Number of found documents: 6
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There is no need to wait for accidents applying observation of traffic conflicts and behaviour in Czech practice
Ambros, Jiří; Turek, Richard; Valentová, Veronika
2014 - English
Contrary to traditional reactive perspective based on traffic accident occurrence, evaluation using surrogate safety measures is preferred in a proactive safety approach. Traffic conflicts have been one of such indicators; to enable their use in Czech practice, Czech traffic conflict technique and guidelines were developed. The paper presents the study requested by road agency with objective of proving the feasibility of the guidelines. The case study assessed the risk at a newly-built rural intersection on motorway exit ramp before and after a change of road marking. Methodology, observation of traffic conflicts and behaviour, its findings and practical conclusions are reported. Keywords: silniční provoz; bezpečnost; dopravní nehody; dopravní chování; pozorování; proaktivní hodnocení; Česká republika; traffic safety; traffic accidents; traffic conflict; traffic behaviour; observation; proactive assessment; Czech Republic Available in a digital repository NRGL
There is no need to wait for accidents applying observation of traffic conflicts and behaviour in Czech practice

Contrary to traditional reactive perspective based on traffic accident occurrence, evaluation using surrogate safety measures is preferred in a proactive safety approach. Traffic conflicts have been ...

Ambros, Jiří; Turek, Richard; Valentová, Veronika
Centrum dopravního výzkumu, v.v.i., 2014

Comparison of severity assessments based on Czech and Swedish traffic conflict techniques
Ambros, Jiří; Laureshyn, Aliaksei
2014 - English
Keywords: silniční provoz; dopravní nehody; dopravní konflikt; hodnocení; bezpečnost; Česká republika; Švédsko; traffic; traffic accidents; traffic conflicts; safety; assessments; Czech Republic; Sweden Available in a digital repository NRGL
Comparison of severity assessments based on Czech and Swedish traffic conflict techniques

Ambros, Jiří; Laureshyn, Aliaksei
Centrum dopravního výzkumu, v.v.i., 2014

Road Safety and Cross Border Tourism in Czech Republic
Lipl, Martin; Pokorný, Petr
2013 - English
Keywords: silniční doprava; silniční provoz; bezpečnost; dopravní nehody; řidiči; cizinci; přeshraniční cestovní ruch; Česká republika; drivers; safety; foreigners; road transport; cross border tourism; road accidents; Czech Republic; silniční doprava; silniční provoz Available in a digital repository NRGL
Road Safety and Cross Border Tourism in Czech Republic

Lipl, Martin; Pokorný, Petr
Centrum dopravního výzkumu, v.v.i., 2013

Road I/52 – basic safety analysis
Lipl, Martin
2013 - English
Keywords: silniční doprava; silnice I/52; dopravní nehody; řidiči; riziko; riskování; cizinci; turistika; Česká republika; analýzy; road transport; roads; traffic accidents; drivers; foreigners; tourism; Czech Republic; accidents analysis; risk; silnice Available in a digital repository NRGL
Road I/52 – basic safety analysis

Lipl, Martin
Centrum dopravního výzkumu, v.v.i., 2013

Promoting Cleaner Vehicle Movements in your City or Region: ECOSTARS Fleet Recognition Scheme
Gelová, Eva; Connolly, Ann
2012 - English
Keywords: doprava; silniční doprava; životní prostředí; ekologie; emise; ECOSTARS; transport; road transport; environment; ecology; emission; ECOSTARS; silniční doprava; doprava Available in a digital repository NRGL
Promoting Cleaner Vehicle Movements in your City or Region: ECOSTARS Fleet Recognition Scheme

Gelová, Eva; Connolly, Ann
Centrum dopravního výzkumu, v.v.i., 2012

Ecotoxicity tests of surface run-off from roads with high traffic intensity
Bucková, Martina; Huzlík, Jiří; Ličbinský, Roman; Beránková, Danuše
2012 - English
Keywords: silniční doprava; silniční provoz; životní prostředí; znečištění ovzduší; podzemní voda; ekotoxicita; testy; biosenzory; raod transport; road traffic; environment; air pollution; grundwater; ecotoxicity; tests; biosenzors; silniční provoz; silniční doprava Available in a digital repository NRGL
Ecotoxicity tests of surface run-off from roads with high traffic intensity

Bucková, Martina; Huzlík, Jiří; Ličbinský, Roman; Beránková, Danuše
Centrum dopravního výzkumu, v.v.i., 2012

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