effect of drought stress on selected winter wheat yield formation components within pot and field experiimental design
The object of this study was to find out what is the behaviour of the same winter wheat variety (Bohemia) plants cultivated within pot and field experiment. Therefore, the main aim of this study was ...
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