Number of found documents: 2876
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Recursive Procedural Tonal Art Maps
Szécsi, László; Szirányi, Marcell
2014 - English
This paper presents a real-time procedural texturing algorithm for hatching parametrized surfaces. We expand on the concept of Tonal Art Maps to define recursive procedural tonal art maps that can service any required level-of- detail, allowing to zoom in on surfaces indefinitely. We explore the mathematical requirements arising for hatching placement and propose algorithms for the generation of the procedural models and for real-time texturing. Keywords: nefotorealistické vykreslování; hatching; tonální umělecké mapy; procedurální texturování; non-photorealistic rendering; hatching; tonal art maps; procedural texturing Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Recursive Procedural Tonal Art Maps

This paper presents a real-time procedural texturing algorithm for hatching parametrized surfaces. We expand on the concept of Tonal Art Maps to define recursive procedural tonal art maps that can ...

Szécsi, László; Szirányi, Marcell
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014

Efficient Hand-Over Motion Reconstruction
Mousas, Christos; Newbury, Paul; Anagnostopoulos, Christos-Nikolaos
2014 - English
In this paper, a hand-over motion reconstruction methodology is presented. First to be examined in the proposed approach is the way in which the system computes the optimal markerset for a given dataset of hand motion sequences. In a second step before the motion reconstruction process and given the reduced number of markers, the system estimates the remaining markers by computing a simple distance metric. Having the complete number of markers, including both the input and the computed markers, the system reconstructs the motion of the character’s fingers. The reconstruction process is formulated in a maximum a posteriori framework, which is responsible for approximating a valid pose of the character’s hand, in which the mixture of factor analysis (MFA) clustering techniques was used for the prior learning process. The results show that high quality motions of the character’s hand can be reconstructed with the methodology presented. Keywords: animace ruky; rekonstrukce pohybu; hand animation; motion reconstruction Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Efficient Hand-Over Motion Reconstruction

In this paper, a hand-over motion reconstruction methodology is presented. First to be examined in the proposed approach is the way in which the system computes the optimal markerset for a given ...

Mousas, Christos; Newbury, Paul; Anagnostopoulos, Christos-Nikolaos
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014

GPU-based Adaptive Surface Reconstruction for Real-time SPH Fluids
Du, Shuchen; Kanai, Takashi
2014 - English
We propose a GPU-based adaptive surface reconstruction algorithm for Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) fluids. The adaptive surface is reconstructed from 3-level grids as proposed by [Akinci13]. The novel part of our algorithm is a pattern based approach for crack filling, which is recognized as the most challengeable part of building adaptive surfaces. Unlike prior CPU-based approaches [Shu95, Shekhar96, Westermann99, Akinci13] that detect and fill cracks according to some criteria during program running that were slow and unrobust, all the possible crack patterns are analyzed and defined in advance and later, during program running, the cracks are detected and filled according to the patterns. Our approach is thus robust, GPU-friendly, and easy to implement. Results obtained show that our algorithm can produce surface meshes of almost the same quality as those produced by the conventional Marching Cubes method, with significantly reduced computation time and memory usage. Keywords: grafické procesory; rekonstrukce povrchu; počítačová animace; simulace kapaliny; na částicích založená simulace; jemná částicová hydrodynamika; graphic processing units; surface reconstruction; computer animation; fluid simulation; particle-based simulation; smoothed particle hydrodynamics Available in digital repository of ZČU.
GPU-based Adaptive Surface Reconstruction for Real-time SPH Fluids

We propose a GPU-based adaptive surface reconstruction algorithm for Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) fluids. The adaptive surface is reconstructed from 3-level grids as proposed by [Akinci13]. ...

Du, Shuchen; Kanai, Takashi
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014

Image-based 3D Modelling in Archaeology: Application and Evaluation
Bernardes, Paulo; Magalhães, Fernanda; Ribeiro, Jorge; Madeira, Joaquim; Martins, Manuela
2014 - English
Image-based 3D modelling tools and techniques can be used to support some stages of the archaeological process. Two application examples, for two sites of the Roman Era, are presented, illustrating the usage and usefulness of such tools for the archaeological survey. For a quadrangular pool in the Milreu Roman Villa (Faro, Portugal), the 3D models resulting from the application of two different image-based modelling tools, using the same initial set of digital photos, are compared regarding time spent and model accuracy. For the Fonte do Ídolo in Bracara Augusta (Braga, Portugal), the result of a traditional survey is compared both with a laser-based survey and an image-based survey. Keywords: modelování založené na obrazech; 3D modelování; archeologie; image-based modelling; 3D modelling; archaeology Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Image-based 3D Modelling in Archaeology: Application and Evaluation

Image-based 3D modelling tools and techniques can be used to support some stages of the archaeological process. Two application examples, for two sites of the Roman Era, are presented, illustrating ...

Bernardes, Paulo; Magalhães, Fernanda; Ribeiro, Jorge; Madeira, Joaquim; Martins, Manuela
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014

A Physically-based Simulation of a Caenorhabditis elegans
Mujika, Andoni; de Mauro, Alessandro; Robin, Gautier; Epelde, Gorka; Oyarzun, David
2014 - English
This paper shows the three-dimensional physical model created to simulate the locomotion of the Caenorhabditis elegans. The C. elegans is a very deep studied nematode as it is considered one of the simplest nervous systems in nature, made of 302 neurons and about 8000 connections. To date, there is no system that can faithfully reproduce the rich behavioral repertoire of this tiny worm in terms of neural activity and locomotion. The Si Elegans project aims to develop the first hardware-based computing framework that will accurately mimic a C. elegans worm in real time. It will enable complex and realistic behavior to emerge through interaction with a rich and dynamic simulation of a natural or laboratory environment. As a result, the locomotion of the virtual worm will be rendered in a web-based platform. In this paper, we describe the approach followed for the physically-based modeling and simulation of C. elegans and the benefits of our approach compared to existing ones. The main contribution of our work is the utilization of biphasic springs in the structure that represents the worm in the virtual environment and a Finite Element Method based internal force field to simulate the internal pressure of the body. Keywords: fyzikální modelování; 3D graphics; biologické simulace; háďátko obecné; physically-based modelling; 3D grafika; biological simulations; caenorhabditis elegans Available in digital repository of ZČU.
A Physically-based Simulation of a Caenorhabditis elegans

This paper shows the three-dimensional physical model created to simulate the locomotion of the Caenorhabditis elegans. The C. elegans is a very deep studied nematode as it is considered one of the ...

Mujika, Andoni; de Mauro, Alessandro; Robin, Gautier; Epelde, Gorka; Oyarzun, David
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014

A method of micro facial expression recognition based on dense facial motion data
Akagi, Yasuhiro; Kawasaki, Hiroshi
2014 - English
In this paper, we propose a method for recognizing a micro expression which is a small motion appearing on a face by using a high density and high frame-rate 3D reconstruction method. Some studies report that the micro expressions are caused by the change of mental state. If we can recognize the micro expressions, this information could be useful for machines to understand the mental state of a human. With advancements of 3D reconstruction methods, methods have been proposed to reconstruct dynamic objects such as motions of a human’s body in high accuracy with high frame rate. Based on the data obtained from the high quality shape reconstruction method, the proposed method recognizes the micro expressions. To detect a part of the face where the micro-expressions are appeared, we propose an experimental estimation of the part. We also report a recognition rate of the change of the mental state using the experimental system. Keywords: rozpoznávání obrazu; výraz obličeje; pohyby v obličeji; image recognition; facial expression; facial motion Available in digital repository of ZČU.
A method of micro facial expression recognition based on dense facial motion data

In this paper, we propose a method for recognizing a micro expression which is a small motion appearing on a face by using a high density and high frame-rate 3D reconstruction method. Some studies ...

Akagi, Yasuhiro; Kawasaki, Hiroshi
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014

Spatter Tracking in Laser- and Manual Arc Welding with Sensor-level Pre-processing
Lahdenoja, Olli; Säntti, Tero; Laiho, Mika; Poikonen, Jonne
2014 - English
This paper presents methods for automated visual tracking of spatters in laser- and manual arc welding. Imaging of the welding process is challenging due to extreme conditions of high radiated light intensity variation. The formation and the number of spatters ejected in the welding process are dependent on the parameters of the welding process, and can potentially be used to tune the process towards better quality (either on-line of offline). In our case, the spatter segmentation is based either on test on object elongatedness or Hough transform, which are applied on pre-processed image sequences captured by a high-speed smart camera. Part of the segmentation process (adaptive image capture and edge extraction) is performed on the camera, while the other parts of the algorithm are performed off-line in Matlab. However, our intention is to move the computation towards the camera or an attached FPGA. Keywords: vizuální trasování; laserové svařování; obloukové svařování; chytrá kamera; visual tracking; laser welding; arc welding; smart camera Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Spatter Tracking in Laser- and Manual Arc Welding with Sensor-level Pre-processing

This paper presents methods for automated visual tracking of spatters in laser- and manual arc welding. Imaging of the welding process is challenging due to extreme conditions of high radiated light ...

Lahdenoja, Olli; Säntti, Tero; Laiho, Mika; Poikonen, Jonne
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014

Ocean wave simulation by the mix of FFT and Perlin Noise
Tian, Li
2014 - English
For the application of ocean wave, a new height-field simulation method is proposed by the mix of FFT and Perlin Noise, and OpenSceneGraph (OSG) and VC++ 2008 are used to simulate realistic ocean wave. The method takes wind effects into consideration, and uses Philips model and Gauss random numbers to produce ocean wave spectrum, which is then transformed to wave height-field by FFT. Perlin Noise is overlaid to disturb the wave height to generate a vivid and random sea surface. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method. Keywords: oceánské vlnové spektrum; rychlá Fourierova transformace; Perlinův šum; počítačová simulace; graf otevřené scény; ocean wave spectrum; fast Fourier transform; Perlin noise; computer simulation; OpenSceneGraph Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Ocean wave simulation by the mix of FFT and Perlin Noise

For the application of ocean wave, a new height-field simulation method is proposed by the mix of FFT and Perlin Noise, and OpenSceneGraph (OSG) and VC++ 2008 are used to simulate realistic ocean ...

Tian, Li
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014

Fast and Robust Tessellation-Based Silhouette Shadows
Milet, Tomáš; Kobrtek, Jozef; Zemčík, Pavel; Pečiva, Jan
2014 - English
This paper presents a new simple, fast and robust approach in computation of per-sample precise shadows. The method uses tessellation shaders for computation of silhouettes on arbitrary triangle soup. We were able to reach robustness by our previously published algorithm using deterministic shadow volume computation. We also propose a new simplification of the silhouette computation by introducing reference edge testing. Our new method was compared with other methods and evaluated on multiple hardware platforms and different scenes, providing better performance than current state-of-the art algorithms. Finally, conclusions are drawn and the future work is outlined. Keywords: stíny; siluety; teselační shadery; výpočet objemu stínu; shadows; silhouettes; tessellation shaders; shadow volume computation Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Fast and Robust Tessellation-Based Silhouette Shadows

This paper presents a new simple, fast and robust approach in computation of per-sample precise shadows. The method uses tessellation shaders for computation of silhouettes on arbitrary triangle soup. ...

Milet, Tomáš; Kobrtek, Jozef; Zemčík, Pavel; Pečiva, Jan
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014

Human-Computer Interaction Using Robust Gesture Recognition
Endler, Matthias; Lobachev, Oleg; Guthe, Michael
2014 - English
We present a detector cascade for robust real-time tracking of hand movements on consumer-level hardware. We adapt existing detectors to our setting: Haar, CAMSHIFT, shape detector, skin detector. We use all these detectors at once. Our main contributions are: first, utilization of bootstrapping: Haar bootstraps itself, then its results are used to bootstrap the other filters; second, the usage of temporal filtering for more robust detection and to remove outliers; third, we adapted the detectors for more robust hand detection. The resulting system produces very robust results in real time. We evaluate both the robustness and the real-time capability. Keywords: interakce člověk-počítač; rozpoznávání gest; počítačové vidění; sledování rukou; human computer interaction; gesture recognition; computer vision; hand tracking Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Human-Computer Interaction Using Robust Gesture Recognition

We present a detector cascade for robust real-time tracking of hand movements on consumer-level hardware. We adapt existing detectors to our setting: Haar, CAMSHIFT, shape detector, skin detector. We ...

Endler, Matthias; Lobachev, Oleg; Guthe, Michael
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014

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