Localization of Pcb antenna complexes in the photosynthetic prokaryote \kur{Prochlorothrix hollandica}
HERBSTOVÁ, Miroslava
2010 - Czech
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Localization of Pcb antenna complexes in the photosynthetic prokaryote \kur{Prochlorothrix hollandica}
Comparison of light and dark nitrogenase activity in selected soil cyanobacteria
2010 - Czech
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Comparison of light and dark nitrogenase activity in selected soil cyanobacteria
Food selection in Microtus arvalis: the role of plant functional traits
2011 - English
Foraging by captive common voles (Microtus arvalis) was evaluated by measuring the biomass of plant species consumed in a vivaria experiment and by re-analysing of already published data on plant selection. The experiment showed that foraging was strongly plant species-specific, while data re-analysis indicated the traits plant guild and life span as the best predictors for dietary selection, i.e., voles would eat more grasses and/or legumes than forbs. The study suggests that the voles usually consume grasses in the field because grasses are abundant and readily available, but prefer protein-rich forbs when possible. Foraging by captive common voles (Microtus arvalis) was evaluated by measuring the biomass of plant species consumed in a vivaria experiment and by re-analysing of already published data on plant selection. The experiment showed that foraging was strongly plant species-specific, while data re-analysis indicated the traits plant guild and life span as the best predictors for dietary selection, i.e., voles would eat more grasses and/or legumes than forbs. The study suggests that the voles usually consume grasses in the field because grasses are abundant and readily available, but prefer protein-rich forbs when possible.
Common vole; Electivity index; Selective feeding; Plant functional groups; Plant traits
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Food selection in Microtus arvalis: the role of plant functional traits
Foraging by captive common voles (Microtus arvalis) was evaluated by measuring the biomass of plant species consumed in a vivaria experiment and by re-analysing of already published data on plant ...
"Death, Death, you are always so carving of lives." Mortality and funeral ritual in Cheb in the second half of 19th century
2012 - Czech
The presented thesis deals with the phenomenon of death in the second half of the 19th century using the area around the Cheb town as an example. The source base is made up by information from Christian registers of deaths, prescriptive regulations and tangible evidences. As a main methodological basis the Historical Demography was chosen, but the other approaches were used as a Historical Anthropology and Art History. The most important emphasis was oriented on getting results from statistical research. The index of death issues was researched from several circumstances. Not only the data on approximate life expectancy, infant mortality and seasonal movement was reached, but also the analysis of the causes of death was made with the respect of its German terms. The attention was oriented on infectious diseases, with which the society of the second half of 19th century was afflicted too. The question of spread of epidemics is given into the wider context in the subsequent chapter, which is devoted to influence to prevent the gradual lengthening of life expectancy. The attention was devoted to the analysis of preserved tombstones from the 2nd half of 19th century on the base of fieldwork. The artifacts were assessed from the point of view of artistic representation. The epitaphs were recorded as well for the identification of specific persons. The conclusion of this topic was the thought of vandalism of modern time and the importance of preservation of the testimonial of funeral culture as a proof of high art. The main aim of presented thesis is not only to find out what were the mortality situations of the monitored period, but also the changes of funeral rite influenced by emancipation of bourgeois society. The connection with early modern period tradition of colossal noble funeral ceremony was pointed out. The shift of attention from the deceased to the bereaved was substantiated on the analysis of the preserved tombstones from the second half of 19th century and from the parsing of the funeral announcements in the regional press. The complexity was amplified by the study of lives of the two generations of sculptors from Cheb, who influenced unchangeably the appearance of the local cemetery. Thanks to the language analysis of the term ?the Death? presented on the pages of Glossaries from that time and by the excursion into the folk?s habits connected with the end of life journey of rural population, the issues of Death and funeral ritual were studied from multiple perspectives. For obtaining the complete view, there was necessary to work not only with results of statistics, but also to consider the interdisciplinary approach. Předkládaná práce se na příkladu oblasti Chebu a okolních obcí zabývá fenoménem smrti ve druhé polovině 19. století. Pramennou základnu vytvořily církevní matriky zemřelých, ale bylo pracováno i s normativními nařízeními a hmotnými doklady. Jako základní metodologické východisko byla zvolena historická demografie, ale byly využity i přístupy historické antropologie a dějin umění. Největší důraz byl kladen na získání výsledků statistického výzkumu. Ukazatel problematiky úmrtnosti byl zkoumán z hlediska několika faktorů. Nejenže byly získány údaje o průměrné délce života, kojenecké a dětské úmrtnosti, sezónním pohybu, ale také byla provedena analýza příčin úmrtí s ohledem na jejich německé pojmenování. Pozornost byla soustředěna i na infekční onemocnění, která sužovala společnost druhé poloviny 19. století. Otázka šíření epidemií byla dána do širších souvislostí v následující kapitole, jež se zaobírá vlivem prevence na postupné prodlužování délky života. Pozornost byla věnována i analýze dochovaných náhrobků z druhé poloviny 19. století na základě terénní práce. Artefakty byly posuzovány z hlediska uměleckého ztvárnění. Zaznamenány byly i náhrobní nápisy, které napomohly k identifikaci konkrétních osob. Zakončení kapitoly bylo učiněno v duchu zamyšlení se nad vandalstvím moderní doby, které je naší společností tolerováno a nad důležitostí zachování dokladů pohřební kultury jako doklad vysoké umění. Hlavním cílem předkládané práce bylo zjistit, jaké byly ve sledované době úmrtnostní poměry, ale také jak se měnil pohřební ritus v důsledku emancipace měšťanské společnosti. Bylo poukázáno na souvislosti s raně novověkou tradicí velkých šlechtických smutečních obřadů. Přesun pozornosti od zemřelých k pozůstalým byl doložen nejen na základě analýzy dochovaných náhrobků pocházejících z druhé poloviny 19. století, nýbrž také rozborem smutečních oznámení v regionálním tisku. Komplexnost byla umocněna sondou přibližující životy dvou generací chebských kamenosochařů, kteří nezaměnitelně ovlivnili vzhled místního hřbitova. Díky jazykovému rozboru hesla ?Smrt? prezentovaného na stránkách dobových výkladových slovníků a exkurzem do lidových zvyklostí spojených s ukončením životní pouti vesnického obyvatelstva byla problematika smrti a pohřebního rituálu mnohostranně studována. Pro získání ucelenějšího pohledu a uchopení dané problematiky nebylo možné pracovat pouze s výsledky statistiky, ale bylo žádoucí pokusit se o interdisciplinární přístup.
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
"Death, Death, you are always so carving of lives." Mortality and funeral ritual in Cheb in the second half of 19th century
The presented thesis deals with the phenomenon of death in the second half of the 19th century using the area around the Cheb town as an example. The source base is made up by information from ...
Der-p2 (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus) allergen-like protein from the hard tick Ixodes ricinus - a novel member of ML (MD-2-related lipid-recognition) domain protein family.
2012 - English
A family of ML (MD-2-related lipid-recognition) domain containing proteins contains immune-related molecules. It does not belong among well-studied protein family in ticks although its occurence is quite often. Generally, ML proteins are involved in innate immunity processes, lipid binding and transport. A novel member of the ML protein family, Der-p2 allergen-like protein was isolated from Ixodes ricinus and characterized for the first time. A family of ML (MD-2-related lipid-recognition) domain containing proteins contains immune-related molecules. It does not belong among well-studied protein family in ticks although its occurence is quite often. Generally, ML proteins are involved in innate immunity processes, lipid binding and transport. A novel member of the ML protein family, Der-p2 allergen-like protein was isolated from Ixodes ricinus and characterized for the first time.
tick; Ixodes ricinus; ML protein family; allergen-like protein
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Der-p2 (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus) allergen-like protein from the hard tick Ixodes ricinus - a novel member of ML (MD-2-related lipid-recognition) domain protein family.
A family of ML (MD-2-related lipid-recognition) domain containing proteins contains immune-related molecules. It does not belong among well-studied protein family in ticks although its occurence is ...
Sdělení všeobecných sester k metodě ošetřovatelský proces a k ošetřovatelské dokumentaci
2011 - Czech
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Sdělení všeobecných sester k metodě ošetřovatelský proces a k ošetřovatelské dokumentaci
Activation of protective cell-mediated immune response in gastric mucosa during Cryptosporidium muris infection and re-infection in immunocompetent mice
2011 - Czech
The differences between two isolates of Cryptosporidium muris (TS03 and CB03) in activation and development of cell-mediated immune response in stomach mucosa was observed during the primary infection and re-infection in immunocompetent mouse model. The development of the immune response was characterized by analysis of leukocyte infiltration into the gastric epithelium and cytokine production in ex vivo cultures of splenocytes. Byly sledovány rozdíly mezi dvěma izoláty Cryptosporidium muris (TS03 a CB03) v aktivaci a vývoji buněčné imunitní odpovědi během primární infekce a reinfekce imunokompetentních myší. Vývoj imunitní odpovědi byl charakterizován analýzou zastoupení různých subpopulací T-lymfocytů v žaludečním epitelu a produkcí cytokinů v ex vivo kulturách splenocytů.
Cryptosporidium muris; žaludeční epitel; intraepiteliální lymfocyty; imunitní odpověď; Cryptosporidium muris; gastric mucosa; intraepithelial lymphocytes; immune response
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Activation of protective cell-mediated immune response in gastric mucosa during Cryptosporidium muris infection and re-infection in immunocompetent mice
The differences between two isolates of Cryptosporidium muris (TS03 and CB03) in activation and development of cell-mediated immune response in stomach mucosa was observed during the primary infection ...
Obstacles and possibilities of use of the Roy Adaptation Model in patients after lower limb amputation
2009 - Czech
sestra; pacient; adaptace; amputace; model; Royová; ošetřovatelství; péče
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Obstacles and possibilities of use of the Roy Adaptation Model in patients after lower limb amputation
Removal of American mink increases the success of simulated nests in linear habitat
2010 - Czech
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Removal of American mink increases the success of simulated nests in linear habitat
Morphological and ecophysiological traits shaping altitudinal distribution of three \kur{Polylepis} treeline species in the dry tropical Andes
2010 - Czech
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Morphological and ecophysiological traits shaping altitudinal distribution of three \kur{Polylepis} treeline species in the dry tropical Andes
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