Number of found documents: 958
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Finite element modal analysis of a silicone vocal fold filled with fluid
Hájek, P.; Radolf, Vojtěch; Horáček, Jaromír; Švec, J. G.
2023 - English
A three dimensional (3D) finite element (FE) model of a silicone vocal fold (VF) filled with fluid is presented here. The silicone part of the model is based on partial differential equations of the continuum mechanics and consider large deformations. The fluid domain encapsulated in the silicone VF is defined semianalytically as a lumped-element model describing the fluid in hydrostatic conditions. The elongated and pressurized silicone VF was subjected to perturbed modal analysis. Results showed that the choice of the fluid inside the VF substantially influences the natural frequencies. Namely, the water-filling lowers the natural frequencies approximately by half over the air-filling. Besides, the procedure of reverse engineering for obtaining the geometry of the VF from already 3D-printed mold is introduced. Keywords: perturbed modal analysis; finite element method; vocal folds; reverse engineering; biomechanics of voice Fulltext is available at external website.
Finite element modal analysis of a silicone vocal fold filled with fluid

A three dimensional (3D) finite element (FE) model of a silicone vocal fold (VF) filled with fluid is presented here. The silicone part of the model is based on partial differential equations of the ...

Hájek, P.; Radolf, Vojtěch; Horáček, Jaromír; Švec, J. G.
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

From John Graunt to Adolphe Quetelet: on the Origins Of Demography
Kalina, Jan
2023 - English
John Graunt (1620-1674) and Adolphe Quetelet (1796-1874) were two important personalities, who contributed to the origins of demography. As they both developed statistical techniques for the analysis of demographic data, they are important also from the point of view of history of statistics. The contributions of both Graunt and Quetelet especially to the development of mortality tables and models are recalled in this paper. Already from the 17th century, the available mortality tables were exploited for computing life annuities. Also the contribution of selected personalities inspired by Graunt are recalled here, the work of Christian Huygens, Jacob Bernoulli, or Abraham de Moivre is discussed to document that the historical development of statistics and probability theory was connected with the development of demography. Keywords: history of demography; history of statistics; probability theory; moral statistics; mortality tables Fulltext is available at external website.
From John Graunt to Adolphe Quetelet: on the Origins Of Demography

John Graunt (1620-1674) and Adolphe Quetelet (1796-1874) were two important personalities, who contributed to the origins of demography. As they both developed statistical techniques for the analysis ...

Kalina, Jan
Ústav informatiky, 2023

MAD UFOs: Magnetically Arrested Discs with persistent Ultra-Fast Outflows
Suková, Petra; Zajaček, M.; Karas, Vladimír
2023 - English
We study an outflow that develops in the MAD state in 3D GRMHD simulations. We show that the outflow can be accelerated to\nrelativistic velocities and persist over the course of our simulation. We compare the properties of the outflow from MAD discs with those launched by orbiting secondary at close orbit. The main difference is that the orbiting body launches a more coherent, quasiperiodic ultrafast outflow at lower velocities (v < 0.5c) while the outflow launched in the MAD state (without the body) has a stochastic behaviour and has anapproximately flat velocity distribution between lower anf higher outflow velocities, 0.2c < v < 0.3c and v > 0.5c. Keywords: accretion discs; black holes; active galactic nuclei Fulltext is available at external website.
MAD UFOs: Magnetically Arrested Discs with persistent Ultra-Fast Outflows

We study an outflow that develops in the MAD state in 3D GRMHD simulations. We show that the outflow can be accelerated to\nrelativistic velocities and persist over the course of our simulation. We ...

Suková, Petra; Zajaček, M.; Karas, Vladimír
Astronomický ústav, 2023

Papáček, Štěpán; Matonoha, Ctirad
2023 - English
Some dynamical systems are characterized by more than one timescale, e.g. two well separated time-scales are typical for quasiperiodic systems. The aim of this paper is to show how singular perturbation methods based on the slow-fast decomposition can serve for an enhanced parameter estimation when the slowly changing features are rigorously treated. Although the ultimate goal is to reduce the standard error for the estimated parameters, here we test two methods for numerical approximations of the solution of associated forward problem: (i) the multiple time-scales method, and (ii) the method of averaging. On a case study, being an under-damped harmonic oscillator containing two state variables and two parameters, the method of averaging gives well (theoretically predicted) results, while the use of multiple time-scales method is not suitable for our purposes. Keywords: Dynamical system; Singular perturbation; Averaging; Parameter estimation; Slow-fast decomposition; Damped oscillations Fulltext is available at external website.

Some dynamical systems are characterized by more than one timescale, e.g. two well separated time-scales are typical for quasiperiodic systems. The aim of this paper is to show how singular ...

Papáček, Štěpán; Matonoha, Ctirad
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2023

Different Boundary Conditions For LES Solver PALM 6.0 Used for ABL in Tunnel Experiment
Řezníček, Hynek; Geletič, Jan; Bureš, Martin; Krč, Pavel; Resler, Jaroslav; Vrbová, Kateřina; Trush, Arsenii; Michálek, Petr; Beneš, L.; Sühring, M.
2023 - English
We tried to reproduce results measured in the wind tunnel experiment with a CFD simulation provided by numerical model PALM. A realistic buildings layout from the Prague-Dejvice quarter has been chosen as a testing domain because solid validation campaign for PALM simulation of Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) over this quarter was documented in the past. The question of input data needed for such simulation and capability of the model to capture correctly the inlet profile and its turbulence structure provided by the wind-tunnel is discussed in the study The PALM dynamical core contains a solver for the Navier-Stokes equations. By default, the model uses the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach in which the bulk of the turbulent motions is explicitly resolved. It is well validated tool for simulations of the complex air-flow within the real urban canopy and also within its reduced scale provided by wind tunnel experiments. However the computed flow field between the testing buildings did not correspond well to the measured wind velocity in some points. Different setting of the inlet boundary condition was tested but none of them gave completely developed turbulent flow generated by vortex generators and castellated barrier wall place at the entrance of the aerodynamic section of the wind tunnel. Keywords: large eddy simulation; wind tunnel; atmospheric boundary layer; PALM model; turbulence Fulltext is available at external website.
Different Boundary Conditions For LES Solver PALM 6.0 Used for ABL in Tunnel Experiment

We tried to reproduce results measured in the wind tunnel experiment with a CFD simulation provided by numerical model PALM. A realistic buildings layout from the Prague-Dejvice quarter has been ...

Řezníček, Hynek; Geletič, Jan; Bureš, Martin; Krč, Pavel; Resler, Jaroslav; Vrbová, Kateřina; Trush, Arsenii; Michálek, Petr; Beneš, L.; Sühring, M.
Ústav informatiky, 2023

On the structure and values of betweenness centrality in dense betweenness-uniform graphs
Ghanbari, B.; Hartman, David; Jelínek, V.; Pokorná, Aneta; Šámal, R.; Valtr, P.
2023 - English
Betweenness centrality is a network centrality measure based on the amount of shortest paths passing through a given vertex. A graph is betweenness-uniform (BUG)if all vertices have an equal value of betweenness centrality. In this contribution, we focus on betweenness-uniform graphs with betweenness centrality below one. We disprove a conjecture about the existence of a BUG with betweenness value α for any rational numberαfrom the interval (3/4,∞) by showing that only very few betweenness centrality values below 6/7 are attained for at least one BUG. Furthermore, among graphs with diameter at least three, there are no betweenness-uniform graphs with a betweenness centrality smaller than one. In graphs of smaller diameter, the same can be shown under a uniformity condition on the components of the complement. Keywords: betweenness; graphs Available in digital repository of the ASCR
On the structure and values of betweenness centrality in dense betweenness-uniform graphs

Betweenness centrality is a network centrality measure based on the amount of shortest paths passing through a given vertex. A graph is betweenness-uniform (BUG)if all vertices have an equal value of ...

Ghanbari, B.; Hartman, David; Jelínek, V.; Pokorná, Aneta; Šámal, R.; Valtr, P.
Ústav informatiky, 2023

Ambiguity in Stochastic Optimization Problems with Nonlinear Dependence on a Probability Measure via Wasserstein Metric
Kaňková, Vlasta
2023 - English
Many economic and financial applications lead to deterministic optimization problems depending on a probability measure. It happens very often (in applications) that these problems have to be solved on the data base. Point estimates of an optimal value and estimates of an optimal solutionset can be obtained by this approach. A consistency, a rate of convergence and normal properties, of these estimates, have been discussed (many times) not only under assumptions of independent data corresponding to the distributions with light tails, but also for weak dependent data and the distributions with heavy tails. However, it is also possible to estimate (on the data base) a confidence intervals and bounds for the optimal value and the optimal solutions. To analyze this approach we focus on a special case of static problems depending nonlineary on the probability measure. Stability results based on the Wasserstein metric and the Valander approach will be employed for the above mentioned analysis. Keywords: Stochastic optimization problems; static problems; empirical measure; point estimates; interval estimates; nonlinear dependence Fulltext is available at external website.
Ambiguity in Stochastic Optimization Problems with Nonlinear Dependence on a Probability Measure via Wasserstein Metric

Many economic and financial applications lead to deterministic optimization problems depending on a probability measure. It happens very often (in applications) that these problems have to be solved ...

Kaňková, Vlasta
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2023

Thermal and creep analysis of VVER-1000 reactor pressure vessel at high temperatures caused by fuel melting during severe accident
Gabriel, Dušan; Gál, P.; Kotouč, M.; Dymáček, Petr; Masák, Jan; Kopačka, Ján
2023 - English
Thermal and creep analysis of the VVER-1000 reactor pressure vessel (RPV) was performed at high temperatures caused by fuel melting during severe accident. First, the integral code ASTEC was applied simulating severe accident evolution since an initiating event up to a hypothetical radioactive release into the environment. The ASTEC outputs including the remaining RPV wall thickness, the heat flux achieved and the temperature profile in the ablated vessel wall served as boundary conditions for the consequent assessment of RPV integrity carried out with the aid of finite element method (FEM). The FEM analysis was performed including the creep behaviour of RPV material using a complex creep probabilistic exponential model with damage. The objective of the analysis was to computationally assess emergency condition and, on this basis, to propose a general methodology for evaluating the integrity of RPV at high temperatures due to fuel melting during severe accident. Keywords: integrity of reactor pressure vessel; severe accident; ASTEC; creep; FEM Fulltext is available at external website.
Thermal and creep analysis of VVER-1000 reactor pressure vessel at high temperatures caused by fuel melting during severe accident

Thermal and creep analysis of the VVER-1000 reactor pressure vessel (RPV) was performed at high temperatures caused by fuel melting during severe accident. First, the integral code ASTEC was applied ...

Gabriel, Dušan; Gál, P.; Kotouč, M.; Dymáček, Petr; Masák, Jan; Kopačka, Ján
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Simulation of heterogeneously-catalyzed non-isothermal reactive flow in industrial packed beds
Hlavatý, Tomáš; Isoz, Martin; Khýr, M.
2023 - English
Packed bed reactors are the most frequently used devices to perform heterogeneously catalyzed reactions on industrial scales. An industrial real-life heterogeneous catalysis is complex process that combines fully three-dimensional mass, momentum and energy transport on several scales. In the present work, we leverage our previously developed CFD solver for non-isothermal heterogeneously catalyzed reactive flow based on the finite volume method and couple it with our\nin-house DEM-based method for preparation of random packed beds. The resulting framework is verified in the simplified cases against available analytical solutions and correlations and is used to study an industrially-relevant case of ethylene oxychlorination performed in a tubular packed bed comprising CuCl2-coated catalyst carrying particles. In particular, we compare properties of three different industrially used catalyst carrying particles: Raschig rings, Reformax, and Wagon wheels Keywords: CFD; OpenFOAM; non-isothermal flow Available in a digital repository NRGL
Simulation of heterogeneously-catalyzed non-isothermal reactive flow in industrial packed beds

Packed bed reactors are the most frequently used devices to perform heterogeneously catalyzed reactions on industrial scales. An industrial real-life heterogeneous catalysis is complex process that ...

Hlavatý, Tomáš; Isoz, Martin; Khýr, M.
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Numerical implementation of incremental minimization principle for materials with multiple rate-independent dissipative mechanisms
Frost, Miroslav; Moskovka, Alexej; Sedlák, Petr; Valdman, Jan
2023 - English
The incremental energy minimization approach is a compact variational formulation of the evolutionary boundary value problem for constitutive models of materials with a rate-independent response. Although it can be easily applied to many conventional models, its main advantages arise when applied to models with multiple strongly coupled dissipation mechanisms, where the direct construction of the coupled yield conditions and flow rules may be challenging. However, this usually requires a more complex numerical treatment of the resulting sequence of time-incremental boundary value problems resolved via the finite element method. This contribution presents, compares and discusses two genuine minimization approaches - the staggered solution procedure relying on alternating minimization and the monolithic approach employing global minimization - for an advanced constitutive model of shape memory alloys. Keywords: variational approach; constitutive modeling; numerical implementation Fulltext is available at external website.
Numerical implementation of incremental minimization principle for materials with multiple rate-independent dissipative mechanisms

The incremental energy minimization approach is a compact variational formulation of the evolutionary boundary value problem for constitutive models of materials with a rate-independent response. ...

Frost, Miroslav; Moskovka, Alexej; Sedlák, Petr; Valdman, Jan
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

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