Aplikace růstových modelů pro lokální hodnocení dopadů změny klimatu na vybrané plodiny
Hlavinka, Petr; Trnka, Miroslav; Balek, Jan; Dubrovský, Martin; Pohanková, Eva; Žalud, Zdeněk
2015 - český
Metodika je zaměřena na přehledný popis problematiky využití specializovaných softwarových nástrojů nazývaných růstové modely s důrazem na jejich aplikaci pro hodnocení dopadů změny klimatu na lokální úrovni. Ambicí této publikace je seznámit čtenáře se stručnou historií vývoje růstových modelů, jejich členěním, aktuálními trendy jejich vývoje a využití, ale v první řadě prezentovat metody přípravy vstupních databází, prvotního nastavení modelů, kalibraci jejich parametrů, přes ověření spolehlivosti prostřednictvím nezávislého vzorku dat (validace), propojení se scénáři očekávaného vývoje klimatu v budoucnu až po hodnocení dopadů změny podmínek na významné polní plodiny a vybrané reprezentativní lokality v České republice. This publication is focused on the description of specialized software named as crop growth models and its using emphasizing the application for climate change impact assessment at local scale. The ambition of this publication is to introduce brief history of the crop growth models development, its classification, actual trends of their progress and applications and last but not least, present procedure leading to the preparation of the input datasets, the initial setup, parameters calibration, validation through set of independent datasets and consequently the implementation of climate change scenarios for assessment of possible impact of future conditions on selected important field crops and set of representative sites in the Czech Republic.
Klíčová slova:
growth models; climate change
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Aplikace růstových modelů pro lokální hodnocení dopadů změny klimatu na vybrané plodiny
Metodika je zaměřena na přehledný popis problematiky využití specializovaných softwarových nástrojů nazývaných růstové modely s důrazem na jejich aplikaci pro hodnocení dopadů změny klimatu na ...
Effect of nutrients deficiencies on root architecture and growth of winter wheat
Rattanapichai, W.; Klem, Karel
2015 - anglický
The study of the effects of N, P, K deficiencies on root architecture and growth was tested in phenotyping platform with winter wheat (Bohemia variety). The experiment was arranged with 4 treatments: Complete nutrient, Without N, Without P and Without K. The root were grown on the surface of vertically fixed black filter paper sheets (30x60cm), covered from both sides by black plastic sheets (PVC-P). The system was setup with a micro-irrigation channel in the top of sheets to ensure circulation of hydroponic medium as hydroponic system. Eighteen days after transplanting, we took the root images by the standard RGB digital camera. To evaluate the root architecture parameters the "SmartRoot" software was used. The results showed that nutrient deficiency had effect on root architecture of winter wheat. N deficiency increase in total seminal root and lateral root length and root/shoot ratio, while P deficiency resulted in increase of mean root diameter, total root area when compared to the control. N deficiency also decreased root and shoot dry weight and total leaf area. However, nutrient deficiency slightly decreased lateral density. There was a slight effect of K deficiency on root architecture when compared to the complete nutrient application. The increasing of leaf dry weight was related with the increased of root dry weight.
Klíčová slova:
phosphate availability; system architecture; mineral-nutrition; nitrate; plants; arabidopsis; winter wheat; SmartRoot; nutrients deficiencies; root system architecture (RSA); root phenotyping
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Effect of nutrients deficiencies on root architecture and growth of winter wheat
The study of the effects of N, P, K deficiencies on root architecture and growth was tested in phenotyping platform with winter wheat (Bohemia variety). The experiment was arranged with 4 treatments: ...
The influence of land cover changes and landscape fragmentation on provision of the carbon sequestration ecosystem service
Pechanec, V.; Purkyt, Jan; Cudlín, Pavel
2015 - anglický
The aim of our contribution is to analyse the influence of land cover changes and landscape fragmentation in two small catchments (Všeminka, Fryštácký potok) within the forest–agricultural landscape of eastern Moravia (Czech Republic) on the carbon sequestration ecosystem service. Fragmentation was analysed using landscapeecological indices within ArcGIS 10.x software using the Patch Analyst extension. Data about the carbon sequestration ecosystem service were processed in the InVEST model. In the Všeminka catchment, carbon sequestration increased over the entire period of observation of 1953–2012. In the Fryštácký potok catchment, carbon sequestration decreased from 1950 to 2005, but increased from 2005 to 2012. The changes in fragmentation were not significant between 1953 and 2012, and so changes in carbon sequestration were caused mostly by land cover changes. The relationships among land cover change, fragmentation, and carbon sequestration from 1953 to 2012 are discussed.
Klíčová slova:
carbon sequestration; ecosystem services; land cover changes; landscape fragmentation
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The influence of land cover changes and landscape fragmentation on provision of the carbon sequestration ecosystem service
The aim of our contribution is to analyse the influence of land cover changes and landscape fragmentation in two small catchments (Všeminka, Fryštácký potok) within the forest–agricultural landscape ...
Stanovení indexu listové plochy v nesmíšených porostech lesních dřevin
Pokorný, Radek
2015 - český
Metodika popisuje teorii a metody stanovení LAI v lesních porostech, především pak ty metodické postupy, které jsou použitelné v praxi a přitom dostatečně přesné. Takovýmito postupy jsou nepřímé metody využívající nejčastěji přístroje s optickými čidly. Metodika nově uvádí chybějící informace v manuálech těchto přístrojů, konkrétně uvádí přesnější metodický popis jak zjistit vhodnost podmínek měření, jak přesněji postupovat při volbě počtu a uspořádání měřičských stanovišť v porostu, jaké použít korekce atd. tak, aby výsledná hodnota LAI byla stanovena efektivně a dostatečně přesně. This guideline introduces theory and methodological approaches for LAI estimation in forest stands, especially those which are user-friendly in the field as well as sufficiently accurate. These approaches include indirect methods, which use instruments with optical sensors. This guideline fills the gaps in the information given in the instruction manuals to these instruments. It gives a detailed description of how to assess whether the current conditions for LAI measurement are suitable, how to establish a grid of measurement points in a stand and what corrections to apply, etc. in order to obtain the desired value of LAI effectively and accurately.
Klíčová slova:
health status; leaf area; light conditions; production potential
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Stanovení indexu listové plochy v nesmíšených porostech lesních dřevin
Metodika popisuje teorii a metody stanovení LAI v lesních porostech, především pak ty metodické postupy, které jsou použitelné v praxi a přitom dostatečně přesné. Takovýmito postupy jsou nepřímé ...
Forestry operations focusing on different types of felling related to carbon and economic efficiencies
Plch, Radek; Pecháček, O.; Vala, V.; Pokorný, Radek; Cudlín, Pavel
2015 - anglický
Assessments of carbon and economic efficiencies, completed by an environmental load computation using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method, could be a useful tool for assessing sustainable forest management (e.g. Berg & Lindholm 2005, Michelsen et al. 2008). The purpose of this study was to compare forestry operations focused on manually operated (chainsaw) and fully mechanized (harvester) felling in Norway spruce monocultures and mixed forests within the Novohradské Mts. (Czech Republic) using the methods of carbon efficiency (including LCA) and economic efficiency. In general terms, these methods consist of comparing quantified human inputs (e.g. fossil fuels, electricity, used machinery, and fertilizers, converted into emission units of carbon in t C in CO2 equivalent or EUR) with quantified ecosystem outputs (biomass production in t C or EUR). Forest operations were modelled for one rotation period. The results showed the main differences in carbon emissions and carbon efficiency related to forest operations with different types of felling. In contrast, the economic efficiency results did not differ much with different types of felling. Differences between Norway spruce monocultures and mixed forests using the same type of felling were relatively small for carbon efficiency but large for economic efficiency (Norway spruce monocultures recorded higher economic efficiency).
Klíčová slova:
forestry operations; carbon and economic efficiencies
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Forestry operations focusing on different types of felling related to carbon and economic efficiencies
Assessments of carbon and economic efficiencies, completed by an environmental load computation using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method, could be a useful tool for assessing sustainable forest ...
Effect of temeperature stress and water shortage on thousand grain weight of selected winter wheat varietes
Hlaváčová, Marcela; Pohanková, Eva; Klem, Karel; Trnka, Miroslav
2015 - anglický
The aim of the presented study was to assess the effect of high temperatures and water shortage during anthesis on thousand grain weight (TGW) of two winter wheat varieties (Tobak and Pannonia). In addition, numbers of grains per spike were also assessed. The six growth chambers were used to simulate heat stress conditions within following gradient of temperature maxima: 26 degrees C (control chamber), 29, 32, 35, 38 and 41 degrees C. The relative humidity (RH) course and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) intensity were controlled via protocols. Additionally, drought stressed (dry) and well-watered (wet) treatments were established within each growth chamber. The plants were removed from the growth chambers after 14 days and they were left until a full maturity, exposed to actual weather conditions. The TGW at 14% moisture were evaluated for particular treatments within both winter wheat varieties. TGW was generally more affected by high temperatures under drought stress than in well-watered conditions. The results revealed that Pannonia TGW was much more affected by the water deficiency in combination with high temperature (particularly 38 and 41 degrees C) than Tobak TGW.
Klíčová slova:
tolerance; growth chamber; temperature stress; Thousand Grain Weight (TGW); water shortage stress; winter wheat
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Effect of temeperature stress and water shortage on thousand grain weight of selected winter wheat varietes
The aim of the presented study was to assess the effect of high temperatures and water shortage during anthesis on thousand grain weight (TGW) of two winter wheat varieties (Tobak and Pannonia). In ...
Využití shlukové analýzy k vyhodnocní půlroční měřící kampaně elementární plynné rtuti z atmosférické stanice Křešín u Pacova
Veselik, P.; Dvorská, Alice
2015 - český
Příspěvek se zabývá vyhodnocením pozaďových hodnot plynné elementární rtuti v ovzduší z Atmosférické stanice Křešín u Pacova. Měření byla prováděna v 10 minutových časových intervalech za období od prosince 2012 do června 2013 dvěma identickými analyzátory umístěnými vedle sebe v přízemním kontejneru. Tato dlouhodobá měřící kampaň byla rozdělena do přibližně týdenních časových intervalů. Cílem příspěvku je ukázat použití shlukové analýzy k nalezení takových časových období, kdy si podle vybraných kritérií dvojice měření nejvíce odpovídají. Klasifikace byla provedena pomocí shlukové analýzy regresních koeficientů získaných při modelování týdenních měření druhým přístrojem v závislosti na měření prvním přístrojem. Z provedené analýzy vyplývá existence pěti období, ve kterých se regresní přímky příliš neliší. Jejich analýze je věnována další pozornost. This paper deals with evaluation of gaseous elemental mercury in the air from Atmospheric Station Křešín u Pacova. The measurements were conducted with two identical instruments positioned right next to each other in one ground-based container in a 10 min time step, between December 2012 and June 2013. This measurement campaign was aggregated into approximately weekly intervals. The aim of this paper is to show the use of cluster analysis for finding those time periods which correspond the most according to appropriately selected criteria. Classification was performed by using cluster analysis of regression coefficients obtained by modelling weekly measurements by the second device on the measurements from the first device. Results of this analysis indicate the existence of five periods in which the regression lines show certain similarities. Further attention is paid to their analysis.
Klíčová slova:
Cluster analysis; Regression analysis; Air quality; Gaseous elemental mercury; Atmospheric station Křešín u Pacova
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Využití shlukové analýzy k vyhodnocní půlroční měřící kampaně elementární plynné rtuti z atmosférické stanice Křešín u Pacova
Příspěvek se zabývá vyhodnocením pozaďových hodnot plynné elementární rtuti v ovzduší z Atmosférické stanice Křešín u Pacova. Měření byla prováděna v 10 minutových časových intervalech za období od ...
Monitoring of water use, druought and yield impacts of winter wheat using imaginery from satellites
Jurečka, František; Anderson, M.; Hlavinka, Petr; Semerádová, Daniela; Trnka, Miroslav; Hain, C.; Gao, F.; Yang, Y.; Žalud, Zdeněk
2015 - anglický
Remote sensing can be very useful tool for drought monitoring, providing valuable information about yield-limiting moisture conditions and crop response under current climate conditions. In this study the Atmosphere-land Exchange Inverse (ALEXI) model was used. The ALEXI model uses the morning surface temperature (LST) rise and provides information on the surface moisture status. In this paper correlations between yields and satellite indicators of crop water use or evapotranspiration (ET) were studied for the period 2002-2014. Correlations were studied for winter wheat at district scale in Vysocina, Jihomoravsky and Olomoucky regions since winter wheat is one of the traditional and most important crops grown in these regions. The Evaporative Stress Index (ESI) was used for these correlations as an ET-based index. Time series of Pearson correlation coefficient (r) computed between ESI and winter wheat yields at district scale were analysed. Strongest correlations are associated with districts within the Southern Moravian lowlands in Jihomoravsky and Olomoucky region, where frequency of occurrence of severe drought was highest over the period of record. Severe drought resulted in significant yield impacts, particularly in years 2003 and 2012. Correlations tend to be lower over the highlands districts of Vysocina and surroundings. In these districts, yields are more temperature than moisture limited and were more stable over the period of record.
Klíčová slova:
evaporative stress index; Remote sensing; drought; yield; alexi; esi
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Monitoring of water use, druought and yield impacts of winter wheat using imaginery from satellites
Remote sensing can be very useful tool for drought monitoring, providing valuable information about yield-limiting moisture conditions and crop response under current climate conditions. In this study ...
Ensolisation-silylation reaction study of selected steroids
Hehenberger, A.; Kotas, Petr; Tříska, Jan
2014 - anglický
For the purposes of trace analysis of 1,4-androstadiene-3,17-dione (ADD), 1,4-androstadiene-3-one-17β-ol (Boldenone) and 17-β-estradiol in water, waste water, soil and for the further phytosterols transformation studies the enolisation-silylation reaction was studied using MSTFA and BSTFA with different catalysts as derivatization reagents. The different reaction conditions and stability of the products was also studied using GC-MS technique.
Klíčová slova:
steroid hormones applications; Enolisation-silylation
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Ensolisation-silylation reaction study of selected steroids
For the purposes of trace analysis of 1,4-androstadiene-3,17-dione (ADD), 1,4-androstadiene-3-one-17β-ol (Boldenone) and 17-β-estradiol in water, waste water, soil and for the further phytosterols ...
Metabolomic approach to the study of nanoparticles impact to barley plants
Večeřa, Zbyněk; Večeřová, Kristýna; Oravec, Michal; Kozáčiková, Michaela; Urban, Otmar; Tříska, Jan
2014 - anglický
Barley plants in the pots after formation of second leaves were exposed in the special chamber to elevated concentration of CdO nanoparticles. After three weeks exposure the content of primary metabolites was measured using metabolomic approach and compared with the control.
Klíčová slova:
barley plants; concentration of CdO; metabolomic approach
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Metabolomic approach to the study of nanoparticles impact to barley plants
Barley plants in the pots after formation of second leaves were exposed in the special chamber to elevated concentration of CdO nanoparticles. After three weeks exposure the content of primary ...
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