Number of found documents: 68
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General models of wood in typical coupled tasks
Koňas, Petr
2008 - English
Keywords: modelování a simulace; dřevo; 3D model Available to registered users in the Library of Mendel University.
General models of wood in typical coupled tasks

Koňas, Petr
Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2008

General models of wood in typical coupled tasks
Koňas, Petr
2008 - English
Keywords: modelování a simulace; dřevo; 3D model Available to registered users in the Library of Mendel University.
General models of wood in typical coupled tasks

Koňas, Petr
Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2008

Quantitative and qualitative analysis of molecular genetics data in farm animals = Kvantitativní a kvalitativní analýzy molekulárně genetických dat u hospodářských zvířat
Urban, Tomáš
2007 - English
Keywords: molekulární genetika; hospodářská zvířata Available to registered users in the Library of Mendel University.
Quantitative and qualitative analysis of molecular genetics data in farm animals = Kvantitativní a kvalitativní analýzy molekulárně genetických dat u hospodářských zvířat

Urban, Tomáš
Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2007

Somatic embryogenesis - a technology comes of age: chalenges and bottlenecks
Krajňáková, Jana
2007 - English
Keywords: embryogeneze; jedle řecká (Abies cephalonica); borovice lesní; vegetativní rozmnožování rostlin Available to registered users in the Library of Mendel University.
Somatic embryogenesis - a technology comes of age: chalenges and bottlenecks

Krajňáková, Jana
Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2007

Quantitative and qualitative analysis of molecular genetics data in farm animals = Kvantitativní a kvalitativní analýzy molekulárně genetických dat u hospodářských zvířat
Urban, Tomáš
2007 - English
Keywords: molekulární genetika; hospodářská zvířata Available to registered users in the Library of Mendel University.
Quantitative and qualitative analysis of molecular genetics data in farm animals = Kvantitativní a kvalitativní analýzy molekulárně genetických dat u hospodářských zvířat

Urban, Tomáš
Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2007

Somatic embryogenesis - a technology comes of age: chalenges and bottlenecks
Krajňáková, Jana
2007 - English
Keywords: embryogeneze; jedle řecká (Abies cephalonica); Borovice lesní (Pinus Sylvestris L.); vegetativní rozmnožování rostlin Available to registered users in the Library of Mendel University.
Somatic embryogenesis - a technology comes of age: chalenges and bottlenecks

Krajňáková, Jana
Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2007

Quality of service in information technology
Babulak, Eduard
2006 - English
The Information Technologies and Telecommunications industries in last decade went through dynamic development motivated by mobility, wireless technologies and miniaturization. The future of Information Technologies will be driven by ubiquitous computerization, Telecommunications infrastructures and Management Information Systems. While, the future of Telecommunications industry will be driven by five major drives for prosperity starting with the Differentiated Networks, Health Informatics, Advanced Television, Sensors Networks and Ubiquitous Computing. The world today is driven by the information exchange providing support for the national and global cooperation. The supporting telecommunications infrastructures are becoming more complex providing the platform for the user driven real-time applications over the large geographical distances. The essential decisions made concerning the national economy, health, education, business, national security and defense, depend on the Quality of Service provision in current and future Telecommunications and Data Networks infrastructures. The continuous increase in the complexity and the heterogeneity of Telecommunications infrastructures will require new assessment methods of QoS provision that are capable of addressing all engineering and social issues with much faster speeds. Speed and accessibility to any information at any time from anywhere will create global communications infrastructures with great performance bottlenecks that may put in danger human lives, power supplies, national transport, economy and security. Regardless of the technology supporting the information flows, the final verdict on the QoS is made by the end user. The users' perception of telecommunications' network infrastructure QoS provision is critical to the successful business management operation of any organization. This habilitation work with author's selected research publications presented in the habilitation thesis contribute to the field of Information Technology and Computing industry, while presenting the importance of the QoS provision and methodologies to assess the QoS provision in light of user's perception. The habilitation work discusses the important issues related to middleware technologies such as CORBA, TINA, Multimedia Technologies, as well as issues related to QoS provision in the current and future Internet and Telecommunications Industries. In addition, author's selected articles present a cost effective methodology to assess the user's perception of QoS provision utilizing the existing Staffordshire University Network by adding a component of measurement to the existing model presented by Walker. The methodology offers a cost effective approach to assess the QoS provision within the University campus network, which could be easily adapted to any transport, logistics or management organization in the world. The habilitation work presents author's important contributions and future vision in the field of QoS provision and application to Information Technology. Keywords: telecommunications; Quality of Service Available in the UPCE Library.
Quality of service in information technology

The Information Technologies and Telecommunications industries in last decade went through dynamic development motivated by mobility, wireless technologies and miniaturization. The future of ...

Babulak, Eduard
Univerzita Pardubice, 2006

Aplikace numerických metod v úlohách transportu látek v podzemních vodách
Milan Hokr
2006 - English
Předložená práce je složena z vybraných jednotlivých výsledků autora v oboru numerického modelování úloh podzemních vod, v podobě upravených a diplněnýách prací dříve samostatně publikovaných. The submitted work is composed of selected author's results in numerical modeling of groundwater problems, in the form of modified and completed papers previously published separately. Keywords: podzemní vody; numerické modelování; dynamika tekutin; proudění tekutin Available to registered users in the Library of TUL
Aplikace numerických metod v úlohách transportu látek v podzemních vodách

Předložená práce je složena z vybraných jednotlivých výsledků autora v oboru numerického modelování úloh podzemních vod, v podobě upravených a diplněnýách prací dříve samostatně publikovaných....

Milan Hokr
Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2006

Anthology of scientific and technical papers
Pavliš, Jindřich
2006 - English
Keywords: lesní ekosystémy; biotopy; jižní Amerika; Arábie; jihovýchodní Asie Available to registered users in the Library of Mendel University.
Anthology of scientific and technical papers

Pavliš, Jindřich
Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2006

Anthology of scientific and technical papers
Pavliš, Jindřich
2006 - English
Keywords: lesní ekosystémy; biotopy; Jižní Amerika; Arábie; jihovýchodní Asie Available to registered users in the Library of Mendel University.
Anthology of scientific and technical papers

Pavliš, Jindřich
Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2006

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