Individual Learning Plan for Teaching English to Learners with Dyslexia
Laslettová, Anna; Černá, Monika; Reimannová, Irena
2017 - English
The bachelor thesis is focused on the creation and use of the Individual Learning Plan for the teaching English to a learner with dyslexia. The thesis is divided into two parts. Problems of dyslexia, its definitions, history and research, approaches and methods to overcome it, are analysed in the theoretical part which ends with the main focus on the Curriculum and the documents belonging to it in the connection with the Individual Learning Plan. The second part of the bachelor thesis is focused on the practical possibilities in use of the Individual Learning Plan in the real school environment. The aim is to ascertain if the backup given to both, the learner and the teacher is sufficient and what is the real function of the Individual Learning Plan in practice.
dyslexie; individuální vzdělávací plán; individual learning plan; dyslexia
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Individual Learning Plan for Teaching English to Learners with Dyslexia
The bachelor thesis is focused on the creation and use of the Individual Learning Plan for the teaching English to a learner with dyslexia. The thesis is divided into two parts. Problems of dyslexia, ...
Sentence Adverbials in Written Academic Discourse
Růžičková, Martina; Ježková, Šárka; Nováková, Eva
2017 - English
This bachelor thesis deals with sentence adverbials specifically in written academic discourse. The first chapter is dedicated to explaining the basic term sentence adverbial and its function and types. The second chapter focuses on conjuncts, their division by function and describing their purpose. The following chapter contains the description of disjuncts and their division by function and purpose as well. The last chapter of theoretical part is focused on written academic discourse in relationship to sentence adverbials. The aim of the practical part is to focus on frequency as well as positioning of sentence adverbials in academic texts written by native English speakers in comparison to non-natives.
větné příslovečné určení; akademický diskurs; konjunkta; disjunkta; sentence adverbials; academic discourse; conjuncts; disjuncts
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Sentence Adverbials in Written Academic Discourse
This bachelor thesis deals with sentence adverbials specifically in written academic discourse. The first chapter is dedicated to explaining the basic term sentence adverbial and its function and ...
Epistemic Modality in Newspaper Discourse
Kočvara, Jiří; Huschová, Petra; Nováková, Eva
2017 - English
Bakalářská práce se zabývá užitím anglických modálních sloves vyjadřujících epistemickou modalitu v diskursu novinových zpráv. V práci je popsána modalita s jejími hlavními kategoriemi spolu s modálními slovesy, které jsou později analyzovány. Hlavní zaměření práce jsou anglická modální slovesa, která vyjadřují různé stupně jistoty. Dále je představen diskurs novinových zpráv. Analýza novinových článků se zaměřuje na popis kontextů, ve kterém se modální slovesa vyskytují s ohledem na funkce diskursu novinových zpráv.
modalita; epistemická; modální slovesa; diskurs novinových zpráv; možnost; may; might; could; modality; epistemic; modal verbs; newspaper discourse; possibility; may; might; could
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Epistemic Modality in Newspaper Discourse
Bakalářská práce se zabývá užitím anglických modálních sloves vyjadřujících epistemickou modalitu v diskursu novinových zpráv. V práci je popsána modalita s jejími hlavními kategoriemi spolu s ...
Ethnic Issues in Tony Hillerman's Detective Novels
Bohatová, Andrea; Bubíková, Šárka; Roebuck, Olga
2017 - English
The bachelor thesis deals with Tony Hillerman's detective novels, particularly how ethnic issues are depicted in chosen novels. The thesis characterizes Hillerman's work and sets it into the historical and literal context and the term ethnicity is defined. The means by which Hillerman depicts the ethnicity in the novels are divided into several sections and analyzed. The paper also describes how Hillerman is assessed by experts and readers.
ethnicity; Navajos; crime fiction; detective novels; Native Americans; etnicita; Navahové; detektivka; detektivní romány; severoameričtí Indiáni
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Ethnic Issues in Tony Hillerman's Detective Novels
The bachelor thesis deals with Tony Hillerman's detective novels, particularly how ethnic issues are depicted in chosen novels. The thesis characterizes Hillerman's work and sets it into the ...
The Idea of Progressivism in the United States of America
Pluhař, Pavel; Kleprlík, Michal; Bubíková, Šárka
2017 - English
This bachelor thesis deals with the Progressive movement in the United States from the beginning of the 20th century until Second World War. It depicts the events that prompted the Progressive sentiment and elaborates on the actual Progressive reforms that influenced the United States of America in terms of social, economic and foreign policies.
progresivismus; Roosevelt; Wilson; progressivism; Roosevelt; Wilson
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The Idea of Progressivism in the United States of America
This bachelor thesis deals with the Progressive movement in the United States from the beginning of the 20th century until Second World War. It depicts the events that prompted the Progressive ...
Syntéza a charakterizace vanadocenových komplexů s dithiokarbamátovými ligandy
Súkeníková, Diana; Vinklárek, Jaromír
2017 - English
Táto bakalárska práca sa zaoberá prípravou vanadocenových a 1, 1´-dimetylvanadocenových komplexov s ditiokarbamátmi a ich charakterizáciou analytickými a spektroskopickými metódami. Príprava komplexov spočíva v reakcii Cp2VCl2 (1), resp. (MeCp)2VCl2 (1a) s príslušnými ditiokarbamátovými ligandami vo vodnom prostredí. Touto reakčnou cestou boli pripravené komplexy [VCp2(DeDtc)]Cl (7), [V(MeCp)2(DeDtc)]Cl (7a), [VCp2(MorDtc)]Cl (8), [V(MeCp)2(MorDtc)]Cl (8a), [VCp2(PipDtc)]Cl (9), [V(MeCp)2(PipDtc)]Cl (9a), [VCp2(DPhDtc)]Cl (10), [V(MeCp)2(DPhDtc)]Cl (10a), [VCp2(DBuDtc)]BPh4 (11), [V(MeCp)2(DBuDtc)]BPh4 (11a). Priebeh syntézy a izolované produkty boli študované pomocou EPR spektroskopie. U komplexu [V(MeCp)2(MorDtc)]Cl (8a) bola navrhnutá štruktúra potvrdená RTG analýzou.
Kľúčové slová: lomené metalloceny, vanadocenové komplexy, 1, 1´-dimetylvanadocenové komplexy, ditiokarbamáty, chelátujúce ligandy, EPR spektroskopia
lomené metalloceny; vanadocenové komplexy; 1,1´-dimetylvanadocenové komplexy; ditiokarbamáty; chelátujúce ligandy; EPR spektroskopia; bent metallocenes; vanadocene complexes; 1,1´-dimethylvanadocene complexes; dithiocarbamates; chelating ligands; EPR spectroscopy
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Syntéza a charakterizace vanadocenových komplexů s dithiokarbamátovými ligandy
Táto bakalárska práca sa zaoberá prípravou vanadocenových a 1, 1´-dimetylvanadocenových komplexov s ditiokarbamátmi a ich charakterizáciou analytickými a spektroskopickými metódami. Príprava komplexov ...
Representations of Gender in Belloc Lowndes' The Lodger
Berná, Jana; Vít, Ladislav; Kleprlík, Michal
2017 - English
This bachelor thesis focuses on the life of Victorian women, gender roles, and stereotypes and shows them on the example of two heroines from books The Lodger by Marie Belloc Lowndes and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. The first part of the paper deals with patriarchal concept and its influence on the everyday life of people. The difference between lives of men and women are presented. It also focuses on gender stereotypes and phenomena of The Angel in the House and The New Woman. The second part of the paper deals with finding these phenomena in the books mentioned above and description of the two female heroines from these books.
Nová žena; Anděl v domě; Viktoriánská Anglie; genderové stereotypy; Jana Eyrová; Příšerný host/Podnájemník; The New Woman; The Angel in the House; Victorian England; and gender stereotypes; Jane Eyre; The Lodger
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Representations of Gender in Belloc Lowndes' The Lodger
This bachelor thesis focuses on the life of Victorian women, gender roles, and stereotypes and shows them on the example of two heroines from books The Lodger by Marie Belloc Lowndes and Jane Eyre by ...
Reference as a Cohesive Device in Newspaper Reporting
Sivoková, Kristýna; Huschová, Petra; Ježková, Šárka
2017 - English
This thesis is aimed at reference used as a cohesive device in newspaper reporting. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on the explanation of cohesion, cohesive devices, reference and the language of newspapers. The aim of the analytical part is to identify reference in discourse of newspaper reporting, classify the types of reference and analyse which types of reference are used in newspaper reporting most frequently.
reference; koheze; kohezní prostředky; referent; referenční výrazy; novinové zprávy; reference; cohesion; cohesive devices; referents; referring expressions; newspaper reporting
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Reference as a Cohesive Device in Newspaper Reporting
This thesis is aimed at reference used as a cohesive device in newspaper reporting. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on the explanation of cohesion, cohesive devices, reference and the ...
Sentence Form and Function in Travel Forum Contributions
Mertová, Barbora; Ježková, Šárka; Nováková, Eva
2017 - English
This thesis is devoted to sentence forms and functions in discussion forum contributions from the viewpoint of stylistics and pragmatics. The theoretical part discusses different types of clause structures and functions they express. Furthermore, the concept of speech acts focusing on a direct and indirect speech act is described. The analytical part studies the clause structures, functions and speech acts in travel forum contributions.
komunikativní funkce vět; formální vyjádření vět; mluvní akty; počítačová komunikace; diskuzní fórum; sentence functions; sentence forms; speech acts; computer-mediated communication; discussion forum
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Sentence Form and Function in Travel Forum Contributions
This thesis is devoted to sentence forms and functions in discussion forum contributions from the viewpoint of stylistics and pragmatics. The theoretical part discusses different types of clause ...
The Island Topos in Web by John Wyndham
Mareš, Martin; Vít, Ladislav; Roebuck, Olga
2017 - English
This bachelor thesis deals with the depiction of the island topos in the novel Web (1980) by John Wyndham. The theoretical part deals with the terms closely related with the thesis and outlines the perception of islands throughout history. The frequent island motives that appear in literature are then used for the analytical part. The core part of this thesis is to analyze the island topos in the aforementioned novel and compare it with the chosen island literature.
island; topos; place; utopia; Web; Wyndham; místo; ostrov; Pavučina; topos; utopie; Wyndham
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The Island Topos in Web by John Wyndham
This bachelor thesis deals with the depiction of the island topos in the novel Web (1980) by John Wyndham. The theoretical part deals with the terms closely related with the thesis and outlines the ...
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