Effect of aging on mechanical properties of 3D printed samples using stereolithography
Drechslerová, V.; Falta, J.; Fíla, T.; Dvořák, R.; Kytýř, Daniel
2023 - English
This paper focuses on stereolithography (an additive manufacturing technology working on the principle of curing liquid resins layer by layer using ultraviolet radiation) and the effect of aging on the mechanical properties of the material and printed samples. The aging of the material could be a problem for its subsequent use as the stability of the mechanical properties would not be maintained and unwanted deterioration of the material could occur. As part of the research, sets of samples were printed and subjected to different aging methods and subsequently subjected to quasi-static and dynamic uni-axial load tests. From the data obtained, the basic mechanical properties of the material were calculated and compared with each other. The aim of this paper was to investigate whether aging process causes significant changes in the mechanical properties of the materials used, which could have a consequential impact on their use in different industries.
stereolithography; aging; mechanical properties
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Effect of aging on mechanical properties of 3D printed samples using stereolithography
This paper focuses on stereolithography (an additive manufacturing technology working on the principle of curing liquid resins layer by layer using ultraviolet radiation) and the effect of aging on ...
Computed tomography system with strict real-time synchronization for in-situ 3D analysis of periodically vibrating objects
Rada, Václav; Fíla, Tomáš; Zlámal, Petr; Koudelka_ml., Petr; Šleichrt, Jan; Macháček, Michael; Vavřík, Daniel; Kytýř, Daniel
2023 - English
In the contribution, we present a laboratory system capable of X-ray computed tomography (XCT) scanning of an periodically moving or oscillating object. The system is an in-house developed XCT setup with electromagnetic voice coil actuator mounted on top of the rotary stage of the setup. The strict synchronization of the components, the rotary stage, the electromagnetic actuator movement and the detector readout is accomplished with use of the detector hardware trigger and hard real-time Linux operating system. Cylindrical sample manufactured from epoxy resin with metal particles to enable movement tracking is scanned in a stationary position and during periodical movement induced by the vibration stage. The volumetric data of the scans is compared and the results of this contribution represent an important step towards identification of defects through modal analysis of in-situ harmonically vibrating object.
computed tomography; hardware trigger; harmonic motion; realtime synchronization
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Computed tomography system with strict real-time synchronization for in-situ 3D analysis of periodically vibrating objects
In the contribution, we present a laboratory system capable of X-ray computed tomography (XCT) scanning of an periodically moving or oscillating object. The system is an in-house developed XCT setup ...
Analysis suggestion for vehicle scanning method
Bayer, Jan
2023 - English
An analytical approach is suggested that can be conveniently applied in the framework of the Vehicle scanning method (VSM). It assumes that the modal parameters of a bridge will be imported from a finite element (FE) program into MATLAB, where the structural response caused by a moving mass and a moving spring mass is solved using coupling equations and numerical integration. A mathematical formulation of the solution is presented together with a short numerical case study that compares the results to a traditional closed form solution. It is shown that when comparing both forms of analysis the suggested approach is more accurate in the case of slow velocities of the passing sprung mass. Other advantages are that the method allows for the mass of the vehicle or (tractor) towing vehicle and a damping \nto be included in the calculation. The user-friendly preprocessing in commercial FE programs can also be considered an advantage.
moving vehicle; vehicle scanning method; natural frequency; finite element analysis
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Analysis suggestion for vehicle scanning method
An analytical approach is suggested that can be conveniently applied in the framework of the Vehicle scanning method (VSM). It assumes that the modal parameters of a bridge will be imported from a ...
Příklady charakteristických stop po ručním zpracování dřeva použitého ve stavbách
Bláha, Jiří
2023 - Czech
Rozdělení stop dochovaných na povrchu dřeva podle okolností vzniku stopy a druhu použitého nástroje. Ukázky stop zjištěných při terénních průzkumech a jejich následná analýza a interpretace. Classification of traces preserved on the surface of wood according to the circumstances of the trace origin and the type of tool used. Examples of traces recorded during field surveys and their subsequent analysis and interpretation.
carpentry; hewing; purlin roofs; timber rafting; tool traces; wood processing
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Příklady charakteristických stop po ručním zpracování dřeva použitého ve stavbách
Rozdělení stop dochovaných na povrchu dřeva podle okolností vzniku stopy a druhu použitého nástroje. Ukázky stop zjištěných při terénních průzkumech a jejich následná analýza a ...
Identification of quasiperiodic processes in the vicinity of the resonance
Fischer, Cyril; Náprstek, Jiří
2023 - English
In nonlinear dynamical systems, strong quasiperiodic beating effects appear due to combination of self-excited and forced vibration. The presence of symmetric or asymmetric beatings indicates an exchange of energy between individual degrees of freedom of the model or by multiple close dominant frequencies. This effect is illustrated by the case of the van der Pol equation in the vicinity of resonance. The approximate analysis of these nonlinear effects uses the harmonic balance method and the multiple scale method.
dynamical systems; quasiperiodic response; van der Pol equation
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Identification of quasiperiodic processes in the vicinity of the resonance
In nonlinear dynamical systems, strong quasiperiodic beating effects appear due to combination of self-excited and forced vibration. The presence of symmetric or asymmetric beatings indicates an ...
Laboratory X-ray imaging in material sciences
Koudelka_ml., Petr; Kytýř, Daniel; Jiroušek, O.
2023 - English
In recent decades, X-ray imaging and computed (micro)tomography (XCT) in particular have become common tools for volumetric inspection, visualization, and analysis of internal structure in materials from various fields [1]. In this lecture, we will explore various applications of laboratory X-ray imaging chains utilizing the combination of tomographical imaging with mechanical, thermal, or chemical loading of the irradiated sample in a so-called time-resolved imaging allowing for unprecedented insight into different phenomena driving fundamental processes encountered in various fields of material science. We will show that failure processes in engineering or geological materials [2] can be thoroughly studied by synergy of information from radiographical imaging and other methods including acoustic emission detection and optical measurements via high-speed visible-spectrum and thermal-imaging cameras, where the radiography provides important spatial information regarding deformation processes evolving within the tested samples that could not be obtained otherwise. The state-of-the-art the laboratory based imaging chains for investigation of dynamic response of materials under loading will be also discussed including high speed X-ray radiography utilizing a powerful X-ray source during high velocity impact as an approach suitable for inspection of an impacted sample. As an alternative to both conventional high-power sources and accelerator facilities, capabilities of a flash X-ray system developed primarily for in-situ ballistics research providing very short bursts of an extremely powerful intermittent X-ray radiation with a typical duration of dozens of nanoseconds will be shown.
X-ray imaging; material characterization; mechanical properties
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Laboratory X-ray imaging in material sciences
In recent decades, X-ray imaging and computed (micro)tomography (XCT) in particular have become common tools for volumetric inspection, visualization, and analysis of internal structure in materials ...
Vhodné restaurátorské postupy pro zachování stop opracování kamene. Využití blízké fotogrammetrie k ohodnocení vhodnosti restaurátorských postupů
Cihla, Michal; Frommeltová, E.; Hodač, J.; Kovářová, K.; Pavelka, K.; Panáček, M.; Valach, Jaroslav
2023 - Czech
Tento památkový postup je výsledkem výzkumného projektu s názvem „Topografie povrchu kamene a její aplikace v oblasti restaurování kamenných prvků“ č. DG20P02OVV021, podpořeném Ministerstvem kultury ČR. Cílem památkového postupu bylo ověření vhodnosti a použitelnosti přesných měřičských metod za účelem zhodnocení míry restaurátorského zásahu v oblasti stop po opracování povrchu kamene. Nástrojem pro hodnocení změn topografie kamenných povrchů nesoucích stopy po opracování byla zvolena metoda blízké fotogrammetrie. This preservation procedure is the result of the research project entitled „Building stone surface topography and its application in the field of stone features restoration“ No.DG20P02OVV021, supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic. The aim of the preservation procedure was to verify the suitability and applicability of precise measuring methods in order to assess the degree of restoration intervention in the area of traces of stone surface working. The method of close-range photogrammetry was chosen as a tool to evaluate the changes in the topography of stone surfaces bearing traces of working.
stone topography; photogrammetry; stonemason’s tools traces; restoration; conservation; stone; monuments; building stone
Fulltext is available at external website.
Vhodné restaurátorské postupy pro zachování stop opracování kamene. Využití blízké fotogrammetrie k ohodnocení vhodnosti restaurátorských postupů
Tento památkový postup je výsledkem výzkumného projektu s názvem „Topografie povrchu kamene a její aplikace v oblasti restaurování kamenných prvků“ č. DG20P02OVV021, podpořeném Ministerstvem kultury ...
Rentgenová tomografie ocelového svaru
Vopálenský, Michal
2023 - Czech
Rentgenová výpočetní tomografie byla použita pro vizualizaci kontaktních oblastí ocelového svaru. Účelem tomografie bylo zkontrolovat svar a analyzovat příčiny trhlin. Použitá metoda se prokázala jako metoda vhodná, neboť trhliny byly v rekonstruovaném virtuálním modelu měřeného dílce jasně patrné. X-ray computed tomography was used for visualization of the contact areas in a welded steel joint. The purpose of the tomography was to inspect the joint and analyse possible causes of cracks. The used method proved itself as a suitable one, since the crack was clearly visible on the reconstructed virtual model of the measured part.
X-ray computed tomography; welding; industrial applications
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Rentgenová tomografie ocelového svaru
Rentgenová výpočetní tomografie byla použita pro vizualizaci kontaktních oblastí ocelového svaru. Účelem tomografie bylo zkontrolovat svar a analyzovat příčiny trhlin. Použitá metoda se prokázala jako ...
Zpráva ke stavebně architektonickému průzkumu Juditiny věže v Praze 1. II. část
Drdácký, Miloš; Kloiber, Michal; Frankl, Jiří; Zíma, Pavel; Wolf, Benjamin
2023 - Czech
Pro zamýšlené restaurování objektu byl vyžádán průzkum konstrukcí, které vykazují poruchy nebo u nichž znalost materiálových charakteristik je potřebná pro výpočty, potvrzující spolehlivost konstrukcí. Při realizaci objednávky se vyskytly potíže, které ovlivnily nutnost jejího provedení ve dvou etapách. S autory této zprávy uživatel věže spolupracoval bez problémů a proto bylo možno níže uvedené práce provést v potřebném rozsahu a kvalitě. For the intended restoration of the object, a survey of structures that show faults or for which knowledge of material characteristics is needed for calculations confirming the reliability of the structures was requested. During the implementation of the order, there were difficulties that affected the necessity of its execution in two stages. The user of the tower cooperated with the authors of this report without any problems, and therefore it was possible to carry out the work listed below in the necessary scope and quality.
historical composite masonry; thermal imaging; timber frame diagnostics; non-destructive testing
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Zpráva ke stavebně architektonickému průzkumu Juditiny věže v Praze 1. II. část
Pro zamýšlené restaurování objektu byl vyžádán průzkum konstrukcí, které vykazují poruchy nebo u nichž znalost materiálových charakteristik je potřebná pro výpočty, potvrzující spolehlivost ...
Monitoring stavu archeologických areálů Pražského hradu
Válek, Jan; Kozlovcev, Petr; Kotková, Kristýna; Fialová, Anna; Svorová Pawełkowicz, Sylwia; Frankl, Jiří
2023 - Czech
Za účelem studia mikroklimatických poměrů proběhl v období od srpna 2020 do května 2023 monitoring vybraných archeologických terénů Pražského hradu. V daném časovém rozsahu bylo sledováno vnitřní klima areálu pod III. nádvořím Pražského hradu, tzv. Velkých vykopávek. Během monitorovací kampaně byly v různých časových obdobích umístěny senzory i do prostoru Malých vykopávek a archeologického terénu kláštera sv. Jiří. Monitorována byla především relativní vlhkost vzduchu, teplota vzduchu i materiálů, vlhkost stavebních materiálů atd., také byly odebrány a analyzovány vzorky stavebních materiálů a monitorován výskyt biologických činitelů. Výzkum se detailně zaměřil na popis teploty a relativní vlhkosti vnitřního prostředí ve vztahu k vlhkosti materiálů a jejich potenciálním degradačním činitelům. Ty zde primárně reprezentují vodorozpustné soli. Jejich nebezpečnost z hlediska poškození historických materiálů je ovlivněna kolísáním relativní vlhkosti a odpařováním vody z kapilárních pórů v kombinaci s teplotou. Výzkum ukázal, že nejzásadnějším problémem je pro areály zatékání, popř. průsak vody skrz terén, okolní konstrukce nebo strop. In order to study microclimatic conditions, monitoring of selected archaeological terrains of Prague Castle was carried out in the period from August 2020 to May 2023. The internal climate of the area under the third courtyard of Prague Castle, also called Great Excavations, was monitored in the given time range. During the monitoring campaign, sensors were also placed in the area of the Small Excavations and the archaeological terrain of St. George's Monastery at various times. In particular, relative humidity, air and materials temperatures, moisture content of building materials, etc. were monitored. Samples of building materials were also taken and analysed, and the presence of biological degradation agents was monitored. The research focused in detail on describing the temperature and relative humidity of the indoor environment in relation to the moisture content of the materials and their potential degradation agents. These are primarily represented here by water-soluble salts. Their hazardousness in terms of damage to historic materials is influenced by variations in relative humidity and evaporation of water from capillary pores in combination with temperature. Research has shown that the most significant problem for sites is flooding or water seepage through the ground, surrounding structures or ceiling.
longterm monitoring; historic building construction; climate cycles; moisture; cultural heritage; archeological sites of Prague Castle
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Monitoring stavu archeologických areálů Pražského hradu
Za účelem studia mikroklimatických poměrů proběhl v období od srpna 2020 do května 2023 monitoring vybraných archeologických terénů Pražského hradu. V daném časovém rozsahu bylo sledováno vnitřní ...
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