Number of found documents: 52
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Antioxidative enzymes and PKC in cardioprotection induced by chronic hypoxia: Influence of lipid diets
Hlaváčková, M.; Balková, P.; Nováková, O.; Neckář, Jan; Kolář, František; Novák, F.
2005 - English
Cardioprotective effect of chronic hypoxia on the extent of myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury can be modified by the diet lipid composition in a PKC-dependent manner Kardioprotektivní účinek adaptace na chronickou hypoxii je významně ovlivněn lipidovým složením diety, klíčovou úlohu zde sehrává aktivace různých izoforem proteinkinázy Keywords: chronic hypoxia; proteinkinase C; heart Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Antioxidative enzymes and PKC in cardioprotection induced by chronic hypoxia: Influence of lipid diets

Cardioprotective effect of chronic hypoxia on the extent of myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury can be modified by the diet lipid composition in a PKC-dependent manner...

Hlaváčková, M.; Balková, P.; Nováková, O.; Neckář, Jan; Kolář, František; Novák, F.
Fyziologický ústav, 2005

Efficient compensation of the light attenuation with depth in confocal microscopy
Čapek, Martin; Kubínová, Lucie
2005 - English
Images captured by a confocal laser scanning microscope from deep layers of the specimen are often darker than images from the top most layers due to absorption and scattering of both excitation and fluorescent light. These effects cause problems in subsequent analysis of biological objects. Therefore, methods for compensation of the light attenuation with depth must be used Pokles jasu a kontrastu s hloubkou zaostření v konfokální mikroskopii se dá kompenzovat jak optimalizací mikroskopu během snímání, tak pomocí vhodných algoritmů zpracování dat po nasnímání Keywords: confocal microscopy; light attenuation Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Efficient compensation of the light attenuation with depth in confocal microscopy

Images captured by a confocal laser scanning microscope from deep layers of the specimen are often darker than images from the top most layers due to absorption and scattering of both excitation and ...

Čapek, Martin; Kubínová, Lucie
Fyziologický ústav, 2005

Analysis of endoplasmic reticulum by confocal microscopy
Janáček, Jiří; Radochová, Barbora; Demjénová, E.; Schwarzerová, K.; Tomori, Z.; Karen, Petr; Kubínová, Lucie
2005 - English
Image analysis techniques for preprocessing, segmentation and estimation of geometrical characteristics of fiber-like structures from images captured by a confocal microscope are presented. Methods are demonstrated on the study of endoplasmic reticulum of tobacco cells Jsou popsány techniky analýzy obrazu pro předzpracování, segmentaci a měření geometrických charakteristik vláknitých struktur z obrazů snímaných konfokálním mikroskopem. Metody jsou ukázány na studiu endoplazmatického retikula tabákových buněk Keywords: confocal microscopy; endoplasmic reticulum; image analysis Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Analysis of endoplasmic reticulum by confocal microscopy

Image analysis techniques for preprocessing, segmentation and estimation of geometrical characteristics of fiber-like structures from images captured by a confocal microscope are presented. Methods ...

Janáček, Jiří; Radochová, Barbora; Demjénová, E.; Schwarzerová, K.; Tomori, Z.; Karen, Petr; Kubínová, Lucie
Fyziologický ústav, 2005

Activation of mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase by different analogues of coenzyme Q
Rauchová, Hana; Mikšík, Ivan; Fato, R.; Bergamini, C.; Lenaz, G.
2004 - English
The aim of our study was to test the synthetic analogues of coenzyme Q (CoQ) on the activity of mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. We used idebenone and its two derivatives: methoxyidebenone and acetylidebenone and three other componds in which aliphatic chain of CoQ was substituted by thiazoimidazol type groups. The present results can support our previous data suggesting differences between mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and other dehydrogenases of respiratory chain in the transfer of reducing equivalents to the CoQ pool Cílem naší studie bylo testovat syntetické analogy koenzymu Q (CoQ) na aktivitu mitochondriální glycerol-3-fosfátdehydrogenázy. Použili jsme idebenon a jeho dva deriváty: methoxyidebenon a acetylidebenon a tři další látky, ve kterých alifatický řetězec CoQ byl nahrazen thiazoimidazolovými skupinami. Současné výsledky podporují naše předcházející závěry, které navrhly určité rozdíly v přenosu redukčních ekvivalentů na CoQ mezi mitochondriální glycerol-3-fosfátdehydrogenázou a dalšími dehydrogenázami respiračního řetězce Keywords: glycerol-3-phosphate; coenzyme Q; idebenone Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Activation of mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase by different analogues of coenzyme Q

The aim of our study was to test the synthetic analogues of coenzyme Q (CoQ) on the activity of mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. We used idebenone and its two derivatives: ...

Rauchová, Hana; Mikšík, Ivan; Fato, R.; Bergamini, C.; Lenaz, G.
Fyziologický ústav, 2004

Visualization of villous vessels in human placenta
Janáček, Jiří; Kubínová, Lucie; Jirkovská, M.; Tomori, Z.; Hlinka, R.; Krekule, Ivan
2002 - English
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Visualization of villous vessels in human placenta

Janáček, Jiří; Kubínová, Lucie; Jirkovská, M.; Tomori, Z.; Hlinka, R.; Krekule, Ivan
Fyziologický ústav, 2002

Application of system MEDx to multimodal imaging of human brain
Trojanová, H.; Čapek, Martin; Krekule, Ivan
2002 - English
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Application of system MEDx to multimodal imaging of human brain

Trojanová, H.; Čapek, Martin; Krekule, Ivan
Fyziologický ústav, 2002

Alignment of adjucent tile images captured by a CLSM
Čapek, Martin; Krekule, Ivan; Kubínová, Lucie
2002 - English
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Alignment of adjucent tile images captured by a CLSM

Čapek, Martin; Krekule, Ivan; Kubínová, Lucie
Fyziologický ústav, 2002

Adhesion, growth and stress adaptation of vascular smooth muscle cells in cultures on collagen I degraded by matrix metalloproteinases-13
Bačáková, Lucie; Herget, J.; Novotná, J.; Eckhardt, Adam; Lisá, Věra
2002 - English
Degradation of collagen I by matrix metalloproteinase-13 resulted in a lower adhesion, higher proliferation, higher concentration of heath shock protein 60, higher cell death and loss of differentiation markers in rat aortic smooth muscle cells in cultures on this substrate. Keywords: integrins - vinculin; talin Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Adhesion, growth and stress adaptation of vascular smooth muscle cells in cultures on collagen I degraded by matrix metalloproteinases-13

Degradation of collagen I by matrix metalloproteinase-13 resulted in a lower adhesion, higher proliferation, higher concentration of heath shock protein 60, higher cell death and loss of ...

Bačáková, Lucie; Herget, J.; Novotná, J.; Eckhardt, Adam; Lisá, Věra
Fyziologický ústav, 2002

Vibrational spectroscopy toolbox & applications: determination of the secondary structure of proteins
Kopecký ml., Vladimír; Bok, J.; Hofbauerová, Kateřina
2001 - English
Keywords: vibrational spectroscopy; spektroskopie; bílkoviny Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Vibrational spectroscopy toolbox & applications: determination of the secondary structure of proteins

Kopecký ml., Vladimír; Bok, J.; Hofbauerová, Kateřina
Fyziologický ústav, 2001

Ultrastructure of nuclear RNP particles extruded into cytoplasm in apoptotic cells
Krajčí, D.; Mareš, Vladislav; Lisá, Věra
2000 - English
In C6 glioma cells undergoing cisplatin induced apoptosis,structures resembling degraded nucleoli were frequently observedin the perinuclear cytoplasm. In some cells, these originallynuclear structures mooved through deep invaginations of the nuclearenvelope, while in the other cells breakdown of small nuclearlobules is the source of this cytoplasmic component. Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Ultrastructure of nuclear RNP particles extruded into cytoplasm in apoptotic cells

In C6 glioma cells undergoing cisplatin induced apoptosis,structures resembling degraded nucleoli were frequently observedin the perinuclear cytoplasm. In some cells, these originallynuclear ...

Krajčí, D.; Mareš, Vladislav; Lisá, Věra
Fyziologický ústav, 2000

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