Number of found documents: 846
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Highly Robust Estimation of the Autocorrelation Coefficient
Kalina, Jan; Vlčková, Katarína
2014 - English
The classical autocorrelation coefficient estimator in the time series context is very sensitive to the presence of outlying measurements in the data. This paper proposes several new robust estimators of the autocorrelation coefficient. First, we consider an autoregressive process of the first order AR(1) to be observed. Robust estimators of the autocorrelation coefficient are proposed in a straightforward way based on robust regression. Further, we consider the task of robust estimation of the autocorrelation coefficient of residuals of linear regression. The task is connected to verifying the assumption of independence of residuals and robust estimators of the autocorrelation coefficient are defined based on the Durbin-Watson test statistic for robust regression. The main result is obtained for the implicitly weighted autocorrelation coefficient with small weights assigned to outlying measurements. This estimator is based on the least weighted squares regression and we exploit its asymptotic properties to derive an asymptotic test that the autocorrelation coefficient is equal to 0. Finally, we illustrate different estimators on real economic data, which reveal the advantage of the approach based on the least weighted squares regression. The estimator turns out to be resistant against the presence of outlying measurements. Keywords: time series; autoregressive process; linear regression; robust econometrics Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Highly Robust Estimation of the Autocorrelation Coefficient

The classical autocorrelation coefficient estimator in the time series context is very sensitive to the presence of outlying measurements in the data. This paper proposes several new robust estimators ...

Kalina, Jan; Vlčková, Katarína
Ústav informatiky, 2014

Prediction diagnostics for Uncertain Systems
Novák, M.; Votruba, Z.; Brandejský, T.; Faber, J.; Coufal, David; Pelikán, Emil
2014 - English
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Prediction diagnostics for Uncertain Systems

Novák, M.; Votruba, Z.; Brandejský, T.; Faber, J.; Coufal, David; Pelikán, Emil
Ústav informatiky, 2014

A Weather Risk Prediction System for Road Trip Planning
Krč, Pavel; Fuglík, Viktor; Juruš, Pavel; Kasanický, Ivan; Konár, Ondřej; Pelikán, Emil; Eben, Kryštof; Šucha, M.
2014 - English
The paper presents first ideas of the MEDARD-RODOS project. The aim of the project is to develop a decision support system for road trip planning, reflecting the weather risks predicted from the NWP models implemented in the MEDARD system ( and using the traffic information from the RODOS project ( Keywords: weather; prediction; risk; system; road; planning; MEDARD; RODOS; NWP Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
A Weather Risk Prediction System for Road Trip Planning

The paper presents first ideas of the MEDARD-RODOS project. The aim of the project is to develop a decision support system for road trip planning, reflecting the weather risks predicted from the NWP ...

Krč, Pavel; Fuglík, Viktor; Juruš, Pavel; Kasanický, Ivan; Konár, Ondřej; Pelikán, Emil; Eben, Kryštof; Šucha, M.
Ústav informatiky, 2014

Porovnání výstupů dvou posledních verzí modelu TDD za plynárenský rok 2013/2014
Konár, Ondřej; Brabec, Marek; Kasanický, Ivan; Malý, Marek; Pelikán, Emil
2014 - Czech
Ve zprávě je porovnána přesnost dvou posledních verzí modelu TDD, a to verze 3.4 a 3.5 za plynárenský rok 2013/2014, tj. za období 1.10.2013 až 30.9.2014. Porovnání bylo provedeno dle metodiky popsané ve výzkumné zprávě č. 1138 z roku 2011 s využitím kmenových dat distribuční společnosti RWE GasNet. Keywords: typové diagramy dodávky; zemní plyn; pravidla trhu s plynem Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Porovnání výstupů dvou posledních verzí modelu TDD za plynárenský rok 2013/2014

Ve zprávě je porovnána přesnost dvou posledních verzí modelu TDD, a to verze 3.4 a 3.5 za plynárenský rok 2013/2014, tj. za období 1.10.2013 až 30.9.2014. Porovnání bylo provedeno dle metodiky ...

Konár, Ondřej; Brabec, Marek; Kasanický, Ivan; Malý, Marek; Pelikán, Emil
Ústav informatiky, 2014

The use of Score Functions of Distribution for Description of Parametric Families
Fabián, Zdeněk
2014 - English
Keywords: systems of distributions; Johnson transformations; score function of distribution; parametric families Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
The use of Score Functions of Distribution for Description of Parametric Families

Fabián, Zdeněk
Ústav informatiky, 2014

Eulerovské chemické transportní modely, jejich výhody a možnosti využití
Resler, Jaroslav; Karel, J.; Jireš, R.; Liczki, Jitka; Belda, Michal; Eben, Kryštof; Kasanický, Ivan; Juruš, Pavel; Vlček, O.; Benešová, N.; Kazmuková, M.
2014 - Czech
Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Eulerovské chemické transportní modely, jejich výhody a možnosti využití

Resler, Jaroslav; Karel, J.; Jireš, R.; Liczki, Jitka; Belda, Michal; Eben, Kryštof; Kasanický, Ivan; Juruš, Pavel; Vlček, O.; Benešová, N.; Kazmuková, M.
Ústav informatiky, 2014

Robust Regularized Cluster Analysis for High-Dimensional Data
Kalina, Jan; Vlčková, Katarína
2014 - English
This paper presents new approaches to the hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis for high-dimensional data. First, we propose a regularized version of the hierarchical cluster analysis for categorical data with a large number of categories. It exploits a regularized version of various test statistics of homogeneity in contingency tables as the measure of distance between two clusters. Further, our aim is cluster analysis of continuous data with a large number of variables. Various regularization techniques tailor-made for high-dimensional data have been proposed, which have however turned out to suffer from a high sensitivity to the presence of outlying measurements in the data. As a robust solution, we recommend to combine two newly proposed methods, namely a regularized version of robust principal component analysis and a regularized Mahalanobis distance, which is based on an asymptotically optimal regularization of the covariance matrix. We bring arguments in favor of the newly proposed methods. Keywords: cluster analysis; robust data mining; big data; regularization Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Robust Regularized Cluster Analysis for High-Dimensional Data

This paper presents new approaches to the hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis for high-dimensional data. First, we propose a regularized version of the hierarchical cluster analysis for ...

Kalina, Jan; Vlčková, Katarína
Ústav informatiky, 2014

ITAT 2014. Information Technologies - Applications and Theory. Part II
Kůrková, Věra; Bajer, Lukáš; Peška, L.; Vojtáš, P.; Holeňa, Martin; Nehéz, M.
2014 - English
ITAT 2014. Information Technologies - Applications and Theory. Part II. Prague : Institute of Computer Science AS CR, 2014. 145 p. ISBN 978-80-87136-19-5. This volume is the second part of the two-volume proceedings of the 14th conference Information Technologies – Applications and Theory (ITAT 2014), which was held in Jasná, Demänovská Dolina, Slovakia, on September 25–29, 2014. ITAT is a computer science conference with the primary goal of exchanging information on recent research results. Overall, 51 papers were submitted to all conference tracks. This volume presents papers from the workshops and an extended abstract of a poster. Three specialized workshops were held as a part of the conference: Data Mining and Preference Learning on Web, Computational Intelligence and Data Mining, and Algorithmic Aspects of Complex Networks Analysis. Keywords: computer science; machine-learning; computer linguistics; data-mining; bio-informatics; parallel processing Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
ITAT 2014. Information Technologies - Applications and Theory. Part II

ITAT 2014. Information Technologies - Applications and Theory. Part II. Prague : Institute of Computer Science AS CR, 2014. 145 p. ISBN 978-80-87136-19-5. This volume is the second part of the ...

Kůrková, Věra; Bajer, Lukáš; Peška, L.; Vojtáš, P.; Holeňa, Martin; Nehéz, M.
Ústav informatiky, 2014

Description of Continuous Distributions and Data Samples by Means of Score Functions of Distribution
Fabián, Zdeněk
2014 - English
Keywords: score function; score mean; score variance; generalized Fisher information; data characteristics Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Description of Continuous Distributions and Data Samples by Means of Score Functions of Distribution

Fabián, Zdeněk
Ústav informatiky, 2014

Popis modelu TDD, verze 3.5
Konár, Ondřej; Brabec, Marek; Kasanický, Ivan; Malý, Marek; Pelikán, Emil
2014 - Czech
Zpráva obsahuje popis tvorby a použití modelu TDD pro odhad spotřeby zemního plynu zákazníků s měřením typu C. Součástí zprávy je metodika použití modelu TDD operátorem trhu, dále metodika použití TDD provozovatelem distribuční soustavy (PDS), popis aktualizace modelu TDD a popis předávaných souborů s parametry. Model je otestován na reálných datech ze zákaznického kmene distribuèní spoleènosti RWE GasNet a na datech z mimořádných průběhových měření. Dokument zahrnuje stav ke dni 15.10.2014. Keywords: typové diagramy dodávky; zemní plyn; pravidla trhu s plynem Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Popis modelu TDD, verze 3.5

Zpráva obsahuje popis tvorby a použití modelu TDD pro odhad spotřeby zemního plynu zákazníků s měřením typu C. Součástí zprávy je metodika použití modelu TDD operátorem trhu, dále metodika použití TDD ...

Konár, Ondřej; Brabec, Marek; Kasanický, Ivan; Malý, Marek; Pelikán, Emil
Ústav informatiky, 2014

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