Number of found documents: 778
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Solr Total
Nicolas, Yann
2018 - English
Lightning Talks (June 8), video recording is available at: Lightning Talks (June 8), video záznam je k dispozici na: Keywords: metadata; věcný popis; formáty popisu; vyhledávače; autoritní soubory Available in the NTK library.
Solr Total

Lightning Talks (June 8), video recording is available at:

Nicolas, Yann
Národní technická knihovna, 2018

Blending and Debledning Data in the Daily Routine of a University Library
Stille, Wolfgang
2018 - English
In libraries, there is something like a war of opinions about library software in the last couple of years: some (in particular library management) prefer the licensing of commercial software products with strict business models, others (n particular library IT) participate in community driven open source solutions. Probably, the truth lies somewhere in between, which means that standards, interfaces, and interoperability play a more and more imortant role in the business of library IT, and thus have to be open. At the same time, monolithic commercial software solutions implying vendor lock-ins emerge, promising all-in-one one-stop-shop solutions, obstructing an objective debate between library management and IT staff. The talk intends to give some experiental report on the past, tries to answer questions and reasons of the present, and gives some vision (and hopefully discussion) on the future of library IT. Keywords: univerzity; knihovny; teorie dat; automatizované knihovnické systémy; konverze; software Available in the NTK library.
Blending and Debledning Data in the Daily Routine of a University Library

In libraries, there is something like a war of opinions about library software in the last couple of years: some (in particular library management) prefer the licensing of commercial software products ...

Stille, Wolfgang
Národní technická knihovna, 2018

Shareable Authority Reference Model
Wang, Jing
2018 - English
Lightning Talks (June 7), video záznam je k dispozici na: Lightning Talks (June 7), video recording is available at: Keywords: referenční model; OAIS; reference model; OAIS; autorita; informační systémy Available in the NTK library.
Shareable Authority Reference Model

Lightning Talks (June 7), video záznam je k dispozici na:

Wang, Jing
Národní technická knihovna, 2018

Making Wikidata fit as a Linking Hub for Knowledge Organization Systems
Neubert, Joachim
2018 - English
Lightning Talks (June 7), video recording is available at: Lightning Talks (June 7), video záznam je k dispozici na: Keywords: organizace znalostí; knowledge organization; linked data; věcné slovníky; systémy Available in the NTK library.
Making Wikidata fit as a Linking Hub for Knowledge Organization Systems

Lightning Talks (June 7), video recording is available at:

Neubert, Joachim
Národní technická knihovna, 2018

Linked data is dead?
Lager, Lassi
2018 - English
Lightning Talks (June 7), video recording is available at: Lightning Talks (June 7), video záznam je dostupný na: Keywords: dlouhodobá ochrana; linked data; persistent URI; long-term preservation; metadata Available in the NTK library.
Linked data is dead?

Lightning Talks (June 7), video recording is available at:

Lightning Talks (June 7), video záznam je dostupný na:

Lager, Lassi
Národní technická knihovna, 2018

Dierkes, Thomas; Goltz-Fellgiebel, Julia A.
2018 - English
In this talk, the technical difficulties and the corresponding solutions of the tasks at hand, to automatically blend in legal information with given metadata, are illustrated. Preliminary results with pilot publishing houses are presented and possible shortcomings of the project are discussed. Finally, the outlook of establishing a central, nation-wide service for a liable, automatic transformation of any OA-entitled publication will be given. Keywords: zelený otevřený přístup; green open access; otevřený přístup; teorie dat; metadata; nakladatelství Available in the NTK library.

In this talk, the technical difficulties and the corresponding solutions of the tasks at hand, to automatically blend in legal information with given metadata, are illustrated. Preliminary results ...

Dierkes, Thomas; Goltz-Fellgiebel, Julia A.
Národní technická knihovna, 2018

Links quality for/by human and machines
Le Provost, Aline
2018 - English
Lightning Talks (June 8), video recording is available at: Lightning Talks (June 8), video záznam je k dispozici na: Keywords: spojování; autoritní soubory; bibliografické formáty; rozhraní Available in the NTK library.
Links quality for/by human and machines

Lightning Talks (June 8), video recording is available at:

Le Provost, Aline
Národní technická knihovna, 2018

Lightning Talks, June 7
Neubert, Joachim; Kiraly, Péter; Wang, Jing; Lager, Lassi; Dijskshoorn, Chris; Dekker, Harrison
2018 - English
Making Wikidata Fit as a Linking Hub for Knowledge Organization Systems - Joachim Neubert, Data Quality Flea Market - Péter Kiraly, Shareable Authority - Jing Wang, Linked Data Is Dead - Lassi Lager, Rijks Museum - Chris Dijskshoorn, Blending/Reblending Library Services: Supporting Reproducible Science - Harrison Dekker Making Wikidata Fit as a Linking Hub for Knowledge Organization Systems - Joachim Neubert, Data Quality Flea Market - Péter Kiraly, Shareable Authority - Jing Wang, Linked Data Is Dead - Lassi Lager, Rijks Museum - Chris Dijskshoorn, Blending/Reblending Library Services: Supporting Reproducible Science - Harrison Dekker Keywords: metadata; metadata Available in the NTK library.
Lightning Talks, June 7

Making Wikidata Fit as a Linking Hub for Knowledge Organization Systems - Joachim Neubert, Data Quality Flea Market - Péter Kiraly, Shareable Authority - Jing Wang, Linked Data Is Dead - Lassi Lager, ...

Neubert, Joachim; Kiraly, Péter; Wang, Jing; Lager, Lassi; Dijskshoorn, Chris; Dekker, Harrison
Národní technická knihovna, 2018

RIJKS Museum
Dijskshoorn, Chris
2018 - English
Lightning Talks (June 7), video recording is available at: Lightning Talks (June 7), video záznam je k dispozici na: Keywords: bibliografické informace; bibliographic information; muzea; muzejní sbírky; výzkum; teorie dat; dokumentace Available in the NTK library.
RIJKS Museum

Lightning Talks (June 7), video recording is available at:

Dijskshoorn, Chris
Národní technická knihovna, 2018

ABC: Amsterdam Blended Collections
Koster, Lukas
2018 - English
The presentation will discuss the organisational and technical issues of the project on two levels: 1) the central platform (blend/aggregate or de-blend/distribute) and 2) the various local situations of participating institutions, leading to different blending/de-blending approaches, focusing on the Library of the University of Amsterdam Special Collections (using Catmandu as ETL tool for MARC to RDF). Keywords: open data; linked data; kulturní tradice; teorie dat; otevřený přístup; metadata; formáty popisu Available in the NTK library.
ABC: Amsterdam Blended Collections

The presentation will discuss the organisational and technical issues of the project on two levels: 1) the central platform (blend/aggregate or de-blend/distribute) and 2) the various local situations ...

Koster, Lukas
Národní technická knihovna, 2018

About project

NRGL provides central access to information on grey literature produced in the Czech Republic in the fields of science, research and education. You can find more information about grey literature and NRGL at service web

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