(Arbo)viruses in high European Arctic
2016 - anglický
Since an ongoing climate change covers strongly the polar areas. Higher temperatures and related climate parameters bring the emergence of new parasites and their pathogens to higher latitudes. This may influence zoonotic diseases including arthropod-transmitted diseases. The tick species Ixodes uriae, parasitizing seabirds in the Arctic, may transmit many pathogens including various arboviruses, Borrelia spirochetes and Babesia apicomplexans. In the study we diagnosed 89 individuals of seabird tick Ixodes uriae and searched for arthropod-borne viruses from the genera Flavivirus, Alphavirus, Orthobunyavirus, Phlebovirus and Orbivirus using genus-specific primers. Moreover we searched for presence of Borrelia spp. and Babesia spp. DNA in the ticks. All samples were negative after PCR amplification for all tested pathogens. The result signalizes that tested pathogens might not be present in such high latitudes of European Arctic. Though, the possibility of introduction of these pathogens may be observable in near future due to quick changing of the Arctic ecosystem with the rising of migration of vertebrate hosts including humans to the polar areas. It is though important to continue to study potential presence of pathogens in polar areas. We are working on increase of the number of tick samples to confirm the presence or absence of the tick-borne pathogens in the European Arctic.
Klíčová slova:
Arbovirus; Arctic; Polar Areas; Ixodes uriae; Tick-borne pathogen
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(Arbo)viruses in high European Arctic
Since an ongoing climate change covers strongly the polar areas. Higher temperatures and related climate parameters bring the emergence of new parasites and their pathogens to higher latitudes. This ...
Effect of low doses of herbicide paraquat on antioxidant defense in Drosophila
SÁBOVÁ, Michala
2016 - anglický
Disruption of cell equilibrium between production of free radicals and antioxidant defence is named oxidative stress. The main component of antioxidant mechanism is activity of antioxidant enzymes, which include superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase. In this study we evaluated the effect of herbicide paraquat on response of SOD and catalase, their transcription level and locomotion activity in Drosophila melanogaster. We exposed the flies to a wide range of paraquat concentration. Our results revealed that transcript and enzymatic levels of both SOD and catalase have a similar biphasic dose response with the peaks at 2,5 ?M paraquat concentration, resembling hormetic effect. Then, males were more sensitive than females. However, females had an increased locomotion activity. We found that paraquat susceptibility is increased in males and mating flies. Therefore, this study supports hypothesis of stress sensitivity elevation as a physiological cost of reproduction. Disruption of cell equilibrium between production of free radicals and antioxidant defence is named oxidative stress. The main component of antioxidant mechanism is activity of antioxidant enzymes, which include superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase. In this study we evaluated the effect of herbicide paraquat on response of SOD and catalase, their transcription level and locomotion activity in Drosophila melanogaster. We exposed the flies to a wide range of paraquat concentration. Our results revealed that transcript and enzymatic levels of both SOD and catalase have a similar biphasic dose response with the peaks at 2,5 ?M paraquat concentration, resembling hormetic effect. Then, males were more sensitive than females. However, females had an increased locomotion activity. We found that paraquat susceptibility is increased in males and mating flies. Therefore, this study supports hypothesis of stress sensitivity elevation as a physiological cost of reproduction.
Klíčová slova:
superoxide dismutase; catalase; antioxidant mechanism; paraquat; Drosophila melanogaster
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Effect of low doses of herbicide paraquat on antioxidant defense in Drosophila
Disruption of cell equilibrium between production of free radicals and antioxidant defence is named oxidative stress. The main component of antioxidant mechanism is activity of antioxidant enzymes, ...
Romantik in Böhmen. Die Grundlagen des philosophischen Denkens des Grafen Georg von Buquoy
2017 - český
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Romantik in Böhmen. Die Grundlagen des philosophischen Denkens des Grafen Georg von Buquoy
Přírodniny v učení o přírodě
2017 - český
Stav využívání přírodnin v konkrétních hodinách, situacích nebo tématech na 1. stupni ZŠ nebyl dosud detailněji popsán. Tato rigorózní práce se opírá o již publikovaný článek, jehož cílem bylo pomocí analýzy videozáznamu třiceti vyučovacích hodin prvouky a přírodovědy provést sondu zjišťující aktuální stav využívání přírodnin nebo jejich zprostředkované prezentace ve vybraných tematických celcích. Práce má charakter případové studie, která sice nepostihuje statisticky významnější vzorek vyučovacích hodin nebo konkrétních učitelů, avšak umožňuje hlouběji poznat problematiku využívání přírodnin ve vybraných tématech, kde by se využití reálných přírodnin dalo očekávat nebo předpokládat. Current state-of-the-art in the use of living things in primary science education has not been studied in detail in the Czech Republic. This thesis presents the paper published a short time ago and accompanied by the brief commentary. The aim is to evaluate data gained by the video-research of thirty (integrated) science classes and to give an analysis of the use of living things in selected science units. The paper has a character of case study containing not very large amount of lessons but it enables to describe the use of living things in the framework of selected thematic units in which the use of living things is possible or expectable.
Klíčová slova:
Přírodniny; přírodovědné vzdělávání; videovýzkum; Living things; science education; video research
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Přírodniny v učení o přírodě
Stav využívání přírodnin v konkrétních hodinách, situacích nebo tématech na 1. stupni ZŠ nebyl dosud detailněji popsán. Tato rigorózní práce se opírá o již publikovaný článek, jehož cílem bylo pomocí ...
Korespondence Albrechta Pětipeského z Chýš a Erberku z let 1570-1596
2017 - český
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Korespondence Albrechta Pětipeského z Chýš a Erberku z let 1570-1596
Návrh obsahu modulů specializačního vzdělávání zaměřeného na celiakii
2014 - český
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Návrh obsahu modulů specializačního vzdělávání zaměřeného na celiakii
Species-Specificity of the Phengaris (= Maculinea) - Myrmica Host System: Fact or myth? (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae; Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
PECH, Pavel
2015 - anglický
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Species-Specificity of the Phengaris (= Maculinea) - Myrmica Host System: Fact or myth? (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae; Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Novel roles for the corpus allatum hormone in the cost of sexual interactions in the linden bug Pyrrhocoris apterus
2015 - český
The decrease of lifespan by mating is a common, yet poorly understood occurrence. Juvenile hormone (JH) is widely believed to mediate shortened lifespan in insect, caused by mating. In this study we tested the role of JH in the linden bug (Pyrrhocoris apterus) by removal of the corpus allatum gland and thus the JH source. We then proceeded to study the lifespan of mated animals vs. virgin animals. Virgin animals without JH live longer as was expected. The effect on mated animals is however different between males and females. Surprisingly in females, JH seems to lower the cost of mating. In males, on the other hand, the cost of mating seems to be independent on JH levels. Another surprising conclusion is that the level of JH in females affects the lifespan of males that mate with such females.
Klíčová slova:
diapauza; juvenilni hormon; hmyz; délka života; lifespan; diapause; juvenile hormone; insect; lifespan; longevity
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Novel roles for the corpus allatum hormone in the cost of sexual interactions in the linden bug Pyrrhocoris apterus
The decrease of lifespan by mating is a common, yet poorly understood occurrence. Juvenile hormone (JH) is widely believed to mediate shortened lifespan in insect, caused by mating. In this study we ...
A photosynthetic alveolate closely related to apicomplexan parasites
2008 - anglický
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A photosynthetic alveolate closely related to apicomplexan parasites
Cyklin-dependentní kinasy v buněčném cyklu zelené řasy Scenedesmus quadricauda
BIŠOVÁ, Kateřina
2008 - český
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Cyklin-dependentní kinasy v buněčném cyklu zelené řasy Scenedesmus quadricauda
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