Number of found documents: 3370
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Electroplating of 3D Printed Electrodes for Selective Electrochemical Reduction of C02
Vaněčková, Eva; Bouša, Milan; Shestivska, Violetta; Kubišta, Jiří; Rathouský, Jiří; Sebechlebská, Táňa; Kolivoška, Viliam
2021 - English
In this work, computer assisted design and fused deposition modelling 3D printing are\nemployed to devise and manufacture electrodes from polylactic acid-carbon nanotube\nconductive composite. Electrodes are further modified by copper electroplating to prepare\ncatalysts for the electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide. Scanning electron microscopy\nand energy dispersive X-ray analysis are used to inspect the surface morphology and chemical\ncomposition of obtained catalysts. Cyclovoltammetric investigations reveal that the copper\nelectroplating leads to the increase of electrode activity by three orders of magnitude. Keywords: 3D printing; electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide; electroplating Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Electroplating of 3D Printed Electrodes for Selective Electrochemical Reduction of C02

In this work, computer assisted design and fused deposition modelling 3D printing are\nemployed to devise and manufacture electrodes from polylactic acid-carbon nanotube\nconductive composite. ...

Vaněčková, Eva; Bouša, Milan; Shestivska, Violetta; Kubišta, Jiří; Rathouský, Jiří; Sebechlebská, Táňa; Kolivoška, Viliam
Ústav fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského, 2021

Enzymatic detoxification of cyanide using cyanide hydratases
Sedova, Anastasia; Rucká, Lenka; Glozlová, Michaela; Novotný, Petr; Martínková, Ludmila; Bojarová, Pavla
2021 - English
Cyanide, a strong chelator of metals in vital enzymes and proteins, is very toxic for most living organisms. Wastewaters from the mining, metallurgical and chemical industries contain significant concentrations of free cyanide. Though it can be largely eliminated by physicochemical methods, these processes may in turn lead to the formation of other waste. In addition, no effective methods have been found to neutralize cyanide spills coming from industrial accidents. The use of enzymes to remove cyanide is an attractive alternative, which is environmentally friendly and applicable to high cyanide concentrations. Cyanide hydratases (CynHs) are of considerable interest for the decomposition of hazardous cyanide wastes. Here we investigate the biochemical properties of new CynHs from Stereum hirsutum and Exidia glandulosa, it is of fundamental importance to preserve the enzyme activity at alkaline pH as cyanide waste is stored under these conditions. Keywords: free cyanide; cyanide hydratase; cyanide spills; cyanide waste Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Enzymatic detoxification of cyanide using cyanide hydratases

Cyanide, a strong chelator of metals in vital enzymes and proteins, is very toxic for most living organisms. Wastewaters from the mining, metallurgical and chemical industries contain significant ...

Sedova, Anastasia; Rucká, Lenka; Glozlová, Michaela; Novotný, Petr; Martínková, Ludmila; Bojarová, Pavla
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2021

Estimation of winter wheat yield using machine learning from airborne hyperspectral data
Švik, Marian; Pikl, Miroslav; Janoutová, Růžena; Veselá, Barbora; Slezák, Lukáš; Klem, Karel; Homolová, Lucie
2021 - English
Methods based on optical remote sensing allow nowadays to assess crop conditions over larger areas. The assessment of crop conditions and potential estimation of crop yields in the early growth\nstages can help farmers to better target their management practice such as application of fertilizers. In this study we analysed airborne hyperspectral images acquired several times during the growing season over two experimental sites in the Czech Republic (Ivanovice and Lukavec). The field experiments on winter wheat included 12 levels of fertilisation (combination of organic and mineral fertilisers). Such an experiment design and the possibility of combining the data from two sites together increased the variability in our wheat yield dataset, which varied between 2.8 and 10.0 t/ha. Further, we used a machine learning method – namely gaussian process regression from the ARTMO toolbox to train two variants of models: a) combining the spectral data from both sites and from the multiple acquisition days and b) combining the spectral data from both sites for individual acquisition days.The results showed that it was feasible to predict wheat yield already at the beginning of April with R2 > 0.85. This promising result, however, requires more thorough validation and therefore we plan to include more data from other sites in the next steps. Keywords: hyperspectral; machine learning; remote sensing; winter wheat; yield Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Estimation of winter wheat yield using machine learning from airborne hyperspectral data

Methods based on optical remote sensing allow nowadays to assess crop conditions over larger areas. The assessment of crop conditions and potential estimation of crop yields in the early ...

Švik, Marian; Pikl, Miroslav; Janoutová, Růžena; Veselá, Barbora; Slezák, Lukáš; Klem, Karel; Homolová, Lucie
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2021

Comparison of the Covalent Laccase Immobilization at Amino- and Carboxylfunctionalized Mesoporous Silica, Glassy Carbon, and Graphite Powders using Different Coupling Agents for Optimal Biosensor Preparation
Tvorynska, Sofiia; Barek, J.; Josypčuk, Bohdan
2021 - English
In order to find the most suitable immobilization protocol, a comparison of three strategies\nbased on the application of –NH2 and –COOH functionalized supports with the different\nactivation agents (glutaraldehyde and carbodiimide) have been conducted for the covalent\nenzyme (laccase) attachment. Two kinds of the supports, namely mesoporous silica (SBA−15,\nMCM−41) and carbonaceous (glassy carbon, graphite) powders, have been used. It was found\nthat a biosensor consisted of tubular detector of silver solid amalgam as a working electrode\nand the enzymatic mini-reactor with laccase covalently attached to glutaraldehyde activated\n–NH2 functionalized MCM−41 shows the best results regarding sensitivity and stability for\ndopamine detection. Keywords: Covalent enzyme immobilization; Support surface functionalization; Laccase Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Comparison of the Covalent Laccase Immobilization at Amino- and Carboxylfunctionalized Mesoporous Silica, Glassy Carbon, and Graphite Powders using Different Coupling Agents for Optimal Biosensor Preparation

In order to find the most suitable immobilization protocol, a comparison of three strategies\nbased on the application of –NH2 and –COOH functionalized supports with the different\nactivation agents ...

Tvorynska, Sofiia; Barek, J.; Josypčuk, Bohdan
Ústav fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského, 2021

EPR/UV-VIS-NIR Spectroelectrochemical Examination of the Association Properties of Thienoacene-Bridged Tetrathiafulvalenes Supported by DFT Calculations
Lušpai, Karol; Rapta, P.; Zalibera, M.; Darvasiová, D.; Lukeš, V.
2021 - English
This work was focused on the EPR/UV-VIS-NIR spectroelectrochemical examination of\nassociation properties of radical cations electrochemically produced from tetrathiafulvalene\n(TTF) derivatives, in relation to the molecular structure, mainly the number and orientation of\nthiophene rings in the spacer between fulvalene redox centers. Results from EPR/UV-VIS-NIR\nspectroelectrochemistry were supported by DFT calculations. Keywords: Tetrathiafulvalene; EPR/UV-VIS-NIR spectroelectrochemistry; Cyclic voltammetry Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
EPR/UV-VIS-NIR Spectroelectrochemical Examination of the Association Properties of Thienoacene-Bridged Tetrathiafulvalenes Supported by DFT Calculations

This work was focused on the EPR/UV-VIS-NIR spectroelectrochemical examination of\nassociation properties of radical cations electrochemically produced from tetrathiafulvalene\n(TTF) derivatives, in ...

Lušpai, Karol; Rapta, P.; Zalibera, M.; Darvasiová, D.; Lukeš, V.
Ústav fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského, 2021

UV-Vis and IR Spectroelectrocbemistry of Copper Complexes and Bioactive Compounds
Sokolová, Romana; Obluková, Michaela; Sýs, M.; Mikysek, T.; Wantulok, J.; Nycz, J. E.; Degano, I.
2021 - English
The interpretation of the change of absorption spectrum of an oxidized and reduced molecule\nrecorded during the electron transfer is an efficient tool for the determination of oxidation or\nreduction mechanism. This technique provides the information about the electroactive\nchromophore and is performed in two regimes of electrochemical measurement, cyclic\nvoltammetry and chronoamperometry, respectively. This approach was successfully applied to\nstudy the fundamental electrochemical behavior of recently synthesized copper complexes\nproviding biomimetic activity, ofpolyphenolic bioactive compounds, and also for the reduction\nof halogenated phenanthrolines. The identification of redox products was done by\nchromatographic techniques as HPLC-DAD and HPLC-ESI-MS/MS. Keywords: Copper complexes; Catechol; spectroelectrochemistry Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
UV-Vis and IR Spectroelectrocbemistry of Copper Complexes and Bioactive Compounds

The interpretation of the change of absorption spectrum of an oxidized and reduced molecule\nrecorded during the electron transfer is an efficient tool for the determination of oxidation or\nreduction ...

Sokolová, Romana; Obluková, Michaela; Sýs, M.; Mikysek, T.; Wantulok, J.; Nycz, J. E.; Degano, I.
Ústav fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského, 2021

Epitachophoretic preconcentration of proteins
Hrušková, Helena; Voráčová, Ivona; Foret, František
2021 - English
In this work, we present a developed method for preconcentration of standards of proteins cytochrome c, myoglobin, and hemoglobin. Firstly, the electrolyte system was selected and optimized to provide low analysis time, narrow shape of the protein zone, and eliminate overheating at the center of the device. In the next step, the developed method was tested on the preconcentration of proteins: cytochrome c, myoglobin, and hemoglobin. After several adjustments myoglobin and hemoglobin were also uccessfully preconcentrated. After evaluation of pilot results, this technique provides up to fiftyfold preconcentration and recovery of over 70 % for each protein. The next plan is to preconcentrate proteins from complex biological matrices such as urine or blood plasma. Keywords: epitachophoresis; isotachophoresis; preparative concentration Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Epitachophoretic preconcentration of proteins

In this work, we present a developed method for preconcentration of standards of proteins cytochrome c, myoglobin, and hemoglobin. Firstly, the electrolyte system was selected and optimized to provide ...

Hrušková, Helena; Voráčová, Ivona; Foret, František
Ústav analytické chemie, 2021

Quantum dot luminescent probe for Caspase 3/7 imaging inside cells
Procházková, Markéta; Klepárník, Karel
2021 - English
Two step synthesis of luminescent probe based on ligand-exchange in the first step and the specific reaction of amino group in the second step was optimized. The luminescence properties of the final product were checked by time course of\nactive recombinant caspase protein reaction under the model conditions in fluorimeter. The novel luminescent probe enables long-time imaging of active caspases in living cells or tissues. Keywords: caspase; fluorescence; quantum dot Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Quantum dot luminescent probe for Caspase 3/7 imaging inside cells

Two step synthesis of luminescent probe based on ligand-exchange in the first step and the specific reaction of amino group in the second step was optimized. The luminescence properties of the final ...

Procházková, Markéta; Klepárník, Karel
Ústav analytické chemie, 2021

Ion Transfer Voltammetry across the Polarized Ionic Liquid/Water Interface: Base for Electrochemical Sensors
Langmaier, Jan; Samec, Zdeněk
2021 - English
Some electrochemical techniques such as voltammetry at the polarized interfaces between two\nimmiscible electrolyte solutions (ITIES) represent interesting alternatives to classical\nelectrochemistry. The benefit of the ion transfer voltammetry lies in the possibility of detection\nof ionic species which are not otherwise redox active. The methodology enables apart of direct\ndetermination of ionic samples (including pharmaceutical and clinical ones) also to monitor\nreaction processes (acido-basic, enzymatic, etc.), determination of reaction substrates and\nproducts in one experimental step, evaluation of reaction and transport kinetics, and estimation\nof lipophilicity of involved species. Keywords: ion transfer voltammetry; electrochemical detection; ionic liquid Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Ion Transfer Voltammetry across the Polarized Ionic Liquid/Water Interface: Base for Electrochemical Sensors

Some electrochemical techniques such as voltammetry at the polarized interfaces between two\nimmiscible electrolyte solutions (ITIES) represent interesting alternatives to classical\nelectrochemistry. ...

Langmaier, Jan; Samec, Zdeněk
Ústav fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského, 2021

The use of Boron Doped Diamond Electrode for Determination of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic Acid
Hrdlička, Vojtěch; Navrátil, Tomáš
2021 - English
A new method for voltammetric determination of clinical biomarker 5-hydroxyindoleacetic\nacid (HIAA) at the boron-doped diamond electrode (BDDE) was developed. Anodically and\ncathodically pretreated BDDEs were tested in the pH ranges from 1 to 12, pre-treatment at\n+2.0V/60 s, and pH 3 was found to be the optimum.\nThe optimum square wave voltammetry (SWV) parameters were: f = 12 Hz, amplitude 60\nmV, and potential step 4 mV. SWV concentration dependency was constructed in the range\nfrom 0.1 to 100 μmol L−1, limits of determination and detection were 0.3 and 0.1 μmol L−1,\nrespectively. HIAA oxidation electrode process at BDDE was diffusion-controlled, as\nuncovered by cyclic voltammetry. Interestingly, HIAA peak potential was constant in various\nranges of pH, indicating a non-Nernstian behavior at the BDDE, in contrast to a previously\npublished electrooxidation mechanism consisting of a coupled H+/e− transfer. Keywords: boron-doped diamond electrode; 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid; square wave voltammetry Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
The use of Boron Doped Diamond Electrode for Determination of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic Acid

A new method for voltammetric determination of clinical biomarker 5-hydroxyindoleacetic\nacid (HIAA) at the boron-doped diamond electrode (BDDE) was developed. Anodically and\ncathodically pretreated ...

Hrdlička, Vojtěch; Navrátil, Tomáš
Ústav fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského, 2021

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