Telomeric DNA sequences in beetle taxa vary with species richness
2022 - English
(TTAGG)n je běžnou telomerickou sekvencí u hmyzu, ale není univerzální, což platí zejména u brouků. Tato studie ukazuje, že tato sekvence byla opakovaně ztracena a nahrazena buďto dvěma známými alternativními telomerickými sekvencemi, (TCAGG)n a (TTAGGG)n, nebo zcela jinými neznámými alternativami. Sekvence (TTGGG)n nalezená v jednom taxonu brouků byla navržena jako nová kandidátní sekvence. Telomerické motivy u mnoha dalších druhů brouků však zůstávají neobjevené. Celkově naše rozsáhlé mapování telomerických motivů ukázalo, že diverzita pozitivně koreluje s druhovou bohatostí taxonů bez ohledu na stáří taxonů. (TTAGG)n sequence is an ancestral common telomere motif in insects, yet not ubiquitous, especially in beetle lineage. This study indicates that this sequence has been repeatedly lost and replaced by two known alternative telomeric motifs, the (TCAGG)n and (TTAGGG)n, or other unknown alternatives. (TTGGG)n found in one taxa has been proposed as a novel candidate sequence. However, telomeric motifs in many other beetle species remain still undiscovered. Taken together, our extensive mapping of telomeric motifs showed that the diversity is positively related to the species richness of taxa, regardless of the age of the taxa.
coleoptera; beetles; telomeres; diversity
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Telomeric DNA sequences in beetle taxa vary with species richness
(TTAGG)n je běžnou telomerickou sekvencí u hmyzu, ale není univerzální, což platí zejména u brouků. Tato studie ukazuje, že tato sekvence byla opakovaně ztracena a nahrazena buďto dvěma známými ...
Studium prevalence a subtypové diverzity střevního prvoka rodu Blastocystis sp. ve zdravé lidské populaci v České republice
BROŽOVÁ, Kristýna
2021 - English
Blastocystis sp. je běžný střevní prvok kolonizující lidské střevo. Jeho role v ekosystému lidského střeva zůstává nejasná. Zde jsme se zaměřili na rozšíření znalostí o epidemiologii Blastocystis sp. ve střevě zdravých lidí v České republice, včetně distribuce jeho podtypů, korelace mezi jeho výskytem a několika faktory, jako je životní styl, kontakt se zvířaty, věk a pohlaví. Celkem bylo získáno 288 vzorků stolice od asymptomatických dobrovolníků a 136 vzorků od zvířat, se kterými byli lidé v častém kontaktu. Všechny vzorky byly vyšetřeny paralelně pomocí PCR a xenické in vitro kultury. Blastocystis sp. is a common intestinal protist colonizing the human intestine. Its role in the human gut ecosystem remains unclear. Here, we aimed to expand the knowledge of the epidemiology of Blastocystis sp. in the gut-healthy humans in the Czech Republic, including the distribution of its subtypes, the correlation between its occurrence and several factors such as lifestyle, contact with animals, age, and sex. A total of 288 stool samples were obtained from asymptomatic individuals over the entire age-range and 136 samples from animals with which the volunteers were in frequent contact. All samples were examined in parallel by PCR and xenic in vitro culture.
Blastocystis; Česká republika; demografie; genetická rozmanitost; prevalence; průzkum
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Studium prevalence a subtypové diverzity střevního prvoka rodu Blastocystis sp. ve zdravé lidské populaci v České republice
Blastocystis sp. je běžný střevní prvok kolonizující lidské střevo. Jeho role v ekosystému lidského střeva zůstává nejasná. Zde jsme se zaměřili na rozšíření znalostí o epidemiologii Blastocystis sp. ...
Green and blue infrastructure: means of reducing surface temperatures in the urban environment
2021 - English
Climate change may accelerate the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect with many consequences for the well-being of human populations in cities. Green and blue infrastructures (GBI) are presented as a way to mitigate the UHI effect. In our study, the influence of GBI (primarily less studied types) on surface temperature (ST) was tested using a thermal camera. Various types of GBI (e. g. tree shade and lawn) and their combination were compared. Climate change may accelerate the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect with many consequences for the well-being of human populations in cities. Green and blue infrastructures (GBI) are presented as a way to mitigate the UHI effect. In our study, the influence of GBI (primarily less studied types) on surface temperature (ST) was tested using a thermal camera. Various types of GBI (e. g. tree shade and lawn) and their combination were compared.
surface temperature; urban climate; microclimate; urban heat island; UHI; green infrastructure; blue infrastructure; greenery; vegetation; green roof; green wall fountain; well-being; tree shade; climate change; thermal amplitudes
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Green and blue infrastructure: means of reducing surface temperatures in the urban environment
Climate change may accelerate the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect with many consequences for the well-being of human populations in cities. Green and blue infrastructures (GBI) are presented as a way ...
Will refaunation by feral horse affect five checkerspot butterfly species (\kur{Melitaea} Fabricius, 1807) coexisting at xeric grasslands of Podyji National Park, Czech Republic?
2021 - English
Tato rigorózní práce se zabývá populační strukturou pěti druhů hnědásků - hnědáska jitrocelového, hnědáska kostkovaného, hnědáska květelového, hnědáska podunajského a hnědáska černýšového, sdílící dvě lokality Národního parku Podyjí - Havranické vřesoviště a Mašovická střelnice. Obě tyto lokality jsou v současnosti ohroženy postupnou sukcesí a zarůstáním. Díky tomu byly vybrány pro zavedení volné pastvy velkých herbivorů (Exmoorští pony). Tato práce popisuje demografickou strukturu, mobilitu a habitatové nároky dospělců pěti druhů hnědásků před zavedením volné pastvy velkých herbivorů. This thesis focuses on the population structure of five frittilary butterfly species - Melitaea athalia, M. cinxia, M. didyma, M. britomartis and M. aurelia - co-occurring on two xeric grassland localities of the Podyjí National Park, Czech Republic - Havranické vřesoviště and Mašovická střelnice. Recently, both of these sites are threatened by succession and degradation processes. Due to that, they have been chosen for whole season grazing by a large herbivore (Exmoor pony). This study describes adult demography structure, adult mobility and adult habitat requirements of the five butterflies prior to the grazing management establishment.
hnědásek; Podyjí; refaunace; suché trávníky
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Will refaunation by feral horse affect five checkerspot butterfly species (\kur{Melitaea} Fabricius, 1807) coexisting at xeric grasslands of Podyji National Park, Czech Republic?
Tato rigorózní práce se zabývá populační strukturou pěti druhů hnědásků - hnědáska jitrocelového, hnědáska kostkovaného, hnědáska květelového, hnědáska podunajského a hnědáska černýšového, sdílící dvě ...
Seasonality and weather conditions jointly drive flight activity patterns of aquatic and terrestrial chironomids
2021 - English
Dispersal by flight is crucial for long-term survival of organisms inhabiting dynamic environments, especially small standing waters. Surprisingly, flight activity of the most abundant macroinvertebrate group in standing freshwater habitats, the Chironomidae, has rarely been studied, leaving a gap in our understanding of the environmental drivers of their dispersal activity. The goal of this study was to investigate flight activity of adult chironomids on diel and seasonal timescales in sandpit pools in the Czech Republic. We show that aquatic and terrestrial chironomids use partly alternating time windows for their flight and partly differ in their responses to weather conditions. We also compare our results to previous studies that analysed the impact of weather conditions on flight activity of aquatic insects.
Aquatic insects; Dispersal; Seasonality; Environmental conditions; Collinearity; Chironomid adults
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Seasonality and weather conditions jointly drive flight activity patterns of aquatic and terrestrial chironomids
Dispersal by flight is crucial for long-term survival of organisms inhabiting dynamic environments, especially small standing waters. Surprisingly, flight activity of the most abundant ...
Prevalence of bacteriocins and their co-association with virulence factors within Pseudomonas aeruginosa catheter isolates
DUFKOVÁ, Kristýna
2021 - English
Urinary tract infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa present a serious complication in the context of urinary catheter use. P. aeruginosa are equipped with various virulence determinants that may result in increased resistance. That contributes to higher morbidity and mortality in vulnerable patients. Pyocins are proteinaceous agents produced by pseudomonads with an antimicrobial effect targeting closely related bacteria. In this study, we examined the inhibition interactions among a set of 135 P. aeruginosa clinical isolates originated from the catheter-associated urinary tract infections. Togerther with pyocinogeny, the co-occurrence of other virulence factors and their co-association with pyocins were examined. The strong antagonistic interactions and high prevalence of pyocin genes among the isolates were observed. The overall competitive interactions provide promising findings in the area of alternative antibiotic approaches. Urinary tract infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa present a serious complication in the context of urinary catheter use. P. aeruginosa are equipped with various virulence determinants that may result in increased resistance. That contributes to higher morbidity and mortality in vulnerable patients. Pyocins are proteinaceous agents produced by pseudomonads with an antimicrobial effect targeting closely related bacteria. In this study, we examined the inhibition interactions among a set of 135 P. aeruginosa clinical isolates originated from the catheter-associated urinary tract infections. Togerther with pyocinogeny, the co-occurrence of other virulence factors and their co-association with pyocins were examined. The strong antagonistic interactions and high prevalence of pyocin genes among the isolates were observed. The overall competitive interactions provide promising findings in the area of alternative antibiotic approaches.
bacteriocin; pyocin; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; CAUTI; siderophores
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Prevalence of bacteriocins and their co-association with virulence factors within Pseudomonas aeruginosa catheter isolates
Urinary tract infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa present a serious complication in the context of urinary catheter use. P. aeruginosa are equipped with various virulence determinants that may ...
Habitat use of breeding birds in Central European reed beds
ŠŤASTNÝ, Vojtěch
2021 - English
The research dealing with habitat preferences of breeding birds in the northeast of Bohemia in the Czech Republic is based on the data on bird communities from 34 wetlands ranging in size from 0.76 to 70.42 ha, and relevant environmental factors, collected within the years 2016-2017. Habitat use among wetland bird species in relation to these factors has been compared and their effect on species diversity and the proportion of specially protected species according to the Act No. 114/1992 Coll. has been tested. Finally, management that may increase attractiveness of wetlands for birds was suggested.
bird community; diversity; habitat use; management; protected species; wetland
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Habitat use of breeding birds in Central European reed beds
The research dealing with habitat preferences of breeding birds in the northeast of Bohemia in the Czech Republic is based on the data on bird communities from 34 wetlands ranging in size from 0.76 ...
Seed dispersal and realized gene flow of two forest orchids in a fragmented landscape
2021 - English
This thesis investigates the dispersal abilities of mycoheterotrophic plants represented by three orchid species. Seed trapping and gene flow study were used to examine this topic. This thesis investigates the dispersal abilities of mycoheterotrophic plants represented by three orchid species. Seed trapping and gene flow study were used to examine this topic.
Cephalanthera rubra; Epipactis atrorubens; fragmented landscape; gene flow; microsatellite DNA markers; seed dispersal; seed traps
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Seed dispersal and realized gene flow of two forest orchids in a fragmented landscape
This thesis investigates the dispersal abilities of mycoheterotrophic plants represented by three orchid species. Seed trapping and gene flow study were used to examine this topic....
Druhově specifické hejnové chování ryb ve sladkovodní nádrži.
HOLUBOVÁ, Michaela
2020 - English
Tato práce se zabývá problematikou hejnového chování v pelagickém habitatu sladkovodní nádrže prostřednictvím podvodní kamery. UVC je výborným prostředkem k pro pozorování vzorců chování, které jsou v pelagickém prostředí poměrně málo prozkoumány. Z pozorovaných druhů ctyři druhy ryb tvořily hejna. Tendence k tvoření hejn se mezi druhy lišila zejména kvůli rozdílům ve zranitelnosti vůči predaci. Přestože nejčastější byla jednodruhová hejna, více druhová hejna se vyskytovala ne zřídka. Více druhová hejna převážně tvořily jedinci druhu s vyšší zranitelností vůči predaci, který však měl v habitatu méně zranitelný protějšek s podobnou potravní a prostorovou nikou. This study handles the problematics of schooling behaviour in the pelagic habitat of a temperate freshwater reservoir by the means of underwater visual survey via underwater camera. UVC proved to be a great tool for obtaining behavioural patterns which are rather poorly studied in the pelagic zone. Four species were identified as school forming. Naturally, schooling tendency varied in between species mostly due to proneness to predation, increasing with vulnerability to a predator. Heterospecific schools were quite common, particularly in vulnerable species sharing a space and food niche with species less attractive to predators.
antipredační chování; ouklej; cejn; okoun; plotice; sociální chování
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Druhově specifické hejnové chování ryb ve sladkovodní nádrži.
Tato práce se zabývá problematikou hejnového chování v pelagickém habitatu sladkovodní nádrže prostřednictvím podvodní kamery. UVC je výborným prostředkem k pro pozorování vzorců chování, které jsou v ...
Rozpoznávání predátora netrénovanými ptáky: obrana hnízda
2020 - English
I přesto, že kategorizace objektů je důležitá schopnost pro přežití volně žijících zvířat, principy, podle kterých se tak děje, byly jen minimálně studovány u divokých zvířat. V návaznosti na naší předešlou studii divokých sýkor na krmítku (Nováková et al. Behav Process 143:7-12, 2017) jsme znovu testovali dvě základní teorie kategorizace: the particulate feature theory a recognition by components tentokrát v kontextu obrany hnízda. Testovali jsme, zda dospělci ťuhýka obecného (Lanius collurio) rozpoznají predátora v atrapách poštolky obecné (Falco tinnunculus), která je potenciálním predátorem mláďat, v případě, že tělesné části atrapy jsou zamíchány. Atrapa poštolky byla prezentována s hlavou nahoře, uprostřed a na spodku těla. Prokázali jsme, že ťuhýci nekategorizovali atrapy poštolky se špatně umístěnou hlavou jako hrozbu a útočili na ně srovnatelně jako na neškodnou kontrolu. Tyto výsledky podporují recognition by components, která předpokládá, že správná poloha jednotlivých znaků je klíčová pro správné rozpoznávání objektů. Když byly části těla atrapy zpřeházené, většina dospělců nebyla schopna identifikovat v nich poštolku navzdory přítomnosti všech lokálních znaků (oko, zobák, zbarvení, pařáty). Nicméně, ťuhýci nevnímali tyto atrapy ani jako úplně neškodné, protože během jejich prezentace u hnízda krmili ptáčata signifikantně méně než během přítomnosti neškodné kontroly. Despite object categorization being an important ability for the survival of wild animals, the principles behind this ability have been only scarcely studied using wild-ranging, untrained animals. Reiterating our previous study undertaken with wild-ranging titmice on winter feeders (Nováková et al. Behav Process 143:7-12, 2017), we aimed to test two hypotheses of object recognition proposed by animal psychology studies: the particulate feature theory and recognition by components in the methodological paradigm of nest defence. We tested whether the parents of the red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio) recognize the dummies of the common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus), which is a potential predator of large chicks or fledglings, as a threat in case when their body parts are scrambled. The kestrel dummy was presented with the head at the top, in the middle, and at the bottom of the body. We showed that the shrikes did not consider dummies of a kestrel with an inappropriately placed head as a threat to the nest and attacked it equally scarcely as the harmless control. These results support the theory of recognition by components, presuming that the mutual position of body parts is essential for appropriate recognition of the object. When the body parts were scrambled, most of shrikes were not able to identify the kestrel in such an object despite all local features (eye, beak, colouration, and claws) being present. Nevertheless, shrikes did not consider the scrambled dummies as completely harmless, because they fed their chicks in their presence significantly less often than in the presence of harmless control.
rozpoznávání; kategorizace; globální a lokální znaky; obrana hnízda; ťuhýk obecný; pooštolka
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Rozpoznávání predátora netrénovanými ptáky: obrana hnízda
I přesto, že kategorizace objektů je důležitá schopnost pro přežití volně žijících zvířat, principy, podle kterých se tak děje, byly jen minimálně studovány u divokých zvířat. V návaznosti na naší ...
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