Alcathoe bat (Myotis alcathoe) in the Czech Republic: distributional status, roosting and feeding ecology
LUČAN, Radek
2010 - English
Between 2001 and 2008, we recorded Myotis alcathoe at nine sites within three distant areas in the Czech Republic. The species identification was confirmed with cyt b sequences and four distinct haplotypes were identified. All the localities exhibit surprisingly uniform habitat characteristics: (1) old full-grown oak-hornbeam forests, with (2) numerous large trees in advanced stages of decay are present, and (3) a very small to large water bodies and/or patches of riparian vegetation surrounded by the forest. Using radiotracking techniques, we discovered 27 day roosts of M. alcathoe, located mostly in big oak, birch and lime trees inside extensive forest stands. All roosts were fissures or small cavities in a tree trunk and in branches in the canopies, some 16 m above the ground. Bats preferred trees that were higher, had higher canopy and canopy basement and had larger diameter at breast height than other available trees. Roost trees were surrounded by lower trees with lower canopy basements than available trees. Roost trees were in a poorer condition than other available trees. Roosts were occupied by up to 83 individuals in July but usually single individuals were found in the roosts in September. In contrast to syntopic M. mystacinus and M. brandtii, M. alcathoe has never been found in an anthropogenic roost (except for a fissure in concrete electricity pole). Preliminary analysis of the diet showed that nematoceran flies were the most important prey item along with spiders, caddis flies, small moths and neuropterans. In the observed ecological characteristics, M. alcathoe markedly differs from other European species of the genus Myotis. Its restricted habitat requirements are perhaps responsible for an islet-like pattern of its distribution and suggest an essential conservation value of the habitats of its occurrence. Between 2001 and 2008, we recorded Myotis alcathoe at nine sites within three distant areas in the Czech Republic. The species identification was confirmed with cyt b sequences and four distinct haplotypes were identified. All the localities exhibit surprisingly uniform habitat characteristics: (1) old full-grown oak-hornbeam forests, with (2) numerous large trees in advanced stages of decay are present, and (3) a very small to large water bodies and/or patches of riparian vegetation surrounded by the forest. Using radiotracking techniques, we discovered 27 day roosts of M. alcathoe, located mostly in big oak, birch and lime trees inside extensive forest stands. All roosts were fissures or small cavities in a tree trunk and in branches in the canopies, some 16 m above the ground. Bats preferred trees that were higher, had higher canopy and canopy basement and had larger diameter at breast height than other available trees. Roost trees were surrounded by lower trees with lower canopy basements than available trees. Roost trees were in a poorer condition than other available trees. Roosts were occupied by up to 83 individuals in July but usually single individuals were found in the roosts in September. In contrast to syntopic M. mystacinus and M. brandtii, M. alcathoe has never been found in an anthropogenic roost (except for a fissure in concrete electricity pole). Preliminary analysis of the diet showed that nematoceran flies were the most important prey item along with spiders, caddis flies, small moths and neuropterans. In the observed ecological characteristics, M. alcathoe markedly differs from other European species of the genus Myotis. Its restricted habitat requirements are perhaps responsible for an islet-like pattern of its distribution and suggest an essential conservation value of the habitats of its occurrence.
radio tracking; diet analysis; tree roosts; forest bats; Myotis alcathoe
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Alcathoe bat (Myotis alcathoe) in the Czech Republic: distributional status, roosting and feeding ecology
Between 2001 and 2008, we recorded Myotis alcathoe at nine sites within three distant areas in the Czech Republic. The species identification was confirmed with cyt b sequences and four distinct ...
Kinetics of \kur{in vivo} bacteriochlorophyll fluorescence yield and the state of photosynthetic apparatus of purple bacteria
BÍNA, David
2009 - Czech
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Kinetics of \kur{in vivo} bacteriochlorophyll fluorescence yield and the state of photosynthetic apparatus of purple bacteria
Seasonal activity-profiles of enzymes involved in cryoprotectant biosynthesis in \kur{Pyrrhocoris apterus }( Heteroptera)
2008 - Czech
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Seasonal activity-profiles of enzymes involved in cryoprotectant biosynthesis in \kur{Pyrrhocoris apterus }( Heteroptera)
Biodiversity conservation of submountain pastures in Wallachia
2009 - Czech
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Biodiversity conservation of submountain pastures in Wallachia
Demography of a large and common butterfly: Argynnis aglaja (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) studied by mark-recapture
2011 - English
The population structure, demography parameters, dispersal and behaviour of the Dark Green Fritillary (Argynnis aglaja) butterfly were studied on the traditionaly managed submontane seminatural grasslands, in order to elucidate the relatively successful persistence of this species, if compared with other butterflies sharing the same habitat. Populační struktura, demografické parametry, mobilita a chování perlrťovce velkého (Argynnis aglaja) byly studovány na tradičně obhospodařovaných, polopřirozených podhorských loukách, za účelem objasnění relativní úspěšnosti přežívání tohoto druhu, při porovnání s ostatními druhy sdílejícími stejný biotop.
ekologie motýlů; ochrana; luční porosty; mark-recapture; velikost populace; mobilita
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Demography of a large and common butterfly: Argynnis aglaja (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) studied by mark-recapture
The population structure, demography parameters, dispersal and behaviour of the Dark Green Fritillary (Argynnis aglaja) butterfly were studied on the traditionaly managed submontane seminatural ...
Effects of hydropeaking on the attached eggs of a rheophilic cyprinid species
BARTOŇ, Daniel
2023 - English
Ability of eggs of asp (Leuciscus aspius) to survive an increased water velocity was tested in experimental condition as well as in situ. Hydropeaking occurs on the study site and can cause detachment of most spawned eggs.
fish reproduction; Leuciscus aspius; wildlife conservation; river ecology; habitat alternation
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Effects of hydropeaking on the attached eggs of a rheophilic cyprinid species
Ability of eggs of asp (Leuciscus aspius) to survive an increased water velocity was tested in experimental condition as well as in situ. Hydropeaking occurs on the study site and can cause detachment ...
Diplomatic relations between Czechoslovakia and the Holy See in the interwar period
ŠMÍD, Marek
2020 - Czech
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Diplomatic relations between Czechoslovakia and the Holy See in the interwar period
Totální syntéza [15N4] cytokininů a jejich využití
2020 - Czech
Cytokinins (CKs) and their metabolites and derivatives are essential for cell division, plant growth regulation and development. They are typically found at minute concentrations in plant tissues containing very complicated biological matrices. Therefore, defined standards labelled with stable isotopes are required for precise metabolic profiling and quantification of CKs, as well as in vivo elucidation of CK biosynthesis in various plant species. In this work, eleven [15N]-labelled C6-purine derivatives were prepared, among them five aromatic (4, 5, 6, 7, 8) and three isoprenoid (9, 10, 11) CKs. Compared to current methods, optimized syntheses of 6-amino-9H-[15N5]-purine (adenine, 1) and 6-chloro-9H-[15N4]-purine (6-chloropurine, 3) were performed to achieve more effective, selective and generally easier approaches. The chemical identity and purity of prepared compounds were confirmed by physico-chemical analyses (TLC; HRMS; HPLC-MS; 1H, 13C, 15N NMR). The presented approach is applicable for the synthesis of any other desired [15N4]-labelled C6-substituted purine derivatives. Rostlinné hormony cytokininy (CK), jejich metabolity a deriváty jsou jedny z esenciálních molekul ovlivňující celou řadu fyzilogických procesů rostlin jako je buněčné dělení, rostlinný růst a vývoj. Jejich stanovení a kvantifikace je náročné díky velmi malým konecntracím a komplikované rostlinné matrici. Z toho důvody je použití stabilně značených analogů nezbytné pro kvantifikaci, metabolické profilovaní a sledování biosyntetických drah. Tato práce představuje totální syntézu jedenácti [15N]-zančených C6-purinových derivátů, z toho pěti aromatických (4, 5, 6, 7, 8) a šesti isopreniodních (9, 10, 11) CK. Největší optimalizace, vzheldem k momentáně dostupným metodám, byla provedena v případě 6-amino-9H-[15N5]-purinu (adenin, 1) and 6-chloro-9H-[15N4]-purinu (6-chloropurin, 3). Poprvé je tak prezentován komplexní postup syntézy isotopově značených CKs z anorganického prekurzoru s vysokými výtěžky a chemickou čistotou. Identita připravených molekul byla v každém kroku ověřena pomocí řady fyzikálně chemických metod (TLC; HRMS; HPLC-MS; 1H, 13C, 15N NMR). Zde popsaný postup je v nepsolední řadě možno aplikovat na přípravu jakýchkoliv [15N4]-značených C6-substituovaných purinových derivátů.
cytokininy; [15N4]cytokininy; syntéza; isotopové značení; rostlinné hormony; puriny; cytokinins; [15N4]-cytokinins; synthesis; isotopic labelling; plant hormones; purnes
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Totální syntéza [15N4] cytokininů a jejich využití
Cytokinins (CKs) and their metabolites and derivatives are essential for cell division, plant growth regulation and development. They are typically found at minute concentrations in plant tissues ...
Possibilities of Deescalation of Violent Manifestations of Patients by a Nurse - Model of Reactive Management
BURDA, Patrik
2021 - Czech
The presented rigorous thesis deals with the issue of violence in providing of nursing care and methods of de-escalation from the perspective of the nurse. Předkládaná práce se zabývá problematikou násilí při poskytování ošetřovatelské péče a způsoy deeskalace z pohledu všeobených sester.
násilí; všeobecná sestra; ošetřovatelská péče; pacient; deeskalace; komunikace; prevence; violence; nurse; nursing care; patient; de-escalation; communication; prevention
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Possibilities of Deescalation of Violent Manifestations of Patients by a Nurse - Model of Reactive Management
The presented rigorous thesis deals with the issue of violence in providing of nursing care and methods of de-escalation from the perspective of the nurse.
The Proteocephalus species-aggregate in freshwater centrarchid and percid fishes of the Neartic Region (North America)
2019 - English
In the present paper, three species of the Proteocephalus-aggregate de Chambrier, Zehnder, Vaucher and Mariaux, 2004 (Cestoda: Proteocephalidae) from centrarchid and percid fishes from North America are reviewed and recognized as a valid: (1) Proteocephalus fluviatilis Bangham, 1925, (2) Proteocephalus luciopercae Wardle, 1932, (3) Proteocephalus pearsei La Rue, 1919 and additionaly Proteocephalus ambloplitis (Leidy, 1887), which does not belong to this Proteocephalus aggregate, is provided for the first time. Moreover, molecular analysis of the contatenated (28S rDNA+COI) dataset of Proteocephalus-aggregate species is presented. In the present paper, three species of the Proteocephalus-aggregate de Chambrier, Zehnder, Vaucher and Mariaux, 2004 (Cestoda: Proteocephalidae) from centrarchid and percid fishes from North America are reviewed and recognized as a valid: (1) Proteocephalus fluviatilis Bangham, 1925, (2) Proteocephalus luciopercae Wardle, 1932, (3) Proteocephalus pearsei La Rue, 1919 and additionaly Proteocephalus ambloplitis (Leidy, 1887), which does not belong to this Proteocephalus aggregate, is provided for the first time. Moreover, molecular analysis of the contatenated (28S rDNA+COI) dataset of Proteocephalus-aggregate species is presented.
Cestoda; Proteocephalidea; Proteocephalus-aggregate
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
The Proteocephalus species-aggregate in freshwater centrarchid and percid fishes of the Neartic Region (North America)
In the present paper, three species of the Proteocephalus-aggregate de Chambrier, Zehnder, Vaucher and Mariaux, 2004 (Cestoda: Proteocephalidae) from centrarchid and percid fishes from North America ...
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