Number of found documents: 975
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Stabilita chodeb při dobývání uhlí metodou chodba-pilíř ve velkých hloubkách
Šňupárek, Richard; Waclawik, Petr; Kukutsch, Radovan
2018 - Czech
Za účelem ověření napěťo-deformačních projevů dobývání metodou chodba-pilíř v hloubce až 900 m pod povrchem byl implementován rozsáhlý systém geotechnického monitoringu a sledování deformací a pohybu povrchu. Na základě výsledků napěťo-deformačního monitoringu byla provedena podrobná analýza stability chodeb z hlediska konvergence, deformačního chování okolního horninového masivu a funkce použité výztuže ve dvou sledovaných oblastech s rozdílnými geologickými i provozními podmínkami. In order to verify the stress-strain manifestations of the corridor-pillar excavation at a depth of up to 900 m below the surface, an extensive system of geotechnical monitoring and observation of deformations and surface movement was implemented. Based on the results of the stress-strain monitoring, detailed analysis of corridor stability from the point of view of the convergence, deformation behavior of the surrounding rock mass and the function of the reinforcement used in the two monitored areas with different geological and operational conditions was carried out. Keywords: corridor-pilar; geotechnical monitoring; deformations and surface movement Available in a digital repository NRGL
Stabilita chodeb při dobývání uhlí metodou chodba-pilíř ve velkých hloubkách

Za účelem ověření napěťo-deformačních projevů dobývání metodou chodba-pilíř v hloubce až 900 m pod povrchem byl implementován rozsáhlý systém geotechnického monitoringu a sledování deformací a pohybu ...

Šňupárek, Richard; Waclawik, Petr; Kukutsch, Radovan
Ústav geoniky, 2018

Geodiverzita, sekundární gediverzita a kulturní dědictví
Kirchner, Karel; Kubalíková, Lucie; Kuda, František; Havlíček, M.; Machar, I.; Pechanec, V.
2018 - Czech
V rámci projektu NAKI II - Kulturní dědictví krajiny Arcidiecéze olomoucké - výzkum, prezentace a management (DGB 16P02B014) se zaměřujeme na výsledky, které přispějí k udržitelnému rozvoji regionální kulturní identity prostřednictvím aplikovaného výzkumu kulturního dědictví v kulturní krajině studované oblasti. Součástí hmotného kulturního dědictví jsou tvary reliéfu, které vznikly vědomou činností člověka - antropogenní tvary reliéfu. Tyto antropogenní tvary doplňují geodiversity krajiny a jsou označovány jako sekundární geodiversita, jejich identifikace a interpretace umožní doplnit a zvýšit rozmanitost kulturního dědictví a upřesnit rozvoj kulturní krajiny. První výsledky z Arcidiecéze olomoucké jsou prezentovány. Within the framework of the NAKI II project – Cultural heritage of landscape of the Archdiocese of Olomouc - research, presentation and management (DGB 16P02B014), we focus on the results that will contribute to the sustainable development of regional cultural identity through applied cultural heritage research in the cultural landscape of the area of interest. As part of the material cultural heritage, we include the landforms that originated from the conscious activity of man - the anthropogenic relief forms. These landforms complement the geodiversity of the landscape and are referred to as secondary geodiversity, their identification and interpretation will make it possible to complement and enhance the diversity of cultural heritage and to specify the development of the cultural landscape. The first results from the Archdiocese of Olomouc are presented. Keywords: geodiversity; secondary geodiversity; cultural heritage; Archdiocese of Olomouc Fulltext is available at external website.
Geodiverzita, sekundární gediverzita a kulturní dědictví

V rámci projektu NAKI II - Kulturní dědictví krajiny Arcidiecéze olomoucké - výzkum, prezentace a management (DGB 16P02B014) se zaměřujeme na výsledky, které přispějí k udržitelnému rozvoji regionální ...

Kirchner, Karel; Kubalíková, Lucie; Kuda, František; Havlíček, M.; Machar, I.; Pechanec, V.
Ústav geoniky, 2018

Použití modelu efektivní trhliny k analýze odezvy válcových těles se šípovým zářezem
Halfar, P.; Frantík, P.; Šimonová, H.; Daněk, P.; Keršner, Z.; Vavro, Leona; Vavro, Martin
2018 - Czech
Příspěvek uvádí aplikaci modelu efektivní trhliny k analýze odezvy válcových těles se\nšípovým zářezem namáhaných v tříbodovém ohybu. Jednalo se o testy tří zkušebních\ntěles z pískovce z lokality Javorka a tří betonových těles z nosné konstrukce nádražní\nbudovy v Ostravě-Vítkovicích. K výpočtům byl použit akademický software\nchevroncylinder na bázi metody konečných prvků. This paper introduces the application of an effective crack model to analyse the response\nof chevron-notched cylindrical specimens loaded in three-point bending. There were\nanalysed the three sandstone specimens from the Javorka locality and three concrete\nspecimens from the building structure of the Ostrava-Vítkovice railway station. The\nchevroncylinder software based on the finite element method was used for the\ncalculations. Keywords: fracture test; effective crack model; chevroncylinder software; sandstone; concrete Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Použití modelu efektivní trhliny k analýze odezvy válcových těles se šípovým zářezem

Příspěvek uvádí aplikaci modelu efektivní trhliny k analýze odezvy válcových těles se\nšípovým zářezem namáhaných v tříbodovém ohybu. Jednalo se o testy tří zkušebních\ntěles z pískovce z lokality ...

Halfar, P.; Frantík, P.; Šimonová, H.; Daněk, P.; Keršner, Z.; Vavro, Leona; Vavro, Martin
Ústav geoniky, 2018

The pre-industrial landscape as a cultural heritage: Malá Haná
Kolejka, Jaromír
2018 - English
The parts of the territory with a preserved secondary (economic) landscape structure, originated around the middle of the 19th century, may be considered as existing segments of the pre-industrial landscape. Such territory has retained a similar character of plot distribution and land use of that time. These segments have been pre-identified in the contemporary cultural landscape according to the recent colour orthophotomap. The existence of that cultural heritage has been confirmed or excluded by comparison with the maps of the 2nd military survey and indicating sketches of the cadastral survey from the 1st half of the 19th century. The records were systematically carried out according to the cadastral units of the so-called working regions of Moravia. The segments of the pre-industrial landscape identified in laboratory research then underwent a field research, followed by the determination of their properties and the assessment of the state and the threats. Keywords: survey; inventory; Czech Republic Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The pre-industrial landscape as a cultural heritage: Malá Haná

The parts of the territory with a preserved secondary (economic) landscape structure, originated around the middle of the 19th century, may be considered as existing segments of the pre-industrial ...

Kolejka, Jaromír
Ústav geoniky, 2018

Assessment of anthropogenic landforms for the geotourism purposes (case study: Velké Opatovice fortification site, Archdiocese of Olomouc, Czech Republic)
Kirchner, Karel; Kubalíková, Lucie; Machar, I.
2018 - English
The human impact on the relief is often very devastating: natural landforms are modified, damaged or destroyed and the intensity of human-induced processes even surpasses the natural ones. However, people also create new landforms which are interesting from geoconservation, educational, cultural and historical points of view. Thanks to these aspects, they also have a potential for geotourism, geoeducation and recreation. For the assessment of anthropogenic landforms (respectively anthropogenic geosites and geomorphosites), a method based on the concept of geomorphosties and taking into account the holistic approach to geotourism, is proposed. The article presents an example of anthropogenic landforms on geo-cultural site Velke Opatovice fortification site situated in the western part of the Archdiocese of Olomouc. Based on the detailed fieldwork, the inventory of landforms and other features, the assessment and some proposals for geotourist use of the site are presented. Keywords: geo(morpho)sites; cultural heritage; Archdiocese of Olomouc Available in a digital repository NRGL
Assessment of anthropogenic landforms for the geotourism purposes (case study: Velké Opatovice fortification site, Archdiocese of Olomouc, Czech Republic)

The human impact on the relief is often very devastating: natural landforms are modified, damaged or destroyed and the intensity of human-induced processes even surpasses the natural ones. However, ...

Kirchner, Karel; Kubalíková, Lucie; Machar, I.
Ústav geoniky, 2018

Influence of hydrodynamic nozzle wear on erosion effect of self-excited pulsating water jet
Klich, Jiří; Říha, Zdeněk; Foldyna, Vladimír
2017 - English
The article deals with the study of the wear of the hydrodynamic nozzle and its\ninfluence on the generation of a self-excited pulsating water jet (SPWJ). The nozzle\nwas monitored for the ability of the waterjet to erode the surface of the aluminum\nalloy EN AW 6060 at regular intervals. Keywords: hydrodynamic nozzle; waterjet; erosion Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Influence of hydrodynamic nozzle wear on erosion effect of self-excited pulsating water jet

The article deals with the study of the wear of the hydrodynamic nozzle and its\ninfluence on the generation of a self-excited pulsating water jet (SPWJ). The nozzle\nwas monitored for the ability of ...

Klich, Jiří; Říha, Zdeněk; Foldyna, Vladimír
Ústav geoniky, 2017

Properties and characteristics of recycled garnet abrasives for AWJ
Martinec, Petr; Hlaváček, Petr; Ruppenthalová, Lucie; Sitek, Libor
2017 - English
The use of recycled garnet abrasive from sludge after cutting materials is a current\nproblem. The behavior of individual garnet abrasives in the AWJ process depends\non the geological origin of the garnets, which also affects all the material\ncharacteristics of the garnet recyclate. The parameters of the BARTON HPX80 and\nGMA 80 abrasive inputs and their recycled products were compared: mineralogical\ntype, apparent density, granularity, grain shape and mineralogical purity,\nmicrohardness data and the degree of damage to the garnet grains. All individual\nparameters of abrasives and their recyclates are reflected in the index of cutting\nefficiency of abrasive. The effect of abrasive material properties on cuttability of\nabrasives is synergistic. The new parameters in the evaluation of abrasives are\nmicro-hardness (brittleness criterion), specific surface and pore size distribution\n(internal grain damage criterion). Keywords: garnet; abrasive water jet; recycled abrasives; index of cutting efficiency of abrasive; microhardnes Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Properties and characteristics of recycled garnet abrasives for AWJ

The use of recycled garnet abrasive from sludge after cutting materials is a current\nproblem. The behavior of individual garnet abrasives in the AWJ process depends\non the geological origin of the ...

Martinec, Petr; Hlaváček, Petr; Ruppenthalová, Lucie; Sitek, Libor
Ústav geoniky, 2017

Implicit constitutive solution scheme for Mohr-Coulomb plasticity
Sysala, Stanislav; Čermák, M.
2017 - English
This contribution summarizes an implicit constitutive solution\nscheme of the elastoplastic problem containing the Mohr-Coulomb yield cri-\nterion, a nonassociative \now rule, and a nonlinear isotropic hardening. The\npresented scheme builds upon the subdifferential formulation of the \now rule\nleading to several improvements. Mainly, it is possible to detect a position\nof the unknown stress tensor on the Mohr-Coulomb pyramid without blind\nguesswork. Further, a simplifed construction of the consistent tangent opera-\ntor is introduced. The presented results are important for an efficient solution\nof incremental boundary value elastoplastic problems. Keywords: Mohr-Coulomb plasticity; implicit constitutive solution scheme; consistent tangent operator Fulltext is available at external website.
Implicit constitutive solution scheme for Mohr-Coulomb plasticity

This contribution summarizes an implicit constitutive solution\nscheme of the elastoplastic problem containing the Mohr-Coulomb yield cri-\nterion, a nonassociative \now rule, and a nonlinear ...

Sysala, Stanislav; Čermák, M.
Ústav geoniky, 2017

Overlapping domain decomposition preconditioners for elliptic and parabolic problems in primal and mixed form
Blaheta, Radim
2017 - English
In this lecture, we concern the numerical solution of PDE problems and describe overlapping domain decomposition, which provides a tool for the construction of parallelizable Schwarz type iterative solvers and preconditioners. The idea of using overlapping domain decomposition goes back to Schwarz alternating method from 1870, see [1]. The analysis of this alternating iterative method was evolved by great mathematicians, see e.g. S.L. Sobolev (1936), R. Courant and D. Hilbert (1937), S.G. Michlin (1951), M. Práger (1958), I. Babuška (1958), F.E. Browder (1958). The use of overlapping domain decomposition for parallel computations started in the late eighties in the work of M. Dryja and O. Widlund [4], P.L. Lions [5, 6], S. Nepomnyaschikh [7] and others and continue up to the present days. The origin of the alternating Schwarz method is nicely described in [8]. Keywords: preconditioners; Schwarz method; matrix Ma Fulltext is available at external website.
Overlapping domain decomposition preconditioners for elliptic and parabolic problems in primal and mixed form

In this lecture, we concern the numerical solution of PDE problems and describe overlapping domain decomposition, which provides a tool for the construction of parallelizable Schwarz type iterative ...

Blaheta, Radim
Ústav geoniky, 2017

Algebraic preconditioning for Biot-Barenblatt poroelastic systems
Blaheta, Radim; Luber, Tomáš
2017 - English
Poroelastic systems describe fluid flow through porous medium coupled with deformation of the porous matrix. In this paper, the deformation is described by linear elasticity, the fluid flow is modelled as Darcy flow. The main focus is on the Biot-Barenblatt model with double porosity/double permeability flow, which distinguishes flow in two regions considered as continua. The main goal is in proposing block diagonal preconditionings to systems arising from the discretization of the Biot-Barenblatt model by a mixed finite element method in space and implicit Euler method in time and estimating the condition number for such preconditioning. The investigation of preconditioning includes its dependence on material coefficients and parameters of discretization. Keywords: poroelasticity; double permeability; preconditioning; Schur complement Fulltext is available at external website.
Algebraic preconditioning for Biot-Barenblatt poroelastic systems

Poroelastic systems describe fluid flow through porous medium coupled with deformation of the porous matrix. In this paper, the deformation is described by linear elasticity, the fluid flow is ...

Blaheta, Radim; Luber, Tomáš
Ústav geoniky, 2017

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