Vannucci, Luca; Mishra, Rajbardhan; Lukáč, Pavol; Tenti, Paolo; Rajsiglová, Lenka; Větvička, Václav; Šíma, Petr
2018 - anglický
Glucans are polysaccharides derived from various sources (e.g. mushrooms, algae, yeast, barley). They can target immune receptors, like Dectin-1 expressed on dendritic cells - antigen presenting cells. Otherwise, interest is rising for their use not only for modulation of immunity, but also of cholesterol levels, or as possible vaccine adjuvants, nanocarriers and functional food components. We will shortly review some aspects in human and veterinarian applications.
Klíčová slova:
antitumor immune-responses; growth-performance; gastrointestinal-tract
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Glucans are polysaccharides derived from various sources (e.g. mushrooms, algae, yeast, barley). They can target immune receptors, like Dectin-1 expressed on dendritic cells - antigen presenting ...
Beta-Glucans: What Applications? A General Overview
Vannucci, Luca; Mishra, Rajbardhan; Lukáč, Pavol; Tenti, Paolo; Rajsiglová, Lenka; Větvička, V.; Šíma, Petr
2018 - anglický
Glucans are polysaccharides derived from various sources (e.g. mushrooms, algae, yeast, barley). They can target immune receptors, like Dectin-1 expressed on dendritic cells - antigen presenting cells. Otherwise, interest is rising for their use not only for modulation of immunity, but also of cholesterol levels, or as possible vaccine adjuvants, nanocarriers and functional food components. We will shortly review some aspects in human and veterinarian applications.
Klíčová slova:
antitumor immune-responses; growth-performance; gastrointestinal-tract
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Beta-Glucans: What Applications? A General Overview
Glucans are polysaccharides derived from various sources (e.g. mushrooms, algae, yeast, barley). They can target immune receptors, like Dectin-1 expressed on dendritic cells - antigen presenting ...
Složení kožního mikrobiomu pacientů s psoriázou
Stehlíková, Zuzana; Jůzlová, P.; Rob, F.; Herzogová, J.; Koren, O.; Uzan, A.; Tlaskalová-Hogenová, Helena; Jirásková Zákostelská, Zuzana
2018 - český
Psoriáza je chronické, neinfekční a zánětlivé onemocnění kůže, na jejíž patogenezi se kromě faktorů životního prostředí podílí také mikrobiota. V naší práci jsme porovnali složení kožní mikrobioty mezi zdravými kontrolami a pacienty s psoriázou pomocí sekvenace V1V2 úseků 16S rRNA. Zjistili jsme, že psoriatické léze disponují větší druhovou diverzitou, než kontralaterální zdravé místo stejného pacienta, nebo totéž místo zdravé kontroly. Rod Propionibacterium byl u psoriatických pacientů více zastoupen na zdravém místě kůže (57,77%), než na místě postiženém psoriázou (47, 12%). Opačný trend jsme pozorovali u rodu Staphylococcus, který byl naopak více zastoupen na psoriatických lézích (18,78%), méně pak na zdravé kůži stejného pacienta (9,52%). Protože jsou bakterie Propionibacterium kožní komenzálové, může být jejich snížený výskyt na postižené kůži způsoben tím, že dochází k narušení jejich přirozeného životního prostředí. Výskyt bakterií rodu Staphylococcus je bez znalosti jejich druhového zastoupení obtížné interpretovat. Pro kompletní představu o psoriatickém mikrobiomu se budeme v budoucnu zabývat také složením fungální mikrobioty. Psoriasis is a chronic noninfectious and inflammatory skin disease, whose pathogenesis involves environmental triggers, including microbiota. In our study we compared bacterial composition between healthy controls and psoriatic patients using V1V2 hypervariable region of 16S rRNA. We found higher species diversity in psoriatic lesions than in contralateral psoriatic healthy site or in healthy control skin. Genus Propionibacterium was more abundant in contralateral healthy sites (57.77%) than in affected psoriatic sites of psoriatic patients (47.12%). On the other hand, we found higher abundance of genus Staphylococcus in psoriatic lesions (18.78%), while lower abundance in contralateral healthy sites (9.52%). Since Propionibacterium are commensal bacteria, the shift in their abundance from healthy to psoriatic skin could be due to disturbation of natural skin habitat. Interpretation of higher presence of Staphylococcus in psoriatic lesions comparing to contralateral healthy sites requires further species characterization. To complete the picture about psoriatic microbiome we will further investigate skin fungal composition in identical samples.
Klíčová slova:
psoriasis; microbiota; skin
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Složení kožního mikrobiomu pacientů s psoriázou
Psoriáza je chronické, neinfekční a zánětlivé onemocnění kůže, na jejíž patogenezi se kromě faktorů životního prostředí podílí také mikrobiota. V naší práci jsme porovnali složení kožní mikrobioty ...
Role mikrobioty v experimentálním myším modelu psoriázy
Jirásková Zákostelská, Zuzana; Stehlíková, Zuzana; Klimešová, Klára; Rossmann, Pavel; Dvořák, Jiří; Novosádová, Iva; Kostovčík, Martin; Coufal, Štěpán; Šrůtková, Dagmar; Hudcovic, Tomáš; Štěpánková, Renata; Rob, F.; Jůzlová, P.; Herzogová, J.; Tlaskalová-Hogenová, Helena; Kverka, Miloslav
2018 - český
Myší model psoriázy a gnotobiotické techniky jsou velmi důležitými nástroji pro pochopení, jakou roli hrají střevní a kožní mikrobiota v patogenezi psoriázy. V našich experimentech jsme ukázali, že bezmikrobní myši, stejně tak jako konvenční myši léčené antibiotiky, mají nižší míru kožního zánětu, než myši kontrolní. Léčba širokospektrými antibiotiky vedla u myší k dramatickým změnám ve složení střevní mikrobioty, především jsme pozorovali extenzivní nárůst řádu Lactobacillales. Abychom zodpověděli otázku, zda má řád Lactobacillales potenciální efekt na tíži kožního zánětu, monokolonizovali jsme myši kmenem L. plantarum WCFS1. Také tyto monokolonizované myši vykazovali nižší míru zánětu, než myši konvenční. Abychom ale porozuměli tomu, jestli je mikrobiální dysbióza příčinou či následkem onemocnění, je třeba mikrobiální kolonizaci dále analyzovat. Anotace v anglickém jazyce\n\nMouse model of human psoriasis and gnotobiotic are important tools in understanding the role of gut and skin microbiota in pathogenesis of psoriasis. In our experiments we showed that gnotobiotic mice, as well as conventional mice treated with antibiotics, have milder skin inflammation in comparison with control conventional mice. Treatment with broad spectrum antibiotics led to dramatic shift in gut microbial composition, in particular, we observed extensive increase of order Lactobacillales. To analyze the potential effect of Lactobacillales on skin inflammation, we further monocolonized mice with L. plantarum WCFS1. Also monocolonized mice showed lower skin inflammation in comparison with conventional mice. To understand whether microbial dysbiosis is cause or effect of psoriasis needs to be further investigated.\n\n
Klíčová slova:
mouse; gnotobiotic; microbiota
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Role mikrobioty v experimentálním myším modelu psoriázy
Myší model psoriázy a gnotobiotické techniky jsou velmi důležitými nástroji pro pochopení, jakou roli hrají střevní a kožní mikrobiota v patogenezi psoriázy. V našich experimentech jsme ukázali, že ...
Nanodiamonds as an innovative system for intracellular delivery of mirna-34a inprostatic cancer therapy
Bitti, G.; Abate, M.; Neuhoferová, Eva; Kindermann, Marek; Petráková, V.; Boccellino, M.; Quagliuolo, L.; Filová, Eva; Benson, Veronika; Caraglia, M.; Amler, Evžen
2018 - anglický
The microRNA(miRNA)-34a is an important regulator of tumor suppression. It controls the expression of several target proteins involved in cell cycle, differentiation and apoptosis, and antagonizes processes that are necessary for basic cancer cell viability as well as cancer stemness, metastasis, and chemoresistance. It is downregulated in numerous cancer types, including prostatic cancer, and inhibits malignant growth by repressing genes involved in various oncogenic signaling pathways. Given the anti-oncogenic activity of miR-34a, here we proved the substantial benefits of a new therapeutic concept based on nanotechnology delivery of miRNA mimics. In order to monitor the miRNA-34a replacement, we used a fluorescent nanodiamond particles (FND) system with linked miRNA-34a mimic, which was delivered to PC3 and DU145 prostatic cancer cell lines. We used functionalized nanodiamonds coated with polyethylenimine to transfer miRNA-34a into PC3 and DU145 prostatic cancer cell lines and we measured the zeta-potential of these complexes before using them for in vitro experiments. A replacement of miRNA-34 was observed by monitoring levels of miRNA-34 via real-time PCR. Moreover, our in vitro experiments demonstrated that miRNA-34a replacement, using this FND delivery system, decreased viability and induced apoptosis in prostatic cancer cell lines. Our findings suggest the replacement of oncosuppressor miRNA-34a provides an effective strategy for cancer therapy and the FND-based delivery systems seems to be an excellent strategy for a safe and effective targeting of the tumor.
Klíčová slova:
miR-34a; nanodiamonds; prostate cancer
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Nanodiamonds as an innovative system for intracellular delivery of mirna-34a inprostatic cancer therapy
The microRNA(miRNA)-34a is an important regulator of tumor suppression. It controls the expression of several target proteins involved in cell cycle, differentiation and apoptosis, and antagonizes ...
Effect of nanodiamond particles on neuronal tissue
Šimková, Veronika; Benson, Veronika
2018 - anglický
High-Pressure High-Temperature nanodiamonds are considered to be highly biocompatible due to\ntheir low acute toxicity, which makes them suitable for biomedical applications. However, next to interaction with the cell membrane, nanoscale allows particles to penetrate the plasma membrane and even accumulate in the cell cytoplasm. Recently it brought up questions regarding sustainable nanoparticle application in vivo and potential toxicity hazards. The neuronal tissue consists of neurons and glial cells, and it is separated by a bloodbrain barrier from the peripheral blood system. Neurons are nerve cells forming a complex network of synapses that carry signals in the brain. The neurons are nourished and protected by glial cells. This project aims to find out whether nanodiamonds pass the blood-brain barrier when applied intravenously as a drug carrier and whether they directly interact with the neuronal tissue.
Klíčová slova:
nanodiamonds; cell cytoplasm; neuronal tissue
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Effect of nanodiamond particles on neuronal tissue
High-Pressure High-Temperature nanodiamonds are considered to be highly biocompatible due to\ntheir low acute toxicity, which makes them suitable for biomedical applications. However, next to ...
The Occurence Of Bla(Tem) And Tet(W) Genes In Czech Wastewaters And Their Fate In Fungal-Based Wastewater Treatment Processes
Svobodová, Kateřina; Adámek, M.; Petráčková, Denisa
2017 - anglický
Antibiotic resistant bacteria and genes (ARB&Gs) have presently emerged as serious environmental pollutants with a high health risk. This study analyzed the occurrence of ARGs tet(W), bla(TEM) and intl1 in microbiomes from 4 Czech wastewater treatment plants showing that bla(TEM) displayed slightly higher gene abundance compared to tet(W). Next, simulated wastewater seeded with activated sludge bacteria was treated with Pleurotus ostreatus-based bioreactor to evaluate the effect of the fungal filter on bacterial community structure and bacterial resistome in wastewaters. The results showed that functional diversity of bacterial communities was significantly changed by their contact with fungal biofilm as revealed by EcoPlate assays and analyses of bacterial 16S rDNA by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. A significant decrease in tet(W) abundance (48 times) was observed in fungal-treated wastewater compared to untreated one. The abundance of bla(TEM) genes increased 4 times during the adaptation of bacteria to nutrient conditions and remained unaffected by the fungal treatment. To our knowledge this work is first to study the fate of ARGs in wastewaters during their advanced biological treatment. It documented that P. ostreatus has a potential to lower the abundance of some ARGs in wastewaters.
Klíčová slova:
Antibiotic resistant genes; wastewater treatment plant; Pleurotus ostreatus
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The Occurence Of Bla(Tem) And Tet(W) Genes In Czech Wastewaters And Their Fate In Fungal-Based Wastewater Treatment Processes
Antibiotic resistant bacteria and genes (ARB&Gs) have presently emerged as serious environmental pollutants with a high health risk. This study analyzed the occurrence of ARGs tet(W), bla(TEM) and ...
Pečenka, J.; Svobodová, Kateřina; Eichmeier, A.; Baránek, M.
2016 - anglický
Besides many possibilities of applications of nanoparticles in the field of medicine, diagnostics, molecular biology, bioorganic chemistry or remediation of environment, there is also a potential of employment of nanoparticles as a tool for elimination and control of bacteria invading plant tissue. In this experiment an antibacterial activity of selected nanoparticles based on silver, gold and bimetallic silver/copper was tested on bacteria Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc) (strain 1279a). The strongest inhibitory effect represented by doubling time of treated cultures was measured in the presence of the smallest silver nanoparticles (9 nm) at the highest concentration (5 ppm).
Klíčová slova:
nanoparticles; Xanthomonas campestris; doubling time
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Besides many possibilities of applications of nanoparticles in the field of medicine, diagnostics, molecular biology, bioorganic chemistry or remediation of environment, there is also a potential of ...
Kotrbáček, V.; Doucha, Jiří; Kuchařová, V.; Doubek, J.
2016 - anglický
n experiments with farm animals we studied the effect of Chlorella biomass as a feed supplement. In laying hens we found that diet supplemented with 1 % (i.e. 10 g/kg) of dry disintegrated heterotrophically grown Chlorella biomass significantly increased content of carotenoids in egg yolks of 8 experimental animals already after the first week of supplementation (P<0,01). Compared to 8 control hens these differences remained significantly higher until the end of the eight-week experiment. The average carotenoid concentration was 17,3 mu g per g of yolk in control group and 25,3 mu g per g of yolk in experimental animals (P<0,01). Autotrophically grown Chlorella was supplemented to the 30 gilts one month prior the expected first heat in a dose of 1,5 g per animal per day. These sows entered heat earlier and the number of pregnancy was higher in comparison to the 30 control animals. Other studies observed digestibility of selenium organically bound in Se-enriched Chlorella. The level of selenium in blood, colostrum and also tissues of new born piglets was determined. Group of 8 sows was supplemented with Se-enriched alga during the pregnancy and 3 days after parturition at a dose of 0,3 mg of selenium per 1 kg of feed. The same amount of selenium in the form of sodium selenite was administrated to the control group of 8 individuals. Organic form of selenium significantly increased concentration of Se in blood of sows and colostrum (P<0,05). Piglets born to supplemented sows had also significantly higher level of Se in heart, muscles and liver (P<0.01). The use of fresh Chlorella biomass produced outdoors on a dairy farm was experimentally tested. Location near biogas station enables utilization of flue gas as a source of carbon for algal photosynthesis. The liquid fresh biomass applied to dairy cows during the pregnancy at a dose of 15 g dry mass per cow increased the dry matter content in colostrum from 17,5 g per 100 ml of colostrum in control group to 20,5 g per 100 ml of colostrum in supplemented cows (P<0,05). This pilot experiment demonstrated possibilities of cheaper Chlorella production and its use in ruminant nutrition.
Klíčová slova:
Chlorella; feed supplement; flue gas utilization
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n experiments with farm animals we studied the effect of Chlorella biomass as a feed supplement. In laying hens we found that diet supplemented with 1 % (i.e. 10 g/kg) of dry disintegrated ...
Fijalkowski, M.; Adach, K.; Marešová, Helena; Kroisová, D.
2015 - anglický
The aim of the work is to compare the biogenic silica nanoparticles, which have been isolated from rice husks with synthetically produced silica brand Cab-O-Sil LM-150. The comparison is based on an evaluation of the two systems from the point of view of chemical composition, particle size and structure, ability to form clusters of particles and interactions with selected bacterial systems. Methods used for comparison were: SEM, EDX, TEM, FTIR, ICPOES and bacteriological tests. Husks are standardly contaminated by accompanying ions that are important for plant growth, but undesirable for obtaining a quality product. Rice husk used for the silica isolation were purified by boiling in 10% HCl for 2 hours. Rice husks were then washed with distilled water until pH 7. The dried and purified husks were burned in an oven at 650 degrees C of ramping temperature 10 degrees C/min during 2 hours. The obtained product has a chemical composition analogous to the synthetic product. Biogenic particles reach a size of about 20 nm, about 10 nm synthetic. Both materials have an amorphous structure. Interaction with bacterial systems was performed with Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli W3110 strain and Gram-positive bacteria Bacillus cereus. In both cases analogous behaviour was observed depending on the concentration of nanoparticles and reducing the growth rate of cultures of 8% for E. coli and 5% for B. cereus resulted nanoparticles at the concentration of 150 mg/litter of medium.
Klíčová slova:
Biogenic silica; synthetic silica; chemical composition
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The aim of the work is to compare the biogenic silica nanoparticles, which have been isolated from rice husks with synthetically produced silica brand Cab-O-Sil LM-150. The comparison is based on an ...
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