Influence of recreational activities on the distribution of forest wild boar rooting
Drimaj, J.; Balková, M.; Špoula, J.; Kamler, J.; Mikulka, O.; Plhal, R.; Homolka, Miloslav
2023 - English
The wild boar is a widely distributed and locally very numerous animal. The same is true in the conditions of Central Europe. Outside the growing season, it concentrates in forests, where it also actively searches for food sources. During this activity, it disturbs the soil surface, thereby significantly affecting the dynamics of the ecosystem. From an economic point of view, it limits the natural renewal of tree species, but from an ecological point of view, it changes habitat conditions and thus helps to increase biodiversity. Factors influencing the distribution of rooting across forest stands may be different. In this paper, we focused on the human factor and its influence on the rooting activity of wild boar in the Hodonínská Dúbrava, National natural monuments.
animal activity; disturbance; diversity; soil surface; wildlife
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Influence of recreational activities on the distribution of forest wild boar rooting
The wild boar is a widely distributed and locally very numerous animal. The same is true in the conditions of Central Europe. Outside the growing season, it concentrates in forests, where it also ...
Mortality of small animals on singletrails in Marianské údolí valley (Brno, Czech Republic)
Homolka, Miloslav; Mikulka, O.; Kamler, J.; Drimaj, J.; Plhal, R.
2021 - English
Singletrail areas became a part of tourist business all over the world. Cycling routes usually go through the natural environment, they are used especially in the summer and therefore are quite evident that small animals are killed on them. The submitted contribution indicates what effects have the traffic on the singletrail on small animals in the deciduous forest environment (Brno, Czech Republic). During singletrail traffic insects and small vertebrates were killed. The number of cadavers of individual species was relatively small on the trails (3800 individuals of insect and 51 of vertebrates one during 3 months on the 11 km of the route) and traffic most probably does not endanger the existence of any animal species at the local population level. Mostly the common species were perished on the trails, but individuals of specially protected and endangered species were also killed there (Calosoma sycophanta, Bombus spp., Anguis fragilis, Bufo bufo) so this fact should not be overlooked and underestimated. For ethical and educational reasons, the construction of new singletrail areas should be preceded by careful research of particular area in order to map the distribution of small animals and choose the route with regard to minimizing mortality, especially endangered species of fauna.
Cadavers; Insects; Mountain bikers; Vertebrates; Wood
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Mortality of small animals on singletrails in Marianské údolí valley (Brno, Czech Republic)
Singletrail areas became a part of tourist business all over the world. Cycling routes usually go through the natural environment, they are used especially in the summer and therefore are quite ...
Influence of singletrails on wildlife distribution in the tourist attractive area of Mariánské údolí (Brno)
Drimaj, J.; Mikulka, O.; Kamler, J.; Plhal, R.; Homolka, Miloslav
2021 - English
The growing popularity of active movement in nature in the form of an adrenaline experience is the cause of the great expansion of singletrails. New singletrails are still being built with varying degrees of difficulty, and the density is thickening across the entire Czech Republic. This form of leisure time use is closely linked to the forest environment and the animals that occur in it. The cyclist usually moves very quickly along a narrow path through the forest and it is a question of how his disturbance will affect large mammals around the singletrails. For monitoring purposes, we selected four study areas (two with singletrails and two without singletrails) with the presence/absence of hiking paths where we observed the long-term influence of singletrails on the distribution and behaviour of common species of large mammals through animal marks. The results showed that where the roe deer was not disturbed, a balanced proportion of beds (places where the roe deer rested) and marking places (places that the roe deer marked) was recorded. However, in areas with disturbance in the form of tourists, far fewer beds were found than marking places. The presence of singletrails did not play a role in this.
Cycling; Roe deer; Tourism; Wild boar; Wildlife behaviour
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Influence of singletrails on wildlife distribution in the tourist attractive area of Mariánské údolí (Brno)
The growing popularity of active movement in nature in the form of an adrenaline experience is the cause of the great expansion of singletrails. New singletrails are still being built with varying ...
Cycling and its influence on animal behavior
Mikulka, O.; Drimaj, J.; Plhal, R.; Homolka, Miloslav; Kamler, J.
2021 - English
In terms of impact on society, cycling brings a number of benefits, including the impact on mental and physical health, reducing emissions and the economy of target areas. With the growing popularity of this sport, it also brings negative effects, especially on natural ecosystems. Few studies point to the influence of wildlife behavior. At the same time, the results are important for use in the construction of cycle paths in nature and especially protected areas. The study deals with the influence of cycling of single-track cycling trails in the forest environment, on the spatial behavior of wildlife in a suburban locality, which is very intensively visited by humans. The study partially demonstrated the interfering effect on wildlife, which was detected through the distribution of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and wild boar (Sus scrofa) signs. However, the nature of the environment, which affects the intensity of interference, plays an important role. The intensity of trail traffic had a small effect. The results of the study can serve as a basis for designing cycle paths for the future.
Hiking; Nature conservation; Recreation; Wildlife
Fulltext is available at external website.
Cycling and its influence on animal behavior
In terms of impact on society, cycling brings a number of benefits, including the impact on mental and physical health, reducing emissions and the economy of target areas. With the growing popularity ...
Settlement of the landscape with European beaver (Castor fiber) in relation to anthropogenic influences
Mikulka, O.; Patočka, Z.; Drimaj, J.; Kamler, J.; Plhal, R.; Homolka, Miloslav
2019 - English
The European beaver (Castor fiber) is a protected species in the Czech Republic that has spread to the whole of Moravia. Now, it is a common species whose competitor is only human. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of human activity, especially tourism or transport, on the settlement of the landscape by the European Beaver. The area of the protected landscape area Litovelske Pomoravi was chosen to evaluate the settlement of the landscape by the beaver, where the beaver forms a stable population for a long time and the frequented cycling routes, hiking trails and the area are frequently visited by natural floodplain forests. The beaver settlement data were collected by means of the winter monitoring of residential stamps using the GPS system in 2017. Data on the location of cycle routes, hiking trails, human settlements and infrastructure were obtained from available GIS layers. Settlement of European beaver was evaluated in relation to the distance and intensity of interference by tourist activities, traffic or buildings. There were 200 km of watercourses in the monitored area. The inhabited beaver was 39% of the length. The beaver avoided human settlements, preferring the natural environment. The influence of tourism on the beaver settlement has not been proven.
classification-system; habitat selection; population; landscape; protection species; recreation; infrastructure; colonization
Fulltext is available at external website.
Settlement of the landscape with European beaver (Castor fiber) in relation to anthropogenic influences
The European beaver (Castor fiber) is a protected species in the Czech Republic that has spread to the whole of Moravia. Now, it is a common species whose competitor is only human. The aim of this ...
Potrava severoamerických sumečků v Mlazických tůních
Hnilička, Michal; Janáč, Michal; Šlapanský, Luděk; Všetičková, Lucie; Jurajda, Pavel
2019 - Czech
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Potrava severoamerických sumečků v Mlazických tůních
Časoprostorová dynamika populace sekavce v povodí Okny
Halačka, Karel; Fedorčák, J.; Falatová, L.; Šmiga, Ľ.; Hajdú, J.; Koščo, J.
2019 - Czech
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Časoprostorová dynamika populace sekavce v povodí Okny
Možnosti značení vysazovaných ryb pomocí ARS - aplikace a detekce
Halačka, Karel; Poštulková, E.; Kopp, R.; Mareš, J.; Vetešník, Lukáš
2018 - Czech
Cílem studie bylo vyzkoušet využití Alizarinové červeně při značení vybraných druhů ryb, současně ho prakticky ověřit při vysazovaní a dále ověřit jednoduchý způsob detekce značení při následném odlovu. V průběhu testování byl ověřena toxicita použitého barviva, délka barvení a minimální velikost vhodná pro aplikaci barviva. Součástí vyhodnocení bylo stanovení detekovatelnosti značení v průběhu růstu ryb.
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Možnosti značení vysazovaných ryb pomocí ARS - aplikace a detekce
Cílem studie bylo vyzkoušet využití Alizarinové červeně při značení vybraných druhů ryb, současně ho prakticky ověřit při vysazovaní a dále ověřit jednoduchý způsob detekce značení při následném ...
Genetický monitoring aktuálního stavu českých chovů pstruha duhového a sivena v Evropském kontextu
Mendel, Jan; Mareš, J.; Palíková, M.; Halačka, Karel; Abaffy, Pavel; Šindelka, Radek
2018 - Czech
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Genetický monitoring aktuálního stavu českých chovů pstruha duhového a sivena v Evropském kontextu
DNA servis a konkrétní genetické produkty pro chovatele nejen lososovitých ryb
Mendel, Jan; Mareš, J.; Palíková, M.; Halačka, Karel; Vetešník, Lukáš
2018 - Czech
Mnohaleté zkušenosti s poskytováním genetického servisu a s řešením projektů spojených s chovem akvakulturních ryb a ochranářským managementem ryb ve volných vodách vedl vědecko-výzkumný tým k přípravě genetického toolboxu pro chovatele, rybáře a ochranáře. Tři připravené sady - "Standard", "Salmonid" a "Rezistence" poskytují nástroje a postupy řešící tematické oblasti: identifikační genetiky, reprofish genetiky, geneticky kontrolovaného chovného managementu a imunogenetiky včetně NGS technik. Nabízené postupy a řešení vycházejí ze vzájemné spolupráce univerzit, výzkumných institucí, chovatelských firem, rybářských sdružení a ochranářských organizací. Konkrétněji především z národního a evropského patentu a certifikovaných metodik připravených v Ústavu biologie obratlovců (ÚBO), Ústavu zoologie, rybářství, hydrobiologie a včelařství AF MENDELU a Ústavu ekologie a chorob zvěře, ryb a včel FVHE VFU.
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
DNA servis a konkrétní genetické produkty pro chovatele nejen lososovitých ryb
Mnohaleté zkušenosti s poskytováním genetického servisu a s řešením projektů spojených s chovem akvakulturních ryb a ochranářským managementem ryb ve volných vodách vedl vědecko-výzkumný tým k ...
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