Number of found documents: 993
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Creepové zkoušky zirkoniových povlakových tyčí jaderného paliva a jejich interpretace
Sklenička, Václav; Kuchařová, Květa; Kloc, Luboš; Dvořák, Jiří; Král, Petr; Kvapilová, Marie; Vrtílková, V.; Krejčí, J.
2023 - Czech
Časově závislá plastická deformace-creep je jedním z nejdůležitějších degradačních faktorů, určujících životnost zirkoniových slitin, určených k pokrytí jaderného paliva vodou chlazených reaktorů v jaderné energetice. Příspěvek je věnován creepovým zkouškám povlakových tyčí slitiny Zr1%Nb (modifikace slitiny E110) používaných v reaktorech typu VVER. Vedle standardní creepové zkoušky při konstantním tahovém napětí bude demonstrována nestandardní speciální creepová zkušební metoda umožňující měření velmi malých creepových deformací při napětích blížících se reálným podmínkám namáhání v reálné praxi. Time-dependent plastic deformation – creep is one of the most important degradation factors which govern the life of zirconium alloys used as fuel claddings materials in the light water reactor in nuclear power industry. This work aims to describe creep testing of Zr1%Nb (modified E110 alloy) cladding tubes used in the VVER-type reactor. In addition to a standard creep testing method under constant tensile test a nonstandard special creep testing method which has been developed to measure very small creep strains at stresses corresponding to the loading in real service. Keywords: creep testing; zirconium cladding alloys; degradation mechanisms Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Creepové zkoušky zirkoniových povlakových tyčí jaderného paliva a jejich interpretace

Časově závislá plastická deformace-creep je jedním z nejdůležitějších degradačních faktorů, určujících životnost zirkoniových slitin, určených k pokrytí jaderného paliva vodou chlazených reaktorů v ...

Sklenička, Václav; Kuchařová, Květa; Kloc, Luboš; Dvořák, Jiří; Král, Petr; Kvapilová, Marie; Vrtílková, V.; Krejčí, J.
Ústav fyziky materiálů, 2023

Vražina, Tomáš; Šulák, Ivo; Poloprudský, Jakub; Zábranský, K.; Gejdoš, P.; Hadraba, Hynek; Čelko, L.
2022 - English
This paper investigates the influence of thermal spray parameters of the high-velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) process on the properties of cermet coatings prepared from commercially available Amperit 551 WC-CrC-Ni powder. Three different processing parameters were applied to optimize the production process with the aim to achieve preeminent mechanical properties and fully dense material without microstructural defects. The deposition was carried out by a GLC5 gun. The velocity and temperature of powder particles in the spray stream were monitored by Accuraspray Tecnar diagnostic tool. The quality of deposited coatings was analyzed by means of light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction. The chemical composition of the used powder and sprayed WC-CrC-Ni coating was determined by energy dispersive spectroscopy. It was found that the spray parameters have a negligible effect on the resulting microstructure and phase composition of the coating. However, the porosity and surface roughness were significantly affected by the variation in process parameters. To assess the basic mechanical properties of HVOF sprayed coating instrumented Vickers hardness measurements were utilized. The coating hardness reached mean values over 1400 HV 0.1 and the indentation modulus varied from 152-279 GPa. Keywords: hvof; microhardness; WC-CrC-Ni Available at various institutes of the ASCR

This paper investigates the influence of thermal spray parameters of the high-velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) process on the properties of cermet coatings prepared from commercially available Amperit 551 ...

Vražina, Tomáš; Šulák, Ivo; Poloprudský, Jakub; Zábranský, K.; Gejdoš, P.; Hadraba, Hynek; Čelko, L.
Ústav fyziky materiálů, 2022

Inverse-Heusler Mn2FeSi alloy prepared by powder metallurgy route
Životský, O.; Skotnicová, K.; Čegan, T.; Juřica, J.; Gembalová, L.; Zažímal, František; Jirásková, Yvonna; Szurman, I.
2022 - English
The Mn2FeSi inverse-Heusler alloy was prepared by solid-state reactions using ball milling for 168 h in n hexane. Two milling procedures varying in the ball-to-powder ratio, namely 4:1 and 10:1, were used to follow \ntheir influence on alloy formation and its physical properties. In both cases no Heusler structure was obtained \ndirectly and therefore the subsequent annealing at 1223 K for 1.5 h in pure Ar was applied. The energy dispersive X-ray analysis resulted in the chemical composition about 49.0-49.9 at% Mn, 25.3-25.6 at% Fe, and \n24.8-25.4 at% Si, in a good agreement with nominal one. X-ray diffraction of both powders confirmed inverse Heusler XA structure of lattice parameters 0.5675 nm (4:1) and 0.5677 nm (10:1), only slightly higher as \ntheoretically obtained 0.560 nm. The presence of minor oxidation phases was also observed in the particle \nstructure of powders. Magnetic properties were analysed at low and room temperatures. Both alloys exhibit \nparamagnetic behaviour at room temperature confirmed by transmission Mössbauer spectroscopy \nmeasurements. Different magnetic behaviour of alloys is observed below 65 K. Keywords: Heusler alloy, powder, ball milling, microstructure, magnetism; powder; ball milling; microstructure; magnetism Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Inverse-Heusler Mn2FeSi alloy prepared by powder metallurgy route

The Mn2FeSi inverse-Heusler alloy was prepared by solid-state reactions using ball milling for 168 h in n hexane. Two milling procedures varying in the ball-to-powder ratio, namely 4:1 and 10:1, were ...

Životský, O.; Skotnicová, K.; Čegan, T.; Juřica, J.; Gembalová, L.; Zažímal, František; Jirásková, Yvonna; Szurman, I.
Ústav fyziky materiálů, 2022

Advanced statistical evaluation of fatigue data obtained during the measurement of concrete mixtures with various water-cement ratio
Seitl, Stanislav; Benešová, A.; Blasón, S.; Miarka, Petr; Klusák, Jan; Bílek, V.
2022 - English
The Basquin’s law is usually applied for the evaluation of fatigue properties of civil engineering \nmaterials. For materials like concrete, some researchers recommended applying the Weibull model. In this\ncontribution, Basquin’s law, Castillo-Canteli model and Kohout-Věchet model were applied for the advanced \nstatistical description of S−N curves (Wöhler curve). For the application of the models, the experimental data \nmeasured on reference concrete mixtures used for the development of self-healing concrete at the Faculty of \nCivil Engineering, TU Ostrava. Fitting data of applied models were compared and analyzed Keywords: Concrete, fatigue; fatigue; S-N curve; Kohout-Věchet model; Castillo-Canteli model; Basquin model Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Advanced statistical evaluation of fatigue data obtained during the measurement of concrete mixtures with various water-cement ratio

The Basquin’s law is usually applied for the evaluation of fatigue properties of civil engineering \nmaterials. For materials like concrete, some researchers recommended applying the Weibull model. In ...

Seitl, Stanislav; Benešová, A.; Blasón, S.; Miarka, Petr; Klusák, Jan; Bílek, V.
Ústav fyziky materiálů, 2022

Structural and magnetic properties of Fe-oxide layers prepared by inkjet printing on Si-substrate
Zažímal, František; Svoboda, T.; Dzik, P.; Homola, T.; Jirásková, Yvonna
2021 - English
Magnetic films with two, four, six, and eight layers were prepared using 2D inkjet printing on the 333 K heated Si-substrates at ambient conditions. The microstructure, phase composition of layers, and magnetic studies were investigated using wide spectrum of experimental methods with the aim to find the optimal conditions for producing magnetic sensors by digital printing technology in the near future. As the magnetic compound, the hematite powder was chosen and its milling with Si-binder dissolved in dowanol using glass balls and vial to prevent contamination was done to prepared suspension appropriate for printing. It is shown that hematite transformed markedly into maghemite, thus the layers consisted of small amount hematite and dominant maghemite phases determining the magnetic properties. From the viewpoint of magnetic behavior, the highest saturation magnetization and the lowest coercivity was obtained at the sample with 8 layers. Keywords: Inkjet printing; hematite; physical properties; testing methods Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Structural and magnetic properties of Fe-oxide layers prepared by inkjet printing on Si-substrate

Magnetic films with two, four, six, and eight layers were prepared using 2D inkjet printing on the 333 K heated Si-substrates at ambient conditions. The microstructure, phase composition of layers, ...

Zažímal, František; Svoboda, T.; Dzik, P.; Homola, T.; Jirásková, Yvonna
Ústav fyziky materiálů, 2021

Influence of severe plastic deformation and subsequent annealing on creep behaviour of martensitic 9% Cr steel
Král, Petr; Dvořák, Jiří; Sklenička, Václav; Horita, Z.; Tokizawa, Y.; Tang, Y.; Kunčická, Lenka; Kuchařová, Květa; Kvapilová, Marie; Svobodová, M.
2021 - English
The objective of the study is to evaluate the effects of severe plastic deformation (SPD) and annealing on creep behaviour of advanced tungsten modified creep-resistant 9 % Cr martensitic P92 steel. The as-received P92 steel was deformed by high-pressure torsion (HTP), high-pressure sliding (HPS) and rotary swaging (RS) at room temperature prior creep testing. These SPD methods imposed significantly different equivalent plastic strain in the range from 1 up to 20. Constant load creep tests in tension were performed in an argon atmosphere at 873 K and applied stress ranging from 50 to 200 MPa. The microstructure and phase composition of P92 steel were studied using a scanning electron microscope Tescan Lyra 3 and a transmission electron microscope Jeol 2100F. The results show that under the same creep loading conditions the HPT and HPS-processed P92 steel exhibited significantly faster minimum creep rates, creep fracture strain and the decrease in the value of the stress exponent of the creep rate in comparison with as-received P92 steel. However, it was revealed that the RS-processed specimens exhibited one order of magnitude lower minimum creep rate and lower ductility compared to commercial P92 steel. The creep curves for the HPT and HPS-processed states exhibited a pronounced minimum of strain rate. The pronounced minimum of strain rate disappeared when these states were annealed at 923K/500h before application of creep loading. The microstructure changes occurring during creep and different creep behaviour between as-received and deformed states are discussed. Keywords: Creep-resistant 9 %Cr steels; severe plastic deformation; creep; microstructure Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Influence of severe plastic deformation and subsequent annealing on creep behaviour of martensitic 9% Cr steel

The objective of the study is to evaluate the effects of severe plastic deformation (SPD) and annealing on creep behaviour of advanced tungsten modified creep-resistant 9 % Cr martensitic P92 steel. ...

Král, Petr; Dvořák, Jiří; Sklenička, Václav; Horita, Z.; Tokizawa, Y.; Tang, Y.; Kunčická, Lenka; Kuchařová, Květa; Kvapilová, Marie; Svobodová, M.
Ústav fyziky materiálů, 2021

Polsterová, Svatava; Všianská, Monika; Friák, Martin; Pizúrová, Naděžda; Sokovnin, S.; Šob, Mojmír
2021 - English
Motivated by our experimental research related to silver nanoparticles with various morphologies, we have employed quantum-mechanical calculations to provide our experiments with theoretical insight. We have computed properties of a 181-atom decahedral silver nanoparticle and two types of internal extended defects, -5(210) grain boundaries (GBs) and quadruple junctions (QJs) of these GBs. We have employed a supercell approach with periodic boundary conditions. Regarding the thermodynamic stability of the decahedral nanoparticle, its energy is higher than that of a defect-free face-centered cubic (fcc) Ag by 0.34 eV/atom. As far as the -5(210) GB is concerned, its energy amounts to 0.7 J/m2 and we predict that the studied GBs would locally expand the volume of the lattice. Importantly, the system with GBs is found rather close to the limit of mechanical stability. In particular, the computed value of the shear-related elastic constant C66 is as low as 9.4 GPa with the zero/negative value representing a mechanically unstable system. We thus predict that the -5(210) GBs may be prone to failure due to specific shearing deformation modes. The studied GBs have also the value of Poisson’s ratio for some loading directions close to zero. Next, we compare our results related solely to -5(210) GBs with those of a system where multiple intersecting -5(210) GBs form a network of quadruple junctions. The value of the critical elastic constant C66 is higher in this case, 13 GPa, and the mechanical stability is, therefore, better in the system with QJs. Keywords: Elasticity; Grain boundaries; Junctions; Nanoparticles Available at various institutes of the ASCR

Motivated by our experimental research related to silver nanoparticles with various morphologies, we have employed quantum-mechanical calculations to provide our experiments with theoretical insight. ...

Polsterová, Svatava; Všianská, Monika; Friák, Martin; Pizúrová, Naděžda; Sokovnin, S.; Šob, Mojmír
Ústav fyziky materiálů, 2021

Malíková, Lucie; Miarka, Petr; Simonová, H.
2020 - English
The paper is devoted to an analysis of a crack propagation in a semi-circular concrete specimen under three-point bending. I+II mixed-mode loading is ensured via an inclined crack. Crack deflection angle is investigated by means of the generalized/multi-parameter form of the Maximum Tangential Stress (MTS) criterion and Strain Energy Density (SED) criterion as well as experimentally. The multi-parameter fracture mechanics concept applied in this work is based on the approximation of the crack-tip stress field by means of the Williams series expansion (WE). It has been proved that this approach can help to describe crack behavior in some kinds of materials better than the classical (one-parameter: stress intensity factor) fracture mechanics. This conclusion is discussed also in this paper. Keywords: t-stress; fracture; field; Multi-parameter fracture mechanics; Alkali-activated concrete; Mixed-mode loading; mts; sed Available at various institutes of the ASCR

The paper is devoted to an analysis of a crack propagation in a semi-circular concrete specimen under three-point bending. I+II mixed-mode loading is ensured via an inclined crack. Crack deflection ...

Malíková, Lucie; Miarka, Petr; Simonová, H.
Ústav fyziky materiálů, 2020

Jindra, D.; Kala, Z.; Seitl, Stanislav; Kala, J.
2020 - English
Identification of Ramberg and Osgood nonlinear material model parameters for hot rolled stainless steel material grade 1.4307 (AISI 304L) was conducted. Reference data (stress-strain relation) were obtained from experimental program performed on normalized specimens. Parametrical numerical finite element model was created using commercially available software ANSYS classic APDL, and the subsequent optimization process was conducted in the environment of OptiSLang software. Keywords: Stainless steel; Finite element numerical model; Parameter identification; Ramberg and Osgood model Available at various institutes of the ASCR

Identification of Ramberg and Osgood nonlinear material model parameters for hot rolled stainless steel material grade 1.4307 (AISI 304L) was conducted. Reference data (stress-strain relation) were ...

Jindra, D.; Kala, Z.; Seitl, Stanislav; Kala, J.
Ústav fyziky materiálů, 2020

Morán, Alvarez J.; Seitl, Stanislav; Miarka, Petr
2020 - English
The structural components often contain cracks as a results of applied load. Therefore, these cracks must be studied how they affect the structural behavior and the total service life-time of the component. Bearing beams of the bridges have usually cross-section in the shape of an I-profile. In this contribution, a numerical parametric model was made in order to study the influence of the crack length, Poisson's ratio and web thickness on the stress distribution in the structural element, for which a three-point bending specimen was applied. The model is based on the linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM), with focus set on the determination of the stress intensity factor, as it is one of the main parameters used in the description of the stress fields in vicinity of the crack tip. Keywords: Stress Intensity Factor; Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics; Finite Element Method; I-Profile; Poisson's ratio Available at various institutes of the ASCR

The structural components often contain cracks as a results of applied load. Therefore, these cracks must be studied how they affect the structural behavior and the total service life-time of the ...

Morán, Alvarez J.; Seitl, Stanislav; Miarka, Petr
Ústav fyziky materiálů, 2020

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