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Comparative Analysis: English - Czech Variations of Legal Documents
2024 - English
Cílem této práce je identifikovat rozdíly a shody mezi zkoumanými daty prostřednictvím komparativní analýzy česky a anglicky psaných právních dokumentů. Práce se zaměřuje především na jevy, které by mohly znesnadnit porozumění textu čtenářům neznalým práva a překladatelům právních dokumentů do jiných jazyků. Pozornost je věnována žánru, struktuře a lexiku právních dokumentů. V práci jsou zkoumány problémy, s nimiž se překladatelé potýkají při překladu právě těchto právních textů. Práce také zkoumá, proč je právní jazyk často složitý a nesrozumitelný pro osoby bez právních znalostí. Kromě toho zdůrazňuje důležitost pochopení historického a právního kontextu, v němž tyto dokumenty vznikly. The aim of this thesis is to identify differences and correspondences between The examined data through a comparative analysis of Czech and English legal documents. The primary focus is put on phenomena that could make the text difficult to understand for readers unfamiliar with law and translators of legal documents into other languages. Genre, structure, and lexis are examined to explore the challenges faced by translators in conveying legal language accurately. The thesis also investigates why legal language is often complex and incomprehensible to those without legal knowledge. Additionally, it emphasises the importance of understanding the historical and legal context in which these documents were created. Keywords: právní jazyk; překlad; komparativní analýza; právní dokumenty; žánr; lexikologie Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Comparative Analysis: English - Czech Variations of Legal Documents

Cílem této práce je identifikovat rozdíly a shody mezi zkoumanými daty prostřednictvím komparativní analýzy česky a anglicky psaných právních dokumentů. Práce se zaměřuje především na jevy, které by ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

The role of Gaze in Victorian Ghost Stories
2024 - English
Cílem práce je zaměřit se na dvě známá díla z viktoriánské doby od Elizabeth Gaskell a Emily Brontë a poukázat na důležitou roli zraku jako smyslu v různých možných formách, a to v duchařském příběhu "The Old Nurse's Story" a románu Wuthering Heights. Práce se zaměřuje na viktoriánskou dobu a její pohled na duchy, a zárověň známé teorie a pohledy na zrak či pohled. Diplomová práce poté analyzuje daná díla a poukazuje na různé role zraku/pohledu, které se v nich objevují. This thesis aims to focus on two famous works from the Victorian era by Elizabeth Gaskell and Emily Brontë and to highlight the important role of sight as sense in various possible forms, namely in the ghost story "The Old Nurse's Story" and the novel Wuthering Heights. The thesis focuses on the Victorian era and its view on ghosts, and at the same time, well-known theories and perspectives on sight or gaze. The thesis then analyses the works in question and highlights the different roles of sight/gaze that appear in them. Keywords: duchařský příběh; duch; viktoriánská doba; spiritualismus; zrak; pohled Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
The role of Gaze in Victorian Ghost Stories

Cílem práce je zaměřit se na dvě známá díla z viktoriánské doby od Elizabeth Gaskell a Emily Brontë a poukázat na důležitou roli zraku jako smyslu v různých možných formách, a to v duchařském příběhu ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

Thin Nanostructured Film with Bioapplication Potential
KUMAR, Sanjay
2024 - English
The Ph.D. thesis aims to investigate, develop, and fabricate advanced nanostructured surfaces for (bio)sensors and detection applications. The primary outcome of the research is the development of a functional sensor transducer for the detection of specific anti-DbpA antibodies, typically produced by a living organism in response to Lyme disease infection, as well as for detecting live Borreliosis pathogens. The developed sensor is based on AgNPs/C:H:N:O plasma polymer nanocomposites. Silver (Ag) nanoparticles, generated by a gas aggregation source, are incorporated into a C:H:N:O plasma polymer matrix, which is deposited by magnetron sputtering of nylon 6.6. The surface of the AgNPs/C:H:N:O nanocomposite is functionalized with amino-rich -NH2 grafts and specific antibodies to achieve high specificity in detection. Anchored Ag nanoparticles propagate localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR), optically responding to changes caused by immobilized targets near the nanoparticles. The sensitivity of the sensor transducer is enhanced by incorporating Cu nanoparticles, which contribute to Cu-Ag coupling modes responsible for the modulation of the LSPR bands. The achieved results pave the way for rapid, low-cost, sensitive platforms for detecting not only the antibodies/pathogens studied here but also potentially other targets. The Ph.D. thesis aims to investigate, develop, and fabricate advanced nanostructured surfaces for (bio)sensors and detection applications. The primary outcome of the research is the development of a functional sensor transducer for the detection of specific anti-DbpA antibodies, typically produced by a living organism in response to Lyme disease infection, as well as for detecting live Borreliosis pathogens. The developed sensor is based on AgNPs/C:H:N:O plasma polymer nanocomposites. Silver (Ag) nanoparticles, generated by a gas aggregation source, are incorporated into a C:H:N:O plasma polymer matrix, which is deposited by magnetron sputtering of nylon 6.6. The surface of the AgNPs/C:H:N:O nanocomposite is functionalized with amino-rich -NH2 grafts and specific antibodies to achieve high specificity in detection. Anchored Ag nanoparticles propagate localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR), optically responding to changes caused by immobilized targets near the nanoparticles. The sensitivity of the sensor transducer is enhanced by incorporating Cu nanoparticles, which contribute to Cu-Ag coupling modes responsible for the modulation of the LSPR bands. The achieved results pave the way for rapid, low-cost, sensitive platforms for detecting not only the antibodies/pathogens studied here but also potentially other targets. Keywords: plasma polymer; plasma polymerization; C:H:N:O thin film; nylon; nanoparticles (Ag; Cu); nanostructures; nanocomposite; surface functionalization; magnetron sputtering; annealing; adhesion; immobilization; sensors; antibacterial; Lyme disease; Borrelia; plasmonic absorption; localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR); plasma-assisted deposition; enhanced detection Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Thin Nanostructured Film with Bioapplication Potential

The Ph.D. thesis aims to investigate, develop, and fabricate advanced nanostructured surfaces for (bio)sensors and detection applications. The primary outcome of the research is the development of a ...

KUMAR, Sanjay
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

Population genomics of parasite adaptation: New insights into diversification and speciation of parasites
2024 - English
This thesis investigates the ecological and genetic dynamics of parasitic species, primarily focusing on Ligula intestinalis tapeworms and Cimex bedbugs, aiming to enhance our understanding of their evolutionary biology, genetics, and adaptation mechanisms. In Chapter I, it elucidates the prevalence and population genetic structure of L. intestinalis plerocercoids in various cyprinoid fish species across Czech water bodies, focusing on how different hosts and environments influence genetic diversity and distribution. Chapter II explores the historical dispersal and host-switching events that have shaped the evolutionary history of the L. intestinalis species complex on a global scale. This includes identifying major evolutionary lineages, their host specificity, and the influence of biogeographic and demographic events on lineage diversity. Chapter III provides a highly contiguous genome assembly for L. intestinalis and examines RNA transcription patterns to understand the regulation of biological functions during its life cycle, establishing a comprehensive reference transcriptome for both plerocercoid and adult stages. Chapter IV explores the mechanisms underlying possible ecological speciation in L. intestinalis, particularly under a sympatric setting, to determine whether host specificity influences population structure in the absence of geographical separation. Chapter V shifts focus to the establishment of the tropical bedbug, Cimex hemipterus, in Central Europe, using genetic analyses to reveal limited mtDNA variability and the presence of pyrethroid resistance mutations. Finally, Chapter VI investigates genetic and transcriptomic divergence in C. lectularius populations associated with human and bat hosts, exploring how host switching influences genetic diversity and adaptation. This genomic and transcriptomic approach provides valuable insights into the evolutionary dynamics and adaptive strategies of parasitic species. Keywords: Population genomics; Phylogeography; Historical biogeography; Ligula intestinalis; bedbugs Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Population genomics of parasite adaptation: New insights into diversification and speciation of parasites

This thesis investigates the ecological and genetic dynamics of parasitic species, primarily focusing on Ligula intestinalis tapeworms and Cimex bedbugs, aiming to enhance our understanding of their ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

Eseje o Rozvojové Ekonomii
Sargsyan, Ella; Mittag, Nikolas Karl; Poyker, Michael; Fiorin, Stefano
2024 - English
This dissertation investigates effective household coping strategies during profound economic shocks, as well as the impact of violent conflicts and natural disasters on parents' child gender preferences in developing countries. In light of rising concerns about food insecurity caused by a variety of crises, the first chapter investigates effective coping strategies households can employ to mitigate the lasting impacts of income shocks and associated nutrition deficits. We uncover a previously unexplored coping mechanism - home production - and establish the extent of its effectiveness in mitigating the negative effects of crises on child health. To do so, we focus on the transition period after the collapse of the Soviet Union and investigate the role of household production of potatoes. Specifically, utilizing individual-level data from Russia, Kazakhstan, and other post-Soviet countries and exploiting the variation in the soil suitability index, we establish that households that grew potatoes on land more suitable for their cultivation were able to reduce the negative effects of transition shock on the health of their children as measured by adult height and height-for-age z-score. Our findings suggest that targeted nutritional interventions are needed to mitigate long-term adverse health... Tato disertační práce zkoumá účinné strategie domácností pro zvládání hlubokých ekonomických šoků a dopad násilných konfliktů a přírodních katastrof na genderové pref- erence rodičů v rozvojových zemích. Ve světle rostoucích obav z nedostatku potravin způsobeného různými krizemi zkoumá první kapitola účinné strategie zvládání, které mohou domácnosti využít ke zmírnění tr- valých dopadů příjmových šoků a souvisejícího nutričního deficitu. Odhalujeme dosud neprozkoumaný mechanismus zvládání - domácí výrobu - a zjišťujeme míru jeho účinnosti při zmírňování negativních dopadů krizí na zdraví dětí. Za tímto účelem se zaměřujeme na tranziční období po rozpadu Sovětského svazu a zkoumáme roli domácí produkce brambor. Konkrétně s využitím údajů na individuální úrovni z Ruska, Kazachstánu a dalších postsovětských zemí a s využitím variability indexu vhodnosti půdy zjišťujeme, že domácnosti, které pěstovaly brambory na půdě vhodnější pro jejich pěstování, dokázaly snížit negativní dopady transformačního šoku na zdraví svých dětí, měřeno výškou v dospělosti a z-skóre výšky na věk. Naše zjištění naznačují, že ke zmírnění dlouhodobých nepřiznivých... Available in a digital repository NRGL
Eseje o Rozvojové Ekonomii

This dissertation investigates effective household coping strategies during profound economic shocks, as well as the impact of violent conflicts and natural disasters on parents' child gender ...

Sargsyan, Ella; Mittag, Nikolas Karl; Poyker, Michael; Fiorin, Stefano
Univerzita Karlova, 2024

Tuning carotenoid photophysics by changes in structure and local environment
ÖZCAN, Emrah
2024 - English
This thesis investigates the complex dynamics of excited states in carotenoids, focusing on the origins and properties of certain dark states and how they are affected by external disturbances such as metal interactions, pH changes, applied voltage, and chemical modifications. Paper I demonstrates the creation of stable astaxanthin-metal complexes and their altered excited-state dynamics, revealing shortened lifetimes and enhanced ICT bands due to metal-ion interactions. Paper II explores the effect of external voltage on 8-apo--carotenal, showing that applied voltage can control the ICT state amplitude and extend its lifetime. Paper III examines pH-dependent effects on crocin, finding significant pH-induced shifts and stabilization at basic pH levels. Paper IV presents the synthesis and analysis of bis-phenylhydrazone astaxanthin, highlighting its modified excited-state dynamics and the potential for organic modification to study new effects. These findings enhance our understanding of carotenoid excited states and suggest new research approaches. This thesis investigates the complex dynamics of excited states in carotenoids, focusing on the origins and properties of certain dark states and how they are affected by external disturbances such as metal interactions, pH changes, applied voltage, and chemical modifications. Paper I demonstrates the creation of stable astaxanthin-metal complexes and their altered excited-state dynamics, revealing shortened lifetimes and enhanced ICT bands due to metal-ion interactions. Paper II explores the effect of external voltage on 8-apo--carotenal, showing that applied voltage can control the ICT state amplitude and extend its lifetime. Paper III examines pH-dependent effects on crocin, finding significant pH-induced shifts and stabilization at basic pH levels. Paper IV presents the synthesis and analysis of bis-phenylhydrazone astaxanthin, highlighting its modified excited-state dynamics and the potential for organic modification to study new effects. These findings enhance our understanding of carotenoid excited states and suggest new research approaches. Keywords: Carotenoids; Metal complexes; Ultrafast spectroscopy; Charge transfer state; Cyclic voltammetry; 8'-apo--carotenal; Spectroelectrochemistry; Crocin; pH-dependence. Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Tuning carotenoid photophysics by changes in structure and local environment

This thesis investigates the complex dynamics of excited states in carotenoids, focusing on the origins and properties of certain dark states and how they are affected by external disturbances such as ...

ÖZCAN, Emrah
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

Substrátem kontrolované fyzikální vlastnosti tenkých vrstev magnetických oxidů pro spintronické aplikace
Maleček, Tomáš; Veis, Martin
2024 - English
As conventional electronics approaches its fundamental limits, new paradigms are re- quired. Integration of new spintronic materials with current silicon technology shows great promise. This thesis demonstrates the possibility of growing textured stress-free La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 (LSMO) thin films on silicon with properties comparable to epitaxi- ally grown layers on SrTiO3 (STO). Growth of LSMO is achieved by a two-dimensional nanosheet (NS) seed layer of Ca2Nb3O10 inducing epitaxial stabilization of LSMO films. Samples of LSMO on NS/Si, prepared by pulsed laser deposition, have been shown to have lower magnetization than samples of LSMO on STO yet also possess a higher Curie temperature by more than 10 K. Spectral dependence of the full permittivity tensor was calculated from optical and magneto-optical measurements. Spectra of the off-diagonal element have been fitted with three diamagnetic transitions located around 1.9, 2.9 and 3.5 eV for samples on NS/Si as well as for samples on STO. Similarities between the samples open the possibility of integration of LSMO into silicon technology using NS. Temperature-dependent optical and magneto-optical properties of a sample of LSMO on STO have been evaluated. Vývoj klasické elektroniky se přibližuje svým fyzikálním mezím a žádá si nových přís- tupů. Slibným se ukazuje být integrace nových spintronických materiálů s dosavadní křemíkovou technologií. Tato práce představuje možnost růstu relaxovaných textur- ovaných tenkých vrstev La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 (LSMO) na křemíku s vlastnostmi srovnatelnými s epitaxní vrstvou na SrTiO3 (STO). Růstu LSMO bylo dosaženo díky dvoudimenzionální nanovrstvě (NV) Ca2Nb3O10, která epitaxně stabilizovala růst LSMO. Bylo ukázáno, že vzorky LSMO na NV/Si, připravené pulzní laserovou depozicí, vykazují nižší saturační magnetizaci než vzorky LSMO na STO, ale přesto mají vyšší Curieovu teplotu a to o více než 10 K. Optická a magneto-optická měření byla využita na dopočtení kompletního tenzoru permitivity zkoumaného materiálu. Spektra nediagonální složky byla parametri- zována třemi diamagnetickými přechody s energiemi okolo 1.9, 2.9 a 3.5 eV a to pro LSMO na NV/Si i LSMO na STO. Podobnosti fyzikálních vlastností vzorků otevírají možnost integrace LSMO do křemíkové technologie s využitím NV. Dále v této diplomové práci byly studovány optické a magneto-optické vlastnosti vybraného vzorku LSMO na STO v závislosti na teplotě. Keywords: magneto-optický Kerrův jev|tenzor permitivity|epitaxní pnutí|nanovrstva|pulzní laserová depozice|LSMO; magneto-optical Kerr effect|permittivity tensor|epitaxial strain|nanosheets|pulsed laser deposition|LSMO Available in a digital repository NRGL
Substrátem kontrolované fyzikální vlastnosti tenkých vrstev magnetických oxidů pro spintronické aplikace

As conventional electronics approaches its fundamental limits, new paradigms are re- quired. Integration of new spintronic materials with current silicon technology shows great promise. This thesis ...

Maleček, Tomáš; Veis, Martin
Univerzita Karlova, 2024

2024 - English
Osvojování cizího jazyka je dlouhodobý proces a výsledků není možné dosáhnout pouze studiem ve škole. V současném digitálním věku mají studenti přístup k nespočetnému množství materiálů v jazyce, který se učí. Tato práce se zabývá jedním konkrétním zdrojem, který je stále populárnější mezi mladými lidmi, a to videohrami. Cílem této práce je zjistit jaké jazykové schopnosti videohry nejvíce ovlivňují, zda má hraní her nějaké výhody v otázce osvojování anglického jazyka, a jaká je motivace hráčů hrát zrovna v anglickém jazyce. Práce se skládá ze dvou hlavních částí. První část tvoří odborná literatura, která se zaměřuje na vysvětlení vybraných videoherních žánrů a vztahu videoher a osvojování jazyka. Dále tato část obsahuje popis a vztah jednotlivých jazykových kompetencí a videoher obecně. Poslední sekce představuje Krashenův Monitor Model, zejména dvě jeho hypotézy the Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis a the Input Hypothesis, a objasňuje, jak tyto koncepty souvisí s osvojováním jazyka skrze videohry. Druhá část práce se zaměřuje na empirický výzkum, který byl provedený dotazníkovou formou, a který shromáždil data od 64 respondentů. V této části je podrobně popsaná metodika, analýza odpovědí a diskuze, která je založena na zjištění z první části. Výsledky nabízejí vhled do herních zkušeností hráčů a to, jestli vnímají zlepšení jejich jazykových schopností díky vlivu videoher. The acquisition of a foreign language is a complex and ongoing process, and achieving proficiency cannot solely rely on school education. In the digital age, learners have access to an abundance of language materials beyond the classroom. This study explores the potential of video games as tools for language acquisition, particularly focusing on the English language. The primary aim is to identify which language skills are most likely to improve through gaming and to evaluate the overall benefits of this approach. The thesis comprises two main sections. The first part is a literature review, explaining selected video game genres and the second language acquisition. This part includes the main language competencies and how they can be potentially improved by video games in general. Finally, the last chapter of the literature review section is dedicated to the Krashen's Monitor Model, emphasising the Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis and the Input Hypothesis, and how these concepts align with language learning through video games. The second part of the thesis presents the empirical study conducted through a questionnaire, which gathered data from 64 respondents. This section details the methodology, analyses the responses, and discusses the findings in the context of the theoretical framework provided in the literature review. The results offer insights into the gaming experiences of players and their perceived improvements in language competence. Keywords: video hry; osvojování druhého jazyka (SLA); osvojování angličtiny; jazykové dovednosti Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.

Osvojování cizího jazyka je dlouhodobý proces a výsledků není možné dosáhnout pouze studiem ve škole. V současném digitálním věku mají studenti přístup k nespočetnému množství materiálů v jazyce, ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

Kininase-like metalloprotease regulates tick salivation
2024 - English
Ticks are obligate hematophagous ectoparasites that require a blood meal to complete their development and reproduction. To facilitate blood feeding, they secrete saliva, a complex mixture of bioactive compounds that modulate the host's immune responses. To evade host immunity, ticks have evolved their salivary proteins to exhibit low immunogenicity. However, in some less adapted hosts, compounds of tick saliva can evoke antibody-mediated responses. Angiotensin-converting enzyme-like kininase (Ir-ACE), the main subject of this thesis, was identified as one of the most dominant salivary antigens of the tick Ixodes ricinus. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the molecular and functional properties of this enzyme; an objective that has not yet been accomplished. To achieve this, RNAi and repeated feeding experiments, proteomic analysis of salivary glands and expression of recombinant Ir-ACE used for the vaccination experiments and substrate profiling were performed. Ticks are obligate hematophagous ectoparasites that require a blood meal to complete their development and reproduction. To facilitate blood feeding, they secrete saliva, a complex mixture of bioactive compounds that modulate the host's immune responses. To evade host immunity, ticks have evolved their salivary proteins to exhibit low immunogenicity. However, in some less adapted hosts, compounds of tick saliva can evoke antibody-mediated responses. Angiotensin-converting enzyme-like kininase (Ir-ACE), the main subject of this thesis, was identified as one of the most dominant salivary antigens of the tick Ixodes ricinus. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the molecular and functional properties of this enzyme; an objective that has not yet been accomplished. To achieve this, RNAi and repeated feeding experiments, proteomic analysis of salivary glands and expression of recombinant Ir-ACE used for the vaccination experiments and substrate profiling were performed. Keywords: ticks; saliva; salivary glands; metalloproteases; angiotensin-converting enzyme-like kininase Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Kininase-like metalloprotease regulates tick salivation

Ticks are obligate hematophagous ectoparasites that require a blood meal to complete their development and reproduction. To facilitate blood feeding, they secrete saliva, a complex mixture of ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

Fyzikální vlastnosti dopovaného a nedopovaného Tb3Fe5O12 studované optickými spektroskopiemi
Hubert, Michal; Veis, Martin
2024 - English
This thesis focuses on systematic study of optical and magneto-optical properties of non-doped and doped Tb3Fe5O12 thin films, on gadolinium gallium garnet and silicon substrates. Spectroscopic ellipsometry measurements were performed to obtain optical properties, thicknesses and surface roughness values of studied samples. The magneto- optical properties were investigated using the Kerr and Faraday effect measurements. Obtained experimental data were used to calculate the spectral dependence of the off- diagonal components of permittivity tensor. The results were compared with literature, and the effect of doping was discussed. On three samples, the spectral magneto-optical Kerr rotation hysteresis loops were measured, for the purpose of separating the individual contributions of sublattices. The analysis revealed that the method is probably insensitive to sublattice contributions but is sensitive to the contributions of regions with different magnetic anisotropy within the deposited layer. 1 Táto práca je zameraná na systematické štúdium optických a magnetooptických vlast- ností nedopovaných a dopovaných Tb3Fe5O12 tenkých vrstiev na gadolínium gálium gra- nátových a kremíkových substrátoch. Z vykonaných meraní spektroskopickej elipsometrie boli u skúmaných vzoriek získané optické vlastnosti, hrúbky vrstiev a drsnosti povrchov. Magnetooptické vlastnosti boli skúmané použitím meraní Kerrovho a Faradayovho javu. Získané experimentálne dáta boli použité na výpočet spektrálnej závislosti mimodia- gonálnych komponentov tenzoru permitivity. Výsledky boli porovnané s literatúrou a bol diskutovaný efekt dopovania. Na troch vzorkách boli zmerané spektrálne hysterézne slučky magnetooptického Kerrovho javu pre účel oddelenia individuálnych príspevkov podmrieží. Analýza ukázala, že táto metóda pravdepodobne nie je citlivá na príspevky podmrieží, ale je citlivá na príspevky oblastí s rozdielnou magnetickou anizotropiou vnútri deponovanej vrstvy. 1 Keywords: ferimagnetické granáty|magnetooptická spektroskopia|príspevky podmrieží; ferrimagnetic garnets|magneto-optical spectroscopy|sublattice contributions Available in a digital repository NRGL
Fyzikální vlastnosti dopovaného a nedopovaného Tb3Fe5O12 studované optickými spektroskopiemi

This thesis focuses on systematic study of optical and magneto-optical properties of non-doped and doped Tb3Fe5O12 thin films, on gadolinium gallium garnet and silicon substrates. Spectroscopic ...

Hubert, Michal; Veis, Martin
Univerzita Karlova, 2024

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