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Disclosure discrimination: an experiment focusing on communication in the hiring process
Badalyan, S.; Korlyakova, Darya; Rehák, Rastislav
2023 - English
We focus on communication among hiring team members and document the existence of discrimination in the disclosure of information about candidates. In particular, we conduct an online experiment with a nationally representative sample of Czech individuals who act as human resource assistants and hiring managers in our online labor market. The main novel feature of our experiment is the monitoring of information flow between human resource assistants and hiring managers. We exogenously manipulate candidates’ names to explore the causal effects of their gender and nationality on information that assistants select for managers. Our findings reveal that assistants disclose more information about family and less information about work for female candidates relative to male candidates. An in-depth analysis of the disclosed information suggests that gender stereotypes play an important role in this disclosure discrimination. Furthermore, assistants disclose less information about foreigners overall. This effect appears to be driven by the less attention assistants are willing to devote to the CVs of foreigners, measured by the extra effort to learn more about the candidates. Keywords: information; disclosure; hiring Fulltext is available at external website.
Disclosure discrimination: an experiment focusing on communication in the hiring process

We focus on communication among hiring team members and document the existence of discrimination in the disclosure of information about candidates. In particular, we conduct an online experiment with ...

Badalyan, S.; Korlyakova, Darya; Rehák, Rastislav
Národohospodářský ústav, 2023

Racial discrimination and lost innovation: evidence from US inventors, 1895–1925
Coluccia, D. M.; Dossi, G.; Ottinger, Sebastian
2023 - English
How can racial discrimination harm innovation? We study this question using data on US inventors linked to population censuses in 1895-1925. Our novel identification strategy leverages plausibly exogenous variation in the timing of lynchings and the name of the victims. We find an immediate and persistent decrease in patents granted to inventors who share their names with the victims of lynchings, but only when victims are Black. We hypothesize that lynchings accentuate the racial content of the victim’s name to patent examiners, who do not observe inventor race from patent applications. We interpret these findings as evidence of discrimination by patent examiners and provide evidence against alternative mechanisms. Keywords: discrimination; innovation; lynchings Fulltext is available at external website.
Racial discrimination and lost innovation: evidence from US inventors, 1895–1925

How can racial discrimination harm innovation? We study this question using data on US inventors linked to population censuses in 1895-1925. Our novel identification strategy leverages plausibly ...

Coluccia, D. M.; Dossi, G.; Ottinger, Sebastian
Národohospodářský ústav, 2023

Quantitative easing in the euro area: implications for income and wealth inequality
Stojanović, Dušan
2023 - English
This study examines how and to what extent quantitative easing of the ECB affects household income and wealth inequality in the euro area. Previous theoretical models have investigated the dynamics of inequality measures through differential access of households to financial/capital market (the portfolio rebalancing channel), neglecting the labor market differential (the earnings heterogeneity channel). Although the portfolio rebalancing channel may provide insight into wealth inequality and non-labor income inequality, this is not the case with labor (and thus total) income inequality. To be in line with the empirical evidence on labor income inequality, this study also considers segmented labor market on the basis of capital-skill complementarity in production and asymmetric real wage rigidities. When only financial market segmentation is considered, the quantitative results indicate a drop in total income inequality that is diminished over time, while wealth inequality experiences a rise that gradually becomes weaker. The introduction of the segmented labor market significantly mitigates the observed drop in total income inequality, while a rise in wealth inequality is largely amplified. Given the possible broadening of the ECB’s mandate towards distributional issues in the future, the analysis of segmented labor and financial markets can be more beneficial to the ECB as it provides a clearer picture of the inequality effects. Keywords: quantitative easing; capital-skill complementarity; asymmetric real wage rigidity Fulltext is available at external website.
Quantitative easing in the euro area: implications for income and wealth inequality

This study examines how and to what extent quantitative easing of the ECB affects household income and wealth inequality in the euro area. Previous theoretical models have investigated the dynamics of ...

Stojanović, Dušan
Národohospodářský ústav, 2023

Good vs. Bad Volatility in Major Cryptocurrencies: The Dichotomy and Drivers of Connectedness
Šíla, Jan; Kočenda, Evžen; Kukačka, Jiří; Krištoufek, Ladislav
2023 - English
Cryptocurrencies exhibit unique statistical and dynamic properties compared to those of traditional financial assets, making the study of their volatility crucial for portfolio managers and traders. We investigate the volatility connectedness dynamics of a representative set of eight major crypto assets. Methodologically, we decompose the measured volatility into positive and negative components and employ the time-varying parameters vector autoregression (TVP-VAR) framework to show distinct dynamics associated with market booms and downturns. The results suggest that crypto connectedness reflects important events and exhibits more variable and cyclical dynamics than those of traditional financial markets. Periods of extremely high or low connectedness are clearly linked to specific events in the crypto market and macroeconomic or monetary history. Furthermore, existing asymmetry from good and bad volatility indicates that information about market downturns spills over substantially faster than news about comparable market surges. Overall, the connectedness dynamics are predominantly driven by fundamental crypto factors, while the asymmetry measure also depends on macro factors such as the VIX index and the expected inflation. Keywords: Volatility; Dynamic connectedness; Asymmetric effects; Cryptocurrency Fulltext is available at external website.
Good vs. Bad Volatility in Major Cryptocurrencies: The Dichotomy and Drivers of Connectedness

Cryptocurrencies exhibit unique statistical and dynamic properties compared to those of traditional financial assets, making the study of their volatility crucial for portfolio managers and traders. ...

Šíla, Jan; Kočenda, Evžen; Kukačka, Jiří; Krištoufek, Ladislav
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2023

Determinants of Financial Inclusion in Africa and OECD Countries
Kočenda, Evžen; Eshun, S. F.
2023 - English
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has been identified as one of the least financially inclusive regions in the world with a huge disparity in comparison to highly financially inclusive regions. Using a dynamic panel data analysis, we explore the factors influencing financial inclusion in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) using countries belonging to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) as a benchmark. We employ the System Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimator and assess 31 SSA and 38 OECD countries from 2000-2021. We show that the differences in trade openness, banks' efficiency, income, and remittances are some macro-level factors that explain the variation in financial inclusion levels. We highlight the importance of quality literacy policies, trade improvement with restrictions on cross-border capital flows, and a more efficient financial system to promote financial inclusion. Keywords: Financial Inclusion; Financial Inclusion Index; Sub-Saharan Africa Fulltext is available at external website.
Determinants of Financial Inclusion in Africa and OECD Countries

Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has been identified as one of the least financially inclusive regions in the world with a huge disparity in comparison to highly financially inclusive regions. Using a dynamic ...

Kočenda, Evžen; Eshun, S. F.
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2023

Social ties at work and effort choice: experimental evidence from Tanzania
Chegere, M.; Falco, P.; Menzel, Andreas
2023 - English
Many firms hire workers via social networks. Whether workers who are socially connected to their employers exert more effort on the job is an unsettled debate. We address this question through a novel experiment with small-business owners in Tanzania. Participants are paired with a worker who conducts a real-effort task, and receive a payoff that depends on the worker’s effort. Some business owners are randomly paired with workers they are socially connected with, while others are paired with strangers. With a design that is sufficiently powered to detect economically meaningful effects, we find that being socially connected to one’s employer does not affect workers’ effort.\n Keywords: firms; hiring; productivity Fulltext is available at external website.
Social ties at work and effort choice: experimental evidence from Tanzania

Many firms hire workers via social networks. Whether workers who are socially connected to their employers exert more effort on the job is an unsettled debate. We address this question through a novel ...

Chegere, M.; Falco, P.; Menzel, Andreas
Národohospodářský ústav, 2023

Human capital affects religious identity: causal evidence from Kenya
Alfonsi, L.; Bauer, Michal; Chytilová, Julie; Miguel, E.
2023 - English
We study how human capital and economic conditions causally affect the choice of religious denomination. We utilize a longitudinal dataset monitoring the religious history of more than 5,000 Kenyans over twenty years, in tandem with a randomized experiment (deworming) that has exogenously boosted education and living standards. The main finding is that the program reduces the likelihood of membership in a Pentecostal denomination up to 20 years later when respondents are in their mid-thirties, while there is a comparable increase in membership in traditional Christian denominations. The effect is concentrated and statistically significant among a sub-group of participants who benefited most from the program in terms of increased education and income. The effects are unlikely due to increased secularization, because the program does not reduce measures of religiosity. The results help explain why the global growth of the Pentecostal movement, sometimes described a “New Reformation”, is centered in low-income communities. Keywords: human capital; economic conditions; religious denomination Fulltext is available at external website.
Human capital affects religious identity: causal evidence from Kenya

We study how human capital and economic conditions causally affect the choice of religious denomination. We utilize a longitudinal dataset monitoring the religious history of more than 5,000 Kenyans ...

Alfonsi, L.; Bauer, Michal; Chytilová, Julie; Miguel, E.
Národohospodářský ústav, 2023

Characterization of five mosaic mortar beds from Austria produced by A. Neuhauser/Tiroler Glasmalerei and J. Pfefferle
Bauerová, Pavla; Frankeová, Dita; Slížková, Zuzana
2023 - English
The report contains the results of material analyses of five mortar beds of mosaics produced by the Austrian studios Neuhauser/Tiroler Glasmalerei and Josef Pfefferle. The analysed samples come from mosaics made at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and located in various places in Tyrol. The mortars were analysed by SEM-EDS and thermal analysis. The results showed that, in addition to traditional materials such as marble dust, they also contain atypical or innovative components such as waste ceramic and glass shards or early Portland cement. Keywords: SEM-EDS analysis; historic mortar; mosaic; thermal analysis Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Characterization of five mosaic mortar beds from Austria produced by A. Neuhauser/Tiroler Glasmalerei and J. Pfefferle

The report contains the results of material analyses of five mortar beds of mosaics produced by the Austrian studios Neuhauser/Tiroler Glasmalerei and Josef Pfefferle. The analysed samples come from ...

Bauerová, Pavla; Frankeová, Dita; Slížková, Zuzana
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2023

Measurements on Turbine Cascade KOBRA
Luxa, Martin; Hála, Jindřich; Šimurda, David
2023 - English
The report contains results and evaluation of aerodynamic measurement on a blade cascade representing the section imitating the conical stream line in the last rotor row of a gas trubine under considerable off-design condition. The research report contains detailed specifications of the measured model, overview of the results of the optical measurements (interferometry, schlieren method in Toepler configuration) and pneumatic measurements (traversing with five hole conical probe downstream the cascade). Keywords: turbine cascade; turbine off-design condition; tarnsonic flow Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Measurements on Turbine Cascade KOBRA

The report contains results and evaluation of aerodynamic measurement on a blade cascade representing the section imitating the conical stream line in the last rotor row of a gas trubine under ...

Luxa, Martin; Hála, Jindřich; Šimurda, David
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Fish stock survey of the Lake Sevan in 2023 – final report
Prchalová, Marie; Kubečka, Jan
2023 - English
Final report on survey of fish stock of the Lake Sevan in July 2023. Keywords: gillnets; hydroacoustics; biomass Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Fish stock survey of the Lake Sevan in 2023 – final report

Final report on survey of fish stock of the Lake Sevan in July 2023.

Prchalová, Marie; Kubečka, Jan
Biologické centrum, 2023

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