Eutrofizační potenciál erozních částic v nádržích
Borovec, Jakub; Jan, Jiří; Hejzlar, Josef; Krása, J.; Rosendorf, P.
2012 - Czech
erosion; eutrophication; fractionation; sorption; soil available phosphorus
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Eutrofizační potenciál erozních částic v nádržích
Jak stanovit kritéria dobrého ekologického potenciálu pro vodní nádrže z pohledu eutrofizace?
Rosendorf, P.; Duras, J.; Hejzlar, Josef
2012 - Czech
water reservoir; eutrophication; phosphorus; ecological potential; Water Framework Directive
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Jak stanovit kritéria dobrého ekologického potenciálu pro vodní nádrže z pohledu eutrofizace?
Zdroje splavenin v povodích a jejich eutrofizační potenciál
Krása, J.; Janotová, B.; Bauer, M.; Dostál, T.; Rosendorf, P.; Hejzlar, Josef; Borovec, Jakub
2012 - Czech
sediment transport; eutrophication; soil erosion; phosphorus
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Zdroje splavenin v povodích a jejich eutrofizační potenciál
Socioekonomické zájmy a možnosti snížení zátěže vod v povodí nádrže Orlík fosforem
Lapka, M.; Cudlínová, E.; Borovec, Jakub; Hejzlar, Josef; Políčková, Berenika; Švejdarová, Hana
2011 - Czech
socio-economic research; eutrophication; remediation measures; cost effectiveness analysis
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Socioekonomické zájmy a možnosti snížení zátěže vod v povodí nádrže Orlík fosforem
Role of adipokinetic peptides in control of insect anti-stress reactions
Kodrík, Dalibor
2011 - English
Adipokinetic hormones (AKHs) control predominantly insect metabolism, but are involved also in a number of other activities. Recently, it was proven that AKHs participated also in the activation of antioxidant protection mechanisms: they increased a level of reduced glutathione and additionally, modulated the activity of catalase that reduces hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. It has also been found that AKHs participated on antistress reaction elicited by insecticides and increased the lethal effect of the insecticides alone. The results show that AKHs provide an initiation of the complex antistress response that involves both biochemical and physiological protective mechanisms.
Insect; adipokinetic hormone; stress
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Role of adipokinetic peptides in control of insect anti-stress reactions
Adipokinetic hormones (AKHs) control predominantly insect metabolism, but are involved also in a number of other activities. Recently, it was proven that AKHs participated also in the activation of ...
Příprava rekombinantního inhibitoru proteáz NCPIB
Kludkiewicz, Barbara; Vinokurov, Konstantin; Taranushenko, Yuliya; Kodrík, Dalibor; Sehnal, František
2011 - Czech
Neuphoeta cinerea
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Příprava rekombinantního inhibitoru proteáz NCPIB
Strategický plán rozvoje svazku obcí regionu Písecko
Očásková, I.; Boček, R.; Průša, L.; Borovec, Jakub; Sládek, M.; Fatková, J.; Vyterna, P.
2011 - Czech
development of Písecký region; restoration of Orlik Reservoir; wastewater treatment; tourist trade; transport infrastructure
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Strategický plán rozvoje svazku obcí regionu Písecko
Dlouhodobý ekolgický výzkum šumavských jezer a jejich povodí
Kopáček, Jiří; Vrba, J.; Šantrůčková, H.; Svoboda, M.
2011 - Czech
recovery from acidification; atmospheric pollution; mountain lakes
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Dlouhodobý ekolgický výzkum šumavských jezer a jejich povodí
Dlouhodobý vývoj živinového znečištění v povodí nádrže Orlík
Hejzlar, Josef; Borovec, Jakub; Kopáček, Jiří; Turek, Jan; Volková, Alena
2011 - Czech
nutrient sources in catchment; phosphorus; nitrogen; fisheries; municipal wastewaters; nutrient losses from agriculture; long-term trend
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Dlouhodobý vývoj živinového znečištění v povodí nádrže Orlík
A myth about the „potent cardiostimulating“ action of insect neuropeptides has been unfounded
Sláma, Karel
2011 - English
Chemists and biochemists isolating or synthesizing insect neuropeptides used to create a myth about “potent cardiostimulating” properties of these peptides. The myth was motivated by a tendency to gain professional importance and scientific merit of their work. Crucial arguments in favour of the idea were obtained by simple, largely nonspecific, in vitro bioassays performed on isolated hearts of cockroaches in saline. These assays gave positive responses to a wide range of low molecular compounds as well as to most peptides tested. Our attempts to solve this problem started by development of new touch-free electrocardiographic methods for monitoring the heartbeat of unrestrained insects. Extensive in vivo recordings revealed that the tentatively “cardioactive” neuropeptides had no cardiostimulating activity under physiological conditions. Intimate similarities appeared between regulation of insect and human hearts. Accordingly, a cardioactive peptide does not exist in human medicine as well. Specific electrocardiographic methods were invented for testing new cardioactive pharmacological preparations on easily available insect material.
cardioactive neuropeptides; myogenic heartbeat; insect electrocardiography
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
A myth about the „potent cardiostimulating“ action of insect neuropeptides has been unfounded
Chemists and biochemists isolating or synthesizing insect neuropeptides used to create a myth about “potent cardiostimulating” properties of these peptides. The myth was motivated by a tendency to ...
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