Quantum Walks
Jex Igor; Potoček Václav; Hradil Zdeněk
2013 - English
Quantum Walks:New theoretical and experimental resultsQuantum Walks:New theoretical and experimental results
Quantum Walks; Quantum algorithms
Available at various departments of the ČVUT.
Quantum Walks
Quantum Walks:New theoretical and experimental resultsQuantum Walks:New theoretical and experimental results
Sigma Models in Curved Background
Hlavatý Ladislav; Turek Miroslav; Podolský Jiří
2013 - English
Geometrical Properties of Sigma ModelsGeometrical Properties of Sigma Models
Sigma models; String Duality; Poisson-Lie T-plurality
Available at various departments of the ČVUT.
Sigma Models in Curved Background
Geometrical Properties of Sigma ModelsGeometrical Properties of Sigma Models
Analysis and proposal of the new architecture of the selected parts of the software support of the COMPASS experiment
Virius Miroslav; Jarý Vladimír; Finger Miroslav
2013 - English
Thesis describes optimizations of the COMPASS DAQ systemThesis describes optimizations of the COMPASS DAQ system
COMPASS; DAQ; database; high availability; remote control
Available at various departments of the ČVUT.
Analysis and proposal of the new architecture of the selected parts of the software support of the COMPASS experiment
Thesis describes optimizations of the COMPASS DAQ systemThesis describes optimizations of the COMPASS DAQ system
Analysis and Application of Numerical Methods for Solving Nonlinear Reaction-Diffusion Equations
Beneš Michal; Strachota Pavel; Kozel Karel
2012 - English
PDE in medical visualization and crystal growth simulationPDE in medical visualization and crystal growth simulation
crystal growth; diffusion; numerical solution; visualization
Available at various departments of the ČVUT.
Analysis and Application of Numerical Methods for Solving Nonlinear Reaction-Diffusion Equations
PDE in medical visualization and crystal growth simulationPDE in medical visualization and crystal growth simulation
Modeling of DNA and protein damage by ionizing radiation
Davídková Marie; Štěpán Václav; Kozubek Stanislav
2012 - English
Modeling of DNA and protein damage by ionizing radiationModeling of DNA and protein damage by ionizing radiation
ionization radiation; Monte Carlo; DNA; protein; damage
Available at various departments of the ČVUT.
Modeling of DNA and protein damage by ionizing radiation
Modeling of DNA and protein damage by ionizing radiationModeling of DNA and protein damage by ionizing radiation
Load rating of masonry arch bridges relativistic scale modeling hypothesis
Řeřicha Petr; Posch Marek; Drdácký Miloš
2012 - English
Optimální údržba a využívání stávající dopravní infrastruktury má velký ekonomický význam. Podstatnou její součástí jsou zděné klenbové mosty a propustky pozemních komunikací, jejich stáří je kolem sta let a tomu odpovídá velmi různý stav. Při odhadovaném počtu několika tisíc objektů není pochyb o ekonomickém významu jejich dalšího používání.K tomu má rozhodným způsobem přispět určení zatížitelnosti v souladu s ČSN 73 6220, TP 149 Min. dopravy, což bylo hlavním předmětem práce. Regionální správci těchto objektů nutně potřebují pomůcku, která umožní odhad zatížitelnosti statikům bez speciálních znalostí a nástrojů. V současnosti je z domácích zdrojů k dispozici jen ČSN 731101 a ČSN 736213, podle kterých vychází odhady příliš konzervativní, podobně jako podle Eurokodu 6. Podobné problémy mají všechny rozvinuté země. Zatím je asi nejlepším podkladem britská směrnice MEXE (2001). Nelze ji ovšem převzít bez úprav vzhledem k historickým a geografickým rozdílům. Kromě toho se v praxi vyskytuje mnoho případů, kdy pomůcka pro konzervativní odhad nepostačuje. Jde zejména o důležité mosty, pro které se vyplatí přesnější ocenění. Pro tyto případy je byl v rámci disertační práce vyvinut mocnější nástroj s respektováním skutečného nelineárního chování materiálu.Základní cíl práce spočívá v odvození přibližné metody, podobné MEXE, založené na poloempirických vzorcích. Dále byla vypracována metodika podrobná (méně konzervativní), pro přesnější řešení. Obě metodiky vychází z řešení MKP. Pro kalibraci těchto vzorců jsme použili dva výpočtové programy založené na MKP. Práce dále obsahuje porovnání výsledků přibližné metodiky s metodami MEXE a ČSN 73 6220. Zatížitelnost dle přibližné metodiky v porovnání s ČSN 73 6220 platné v roce 2008 vychází příznivěji (méně konzervativněji).Porovnání s Mexe není jednoznačné, liší se případ od případu pro vzorky ke kalibraci. Další část práce se zabývá ověřením smluvní relativní hloubky trhliny a součinitele bezpečnosti ?, jež hrají v návrhu metodik klíčovou roli. Bylo prokázáno, že kalibrace obou zmíněných veličin je na straně bezpečnosti. V současné době obě navržené metodiky byly schváleny Ministerstvem Dopravy s účinností od 1.12.2008 v podobě technických podmínek TP 199. Poslední část práce se zabývá scale modelingem. Vzhledem k tomu, že pro kalibraci metodik bylo potřebné značné množství vzorků pro pokrytí kalibrace, s výhodou se využila metodika škálování materiálových parametrů pro usnadnění práce. Metodika byla ověřena testovacími výpočty. Ukazuje se, že hledání materiálových parametrů dává řešení dle počtu stupňů volnosti řešení. Ovšem obecně správné řešení bez stupńů volnosti řešení problémů vede k problematice symetrických operací, jež jako jedinné dávají parametrům rozumné nezbytné fyzikální vysvětlení. Symetrické operace dále vedou přímo ke specielní teorii relativity a relativistické kvantové mechanice (která je již hypotetická) neboť současná teoretická fyzika jednak nedokáže spojit teorii gravitačního pole s teorií kvantového pole a jednak definuje pohybové rovnice pouze pro některé elementární částice.Optimal maintanance and use of transport infrastructure is of great economic importance. A significant part of the infrastructure is represented by masonry arch bridges and road water-gates; the age of these structures is about hundred of years and very different states of particular structures correspond with it. The estimated number of these structures is about several thousands, so there is no doubt about the economic importance of their further use, which will be supported by the determination of load-carrying capacity according to the standard ČSN 73 6220, Technical Conditions TP 149 Ministery of Transportation, that is the main goal of the thesis. Nowadays, there are available ČSN 731101 and ČSN 736213 representing local standards, that lead, similarly to Eurocode~6, to very conservative estimates. All developed countries are facing the same problem. The best resource so far is the british directive MEXE~(2001); however, it can not be used as it is without adjustments for historical and geoghraphical differences. Besides that, there are many practical cases, where the tool for a conservative estimate is simply insufficient. Mostly this is the case of very important bridges for that more precise estimation is worthy. A more powerful tool is necessary with an analytical solution reflecting the real non-linear material behaviour. The fundamental goal of the thesis is to derive a method similar to MEXE based on half-empirical formulas. Furthermore, a detailed (and less conservative) methodology has been created in order to obtain more precise solution. Both method are based on finite elements method.Semi-empirical formulas and the formulas expressing the necessary bridge conditions (such as limit state of capacity, limit of repeated load limit state, bridge state for nominal relative crack depth and other conditions) were designed in such a way, that the required accuracy is reached with the smallest possible number of parameters in the formula. Using these formulas, the solution for both, detailed and approximate method, were designed. In addition, the thesis contain the comparison of the approximate methodology results with MEXE and ČSN 73 6220. The load-carrying capacity according to the version of standard ČSN 73 6220 valid in 2008 was found more favourable (and less conservative). The comparison with MEXE is ambiguous, it differs from case to case for different calibration samples.The next part of the thesis pursue the aim of verification of the nominal relative crack depth and the safety factor $\gamma$, that are of the highest importance for the methodology design. It has been proven, that the calibration of both quantities is on the side of safety. Both designed methodologies had approved by the Ministry of Transportation (with the effectivness date 1 of December, 2008) in a form of Technical Conditions TP 199.Last part of the thesis consider the scale in relation to modeling. With respect to the fact that for calibration of methodologies a huge number of samples are necessary to cover the calibration, as an advantage the principle of material parameters scaling was used. The methodology has been verified by test computations. It has been showed, that the search of material parameters gives a solution accordingly to the number of degrees of freedom. However, the general right solution without degrees of freedom lead to the problem of symmetric operations, that give the only reasonable necessary physical interpretation of the parameters. Symmetric operations are further connected with the special relativity theory and relativistic quantum mechanics (which is, of course, only hypothetical for the current theoretical physics does not connect the gravitation field theory and the quantum field theory and defines the motion equations just for some elementary particles).
zděné klenbové mosty; zatížitelnost zděných klenbových mostů; únava; únavová životnost; pevnost; MEXE; ADINA; klenba; násep; vozovka; poprsní zítka; ČSN 73 6220. Masonry arch bridges; load rating of masonry arch bridges; fatigue; fatigue life; strength; MEXE; ADINA; barrel; fill; road; spandrel; ČSN 73 6220.
Available at various departments of the ČVUT.
Load rating of masonry arch bridges relativistic scale modeling hypothesis
Optimální údržba a využívání stávající dopravní infrastruktury má velký ekonomický význam. Podstatnou její součástí jsou zděné klenbové mosty a propustky pozemních komunikací, jejich stáří je kolem ...
Analysis of delays in construction tasks
Beran Václav; Ruíz Santamaría Omar Gonzalo; Molnár Zdeněk
2012 - English
The topic of this thesis is the analysis of delays in construction tasks. The main goal of the research is using a practical but effective simulation method better known as Virtual Management Momentum or marginal differences which consists of the comparison between graphs of production, speed of production and acceleration applied to construction tasks.The simulation consisted of four steps. First, from the most likely productivity and its optimistic and pessimistic values generated the data of production. Second, the uncertainty introduced by the model in the charts suggested analysis of short time periods rather than long. After adjustment, the model produced more realistic estimations of the activity's behavior. From the analysis in this research, it was found that long term forecasts produce ranges of times around two times bigger than when the activity is divided into smaller periods supplemented by short term forecasts. Third, from the data obtained, risk analysis giving the percentage of the activity's certainty and risk of delay was established. Fourth, the construction time series (production, speed and acceleration) were used in recurrence plots and the qualitative analysis explained the random behavior for the productivity and acceleration of the construction task but the production time series showed a deterministic behavior.Due to its flexibility, the model offered a good user's interaction in the simulation, making the establishment of some control points along the activity performance possible. These control points redefined: the managerial actions allowing users to change the values of productivity; the incorporation of some negative scenarios that diminish productivity; or; the inclusion of discontinuity in the activity performance (breaks).Three cases were discussed in the application of the Virtual Management Momentum in determining the duration of construction tasks: long term forecast, short term forecast (control points) and short term forecast considering changes is the most likely productivity. Further applications include in Regional development where the production of the region was considered as the variable. See appendices.The main contribution of this research was to implement a completely different approach to study the delay problem in construction tasks; the methodology had the pedagogical value of simulation-based models which helped in the learning processes and discuss their findings, and to gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics of construction production systems.This research also contributes another step of using recurrence plots for understanding the construction time series. Nevertheless, the assessment done was merely qualitative and opens a possibility for further research in the use of analysis of complex systems.The topic of this thesis is the analysis of delays in construction tasks. The main goal of the research is using a practical but effective simulation method better known as Virtual Management Momentum or marginal differences which consists of the comparison between graphs of production, speed of production and acceleration applied to construction tasks.The simulation consisted of four steps. First, from the most likely productivity and its optimistic and pessimistic values generated the data of production. Second, the uncertainty introduced by the model in the charts suggested analysis of short time periods rather than long. After adjustment, the model produced more realistic estimations of the activity's behavior. From the analysis in this research, it was found that long term forecasts produce ranges of times around two times bigger than when the activity is divided into smaller periods supplemented by short term forecasts. Third, from the data obtained, risk analysis giving the percentage of the activity's certainty and risk of delay was established. Fourth, the construction time series (production, speed and acceleration) were used in recurrence plots and the qualitative analysis explained the random behavior for the productivity and acceleration of the construction task but the production time series showed a deterministic behavior.Due to its flexibility, the model offered a good user's interaction in the simulation, making the establishment of some control points along the activity performance possible. These control points redefined: the managerial actions allowing users to change the values of productivity; the incorporation of some negative scenarios that diminish productivity; or; the inclusion of discontinuity in the activity performance (breaks).Three cases were discussed in the application of the Virtual Management Momentum in determining the duration of construction tasks: long term forecast, short term forecast (control points) and short term forecast considering changes is the most likely productivity. Further applications include in Regional development where the production of the region was considered as the variable. See appendices.The main contribution of this research was to implement a completely different approach to study the delay problem in construction tasks; the methodology had the pedagogical value of simulation-based models which helped in the learning processes and discuss their findings, and to gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics of construction production systems.This research also contributes another step of using recurrence plots for understanding the construction time series. Nevertheless, the assessment done was merely qualitative and opens a possibility for further research in the use of analysis of complex systems.
Construction delays; scheduling; risk management; Construction production systems; recurrence analysis; virtual management momentum.
Available at various departments of the ČVUT.
Analysis of delays in construction tasks
The topic of this thesis is the analysis of delays in construction tasks. The main goal of the research is using a practical but effective simulation method better known as Virtual Management Momentum ...
Interaction of Antikaons with the Nuclear Medium
Mareš Jiří; Gazda Daniel; Kvasil Jan
2012 - English
Interaction of Antikaons with the Nuclear MediumInteraction of Antikaons with the Nuclear Medium
Available at various departments of the ČVUT.
Interaction of Antikaons with the Nuclear Medium
Interaction of Antikaons with the Nuclear MediumInteraction of Antikaons with the Nuclear Medium
Plasma-based x-ray lasers and their applications in probing matter
Limpouch Jiří; Nejdl Jaroslav; Vrbová Miroslava
2012 - English
Plasma-based x-ray lasers for probing plasmas and solidsPlasma-based x-ray lasers for probing plasmas and solids
x-ray lasers; gain recovery; plasma probing; deflectometry
Available at various departments of the ČVUT.
Plasma-based x-ray lasers and their applications in probing matter
Plasma-based x-ray lasers for probing plasmas and solidsPlasma-based x-ray lasers for probing plasmas and solids
Siegl Jan; Vilémová Monika; Švejcar Jiří
2012 - English
Thermal spraying; adhesion; cohesion; analytical models
Available at various departments of the ČVUT.
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