Počet nalezených dokumentů: 888
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Preconditions of the genesis of the Přemyslid realm
Kalhous, David
2019 - anglický
In the following study we analyse the validity of the nowgenerally-accepted view of the beginnings of the Přemyslid realm. Those who established this viewpoint emphasisethe income from selling slaves (and distance trade in general) as the main source the dynasties in Central Europeused to strengthen their economic power, which, in the next stage, enabled them to build powerful cavalry armiesas their “iron fist”. With these armies they were supposed to have built their “states”. In this article, not only is theautomatism of this mechanism brought into question (the prevalence of the cavalry), but also the idea that a statecan be built with an army. The author, on the one hand, points out the predatory character of such a system, and onthe other hand draws attention to the building of hillforts as a mechanism that not only enhanced the protection ofa given area, but also, due to the need for construction and repairs, brought large groups of people together, and thusformed a common identity for them. Klíčová slova: early states; Central Europe; Early Middle Ages; history of power; history of violence Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Preconditions of the genesis of the Přemyslid realm

In the following study we analyse the validity of the nowgenerally-accepted view of the beginnings of the Přemyslid realm. Those who established this viewpoint emphasisethe income from selling slaves ...

Kalhous, David
Archeologický ústav, Brno, 2019

Science, occupation, war : 1939-1945. A programme and collected abstracts from an international workshop held in Prague on 23-25 october 2019
Šimůnek, Michal V.; Kostlán, Antonín; Hořejš, M.
2019 - anglický
A programme and collected abstracts from an international workshop held in Prague on 23-25 october 2019. Klíčová slova: history of science; Second World War; occupation Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Science, occupation, war : 1939-1945. A programme and collected abstracts from an international workshop held in Prague on 23-25 october 2019

A programme and collected abstracts from an international workshop held in Prague on 23-25 october 2019.

Šimůnek, Michal V.; Kostlán, Antonín; Hořejš, M.
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2019

Two „alternative“ epigraphic inventory acts and their significance for the study of sepulchral monuments
Roháček, Jiří
2019 - anglický
In 2011, a questionnaire inventory of epigraphic sources in the archives of the Czech Republic was carried out in cooperation with the Department of Archival Administration of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic and the Institute of Art History CAS. The integration of epigraphic and sepulchral monuments into one inventory is based on research practice. The publication is in print. The second inventory undertaking sets itself higher objectives both objectively and methodically. It is an epigraphic database of the Center of Epigraphic and Sepulchral Studies of the Institute of Art History CAS. The added value is consideration of the possibilities of application of digital humanities methods. Klíčová slova: epigraphy; inscription; sepulchral monuments; secondary preservation; inventory; database; archival sources; 21st century; Czech Republic Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Two „alternative“ epigraphic inventory acts and their significance for the study of sepulchral monuments

In 2011, a questionnaire inventory of epigraphic sources in the archives of the Czech Republic was carried out in cooperation with the Department of Archival Administration of the Ministry of the ...

Roháček, Jiří
Ústav dějin umění, 2019

Potenciál historických vodohospodářských objektů pro turismus
Havlíček, M.; Svoboda, J.; Skokanová, H.; Dzuráková, M.; Pavelková, R.; Vyskočil, Aleš
2019 - anglický
Historic water management facilities may have various uses in the field of tourism. Some water management facilities can be adapted for purposes of board and/or lodging of visitors, which is a common alternative use of former water mills, sawmills or hammermills (workshops for processing of iron by mechanical hammer). A smaller part of water management facilities serves within tourism as attractive goals for visitors, e.g. expositions in old water mills, hammermills, paper mills, sawmills, stamping mills, hydroelectric power plants, waterworks facilities. In addition to the above examples, the preserved water management structures can also become attractive if they become part of hiking and biking trails. These include aqueducts, remains of navigation canals, old wells, preserved and extinct old weirs and dikes. Some water management objects have cultural and historical significance and are protected as cultural monuments. An evaluation of the potential of historic water management facilities in all aspects of tourism was performed in selected river basins in the Czech Republic. Klíčová slova: water management; cultural heritage; potential of tourism; Czech Republic Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Potenciál historických vodohospodářských objektů pro turismus

Historic water management facilities may have various uses in the field of tourism. Some water management facilities can be adapted for purposes of board and/or lodging of visitors, which is a common ...

Havlíček, M.; Svoboda, J.; Skokanová, H.; Dzuráková, M.; Pavelková, R.; Vyskočil, Aleš
Historický ústav, 2019

Heterogeneity of returns to business R&D: what does make a difference?
Pleticha, Petr
2019 - anglický
Klíčová slova: R&D returns; spillovers; Czechia Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Heterogeneity of returns to business R&D: what does make a difference?

Pleticha, Petr
Národohospodářský ústav, 2019

Francis Dvorník - Scholar and His Work. Papers read at the international symposium held on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of his demise.
Vavřínek, Vladimír; Melichar, Petra; Čechová, Martina
2018 - anglický
The volume contains the presentations from the international conference Francis Dvorník - Scholar and His Work and the last unfinished work of the scholar, The Conflict between Sacerdotium and Imperium in the Middle Ages. East and West. Klíčová slova: Dvorník, Francis; life; work Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Francis Dvorník - Scholar and His Work. Papers read at the international symposium held on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of his demise.

The volume contains the presentations from the international conference Francis Dvorník - Scholar and His Work and the last unfinished work of the scholar, The Conflict between Sacerdotium and ...

Vavřínek, Vladimír; Melichar, Petra; Čechová, Martina
Slovanský ústav, 2018

Entrepreneurship in the information age: an empirical analysis of the European regions
Pleticha, Petr
2018 - anglický
Decelerating productivity in recent years raised questions about technology diffusion in the economy. This study focuses on one particular diffusion channel, entrepreneurship, and inspects the mechanics through which it interacts with digitalization. The composite indicator of digitalization is split into separate components which enables analyzing digitalization’s interplay with entrepreneurship as a dynamic process. Based on the econometric analysis of Eurostat regional data covering the period 2008-2015, I find significant links between digitalization and entrepreneurship. Specifically, digitalization is associated with an increase in the rate at which firms are created and with a decrease in their survival rate after 3 years. The paper demonstrates that the interaction is dynamic in its nature as the effects of initial stages of digitalization reverse or vanish in its later phases. A sectoral analysis shows the persistence of the results across industries.\nMoreover, there is evidence that professional, scientific and technical activities are especially sensitive towards digitalization, experiencing strong, yet short-term shock in the firms’ birth, death, and survival rates. Accounting for geographic variation reveals heterogeneity between regions but not large enough to affect the overall results. Klíčová slova: digitalization; entrepreneurship; technology dissemination Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Entrepreneurship in the information age: an empirical analysis of the European regions

Decelerating productivity in recent years raised questions about technology diffusion in the economy. This study focuses on one particular diffusion channel, entrepreneurship, and inspects the ...

Pleticha, Petr
Národohospodářský ústav, 2018

Formal or Informal? Folk Music, Folklore Revival and Music Education
Kratochvíl, Matěj
2018 - anglický
Traditional folk music in the Czech Republic was usually connected with an informal way of knowledge transfer from generation to generation. Personal contacts with experienced musicians played an important role in transmission of repertoire, style, and skills to younger ones. During the 20th century and especially in its second half, with the development of the revival movement, this system changed. While some of its aspects have remained, the transmission process was strongly influenced by a formalized and institutionalized system of public music education. Music education both in grammar schools and in the network of so called “Basic schools of arts” (Základní umělecké školy), where children learn music as a hobby, has had an impact on the way traditional music is taught today. These changes include the emphasis on different aspects of musicianship, drawing inspiration from other genres of music, and a different way of organizing ensembles including a higher representation of girls in them. In my text, I am presenting findings from my own experience as well as from interviews with musicians from several generations. I am trying to demonstrate how their particular experience with learning and teaching traditional folk music has informed their approach to the way they perform, listen to and think about music. Klíčová slova: traditional music; music education; Czech Republic; improvisation; folk song collections Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Formal or Informal? Folk Music, Folklore Revival and Music Education

Traditional folk music in the Czech Republic was usually connected with an informal way of knowledge transfer from generation to generation. Personal contacts with experienced musicians played an ...

Kratochvíl, Matěj
Etnologický ústav, 2018

Czech Contexts of the Corpus al-Sufi Latinus
Hadravová, Alena; Hadrava, Petr
2018 - anglický
The contribution is based on a study of manuscripts of corpus al-Sufi Latinus carried out in connection with the preparation of an edition of the ms. Praha, The Royal Canonry of Premonstratensians at Strahov, DA II 13 (al-Sufi, Catalogus stellarum fixarum, The Catalogue of Fixed Stars). Klíčová slova: history of astronomy; al-Sufi Latinus; catalogues of stars Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Czech Contexts of the Corpus al-Sufi Latinus

The contribution is based on a study of manuscripts of corpus al-Sufi Latinus carried out in connection with the preparation of an edition of the ms. Praha, The Royal Canonry of Premonstratensians at ...

Hadravová, Alena; Hadrava, Petr
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2018

Art in an unsettled time. Bohemian book illumination before Gutenberg (c. 1375-1450)
Studničková, Milada; Theisen, M.
2018 - anglický
Thirteen studies in English and German bring new insights into a number of masterpieces of Bohemian book painting, which have been examined so far mainly from a stylistic point of view. The book also acquaints the readers with unknown or little-known manuscripts. The publication illustrates how the turbulent end of the 14th century and the socio-political changes of the Hussite period influenced the form of manuscript production. The researches, inter alia, focus on the relationship between text and image, the function of the depiction, the mass productin of manuscripts, and the question of what Hussite iconography is. Klíčová slova: illuminated manuscripts; Bohemian book painting; Hussite iconography Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Art in an unsettled time. Bohemian book illumination before Gutenberg (c. 1375-1450)

Thirteen studies in English and German bring new insights into a number of masterpieces of Bohemian book painting, which have been examined so far mainly from a stylistic point of view. The book also ...

Studničková, Milada; Theisen, M.
Ústav dějin umění, 2018

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