Litter decomposition in a primary succession chronosequence on brown coal mine deposits
Urbanová, Michaela; Valášková, Vendula; Šnajdr, Jaroslav; Baldrian, Petr
2009 - anglický
Litter decomposition in a primary succession chronosequence on brown coal mine deposits varies along with the successional age of the site
Klíčová slova:
soil; enzyme; succesion
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Litter decomposition in a primary succession chronosequence on brown coal mine deposits
Litter decomposition in a primary succession chronosequence on brown coal mine deposits varies along with the successional age of the site
Fungal community and enzyme activities in topsoil layers of Quercus petraea forest: how important is the seasonality?
Voříšková, Jana; Valášková, Vendula; Baldrian, Petr
2009 - anglický
The analysis of fungal community composition and enzyme activities in topsoil layers of a Quercus petraea forest show that seasonality is an important factor affecting community composition
Klíčová slova:
soil; enzyme; litter
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Fungal community and enzyme activities in topsoil layers of Quercus petraea forest: how important is the seasonality?
The analysis of fungal community composition and enzyme activities in topsoil layers of a Quercus petraea forest show that seasonality is an important factor affecting community composition
Production of Enzymes by Fungal Colonies in Soils: A Laboratory Study
Šnajdr, Jaroslav; Popelářová, Petra; Baadri, S.; Alawi, A.; Boddy, L.; Baldrian, Petr
2009 - anglický
Production of enzymes by fungal colonies in soils is affected by mycelium age and the presence or absence of interspecific mycelial interactions
Klíčová slova:
soil; enzyme; interaction
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Production of Enzymes by Fungal Colonies in Soils: A Laboratory Study
Production of enzymes by fungal colonies in soils is affected by mycelium age and the presence or absence of interspecific mycelial interactions
Degradation of lignin and humic substances in forest soil by saprotrophic basidiomycetes
Šnajdr, Jaroslav; Steffen, K. T.; Hofrichter, M.; Baldrian, Petr
2009 - anglický
The work deals of degradation of lignin and humic substances in forest soil by saprotrophic basidiomycetes is significant, yet species-dependent
Klíčová slova:
soil; enzyme; interaction
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Degradation of lignin and humic substances in forest soil by saprotrophic basidiomycetes
The work deals of degradation of lignin and humic substances in forest soil by saprotrophic basidiomycetes is significant, yet species-dependent
Piksová, K.; Weiserová, Marie; Jedličková, A.; Fojtík, A.
2009 - anglický
Rapid development of bio-nanotechnology lead to the new way in the combating of bacteria and to searching specific properties of nanomaterials The study of bactericidal nanomaterials is particularly timely considering the recent increase of new resistant strains of bacteria to the most potent antibiotics The present work studies the bactericidal effect of silver nanoparticles in the range of 10-30 nm on Gram-negative bacteria and Gram-positive bacteria
Klíčová slova:
silver nanoparticles; bactericidal effect
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Rapid development of bio-nanotechnology lead to the new way in the combating of bacteria and to searching specific properties of nanomaterials The study of bactericidal nanomaterials is particularly ...
Comparison of in vitro tests for measurement of estrogenity of chlorinated compounds and their use in the evaluation of biodegradation of chlorbenzoates by the fungus Panus tigrinus
Svobodová, Kateřina; Covino, S.; Křesinová, Zdena; Cajthaml, Tomáš
2009 - anglický
Recently, contamination of the environment by endocrine disruptive compounds, toxicity of these chemicals and their biodegradability are widely studied. This work is focused on estrogenity of chlorinated phenols and chlorbenzoic acids that represent potential degradation products of PCB compounds. Two different yeast bioassays for evaluation of estrogenity based on recombinated strains of Saccharomyces cerevisie were compared in this work. Estrogenic activity of chlorbenzoic acids varied with the chemical structure of chemicals. A mixture of chlorbenzoates (initial concentration 10 ppm) was degraded by a ligninolytic fungus Panus tigrinus in liquid cultures. Chemicals resulting from degradation were tested for their estrogenity, however, results indicated that the test responses were inhibited probably by some compounds present in the fungal culture liquid
Klíčová slova:
yeast assay; biodegradation; chlorbenzoates
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Comparison of in vitro tests for measurement of estrogenity of chlorinated compounds and their use in the evaluation of biodegradation of chlorbenzoates by the fungus Panus tigrinus
Recently, contamination of the environment by endocrine disruptive compounds, toxicity of these chemicals and their biodegradability are widely studied. This work is focused on estrogenity of ...
Enzyme-catalysed processes in the spoil heaps after brown coal mining: effects of site age, vegetation and seasonality
Baldrian, Petr; Šnajdr, Jaroslav; Valášková, Vendula; Urbanová, Michaela; Voříšková, Jana; Popelářová, Petra; Herinková, Jana; Cajthaml, Tomáš; Frouz, Jan
2009 - anglický
Enzyme-catalysed processes in the spoil heaps after brown coal mining are affected by site age, vegetation composition and seasonality
Klíčová slova:
soil; enzyme; succesion
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Enzyme-catalysed processes in the spoil heaps after brown coal mining: effects of site age, vegetation and seasonality
Enzyme-catalysed processes in the spoil heaps after brown coal mining are affected by site age, vegetation composition and seasonality
Microalgae as a feedstock for production of bioethanol
Doucha, Jiří; Lívanský, Karel; Doušková, Irena; Zachleder, Vilém
2008 - anglický
Many countries are actively developing biofuels program. Leading in this field is Brazil whose present need of gasoline is supplied with 30 % by ethanol produced relatively cheaply from sugarcane. In developed countries bioethanol (3-5 % of present gasoline need) is produced mostly from corn (USA) or wheat (EU). However, ethanol production from cereals is expensive. Promising feedstock are microalgae. Some of them can surpass yields of classical crop 10-15 times. Technology of growth of unicellular Chlorella in very thin layer on inclined areas is compared with the technology of world-wide mode of cultivation in open ponds. It was found, that due to higher yields and lower energy needs, the cost of biomass production in thin-layer bioractores is only 20 % compared with ponds Mnoho zemí aktivně vyvíjí program produkce biopaliv. Vedoucí postavení má v tomto směru Brazílie, kde současnou spotřebu benzínu ze 30 % pokrývá etanol vyráběný relativně levně z cukrové třtiny. Ve vyspělých zemích se bioetanol (3-5 % současné spotřeby benzínu) vyrábí především z kukuřice (USA) nebo z pšenice (EU). Nicméně produkce etanolu z obilnin je drahá. Slibnou surovinu představují mikroskopické řasy. Některé mohou překročit výtěžky zemědělských plodin 10–15 krát. Technologie růstu jednobuněčných řas v tenké vrstvě na nakloněných rovinách je porovnána se světově rozšířeným způsobem kultivace v otevřených bazénech. Bylo zjištěno, že díky vyšším výtěžkům a nižší spotřebě energie, jsou náklady na výrobu biomasy v tenkovrstvých reaktorech pouze 20 % v porovnání s otevřenými bazény
Klíčová slova:
biomass; microalgae; bioethanol
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Microalgae as a feedstock for production of bioethanol
Many countries are actively developing biofuels program. Leading in this field is Brazil whose present need of gasoline is supplied with 30 % by ethanol produced relatively cheaply from sugarcane. In ...
Selection of selenium resistant strains of the green alga Scenedesmus quadricauda
Umysová, Dáša; Hlavová, Monika; Vítová, Milada; Doušková, Irena; Bišová, Kateřina; Zachleder, Vilém
2008 - anglický
Three mutant strains of the green alga Scenedesmus quadricauda were selected to be specifically resistant to the presence of high concentration of inofganic Se. The growth curves at the presence of various concentrations of selenite, selenate or misture of both compounds were monitored. Vyselektovali jsme tři kmeny zelené řasy Scenedesmus quadricauda rezistentní vůči vysokým koncentracím anofganického selenu v médiu.
Klíčová slova:
green alga; scenedesmus quadricauda; selenium
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Selection of selenium resistant strains of the green alga Scenedesmus quadricauda
Three mutant strains of the green alga Scenedesmus quadricauda were selected to be specifically resistant to the presence of high concentration of inofganic Se. The growth curves at the presence of ...
European Workshop on Molecular Biology of Cyanobacteria /7.
Komenda, Josef; Flores, E.; Nixon, P. J.; Waleron, K.; Maršálek, Blahoslav
2008 - anglický
The conference was devoted to the recent advances in the field of molecular biology of cyanobacteria, namely in the structure and function of important proteins and their complexes, in the regulation of gene expression, in cell differentiation, in cellular metabolism and in molecular ecology and taxonomy. There were 170 participants presenting 101 posters and 12 invited and 29 selected lectures including a computer bioinformatics session Konference byla věnována nedávným pokrokům v molekulární biologii sinic, zejména v oblasti struktury a funkce proteinů a jejich komplexů, v regulaci genové exprese, buněčné diferenciaci, buněčném metabolismu a molekulární ekologii a taxonomii. Konference měla 170 účastníků, kteří presentovali 101 plakátových sdělení, 12 zvaných a 29 vybraných přednášek včetně počítačového bioinformatického sezení
Klíčová slova:
molecular biology; cyanobacteria
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
European Workshop on Molecular Biology of Cyanobacteria /7.
The conference was devoted to the recent advances in the field of molecular biology of cyanobacteria, namely in the structure and function of important proteins and their complexes, in the regulation ...
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