Number of found documents: 319
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Sociálne potreby rodín s „inými“ deťmi
Bronišová, Silvia; Dočkal, Vladimír
2012 - Slovak
Social work emphasizes the need to identify the peoples' social needs, which are individual and different for each subject. The qualitative analysis of the 'other' children (Roma children, children with disabilities and children intellectually gifted) mothers' testimonies we reconstructed the three dominant social needs in the following families: the need for social acceptance, children's need to ensure the effective saturation of their special educational needs and the need for family cohesion. Based on this, there is room for activities of a social worker working with these families. Keywords: social needs; other children; family; special educational needs; social worker Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Sociálne potreby rodín s „inými“ deťmi

Social work emphasizes the need to identify the peoples' social needs, which are individual and different for each subject. The qualitative analysis of the 'other' children (Roma children, children ...

Bronišová, Silvia; Dočkal, Vladimír
Univerzita Pardubice, 2012

Aplikácie na tvorbu interaktívnych prezentácií
Magát, Peter
2012 - Slovak
V bakalárskej práci sme sa zaoberali aplikáciami, ktoré nám slúžia na tvorbu interaktívnych prezentácií. Najskôr sme vymenovali a popísali interaktívnu didaktickú techniku, potom jednotlivé interaktívne prezentácie ktoré sa najčastejšie využívajú na predmete IKT (Informačno Komunikačné Technológie). Hlavnou časťou tejto práce bol rozbor interaktívnych simulačných softvérov v oblasti techniky. Po konzultovaní a prehodnotení sme vybrali a popísali tie simulačné produkty, ktoré predpokladáme, že by boli najvýhodnejšie pre študentov vo vyučovacom procese. In this work we deal with applications that are used to create interactive presentations. First, just to name and describe an interactive didactic technique, then the individual interactive presentations that are usually used in the ICT (Information and Communication Technologies). The main part of this work was the analysis of interactive simulation software in the art. After consultation and review, we chose the simulation and describe the products that we expect that it would be best for students in the learning process. Keywords: interaktivní prezentace; didaktická pomůcka; interactive presentations; didactic tool Available in the ZČU Library.
Aplikácie na tvorbu interaktívnych prezentácií

V bakalárskej práci sme sa zaoberali aplikáciami, ktoré nám slúžia na tvorbu interaktívnych prezentácií. Najskôr sme vymenovali a popísali interaktívnu didaktickú techniku, potom jednotlivé ...

Magát, Peter
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2012

Terapeutická komunita ako model práce na víkendových pobytoch pre deti s poruchami správania a ich rodičov
Škoviera, Albín
2012 - Slovak
This contribution stems out of three basic theses. The first thesis asserts that reeducation of children is not well manageable without involving parents or family into it as they are inseparable elements of the problem. The second thesis affirms that efficient therapeutic and educational work is a combination of parallel work with family and children and cooperative work with family and children. That is precisely how integrating and synthetising therapeutic approaches can be used effectively. The concept of the third thesis is that an optimum model for this kind of work is a well-set therapeutic community. Not only the level of a whole community system is concerned - also the level of actual community meetings. The purpose of this contribution is to inform about the setting and functionality of this kind of system. Keywords: therapeutic community; socio-therapeutic community club; parental group; childrens group; team Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Terapeutická komunita ako model práce na víkendových pobytoch pre deti s poruchami správania a ich rodičov

This contribution stems out of three basic theses. The first thesis asserts that reeducation of children is not well manageable without involving parents or family into it as they are inseparable ...

Škoviera, Albín
Univerzita Pardubice, 2012

Význam vzdelávania vo výkone trestu odňatia slobody
Španková, Jana; Grenčíková, Adriana
2012 - Slovak
Education is a vital tool for the integration of people at work Under the conditions of the prison system deals with an important means of treatment. It is a psychological factor in its impact on the objective conditions for the new qualifications for security and thereby increase their level of education. So the conditions for successful integration into society increases after release from prison. Keywords: training; penitentiary care; integration; people in prisons; punishment; education of convicted Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Význam vzdelávania vo výkone trestu odňatia slobody

Education is a vital tool for the integration of people at work Under the conditions of the prison system deals with an important means of treatment. It is a psychological factor in its impact on the ...

Španková, Jana; Grenčíková, Adriana
Univerzita Pardubice, 2012

Tretí sektor a dobrovoľníctvo
Španková, Jana; Grenčíková, Adriana
2012 - Slovak
This contribution deals with development, merit and responsibility of nongovernmental organizations in the Slovak republic. In addition the possible trends and the line of further development of this sector are mentioned. Keywords: third sector; non-governmental organizations; financing; trends; vision Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Tretí sektor a dobrovoľníctvo

This contribution deals with development, merit and responsibility of nongovernmental organizations in the Slovak republic. In addition the possible trends and the line of further development of this ...

Španková, Jana; Grenčíková, Adriana
Univerzita Pardubice, 2012

Grafické zručnosti žiakov základných škôl v predmete technika
Fajnorová, Eva
2012 - Slovak
Práca je obsahovo zameraná na problematiku grafických zručností žiakov základných škôl. Našou snahou bolo zistiť úroveň grafického vyjadrovania sa žiakov základných škôl na prvom stupni primárneho vzdelávania vo všetkých ročníkoch. Dosiahnutú úroveň sme testovali neštandardizovanými didaktickými testami. Pri zostrojení didaktických testov sme vychádzali z platných učebných osnov. Podobné testovanie už bolo realizované na území Slovenskej aj Českej republiky, no rozhodli sme sa zistiť stav grafických zručností žiakov na Slovensku a porovnať tieto zručnosti so žiakmi v Českej republike, pričom testy pre žiakov oboch krajín boli rovnaké. The work is mainly orientated on the graphical knowledge of the primary school students. We wanted to find out the level of abilities of all students in every class at the primary school in the field of graphical communication. We were testing the achieved level by the means of nonstandard didactical tests. The tests were made from the valid teaching documents. A similar testing was already done on the territory of Slovakia and Czech Republic, but we wanted to check the graphical knowledge of the Slovak students and compare it with the knowledge of the Czech students with the same tests for the students of both countries. Keywords: didaktické techniky; grafická zručnost; základní školy; didactic techniques; graphic knowledge; primary schools Available in the ZČU Library.
Grafické zručnosti žiakov základných škôl v predmete technika

Práca je obsahovo zameraná na problematiku grafických zručností žiakov základných škôl. Našou snahou bolo zistiť úroveň grafického vyjadrovania sa žiakov základných škôl na prvom stupni primárneho ...

Fajnorová, Eva
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2012

Výchova k podnikaniu v predmete technika
Földesi, Michal
2012 - Slovak
V práci, ktorej názov je Výchova k podnikaniu v predmete Technika, je hlavným cieľom ozrejmiť význam rozvoja podnikavosti na hodinách Techniky a v praxi overiť náš navrhnutý projekt, ktorý je zameraný na rozvoj podnikavosti. The main objective of this final paper is recognizing the importance of developing entrepreneurial skills in the lessons of Technology as well as practical verification of our proposed project, which aims to develop entrepreneurship. Keywords: podnikání; základní školy; undertaking; primary schools Available in the ZČU Library.
Výchova k podnikaniu v predmete technika

V práci, ktorej názov je Výchova k podnikaniu v predmete Technika, je hlavným cieľom ozrejmiť význam rozvoja podnikavosti na hodinách Techniky a v praxi overiť náš navrhnutý projekt, ktorý je ...

Földesi, Michal
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2012

Sociálne charakteristiky rómskej populácie v Slovenskej republike
Husáková, Mária; Ošková, Silvia
2012 - Slovak
Slovakia has one of the largest Roma minority in Europe, and its size does not have a real image. Roma ethnicity is different from the majority of basic social characteristics and face discrimination and prejudice in society. Most of the Roma population is dependent on the social system, whether objective or subjective reasons. The main problem is the poor integration of the Roma population in the labor market, which makes them suitable to higher risk of poverty and social exclusion. Lack of statistical data on the living conditions of Roma households prevents policymakers take action to improve the quality of life for this population group. Keywords: roma; poverty; unemployment; material need; material deprivation Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Sociálne charakteristiky rómskej populácie v Slovenskej republike

Slovakia has one of the largest Roma minority in Europe, and its size does not have a real image. Roma ethnicity is different from the majority of basic social characteristics and face discrimination ...

Husáková, Mária; Ošková, Silvia
Univerzita Pardubice, 2012

Sociálny pracovník a resocializačný proces
Šoková, Ľubomíra
2012 - Slovak
In the Slovakia rehabilitations offer to drug-addicted clients absolve longtime treat, either the formof ambulance or sojourn form. The family, who drugaddicted member decide to absove the social rehabilitation process, should participe on his treatment. In my contribution I work on know better the activities and work of social worker. I decribe the work methods and procedures with client in the social rehabilitation. Here, we focus on skills and knowledges, which are important and usefull in work with drug-users. The aim of the social rehabilitation process is permanent abstination of any substances. The clients have to walk a long way to achieve this aim.They recognize an abstinent philosophy and the health lifestyle. In contribution I am been on the questions about area, which the social work in rehabilitation centre cover, about work the social worker with family together and work on competences of social worker as a member of therapeutic team. Keywords: social rehabilitation; family; social worker; client; responsibilities; drug addiction; goal; method Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Sociálny pracovník a resocializačný proces

In the Slovakia rehabilitations offer to drug-addicted clients absolve longtime treat, either the formof ambulance or sojourn form. The family, who drugaddicted member decide to absove the social ...

Šoková, Ľubomíra
Univerzita Pardubice, 2012

Vyučovanie systémov CAD e-learningovou metódou
Földesi, Juraj
2011 - Slovak
The aim of our thesis was to theoretically provide an overview of the various CAD systems and e-learning methods that are currently mostly be found, or used in practice. In the experimental part of this work, we decided to present the draft e-learning course aimed at teaching CAD systems. The inquiry sought the help of presentations and instructional videos that we have created, whether there is a lesson with e-learning and advantage in terms of acquisition of such knowledge without the support of e-learning. Also applicable to the lesson in terms of innovation and attractiveness. This objective has been verified with the help of a not standardized questionnaire and knowledge test, we have built a. In the last part of graduation theses, we propose recommendations for teaching practice. Cieľom našej diplomovej práce bolo z teoretického hľadiska poskytnúť prehľad jednotlivých CAD systémov a e-learningových metód, ktoré sa v súčasnej dobe najviac vyskytujú, respektíve používajú v praxi. V experimentálnej části tejto práce sme sa rozhodli prezentovať návrh e-learningového kurzu zameraného na výučbu CAD systémov. Cieľom prieskumu bolo za pomoci prezentácie a inštruktážnych videí, ktoré sme sami vytvorili, zistiť či je vyučovacia hodina s podporou e-learningu výhodnejšia z hľadiska osvojovania si vedomostí ako bez podpory e-learningu. Keywords: CAD systémy; e-learning; didaktická pomůcka; CAD systems; e-learning; didactic tool Available in the ZČU Library.
Vyučovanie systémov CAD e-learningovou metódou

The aim of our thesis was to theoretically provide an overview of the various CAD systems and e-learning methods that are currently mostly be found, or used in practice. In the experimental part of ...

Földesi, Juraj
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2011

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