Violence and Aggression in Hospitals in the South Bohemian Region
2021 - Czech
The main goal of the rigorous thesis was to map the issue of violence and aggression in hospitals in the South Bohemian region. Hlavním cílem rigorózní práce bylo zmapovat problematiku násilí a agresivity v nemocnicích Jihočeského kraje.
agresivita; násilí; agresivní pacient; sestra; stres; aggression; violence; aggressive patient; nurse; stress
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Violence and Aggression in Hospitals in the South Bohemian Region
Hlavním cílem rigorózní práce bylo zmapovat problematiku násilí a agresivity v nemocnicích Jihočeského kraje.
No indication of arthropod-vectored viruses in mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) collected on Greenland and Svalbard.
2018 - English
Arboviruses are a large polyphyletic group of viruses being transmitted from arthropod vectors to vertebrate hosts. They are important human and animal pathogens. Among the most famous representatives of arboviruses include the Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV), Dengue virus (DV), Zika virus (ZIKV) or Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) etc. They are studied in tropical and temperate zones abundantly. However, in polar regions there are no traces of such viruses, despite climate change and the migration of vectors to higher latitudes. Therefore, the knowledge of potential worldwide occurrences of arboviruses is important due to their potential to be pathogenic for humans. Arboviruses were detected in many countries such as Alaska, Norway, Canada and in North America, but never in Svalbard nor in Greenland. This research study was focused on the monitoring of arboviruses in north Atlantic areas. Thousands of samples from the mosquito species Aedes nigripes were examined, both from Greenland and from Svalbard (collected during the years 2012-2016). I tested these samples for the presence of different arboviral genera; Orthobunyavirus, Orbivirus, Flavivirus, Alphavirus, Phlebovirus. No presence of arboviruses in examined mosquitoes were detected. These results may reflect an absence of arboviruses, or their prevalence is under the detection limit of our screening in areas studied.
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
No indication of arthropod-vectored viruses in mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) collected on Greenland and Svalbard.
Arboviruses are a large polyphyletic group of viruses being transmitted from arthropod vectors to vertebrate hosts. They are important human and animal pathogens. Among the most famous representatives ...
Functional diversity of staphylinid beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) in maize fields: testing the possible effect of genetically modified, insect resistant maize
2016 - English
Staphylinid beetles are recommended bioindicators for the pre-market environmental risk assessment of genetically modified (GM) insect protected maize expressing the Cry3Bb1 toxin. Bionomics, food specialization, temperature requirements and size group were assigned for 25 most common staphylinid species. These traits determine the occurrence of staphylinid beetles in the field, the food sources they could utilize and thus also their likely contact with the Cry3Bb1 toxin. The opportunity for exposure to Cry toxin from plant residues ploughed into the soil was shown by the presence of saprophagous dipteran larvae that are common prey of predatory staphylinid species and hosts of the parasitoid species. Statistical analysis of activity abundance, Rao indices and multivariate analysis of distribution of particular categories of functional traits in the field showed negligible effects of the experimental treatments, including the GM maize, upon the staphylinid community. Drabčíci jsou doporučenými bioindikátory pro posouzení rizika geneticky modifikované (GM) kukuřice exprimující Cry3Bb1 toxin pro životní prostředí před uvedením na trh. U 25 nejvíce zastoupených druhů drabčíků byla určena bionomie, potravní specializace, požadavky na teplotu a zařazení do velikostní skupiny (funkční skupiny). Tyto vlastnosti blíže specifikují výskyt drabčíků na pokusné lokalitě a potravní zdroje, které využívají, a determinují tak i pravděpodobný způsob kontaktu drabčíků s Cry3Bb1 toxinem. Vystavení drabčíků Cry toxinu v rostlinných zbytcích zaoraných do půdy bylo prokázáno přítomností saprofágních larev dvoukřídlého hmyzu, které jsou běžnou kořistí dravých druhů drabčíků a hostiteli parazitoidních druhů drabčíků. Statistické analýzy početnosti, Rao indexů a mnohorozměrná analýza distribuce jednotlivých kategorií funkčních skupin na pokusné lokalitě neodhalily žádný signifikantní vliv různých experimentálních ploch, včetně ploch osetých GM kukuřicí, na společenstvo drabčíků.
GM plodiny; Bt kukuřice; Cry3Bb1; necílový; drabčíci; početnost; funkční skupiny; larvy dvoukřídlých
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Functional diversity of staphylinid beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) in maize fields: testing the possible effect of genetically modified, insect resistant maize
Staphylinid beetles are recommended bioindicators for the pre-market environmental risk assessment of genetically modified (GM) insect protected maize expressing the Cry3Bb1 toxin. Bionomics, food ...
Light propagation in burrows of subterranean rodents
KOTT, Ondřej
2016 - English
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Light propagation in burrows of subterranean rodents
Changes in Membrane Plasmalogens of Clostridium pasteurianum during Butanol Fermentation as Determined by Lipidomic Analysis
2015 - English
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Changes in Membrane Plasmalogens of Clostridium pasteurianum during Butanol Fermentation as Determined by Lipidomic Analysis
Citlivost spirochet Lymské boreliózy ke komplementu různých druhů zvířat chovaných v zoologických zahradách: potenciál rezervoárových hostitelů vybraných exotických obratlovců
TICHÁ, Lucie
2016 - English
Reaction of vertebrate serum complement with different Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato species was used as a basis in determining reservoir hosts among domesticated and wild animals. Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto, Borrelia garinii and Borrelia afzelii were tested for their sensitivity to serum of exotic vertebrate species housed in 5 zoos located in the Czech Republic. We confirmed that different Borrelia species have different sensitivity to host serum. We found that different tolerance to Borrelia infection possessed by hosts might alter among the individuals of the same genera or species and is not affected by host's age or sex. From all zoo animals included in our study, carnivores demonstrated the highest apparent reservoir competency for Lyme borreliosis spirochetes. Reakce komplementu obratlovců s různými druhy spirochet komplexu Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato byla použita pro určení rezervoárových hostitelů mezi domácími a divokými zvířaty. Byla testována citlivost druhů Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto, Borrelia garinii a Borrelia afzelii k sérům exotických obratlovců z 5 různých zoologických zahrad v České republice. Byla potvrzena rozdílnost v citlivosti různých druhů borelií k hostitelským sérům. Zjistili jsme, že rozdíly v odolnosti k infekci boreliemi se lišily mezi jednotlivci stejného rodu nebo druhu a nebyly ovlivněny věkem ani pohlavím hostitele. Ze všech testovaných zvířat se jevili jako nejvhodnější rezervoároví hostitelé spirochet Lymské boreliózy šelmy. Ukázali jsme, že někteří exotičtí kopytníci jsou k nákaze boreliemi tolerantní. Jako první jsme prokázali vysokou toleranci k nákaze boreliemi u krokodýla siamského v porovnání s ostatními studovanými druhy plazů. Ikdyž exotičtí obratlovci, jako rezervoároví hostitelé, představují jen malé riziko pro Evropskou populaci, případy náhodné infekce mohou vést k úspěšnému namnožení patogenů v novém hostiteli a tím zároveň ovlivnit roli vybraných exotických druhů v šíření a přežívání patogenu. Otázka, jestli tolerance k patogenu přiřazuje status kompetentního rezervoárového hostitele, stále vyžaduje odpověď, jednoduše proto, že většina exotických zvířat se v přirozeném prostředí s těmito spirochétami nikdy nesetká.
Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato; Lymská borelióza; komplement; exotická zvířata; rezervoároví hostitelé; zoo
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Citlivost spirochet Lymské boreliózy ke komplementu různých druhů zvířat chovaných v zoologických zahradách: potenciál rezervoárových hostitelů vybraných exotických obratlovců
Reaction of vertebrate serum complement with different Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato species was used as a basis in determining reservoir hosts among domesticated and wild animals. Borrelia ...
Effects of the earthworm Eisenia andrei on methanogens in a cattle-impacted soil: A microcosm study
2016 - English
The potential of earthworms Eisenia andrei to regulate functional microbiota in cattle-impacted soil was investigated in the laboratory microcosm experiment. Methanogenic archaea and anaerobes were characterised using phylogenetic microarray and phospholipid fatty acid analysis, respectively. The potential of earthworms Eisenia andrei to regulate functional microbiota in cattle-impacted soil was investigated in the laboratory microcosm experiment. Methanogenic archaea and anaerobes were characterised using phylogenetic microarray and phospholipid fatty acid analysis, respectively.
Cattle winter pasture; methane emission; Methanosarcina sp.; microarray AnaeroChip; PLFA; real-time PCR.
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Effects of the earthworm Eisenia andrei on methanogens in a cattle-impacted soil: A microcosm study
The potential of earthworms Eisenia andrei to regulate functional microbiota in cattle-impacted soil was investigated in the laboratory microcosm experiment. Methanogenic archaea and anaerobes were ...
(Arbo)viruses in high European Arctic
2016 - English
Since an ongoing climate change covers strongly the polar areas. Higher temperatures and related climate parameters bring the emergence of new parasites and their pathogens to higher latitudes. This may influence zoonotic diseases including arthropod-transmitted diseases. The tick species Ixodes uriae, parasitizing seabirds in the Arctic, may transmit many pathogens including various arboviruses, Borrelia spirochetes and Babesia apicomplexans. In the study we diagnosed 89 individuals of seabird tick Ixodes uriae and searched for arthropod-borne viruses from the genera Flavivirus, Alphavirus, Orthobunyavirus, Phlebovirus and Orbivirus using genus-specific primers. Moreover we searched for presence of Borrelia spp. and Babesia spp. DNA in the ticks. All samples were negative after PCR amplification for all tested pathogens. The result signalizes that tested pathogens might not be present in such high latitudes of European Arctic. Though, the possibility of introduction of these pathogens may be observable in near future due to quick changing of the Arctic ecosystem with the rising of migration of vertebrate hosts including humans to the polar areas. It is though important to continue to study potential presence of pathogens in polar areas. We are working on increase of the number of tick samples to confirm the presence or absence of the tick-borne pathogens in the European Arctic.
Arbovirus; Arctic; Polar Areas; Ixodes uriae; Tick-borne pathogen
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
(Arbo)viruses in high European Arctic
Since an ongoing climate change covers strongly the polar areas. Higher temperatures and related climate parameters bring the emergence of new parasites and their pathogens to higher latitudes. This ...
Effect of low doses of herbicide paraquat on antioxidant defense in Drosophila
SÁBOVÁ, Michala
2016 - English
Disruption of cell equilibrium between production of free radicals and antioxidant defence is named oxidative stress. The main component of antioxidant mechanism is activity of antioxidant enzymes, which include superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase. In this study we evaluated the effect of herbicide paraquat on response of SOD and catalase, their transcription level and locomotion activity in Drosophila melanogaster. We exposed the flies to a wide range of paraquat concentration. Our results revealed that transcript and enzymatic levels of both SOD and catalase have a similar biphasic dose response with the peaks at 2,5 ?M paraquat concentration, resembling hormetic effect. Then, males were more sensitive than females. However, females had an increased locomotion activity. We found that paraquat susceptibility is increased in males and mating flies. Therefore, this study supports hypothesis of stress sensitivity elevation as a physiological cost of reproduction. Disruption of cell equilibrium between production of free radicals and antioxidant defence is named oxidative stress. The main component of antioxidant mechanism is activity of antioxidant enzymes, which include superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase. In this study we evaluated the effect of herbicide paraquat on response of SOD and catalase, their transcription level and locomotion activity in Drosophila melanogaster. We exposed the flies to a wide range of paraquat concentration. Our results revealed that transcript and enzymatic levels of both SOD and catalase have a similar biphasic dose response with the peaks at 2,5 ?M paraquat concentration, resembling hormetic effect. Then, males were more sensitive than females. However, females had an increased locomotion activity. We found that paraquat susceptibility is increased in males and mating flies. Therefore, this study supports hypothesis of stress sensitivity elevation as a physiological cost of reproduction.
superoxide dismutase; catalase; antioxidant mechanism; paraquat; Drosophila melanogaster
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Effect of low doses of herbicide paraquat on antioxidant defense in Drosophila
Disruption of cell equilibrium between production of free radicals and antioxidant defence is named oxidative stress. The main component of antioxidant mechanism is activity of antioxidant enzymes, ...
Romanticism in Bohemia. The Essentials of Georg Buquoy's Philosophical Thought
2017 - Czech
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Romanticism in Bohemia. The Essentials of Georg Buquoy's Philosophical Thought
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