Number of found documents: 8270
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Fenotypování jarního ječmene na odolnost vůči suchu
Klem, Karel; Findurová, Hana; Panzarová, K.; Pytela, J.; Trtílek, M.; Holub, Petr
2024 - Czech
Odolnost rostlin/plodin vůči suchu představuje komplex vlastností, které se různě uplatňují v závislosti na typu, závažnosti a načasování sucha. Proto je nutné poměrně komplexní hodnocení morfologické a fyziologické fenotypové reakce na sucho. Tato metodika se zaměřuje na vývoj postupů a vyhodnocení komplexní fenotypové odezvy genotypů jarního ječmene na sucho pomocí neinvazivně měřených parametrů založených na červeno-zeleno-modrém (RGB) zobrazování, termálním infračerveném zobrazování a zobrazovací fluorescence chlorofylu měřených v rámci automatizované fenotypovací platformy. Vývoj metodiky byl založen na experimentu, ve kterém byly sledovány dynamické změny odezvy šesti genotypů ječmene, reprezentujících širokou škálu tolerance k suchu (od genotypu velmi citlivého až po genotyp velmi tolerantní), na kontinuální vysychání až k bodu vadnutí a následné opětovné zavlažení. Byly identifikovány tři kritické termíny v průběhu sucha a opětovného zavlažení, klíčové pro identifikaci odolnosti jarního ječmene vůči suchu: i) dosažení 50% hladiny dostupné půdní vody, ii) dosažení bodu vadnutí, iii) úplná regenerace rostlin po opětovném zavlažení. Jednotlivé sledované parametry založené na zobrazovacích metodách ovšem ukázaly potenciál pro hodnocení citlivosti na sucho v různých termínech od počátku vysychání či regenerace. Korelace s relativní odezvou výnosu se postupně zvyšovala u projekční listové plochy hodnocené ze strany (SPA) a dosáhla maxima v bodě úplné regenerace po opětovném zvlažení. Aktuální kvantový výtěžek fotosystému II (ΦPSII) vykazoval nejvyšší korelaci s relativním výnosem zrna kolem bodu vadnutí. Naproti tomu relativní rozdíl teploty listů vůči teplotě okolního vzduchu (Tdiff) vykazoval vysokou korelaci s výnosovou odezvou na sucho dříve, a to již při dosažení 50% úrovně dostupné vody pro rostliny v půdě. Nejvyšší korelace s relativní výnosovou odezvou byly získány u barevné analýzy RGB v bodě vadnutí a po regeneraci, zejména u relativního podílu khaki, béžového, tmavě zeleného a olivově zeleného odstínu. Vícenásobná regrese s parametry poskytujícími Pearsonův korelační koeficient R > 0,5 mírně zlepšila odhad relativní odezvy výnosu na sucho, ale zajistila především významné zlepšení odhadu absolutního výnosu zrna při stresu suchem, přičemž přesnost odhadu se v obou případech pohybovala okolo 90 %. Tato metodika ukazuje, že použití kombinace fenotypovacích metod charakterizujících různé morfologické a fyziologické znaky umožňuje nejen hodnocení tolerance k suchu (na základě relativní výnosové reakce na sucho), které je klíčové pro výběr genetických zdrojů pro následný šlechtitelský proces, ale také umožňuje testovat výnosovou výkonnost nových genotypů při stresu suchem. Drought tolerance is a complex of traits that vary depending on the type, severity, and timing of drought. Therefore, a relatively comprehensive assessment of the morphological and physiological phenotypic response to drought is necessary. This methodology focuses on the development of procedures and evaluation of the complex phenotypic response of spring barley genotypes to drought using non-invasively measured parameters based on red-green-blue (RGB) imaging, thermal infrared imaging, and chlorophyll fluorescence imaging measured within an automated phenotyping platform. The development of the methodology was based on an experiment in which the dynamic changes in the response of six barley genotypes, representing a wide range of drought tolerance (from a very sensitive to a very tolerant genotype), to continuous drying until the point of wilting and subsequent re-watering were monitored. Three critical time points during drought and re-watering were identified, key for detecting drought tolerance: i) reaching 50% of available soil water, ii) reaching wilting point, iii) full plant recovery after re-watering. However, the different imaging-based parameters monitored showed potential for assessing drought sensitivity at different time points from the onset of drying or recovery. The correlation with relative yield response increased progressively for the side projected leaf area (SPA) and reached a maximum at the point of complete recovery after re-watering. The actual quantum yield of photosystem II (ΦPSII) showed the highest correlation with relative grain yield around the wilting point. In contrast, the relative difference of leaf temperature to ambient air temperature (Tdiff) showed a high correlation with yield response to drought earlier, as early as at the point of reaching 50% of the level of soil water available to plants. The highest correlations with relative yield response were obtained for RGB colour analysis at the wilting point and after recovery, especially for the relative proportion of khaki, beige, dark green, and olive-green hues. Multiple regression with parameters providing a Pearson correlation coefficient R > 0.5 slightly improved the estimation of the relative yield response to drought, but mainly provided a significant improvement in the estimation of absolute grain yield under drought stress, with an estimation accuracy of around 90% in both cases. This methodology shows that the use of a combination of phenotyping methods in characterising different morphological and physiological traits not only allows the assessment of drought tolerance (based on relative yield response to drought), which is crucial for the selection of genetic resources for subsequent breeding, but also allows the testing of the yield performance of new genotypes under drought stress. Keywords: spring barley; drought; drought tolerance; phenotyping; rgb imaging; chlorophyll fluorescence imaging; thermal infrared imaging; yield Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Fenotypování jarního ječmene na odolnost vůči suchu

Odolnost rostlin/plodin vůči suchu představuje komplex vlastností, které se různě uplatňují v závislosti na typu, závažnosti a načasování sucha. Proto je nutné poměrně komplexní hodnocení morfologické ...

Klem, Karel; Findurová, Hana; Panzarová, K.; Pytela, J.; Trtílek, M.; Holub, Petr
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2024

Multi-Annual Characterization of PM1 Aerosol Optical Properties and Size Distribution at the Peri-Urban Atmospheric Site ATOLL in Lille
Suchánková, Lenka
2024 - English
The aim of this study is to present aerosol scattering, absorption properties and particle number size distribution in PM1 in years 2018-\n2022 at peri-urban atmospheric site Atmospheric Observations in LiLLE (ATOLL) in Lille, France. This study is the first to present results dedicated to aerosol scattering properties at this site. Keywords: aerosol particles; PM1; temporal trends Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Multi-Annual Characterization of PM1 Aerosol Optical Properties and Size Distribution at the Peri-Urban Atmospheric Site ATOLL in Lille

The aim of this study is to present aerosol scattering, absorption properties and particle number size distribution in PM1 in years 2018-\n2022 at peri-urban atmospheric site Atmospheric Observations ...

Suchánková, Lenka
Ústav chemických procesů, 2024

Development of Continuous Technology for the Preparation of Pharmaceuticals
Jaklová, Natalie
2024 - English
The present research focuses on the transition of a batch reaction assisted by phase transfer catalyst (PTC) into continuous process. The first reaction studied was an N-alkylation reaction with methyl ester of the 1-methyl-10α-methoxydihydrolysergic acid (MeLUME) as product. MeLUME is one of the intermediates in synthesis of drug Nicergoline. The N-alkylation occurs in two different immiscible phases and the bridge between these phases is the phase transfer catalyst. The study was performed in several different continuous flow apparatuses. The best results were obtained in a capillary reactor, with assistance of ultrasound. Keywords: continualization; ultrasound; pharmaceuticals Available in a digital repository NRGL
Development of Continuous Technology for the Preparation of Pharmaceuticals

The present research focuses on the transition of a batch reaction assisted by phase transfer catalyst (PTC) into continuous process. The first reaction studied was an N-alkylation reaction with ...

Jaklová, Natalie
Ústav chemických procesů, 2024

Bubble Breakup in Triton Solutions
Semlerová, Tereza
2024 - English
This work deals with investigation of the bubble breakup in surfactant Triton X-45 solutions and the results are compared with data measured in water and α-terpineol solutions as another type of surfactants. Keywords: bubble breakup; surfactants; dynamic surface tension Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Bubble Breakup in Triton Solutions

This work deals with investigation of the bubble breakup in surfactant Triton X-45 solutions and the results are compared with data measured in water and α-terpineol solutions as another type of ...

Semlerová, Tereza
Ústav chemických procesů, 2024

Thin Film Photocatalysts on the Basis of g-C3N4
Schimon, Domonik
2024 - English
This study revolves around the synthesis of powder g-C3N4, fabricationof thin g-C3N4 films and their efficacy in degrading pollutants, assessed through experimentation in a batch photoreactor (BPR) and a slit geometry photomicroreactor (PMR)2. The photocatalytic activity of g-C3N4 was tested with 4 different model substances: fluorescent dye, rhodamine B, was used as a reference substance and three separate antibiotics, which are emerging wastewater pollutants, namely tetracycline, trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole. Keywords: g-C3N4; photocatalysis; microreactor Available in a digital repository NRGL
Thin Film Photocatalysts on the Basis of g-C3N4

This study revolves around the synthesis of powder g-C3N4, fabricationof thin g-C3N4 films and their efficacy in degrading pollutants, assessed through experimentation in a batch photoreactor (BPR) ...

Schimon, Domonik
Ústav chemických procesů, 2024

Measurements of New Particle Formation in the Atmosphere
Špalová, Anna
2024 - English
In this work, the formation of particles and their transformation to larger sizes will be studied by measuring the concentration of molecular clusters. The measurement will take place at a rural background site National Atmospheric Observatory Košetice. At the ground level, a Neutral and Air Ion Spectrometer (NAIS) able to measure both neutral and charged clusters or particles ranging from 0.8 to 40 nm in diameter will be used together with a Particle Size Magnifier (PSM) able to measure neutral clusters as small as 1 nm in diameter up to 12 nm. Larger particles will be measured by a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS). At a height of 230 m above ground level, there will be another SMPS and also a nanoSMPS able to detect particles as small as 1 nm in diameter. Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Measurements of New Particle Formation in the Atmosphere

In this work, the formation of particles and their transformation to larger sizes will be studied by measuring the concentration of molecular clusters. The measurement will take place at a rural ...

Špalová, Anna
Ústav chemických procesů, 2024

Electrochemistry of Acetaminophen
Mikysek, T.; Ludvík, Jiří
2024 - English
The contribution is focused on electrochemical oxidation of acetaminophen mainly in non-aqueous media. The influence of various organic solvents as well as the pH effect is described herein. The redox properties of acetaminophen were studied by means of cyclic voltammetry, and rotating-disk voltammetry. We found that the protonation/deprotonation of acetaminophen acts as a ratedetermining step, where the stability of phenoxy radical intermediate plays an important role. Keywords: acetaminophen; phenacetine; voltammetry Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Electrochemistry of Acetaminophen

The contribution is focused on electrochemical oxidation of acetaminophen mainly in non-aqueous media. The influence of various organic solvents as well as the pH effect is described herein. The redox ...

Mikysek, T.; Ludvík, Jiří
Ústav fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského, 2024

A New Approach to Determining the Drug Guaifenesin Using Voltammetric and Flow Injection Analysis
Kelíšková, P.; Matvieiev, O.; Sokolová, Romana; Janíková, L.; Behúl, M.; Šelešovská, R.
2024 - English
This study presents a new method for detecting guaifenesin (GFE) in pharmaceutical samples. We employed screen-printed sensors with a boron-doped diamond electrode (BDDE) to develop and validate both voltammetric and flow amperometric methods. These approaches were effectively used to analyze model solutions, pharmaceutical preparations, and serum samples spiked with GFE, producing accurate results comparable to those obtained with HPLC/DAD analysis. The developed methods provide straightforward, sensitive, and selective means for determining GFE in various sample matrices, underscoring the potential of SP/BDDE in electrochemical analysis. Keywords: guaifenesin; screen-printed sensor; boron-doped diamond electrode Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
A New Approach to Determining the Drug Guaifenesin Using Voltammetric and Flow Injection Analysis

This study presents a new method for detecting guaifenesin (GFE) in pharmaceutical samples. We employed screen-printed sensors with a boron-doped diamond electrode (BDDE) to develop and validate both ...

Kelíšková, P.; Matvieiev, O.; Sokolová, Romana; Janíková, L.; Behúl, M.; Šelešovská, R.
Ústav fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského, 2024

Optimization of Parameters Used in the Application of Elimination Voltammetry with Linear Scan
Navrátil, Tomáš; Trnková, L.; Hrdlička, Vojtěch; Li, X.
2024 - English
Elimination Voltammetry with Linear Scan (EVLS) is a well-established mathematical method that aids in understanding an analyzed electrochemical system. In almost 30 years since its derivation, it has become a “black-box” technique that is applied automatically (in most cases due to its incorporation into a voltammetric software) without thinking about its fundamentals. However, the choice of optimum parameters under which DC voltammetric data (from which elimination curves are calculated) is crucial. This contribution deals with revealing the optimum ratio of applied scan rates and their absolute values (i.e., times of recording) in dependence on the character of the investigated system (diffusion-controlled process, adsorption-controlled process, etc.). Keywords: elimination voltammetry with linear scan; optimization; adsorption Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Optimization of Parameters Used in the Application of Elimination Voltammetry with Linear Scan

Elimination Voltammetry with Linear Scan (EVLS) is a well-established mathematical method that aids in understanding an analyzed electrochemical system. In almost 30 years since its derivation, it has ...

Navrátil, Tomáš; Trnková, L.; Hrdlička, Vojtěch; Li, X.
Ústav fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského, 2024

Zoologické dny Brno 2023: sborník abstraktů z konference 9.-10. února 2023
Bryja, Josef; Horsák, M.; Horsáková, V.
2023 - Czech
Keywords: zoology; conference Fulltext is available at external website.
Zoologické dny Brno 2023: sborník abstraktů z konference 9.-10. února 2023

Bryja, Josef; Horsák, M.; Horsáková, V.
Ústav biologie obratlovců, 2023

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