Počet nalezených dokumentů: 385
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A novel function of red pigment-concentrating hormone in crustaceans: \kur{Porcellio scaber} (Isopoda) as a model species
2010 - český
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A novel function of red pigment-concentrating hormone in crustaceans: \kur{Porcellio scaber} (Isopoda) as a model species

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2010

Tick immune response to the infection with \kur{Chryseobacterium indologenes}
BUREŠOVÁ, Veronika
2009 - český
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Tick immune response to the infection with \kur{Chryseobacterium indologenes}

BUREŠOVÁ, Veronika
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2009

Cutaneous and Superfical Soft Tissue Lesions Associated With Albright Hereditary Osteodystrophy: Clinicopathological and Molecular Genetic Study of 4 Cases, Including a Novel Mutation of the GNAS Gene
2008 - anglický
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Cutaneous and Superfical Soft Tissue Lesions Associated With Albright Hereditary Osteodystrophy: Clinicopathological and Molecular Genetic Study of 4 Cases, Including a Novel Mutation of the GNAS Gene

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2008

Střevní mykobiom asociovaný s diagnózou zánětlivého střevního onemocnění založený na tkáňových biopsiích
2022 - český
Tato práce odhaluje výsledky NGS analýzy mykobiomu z FFPE vzorků pacientů s Crohnovo chorobou, ulcerózní kolitidou a zdravých kontrol. Rozděluje fungální rody do tří experimentálních skupin, určuje jejich příslušnost ke zdraví a nemoci, navrhuje interakce mezi fungálními rody a ukazuje specifické fungální rody související s určitou diagnózou. This thesis reveals results of NGS mycobiome analysis from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded samples of Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis patients and healthy controls, divides fungal genera into three experimental groups, determines their affiliation to health and disease, suggests fungal genera interactions, and shows specific fungal genera related to the diagnosis. Klíčová slova: mykobiom; FFPE vzorky; ulcerózní kolitida; Crohnova choroba; NGS.; mycobiome; FFPE samples; ulcerative colitis; Crohn's disease; NGS. Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
Střevní mykobiom asociovaný s diagnózou zánětlivého střevního onemocnění založený na tkáňových biopsiích

Tato práce odhaluje výsledky NGS analýzy mykobiomu z FFPE vzorků pacientů s Crohnovo chorobou, ulcerózní kolitidou a zdravých kontrol. Rozděluje fungální rody do tří experimentálních skupin, určuje ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2022

Isosporan oocysts in the faeces of bank voles (Myodes glareolus; Arvicolinae, Rodentia): real parasites, or pseudoparasites?
2019 - anglický
This study concerns clarification of the origin of infections of arvicoline rodents with Isospora spp. based on three different approaches: phylogenetic analyses of three genes (18S rRNA, COI and COIII), morphological and morphometrical analyses, and experimental infection. Field collections, parasitological examinations of samples, microscopy, DNA extraction, PCR, and computational analyses were employed during the course of this study. Klíčová slova: Isospora; Cystoisospora; coccidia; rodent; vole; pseudoparasite. Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
Isosporan oocysts in the faeces of bank voles (Myodes glareolus; Arvicolinae, Rodentia): real parasites, or pseudoparasites?

This study concerns clarification of the origin of infections of arvicoline rodents with Isospora spp. based on three different approaches: phylogenetic analyses of three genes (18S rRNA, COI and ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2019

Expressed sex ratio in populations of the moss Hamatocaulis vernicosus (Scorpidiaceae) in the Czech Republic with consideration of its cryptic species.
2019 - anglický
This thesis aims at sex expression and sex ratio in cryptic species of a rare fen moss Hamatocaulis vernicosus. The sex expression and expressed sex ratio were compared at various hierarchical levels. Additionally, micromaps of expressed sex ratio in patches at 21 localities, including 5 localities where both clades co-occur have been created. This thesis aims at sex expression and sex ratio in cryptic species of a rare fen moss Hamatocaulis vernicosus. The sex expression and expressed sex ratio were compared at various hierarchical levels. Additionally, micromaps of expressed sex ratio in patches at 21 localities, including 5 localities where both clades co-occur have been created. Klíčová slova: bryophyte; cryptic species; Hamatocaulis vernicosus; reproduction; sex ratio Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
Expressed sex ratio in populations of the moss Hamatocaulis vernicosus (Scorpidiaceae) in the Czech Republic with consideration of its cryptic species.

This thesis aims at sex expression and sex ratio in cryptic species of a rare fen moss Hamatocaulis vernicosus. The sex expression and expressed sex ratio were compared at various hierarchical levels. ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2019

The role of Erv1 in the mitochondrial import machinery and iron sulphur cluster export machinery in Trypanosoma brucei
BOUDOVÁ, Michala
2018 - anglický
Sulfhydryl oxidase Erv1 is a ubiquitous conserved protein of the mitochondrial intermembrane space, which is implicated in mitochondrial protein import as well as in the biogenesis of iron sulphur cluster proteins. While the role of Erv1 is quite well established in higher eukaryotes, Erv1 orthologues of parasitic protists exhibit some structural peculiarities. The study presented in this thesis therefore attempted to elucidate the function of Erv1 in Trypanosoma brucei. Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
The role of Erv1 in the mitochondrial import machinery and iron sulphur cluster export machinery in Trypanosoma brucei

Sulfhydryl oxidase Erv1 is a ubiquitous conserved protein of the mitochondrial intermembrane space, which is implicated in mitochondrial protein import as well as in the biogenesis of iron sulphur ...

BOUDOVÁ, Michala
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2018

Antimicrobial and antiborrelial characterization of Dermacentor marginatus defensin.
2019 - anglický
Klíšťata, jakožto krev-sající členovci, mohou přenášet různé patogenní mikroorganismy. Imunitní systém klíšťat zahrnuje mnoho antimikrobiálních molekul, které se účinně podílejí na jejich eliminaci. Jednou ze skupin antimikrobiálních látek jsou defensiny, 5,3 kDa velké peptidy, které hrají významnou roli v rychlé imunitní reakci. V této práci jsme testovali antimikrobiální spektrum defensinu klíštěte Dermacentor marginatus (def DM)s přihlédnutím k faktu, že americké příbuzné klíště Dermacentor variabilis není schopno přenášet onemocnění způsobené spirochetami lymeské boreliózy. Exprese genu pro deDM byla detekována v hemolymfě, ve střevě a ve slinných žlázách. Následně byl nativní defensin isolován z hemolymfy pomocí RP-HPLC a jeho sekvence aminokyselin byla ověřena pomocí hmotnostní spektrometrie a Edmanovou degradací. Syntetický peptid defDM vykazoval antimikrobiální aktivity proti Gram-pozitivním bakteriím a spirochétám Borrelia afzelii. Tyto výsledky naznačují, že by se mohli defensiny podílet na eliminaci borelií přijatých při sání klíštětem D. marginatus. Ticks, as blood sucking arthropods, are able to transmit various pathogens. Their immune system involves many antimicrobial molecules to fight against them. Among these antimicrobials, defensins, a 5.3 kDa peptides, play an important role in rapid immune answer. In this study we examined the antimicrobial spectrum of Dermacentor marginatus defensin (def DM) with respect to the fact that Dermacentor variabilis ticks are not able to successfully maintain and transmit Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, the causative agent of Lyme disease. Expression of the def DM gene was detected in hemolymph, midgut and salivary glands. Defensin was isolated from hemolymph using RP-HPLC and its sequence was determined by mass spectrometry and Edman degradation. Synthetic mature peptide def DM revealed an anti-Gram-positive bacterial role as well as borreliacidal activity, with concentration dependent influence. These results suggest a possible role in the clearing of borrelia spirochetes ingested by D. marginatus ticks. Klíčová slova: klíště; Dermacentor; lymeská borelióza; antimikrobiální peptidy; přirozená imunita Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
Antimicrobial and antiborrelial characterization of Dermacentor marginatus defensin.

Klíšťata, jakožto krev-sající členovci, mohou přenášet různé patogenní mikroorganismy. Imunitní systém klíšťat zahrnuje mnoho antimikrobiálních molekul, které se účinně podílejí na jejich eliminaci. ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2019

The Diverged Trypanosome MICOS Complex as a Hub for Mitochondrial Cristae Shaping and Protein Import
2019 - anglický
This work deals with MICOS, which stands for mitochondrial contact site and cristae organization system. Until now this multiprotein complex has been analyzed experimentally only in yeast and mammals, who belong to the supergroup Opisthokonta. Our study was done on the parasitic protist T. brucei, a member of the another supergroup called Excavata, which is very diverged from opisthokonts.Thus, it is the very first study done outside of Opisthokonta. This could be very useful in the future for a comparative analysis approach. Our results show that the MICOS complex in T. brucei is composed of 9 subunits, most of which are essential for normal growth. It is required for the maintenance of discoidal cristae that typify excavates such as kinetoplastids and euglenids and mediating the mitochondrial outer and inner membranes contacts. In addition, we discovered that the mitochondrial contact site and cristae organization system may participate in the intermembrane space protein import and help in the oxydative phosphorylation complex formation. It seems that this interesting complex is involved in even more cellular processes. This work deals with MICOS, which stands for mitochondrial contact site and cristae organization system. Until now this multiprotein complex has been analyzed experimentally only in yeast and mammals, who belong to the supergroup Opisthokonta. Our study was done on the parasitic protist T. brucei, a member of the another supergroup called Excavata, which is very diverged from opisthokonts.Thus, it is the very first study done outside of Opisthokonta. This could be very useful in the future for a comparative analysis approach. Our results show that the MICOS complex in T. brucei is composed of 9 subunits, most of which are essential for normal growth. It is required for the maintenance of discoidal cristae that typify excavates such as kinetoplastids and euglenids and mediating the mitochondrial outer and inner membranes contacts. In addition, we discovered that the mitochondrial contact site and cristae organization system may participate in the intermembrane space protein import and help in the oxydative phosphorylation complex formation. It seems that this interesting complex is involved in even more cellular processes. Klíčová slova: MICOS; trypanosoma; cristae; mitochondria; protein Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
The Diverged Trypanosome MICOS Complex as a Hub for Mitochondrial Cristae Shaping and Protein Import

This work deals with MICOS, which stands for mitochondrial contact site and cristae organization system. Until now this multiprotein complex has been analyzed experimentally only in yeast and mammals, ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2019

Inovace výuky fyziky na studijním oboru obchodní akademie s ohledem na specifika oboru
JANTAČ, František
2020 - český
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Inovace výuky fyziky na studijním oboru obchodní akademie s ohledem na specifika oboru

JANTAČ, František
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2020

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