Number of found documents: 452
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Trade-offs in parasitoid resistance and competitive ability in Drosophila
2022 - English
Trade-offs in fitness traits in Drosophila were studied in a laboratory environment. Fly and wasp lines originated from an ecological community in a tropical rainforest in Queensland, Australia and were established in České Budějovice. Experimental evolution was used to impose selective pressures on populations of flies to select for parasitoid resistance and competitive ability. The selection regimes were followed by two separate phenotyping experiments to measure the resulting phenotypic changes and impose novel conditions to the evolved flies in order to identify trade-offs. Keywords: ecology; evolution; eco-evolutionary dynamics; trade-offs; fitness; Drosophila Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Trade-offs in parasitoid resistance and competitive ability in Drosophila

Trade-offs in fitness traits in Drosophila were studied in a laboratory environment. Fly and wasp lines originated from an ecological community in a tropical rainforest in Queensland, Australia and ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2022

Differentiating the adhesion properties of surface proteins between various Borrelia species
2021 - English
The aim of the thesis was to gain a better understanding of decorin binding proteins A and B (DbpAB) of various Borrelia species my different means. Overexpression of DbpA or DbpB in B. afzelii was addressed, examining phenotypic changes in mutants. Also, it was aimed to create shuttle vectors to complement DbpAB of different European Borrelia species as well as suicide vectors. The aim of the thesis was to gain a better understanding of decorin binding proteins A and B (DbpAB) of various Borrelia species my different means. Overexpression of DbpA or DbpB in B. afzelii was addressed, examining phenotypic changes in mutants. Also, it was aimed to create shuttle vectors to complement DbpAB of different European Borrelia species as well as suicide vectors. Keywords: Borrelia; surface proteins; adhesion Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Differentiating the adhesion properties of surface proteins between various Borrelia species

The aim of the thesis was to gain a better understanding of decorin binding proteins A and B (DbpAB) of various Borrelia species my different means. Overexpression of DbpA or DbpB in B. afzelii was ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Design and production of TBEV specific cleavage reporter for in vitro and in cell studies
2021 - English
Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) is an important human pathogen and as of now, there are no specific therapeutics to combat this disease. In vitro and in cell models are essential in studying the disease and in the pursuit of novel therapeutics. This thesis deals with the design and production of two genetically encoded cleavage reporters of TBEV NS2B-NS3 protease activity. The reporters were produced in E. coli and tested with recombinant NS2B-NS3 protease, as well as produced in mammalian cell lines and analyzed for fluorescence upon infection with TBEV. Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) is an important human pathogen and as of now, there are no specific therapeutics to combat this disease. In vitro and in cell models are essential in studying the disease and in the pursuit of novel therapeutics. This thesis deals with the design and production of two genetically encoded cleavage reporters of TBEV NS2B-NS3 protease activity. The reporters were produced in E. coli and tested with recombinant NS2B-NS3 protease, as well as produced in mammalian cell lines and analyzed for fluorescence upon infection with TBEV. Keywords: TBEV; NS2B-NS3 protease; cleavage reporter; PAmCherry Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Design and production of TBEV specific cleavage reporter for in vitro and in cell studies

Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) is an important human pathogen and as of now, there are no specific therapeutics to combat this disease. In vitro and in cell models are essential in studying the ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

The Mitochondrial Contact Site and Cristae Organization System and F1FO-ATP Synthase Crosstalk is a Fundamental Property of Mitochondrial Cristae
CADENA, Lawrence Rudy
2021 - English
The acquisition of mitochondria from an endosymbiont closely related to extant alphaproteobacteria occurred prior to the divergence of modern eukaryotes. Since then, diverse eukaryotes have not only developed a number of different mechanisms to adapt to their environment regarding growth and proliferation, but perpetuated certain traits that have persisted for eons. This thesis postulates an ancestral mechanism for cristae development in mitochondria involving interplay between two cristae shaping protein complexes, the Mitochondrial Contact Site and Cristae Organization System and F1FO-ATP Synthase, that has remained conserved throughout eukaryotic diversification for over 2 billion years. The acquisition of mitochondria from an endosymbiont closely related to extant alphaproteobacteria occurred prior to the divergence of modern eukaryotes. Since then, diverse eukaryotes have not only developed a number of different mechanisms to adapt to their environment regarding growth and proliferation, but perpetuated certain traits that have persisted for eons. This thesis postulates an ancestral mechanism for cristae development in mitochondria involving interplay between two cristae shaping protein complexes, the Mitochondrial Contact Site and Cristae Organization System and F1FO-ATP Synthase, that has remained conserved throughout eukaryotic diversification for over 2 billion years. Keywords: Mitochondria; MICOS; ATP Synthase; Trypanosoma brucei; evolution; protein interaction Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
The Mitochondrial Contact Site and Cristae Organization System and F1FO-ATP Synthase Crosstalk is a Fundamental Property of Mitochondrial Cristae

The acquisition of mitochondria from an endosymbiont closely related to extant alphaproteobacteria occurred prior to the divergence of modern eukaryotes. Since then, diverse eukaryotes have not only ...

CADENA, Lawrence Rudy
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Teacher questions supporting communication in the classroom (on the material of ELT)
BRONOVÁ, Pavlína
2021 - English
Diplomová práce se zabývá otázkami učitele ve třídních interakcích ve výuce anglického jazyka na 2. stupni ZŠ. Mnoho výzkumů totiž ukazuje, že kvalitní otázky učitele vedou k rozvoji komunikace u žáků v cizojazyčné výuce, zvyšují kvalitu a množství žákova jazyka. Teoretická část práce nejprve představuje postavení angličtiny jako školního předmětu v Rámcovém vzdělávacím programu. Nejrozsáhlejší část práce se zabývá vymezením pojmů třídní komunikace a interakce mezi učitelem a žákem nazývanou v anglicky psané literatuře jako IRE nebo IRF. Práce se zaměřuje na iniciaci ve formě otázky a na základě odborné literatury popisuje typy otázek podle různých typologií a zabývá se tím, které otázky učitele jsou ve třídní interakci nejefektivnější. Praktická část vychází z videonahrávek hodin anglického jazyka na 2. stupni ZŠ. Otázky analyzuje na základě popsané typologie a sleduje, které typy otázek nejvíce rozvíjejí komunikaci ve třídě a které ji naopak limitují. The diploma thesis deals with the teacher questions in classroom interaction in the teaching of English at the second stage of primary school. Many studies show that quality teacher questions develop pupils' communication in foreign language teaching, increase the quality and quantity of the pupil's language. The theoretical part of the thesis first presents the position of English as a school subject within the Framework Educational Programme. The most extensive part of the thesis deals with the terms of classroom communication and interaction known as IRE or IRF. Based on the literature, the thesis focuses on initiation in the form of a question and describes the types of questions according to different typologies and tries to find out which teacher questions are most effective in classroom interaction. The practical part is based on video recordings of English language lessons at the second stage of primary school. This part analyses the questions based on the described typology and observes which types of teacher questions develop classroom communication and which, on the contrary, limit it. Keywords: Otázky učitele; pedagogická komunikace; pedagogická interakce; IRF struktura; dialog Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Teacher questions supporting communication in the classroom (on the material of ELT)

Diplomová práce se zabývá otázkami učitele ve třídních interakcích ve výuce anglického jazyka na 2. stupni ZŠ. Mnoho výzkumů totiž ukazuje, že kvalitní otázky učitele vedou k rozvoji komunikace u žáků ...

BRONOVÁ, Pavlína
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Vocal individuality in Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird
KHOPKAR, Siddharth
2021 - English
Vocal Individuality in Yellow-rumped tinkerbirds (Pogoniulus bilineatus), was analysed by using recordings which had already been collected from South Africa and Cameroon and the analysis took place at the University of South Bohemia. Keywords: Vocal Individuality; Individual recognition; Birds; bioacoustics Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Vocal individuality in Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird

Vocal Individuality in Yellow-rumped tinkerbirds (Pogoniulus bilineatus), was analysed by using recordings which had already been collected from South Africa and Cameroon and the analysis took place ...

KHOPKAR, Siddharth
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Changes in European landscapes. What are driving forces of the changes in European landscapes?
2021 - English
Ústecký kraj je jeden z nejproblematičtějších částí České republiky a to jak z pohledu ekonomického, sociálního tak i environmentálního. Zdejší krajina prošla kvůli lidským aktivitám během posledních 200 let dramatickými změnami. Krajina je (spolu)utvářena lidmi a ti se s ní mnohdy identifikují. Tato práce zkoumá regionální/teritoriální identitu v jednom z městeček v tomto neutěšeném kraji, které navíc v minulosti bylo součástí Sudet. Práce mapuje změny ve využívání krajiny člověkem a vliv historie na podobu krajiny a snaží se identifikovat, jak tyto se tyto změny v krajině propsali do mysli místních obyvatel. Ústecký region is one of the most problematic regions of Czech Republic in economical, social and environmental point of view. The landscape of this region went through big changes in the past 200 years because of the growing influence of the humans. Landscapes are co-created by humans and humans identify with the landscape - these two elements influence each other. This thesis studies identification with territory of inhabitants in a town in Ústecký region that was in the past part of Sudeten. This work observes changes in the land-use and the influence of history on the landscape and tries to identify how these changes influenced the identity of local inhabitants. Keywords: Krajina; evropská krajina; regionální identita; Ústecký kraj; Sudety Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Changes in European landscapes. What are driving forces of the changes in European landscapes?

Ústecký kraj je jeden z nejproblematičtějších částí České republiky a to jak z pohledu ekonomického, sociálního tak i environmentálního. Zdejší krajina prošla kvůli lidským aktivitám během posledních ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

GERMANY'S DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION WITH AFRICA Projects in Development Cooperation with the Example of the Vocational Education and Training Project (BINA) between the Beruflichen Fortbildungszentren der Bayerischen Wirtschaft gGmbH (bfz) and the Don Bosco Youth Network West Africa in Ghana
2021 - English
Die Durchführung von Entwicklungsprojekten ist ein gängiger Weg in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, um die Situation von Entwicklungsländern zu verbessern. Da Projektmanagement-Prozesse oft kompliziert sind, soll durch diese Masterarbeit herausgefunden werden, wie eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung von Projekten im Bereich der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit aussehen kann. Zu diesem Zweck wurde die folgende Forschungsfrage gestellt: Wie können Entwicklungsprojekte erfolgreich umgesetzt werden? Zur Beantwortung der Forschungsfrage wurde eine qualitative Forschung mittels halbstrukturierter leitfadengestützter Experteninterviews durchgeführt. Die qualitative Studie zeigte, dass es eine Reihe von Faktoren gibt, die zu einer erfolgreichen Projektumsetzung beitragen. Zugleich wurde festgestellt, dass Entwicklungsprojekte mit Herausforderungen konfrontiert sind. Dies kann die Dauer eines Projekts, der Ruf einer Durchführungsorganisation oder die Erreichbarkeit des Projektstandorts sein. Anhand eines Berufsbildungsprojektes in Ghana - dem BINA-Projekt - konnten vielversprechende Ansätze für eine erfolgreiche Projektdurchführung identifiziert werden, die sich auf andere Entwicklungsprojekte übertragen lassen. So wurde beispielsweise deutlich, dass ein gutes Konzept ein wichtiger Ansatz ist. Außerdem sollten die Aufgaben und Verantwortlichkeiten klar verteilt sein. Es gibt auch bestimmte Charaktereigenschaften, die Projektmanager mitbringen sollten. Hier sind u. a. eine hohe Motivation oder eine gute Arbeitseinstellung zu nennen. Weiterführende Forschung zu Projekten in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit könnte dazu beitragen, die Projektimplementierung zu verbessern und damit die Effizienz von Entwicklungsprojekten langfristig zu steigern - nicht nur innerhalb der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit zwischen Deutschland und dem afrikanischen Kontinent, sondern auch für die Entwicklungszusammenarbeit im Allgemeinen. The implementation of development projects is a common way in development cooperation to improve the situation of developing countries. Since project management processes are often complicated, the aim of this Master's thesis is to answer how a successful implementation of projects in the field of development cooperation could look like. For this purpose, the following research question is posed: How can development projects be successfully implemented? To answer the research question, qualitative research was conducted using semi-structured guideline-based expert interviews. The qualitative study showed that there are a number of factors that contribute to successful project implementation. At the same time, it was found that development projects are facing challenges. This can be the duration of a project, the recognition of an implementing organisation, or accessibility of the project location. Based on a vocational education and training project in Ghana - the BINA-project - promising approaches for a successful project implementation could be identified that can be transferred to other development projects. It became evident, for instance, that a good concept is an important approach. In addition, tasks and responsibilities should be clearly divided. There are also certain character traits that project managers should possess. Here, a high level of motivation or a good work attitude can be mentioned, just to name a few. Further research of projects in development cooperation could contribute to an improvement in project implementation and thus increase the efficiency of development projects in the long term - not only within the development cooperation between Germany and the African continent but also for development cooperation in general. Keywords: Entwicklungszusammenarbeit; Entwicklungsprojekte; Deutsch-Afrikanische Entwicklungspolitik; Projektmanagement; Projektumsetzung; Erfolgsfaktoren; Herausforderungen Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
GERMANY'S DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION WITH AFRICA Projects in Development Cooperation with the Example of the Vocational Education and Training Project (BINA) between the Beruflichen Fortbildungszentren der Bayerischen Wirtschaft gGmbH (bfz) and the Don Bosco Youth Network West Africa in Ghana

Die Durchführung von Entwicklungsprojekten ist ein gängiger Weg in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, um die Situation von Entwicklungsländern zu verbessern. Da Projektmanagement-Prozesse oft kompliziert ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Decision-making in cross-border cooperation in times of the COVID-19 pandemic
2021 - English
COVID-19 has caused unprecedented challenges to the decision-making process of cross-border cooperations. In consequence many cross-border cooperations are not able to travel abroad, leading to a fundamental shift from on-site to virtual collaboration. Existing research literature about decision-making and media use does not provide a thorough ex-planation of how the decision-making process changed and how the media is used. This study explores the change that the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has presented and the technological means project managers use to implement their decisions. For this study, eight project managers were invited to participate in an expert interview and to talk about their experiences of making a decision while working from home. This thesis con-tributes to the Media Synchronicity Theory and Lunenburg's (2010) sequential model by providing an understanding of the procedure of the decision-making process and its media use during the COVID-19 pandemic. The change of the decision-making process resulted in more effort during the now more asynchronous preparation of this process. Moreover, it was found that more documents have been created to visually support this process at any step and the importance of the preparation team has increased. Finally, it was found that due to the change of situation, the decision-making has changed as well and more media is used to support the communication. However, concerning the decision-making itself, it could be observed that although there is a wide range of media to support the decision-making (e.g., voting tools, decision-making trees, decision matrix), hardly any are used. COVID-19 has caused unprecedented challenges to the decision-making process of cross-border cooperations. In consequence many cross-border cooperations are not able to travel abroad, leading to a fundamental shift from on-site to virtual collaboration. Existing research literature about decision-making and media use does not provide a thorough ex-planation of how the decision-making process changed and how the media is used. This study explores the change that the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has presented and the technological means project managers use to implement their decisions. For this study, eight project managers were invited to participate in an expert interview and to talk about their experiences of making a decision while working from home. This thesis con-tributes to the Media Synchronicity Theory and Lunenburg's (2010) sequential model by providing an understanding of the procedure of the decision-making process and its media use during the COVID-19 pandemic. The change of the decision-making process resulted in more effort during the now more asynchronous preparation of this process. Moreover, it was found that more documents have been created to visually support this process at any step and the importance of the preparation team has increased. Finally, it was found that due to the change of situation, the decision-making has changed as well and more media is used to support the communication. However, concerning the decision-making itself, it could be observed that although there is a wide range of media to support the decision-making (e.g., voting tools, decision-making trees, decision matrix), hardly any are used. Keywords: cross-border cooperation; COVID-19; decision-making; decision-making process; Media Synchronicity Theory Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Decision-making in cross-border cooperation in times of the COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 has caused unprecedented challenges to the decision-making process of cross-border cooperations. In consequence many cross-border cooperations are not able to travel abroad, leading to a ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Driving Forces of European Landscape Change
MATT, Gordon
2021 - English
This master's thesis examines driving forces of landscape change in the Wadden Sea region. The region is a UNESCO World Natural Heritage site and encompasses North Sea coasts of Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. The cultural landscape has faced change for millennials. The socioeconomic, technological, political and institutional, cultural as well as natural driving forces of these changes were analyzed in this thesis with the help of systematic review. Historical overviews were presented, and new, emerging trends identified. This master's thesis examines driving forces of landscape change in the Wadden Sea region. The region is a UNESCO World Natural Heritage site and encompasses North Sea coasts of Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. The cultural landscape has faced change for millennials. The socioeconomic, technological, political and institutional, cultural as well as natural driving forces of these changes were analyzed in this thesis with the help of systematic review. Historical overviews were presented, and new, emerging trends identified. Keywords: landscape change; driving forces; proximate and underlying drivers; landscape; landscape history; cultural landscape; nature; landscape identity; energy transition; nature conservation Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Driving Forces of European Landscape Change

This master's thesis examines driving forces of landscape change in the Wadden Sea region. The region is a UNESCO World Natural Heritage site and encompasses North Sea coasts of Denmark, Germany and ...

MATT, Gordon
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

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