Mikromycety ze svrchních vrstev lesní půdy – metabolické schopnosti a produkce oxidativních enzymů
Merhautová, Věra; Valášková, Vendula; Gryndlerová, Hana; Heeg, K.; Hofrichter, M.; Baldrian, Petr
2007 - Czech
Z horizontů L (opad) a O (humusového) lesní půdy s dominantním Quercus sp. bylo isolováno 55 kmenů mikromycet. Asi 15% isolátů produkuje enzymy oxidující fenolické látky, například guaiakol. Tyto enzymy by se potenciálně mohly podílet na přeměně ligninu a humusových látek v půdě Fifty-five strains of nonbasidiomycetous fungi were isolated from the L (litter) and H (humic) horizons of forest soil with dominant Quercus sp. Approx. 15% of isolates produce enzymes capable of phenols oxidation These enzymes can potentially be involved in the transformation of lignin and humic substances in soil
forest soil
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Mikromycety ze svrchních vrstev lesní půdy – metabolické schopnosti a produkce oxidativních enzymů
Z horizontů L (opad) a O (humusového) lesní půdy s dominantním Quercus sp. bylo isolováno 55 kmenů mikromycet. Asi 15% isolátů produkuje enzymy oxidující fenolické látky, například guaiakol. Tyto ...
Surface membrane glycosylation of EL-4 cells: the impact of free or N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide (HPMA) bound doxorubicin
Kovář, Lubomír; Etrych, Tomáš; Šubr, Vladimír; Strohalm, Jiří; Sklenář, Jan; Chytil, Petr; Ulbrich, Karel; Říhová, Blanka
2007 - English
In those experimenst we studied the possible impace of CD43 as highly glycosylated molecule in cells exposed to free doxorubicin (Dox) or to conjugates consisting of HPMA copolymer backbone to which the drug is conjugated via enzymatically (PK1 conjugate) or pH sensitive, hydrolytically cleavable bond (hydrazone conjugate, HYD). V těchto pokusech jsme sledovali vliv vysoce glykosylované povrchové molekuly CD43 u buněk vystaveným volnému doxorubicinu nebo doxorubicinu konjugovanému k HPMA polymeru
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Surface membrane glycosylation of EL-4 cells: the impact of free or N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide (HPMA) bound doxorubicin
In those experimenst we studied the possible impace of CD43 as highly glycosylated molecule in cells exposed to free doxorubicin (Dox) or to conjugates consisting of HPMA copolymer backbone to which ...
Fluorescence kinetic microscopy: 2D imaging of variable chlorophyll fluorescence from single algal cells with spectral resolution
Prášil, Ondřej; Šetlíková, Eva; Veselka, D.
2007 - English
The fluorescence kinetic microscopy (FKM) provides new dimension in application of chlorophyll fluorescence techniques. It combines classical fluorescence microscopy with 2D kinetic detection systems. FKM allows to examine photosynthesis of individual algal cells or on the cellular level of macroscopic structures. FKM is well suited to study heterogeneity in photosynthetic response among individual cells in algal cultures or in natural mixed populations. Special microscopic chambers allow to maintain live cells under optimal conditions for several hours or days and to follow evolution of photosynthesis in individual cells during the course of their growth cycle. Recent technical developments have allowed to determine FKM fluorescence kinetic with spectral resolution Předmětem workshopu je seznámení se s technikou fluorescenční kinetické spektroskopie s 2D rozlišením, pro charakterizaci fotosyntetické aktivity jednotlivých buněk řas a sinic
fluorescence; kinetic; microscopy
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Fluorescence kinetic microscopy: 2D imaging of variable chlorophyll fluorescence from single algal cells with spectral resolution
The fluorescence kinetic microscopy (FKM) provides new dimension in application of chlorophyll fluorescence techniques. It combines classical fluorescence microscopy with 2D kinetic detection systems. ...
Effect of commensal microflora on the induction of mucosal tolerance to birch pollen allergen in BALB/c mice
Kozáková, Hana; Repa, A.; Štěpánková, Renata; Hrnčíř, Tomáš; Schwarzer, Martin; Hudcovic, Tomáš; Tlaskalová, Helena; Wiedermann, U.
2007 - English
Compared with germ-free mice model, the microflora has no effect on the development of allergic responses or the ability to induce tolerance using a clinical relevant allergen Porovnali jsme vliv bezmikrobního prostředí ne vývoj senzitizace a slizniční tolerance na pylu břízy. Bezmikrobní prostředí oba fenomeny neměnily. K senzitizaci a navození slizniční tolerance došlo k pylu břízy došlo stejně jako u normálních myší
mucosal tolerance
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Effect of commensal microflora on the induction of mucosal tolerance to birch pollen allergen in BALB/c mice
Compared with germ-free mice model, the microflora has no effect on the development of allergic responses or the ability to induce tolerance using a clinical relevant allergen...
Sejáková, Z.; Brennerová, Mária; Čechová, Z.; Dercová, K.; Cajthaml, Tomáš
2007 - English
The work describes biodegradation of PCBs by several bacterial isolates from long-term contaminated soil Práce se zabývá biodegradací PCB pomocí bakteriálních kmenů z dlouhodobě kontaminované půdy
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The work describes biodegradation of PCBs by several bacterial isolates from long-term contaminated soil...
Expansion of activated CD8+ cells can be significantly increased by treatment with IL-2/ANTI IL-2 mAB complexes
Tomala, Jakub; Kovář, Marek; Strohalm, Jiří; Etrych, Tomáš; Ulbrich, Karel; Říhová, Blanka
2007 - English
By using the model of adoptively transferred transgenic CD8+ cells (OT-I) labeled by CFSE dye, we have measured clonal expansion, proliferation and expression of surface markers after various stimulation.We have studies prophylactic effect of complexes, alone or in combination with other cytokines, on various cancer cell lines in vivo. Our results indicate such approach is very promising and could be potent therapeutical tool in tratment of cancer Do nedávna bylo podávání anti-IL-2 protilátky chápáno jako neutralizace samotného aktivního interleukinu. Bylo však dokázáno, že tomu tak vždy není. Proto jsme se rozhodli metodami adoptivního transferu CD8+ buněk, průtokovou cytometrii a in vivo studiemi prokázat, že tyto komplexy mohou být velmi slibnou terapeutickou volbou pro léčbu nádorových onemocnění, zvláště pak v kombinaci s polymerními léčivy na bázi HMPA
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Expansion of activated CD8+ cells can be significantly increased by treatment with IL-2/ANTI IL-2 mAB complexes
By using the model of adoptively transferred transgenic CD8+ cells (OT-I) labeled by CFSE dye, we have measured clonal expansion, proliferation and expression of surface markers after various ...
Pojerová, Eva; Cajthaml, Tomáš
2007 - English
The work describes biodegradation of endocrine disrupters (ED) by several strains of ligninolytic fungi, identification of metabolites of ED, enzymatic aspects of the degradation and different toxic effect of the various concentration of the compounds towards the used fungal strains Práce se zabývá biodegradací endokrinně disruptivních látek pomocí několika ligninolytických hub, identifikací metabolitů ED, enzymatickými aspekty biodegradace a vyhodnocuje toxický efekt různých koncentrací těchto látek na použité kmeny hub
ligninolytic fungi
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The work describes biodegradation of endocrine disrupters (ED) by several strains of ligninolytic fungi, identification of metabolites of ED, enzymatic aspects of the degradation and different toxic ...
77K emission spectroscopy in phytoplankton ecophysiology
Prášil, Ondřej
2007 - English
Low temperature (77K) emission spectroscopy is standard techniques of photosynthesis research. Emission spectroscopy provides wealth of information about both photosystems, their pigment composition, relative activity and stoichiometry and has been successfully applied in stress physiology. In this talk I will discuss examples of the use of portable versions of spectrofluorometer. Specifically, I will show that 77K emission spectra of phytoplankton from oligotrophic HNLC areas of subtropical gyres contain information that can be used as marker of iron limitation and provide clues about mechanisms of observed high intrinsic fluorescence yield in these areas Cílem přednášky je seznámit posluchače s principy nízkoteplotní emisní spektroskopie a s jejími aplikacemi v ekofyziologii fytoplanktonu, zejména při studiu nutričních stresů
photosynthesis; fytoplankton; nutriet stress
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
77K emission spectroscopy in phytoplankton ecophysiology
Low temperature (77K) emission spectroscopy is standard techniques of photosynthesis research. Emission spectroscopy provides wealth of information about both photosystems, their pigment composition, ...
The impact of recombinant Lactobacillus plantarum on pollen allergy development
Schwarzer, Martin; Repa, A.; Wiedermann, U.; Hrnčíř, Tomáš; Daniel, C.; Pot, B.; Štěpánková, Renata; Hudcovic, Tomáš; Tlaskalová, Helena; Součková, Martina; Kozáková, Hana
2007 - English
Germfree mice were monocolonized with recombinant Lactobacillus plantarum producing Bet v 1. Subsequently mice were sensitized by intraperitoneal injections to Bet v 1. We found out that monocolonization with recombinant L. plantarum reduced the level of specific Bet v 1 specific IgE antibody and stimulated production of INF-gamma in spleen cells supernatants. We conclude that monocolonization by recombinant L. plantarum shifts the immune response towards Th-1 direction and that it is a promising vaccine candidate against type I allergy Monokolonizovali jsme bezmikrobní myši rekombinantním kmene Lactobacillus plantarum, produkujícím Bet v 1. Následně byly myši senzitizovány třemi intraperitoneálními injekcemi k alergenu Bet v 1. Monokolonizace rekombinantním kmenem Lb. plantarum snížila hladinu Bet v 1 specifických IgE a stimulovala produkci INF-gamma v supernatantech slezinných lymfocytů. Vyvozujeme z toho, že monokolonizace rekombinantním kmenem Lb. plantarum posunula rovnováhu imunitní odpovědi směrem k Th1 a je tak slibným kandidátem na vakcínu proti alergiím I. typu
lactobacillus plantarum
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The impact of recombinant Lactobacillus plantarum on pollen allergy development
Germfree mice were monocolonized with recombinant Lactobacillus plantarum producing Bet v 1. Subsequently mice were sensitized by intraperitoneal injections to Bet v 1. We found out that ...
Immunostimulatory/immunoprotective effects of macromolecular anticancer therapeutics
Říhová, Blanka; Strohalm, Jiří; Šírová, Milada; Etrych, Tomáš; Mrkvan, Tomáš; Šubr, Vladimír; Plocová, Daniela; Kovář, Marek; Ulbrich, Karel
2007 - English
Polymeric conjugates of doxorubicin, non-targeted or antibody targeted cure mice from experimental EL4 T cell lymphoma and induce specific, systemic long-lasting anti/tumor resistance Polymerní kojugáty obsahující doxorubicin, a to jak nesměrované, tak protilátkou směrované, jsou schopny vyléčit myši s progradujícícm experimentálním lymfomem EL4. Zároveň se indukuje nádor – specifická systémová a dlouhodobá resistence k danému nádoru
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Immunostimulatory/immunoprotective effects of macromolecular anticancer therapeutics
Polymeric conjugates of doxorubicin, non-targeted or antibody targeted cure mice from experimental EL4 T cell lymphoma and induce specific, systemic long-lasting anti/tumor resistance...
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