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Zhodnocení odpadu z akvakultury
LUNDA, Roman
2021 - English
Technologie pro úpravu vody, prošly v posledních letech dynamickým vývojem, spolu s novými objevy a metodami. Uměle vybudované mokřady, aerobní kompostování, anaerobní čištění, enzymatická nebo chemická hydrolýza a akvaponie jsou dnes již dobře známé technologie používané při snižování, zhodnocování a recyklaci odpadu z akvakultury. Veškerý odpad z akvakultury lze zhodnotit pomocí několika technologií. Nové technologie se používají hlavně k recyklaci zdrojů nebo k produkci cenných vedlejších produktů, včetně biopaliv, rybí siláže, biouhlí, kyseliny mléčné, vodíku a kalu jako média pro růst larev hmyzu, stejně tak jako technologie fytoremediace a bioflok pro zpracování kalů z akvakultury. Kapitola 2 uvádí složení kalů a odpadních vod z několika různých akvakulturních systémů RAS. Výsledky obsažené v Kapitole 2 prokazují možnost využití odpadních vod pro rostlinnou výrobu ve formě akvaponických nebo hydroponických systémů. Výhody akvaponie se netýkají pouze efektivního využívání půdy, vody a zdrojů živin, ale také umožňují větší integraci inteligentních energetických možností, jako je bioplyn a solární energie. V tomto ohledu, představuje akvaponie slibnou technologií pro produkci ryb a zeleniny za pomocí způsobů, které nejsou náročné na množství půdy, vyžadují méně energie a vody - a zároveň minimalizují chemické přísady a hnojivové doplňky, které se používají při konvenční výrobě potravin. Kapitola 2 také hodnotí koncentraci živin podle jednotlivých typů úpravy RAS a problém nadměrného množství sodíku v systémech. Neexistuje však dokonalé složení kalu či odpadní vody pro úplnou potřebu rostlin. Ovšem živiny obsažené v kalu a odpadní vodě, mohou snížit náklady na výrobu živných roztoků v hydroponii. Vytváření hodnotného substrátu pro hnojení pomocí vermikompostování, představuje velmi slibnou techniku pro budoucnost využití kalu. Tato technologie nevyžaduje zbytečně vysoké náklady a je vysoce ekologická. Kapitola 3 dokumentuje složení a využití kalů z akvakultury pro využití ve vermikompostování. Tato kapitola zahrnuje další možnosti využití kalů z akvakultury jako například přímé použití na pole včetně nezávadnosti v oblasti toxicity. To dává kalu ze standardního sladkovodního RAS velkou příležitost pro jeho přímé použití v odvětví vermikompostování. Je dobře známo, že zpracování pevných látek v akvakultuře může být díky využití technologii bioflok, velice výhodné. Tato technologie představuje pilíř zhodnocování odpadu z akvakultury. Využití biomasy bohaté na živiny z technologie bioflok jako potenciálního zdroje krmiva je obsaženo v Kapitole 4. Bylo prokázáno, že téměř 33 % krmiva pro chov raků může být nahrazeno bioflok biomasou. Největší překážkou při zhodnocování odpadu z akvakultury je nepřeberné množství všech možných technologií a jejich variabilita. K dosažení ideálního složení je nutné zvolit správný přístup v akvakulturních systémech. Je však zapotřebí dalšího výzkumu a vývoje, jak dokazují výzvy popsané v této práci. Water treatment technology has undergone a dynamic development in recent years with new treatment methods rapidly emerging. Constructed wetlands, aerobic composting, anaerobic treatment, enzymatic or chemical hydrolysis, and aquaponics are conventional and well-known technologies used in aquaculture waste reduction, valorisation, and recycling. All aquaculture waste can be valorised by several technologies. Novel technologies are mainly applied to recycle resources or produce valuable by-products, including biodiesel, fish silage, biochar, lactic acid, hydrogen, and insect larvae growth from aquaculture sludge, as well as phytoremediation and biofloc technology for aquaculture sludge treatment. Chapter 2 documented the composition of sludge and wastewater from several RASs. The results show a possibility of wastewater utilization for plant production in the form of aquaponic or hydroponic systems. The benefits of aquaponics relate not only to the efficient uses of land, water and nutrient resources, but also allow for the increased integration of smart energy opportunities such as biogas and solar power. In this regard, aquaponics is a promising technology for producing both high-quality fish protein and vegetables in ways that can use substantially less land, less energy and less water - while also minimizing chemical and fertilizer inputs that are used in conventional food production. Chapter 2 also evaluated nutrient concentration according to RAS adjustment and the problem of high sodium concentrations. There is no perfect composition of sludge or wastewater for the requirements of plants. But its nutrient value can reduce costs for hydroponics nutrient solution production. Creating valuable fertilizer matter by vermicomposting represents a very promising technique for the future. This technology does not require unnecessarily high costs and its environment friendly. Chapter 3 documents aquaculture sludge composition and utilization for earthworm vermiculture. This chapter also includes toxicity and other possibilities for aquaculture sludge utilization as direct field application. This gives sludge from standard freshwater RAS a great opportunity and opens the doors for its direct use in the vermicomposting sector. It is well known that aquaculture solids treatment can be profitable thanks to biofloc technology. This technology presents a pillar in aquaculture waste valorisation. Leveraging nutrient rich biomass from biofloc technology as a potential feed source was presented in Chapter 4. It has been proven that almost 33% of feed could be replaced by biofloc meal for crayfish culture. The biggest problems of aquaculture waste valorisation by plenty of possible technologies is its variability. To achieve the ideal composition, it is necessary to choose the right approach in the aquaculture system. However, further research and developments are needed, as demonstrated by the challenges described in this thesis. Keywords: akvakulturní odpad; RAS; akvaponie; vermikompostování; biofloc moučka Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Zhodnocení odpadu z akvakultury

Technologie pro úpravu vody, prošly v posledních letech dynamickým vývojem, spolu s novými objevy a metodami. Uměle vybudované mokřady, aerobní kompostování, anaerobní čištění, enzymatická nebo ...

LUNDA, Roman
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Metodické přístupy k vyšetření lymfoidních tkání jeseterů
2021 - English
Předkládáme výsledky studií, které byly získány v průběhu doktorského studia a jsou shrnuty v disertační práci. Výzkum se zaměřil se posouzení různých metodických přístupů při vyšetřování lymfoidních tkání u jeseterů. Jeseteři se na Zemi vyskytují již více než 200 milionů let. Přežití do současnosti jim umožnil dobře vyvinutý a fungující obranný systém, zajišťující odolnost vůči mnohým negativním faktorům. Jeseteři jsou známí poměrně velkým genomem a náchylností k polyploidizačním událostem. Je známo, že v evoluci jeseterovitých ryb se uskutečnily tři celogenomové duplikace, označované jako 3R hypotéza (3 rounds hypothesis). Na základě této znalosti je možno jeseterovité ryby členit do různých ploidních skupin, s tím pak souvisí i rozdílné počty chromozómů u zástupců jednotlivých skupin. V naší práci jsme vyšetřili hematopoetické a lymfoidní tkáně u jeseterů. Studie byly prováděny na zástupcích jednotlivých ploidních úrovní: jeseter malý (Acipenser ruthenus) byl vybrán jako zástupce diploidní skupiny (2n), jeseter ruský (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) jako zástupce tetraploidní (4n) a jeseter krátkorypý (Acipenser brevirostrum) jako představitel hexaploidní skupiny jeseterů (6n). U jesetera malého a jesetera krátkorypého jsme provedli histologické vyšetření hematopoetických a lymfoidních tkání. Tkáně byly klasicky zpracovány a obarveny hematoxylinem a eozinem. K bližší typizaci jednotlivých typů buněk jsme následně u vybraných tkání použili doplňující histologická barvení. Při vyšetření thymu jsme ve dřeni objevili Hassallova tělíska. Podle dostupných informací je naše sdělení považováno za první popis Hassallových tělísek v thymu jeseterů. Následovala studie, která se zabývala imunohistochemickým vyšetřením thymu juvenilního jesetera malého. K vyšetření jsme použili komerčně dostupné protilátky, běžně používané v humánní medicíně a diagnostice, konkrétně pak širokospektrý cytokeratin, vimentin, S-100 protein, leukocyte common antigen (LCA, CD45), CD3. Pozitivní výsledky jsme zaznamenali při vyšetření širokospektrého cytokeratinu, vimentinu a S-100 proteinu, zatímco vyšetření LCA a CD3 přineslo negativní nebo neprůkazné výsledky. Výsledky ukazují na možnost použití některých komerčně dostupných protilátek při vyšetřování tkání ryb, zároveň však poukazují na nutnost vývoje druhově a tkáňově specifických rybích protilátek. Hematologické vyšetření, především pak stanovení parametrů bílého krevního obrazu, představuje další z přístupů umožňující posouzení lymfoidních tkání u jeseterů. Odběr krve je ve srovnání s histologickým vyšetřením technicky jednodušší a dostupnější. Stanovení celkového počtu bílých krvinek a diferenciálního rozpočtu pak přináší důležité ukazatele celkového zdravotního stavu ryb. Naše studie se zaměřila na sledování parametrů bílého krevního obrazu a jejich změn v průběhu jednoho roku u zástupců tří různých ploidních úrovní jeseterů. Měsíčně jsme u deseti jedinců různých ploidních úrovní vyšetřili parametry bílého krevního obrazu. Získaná data ukázala, že ploidní úroveň ovlivňuje celkový počet leukocytů a podílí se na morfologických jaderných změnách granulocytů a lymfocytů. Naopak sezónní změny bílého krevního obrazu jsou závislé více na druhu jesetera a vlivech vnějšího prostředí než na ploidní úrovni. Vyšetření bílého krevního obrazu (stanovení celkového počtu leukocytů a diferenciálního rozpočtu) a histologické vyšetření tkání, a to včetně technicky náročnější imunohistochemie, představuje hlavní metodické přístupy při posuzování lymfoidních orgánů a imunitního stavu jeseterů. Metody mohou být používány v ichtyologických laboratoří a výstupy jednotlivých vyšetření představují důležité ukazatele při posuzování celkového zdravotního stavu ryb. We present material, data and results that were encountered in doctoral study and summarized in dissertation thesis. Our research was focused on methodical approaches to examination of lymphoid tissues in sturgeons. Sturgeons live on Earth for a long period of time. Well-developed immune system enabled sturgeons to face and deal with different attacks, and thus played an important and crucial role in sturgeon survival until present days. Sturgeons exhibit large genomes among fishes and are well known for their polyploidy origin. Acipenseriformes have a high tolerance for hybridization as well as for spontaneous doubling of chromosome sets. In their evolution, at least three independent polyploidization events have taken place, in the literature known as 3R hypothesis (three rounds hypothesis). Therefore, the present research focused on the haematopoietic and lymphoid tissues examination. Representatives of different ploidy level groups were encountered in the study: sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) represented diploid (2n) group, Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) was chosen as tetraploid group representative (4n), and finally shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) served as hexaploid group representative (6n). Haematopoietic and lymphoid tissues were conventionally histologically processed, obtained sections were stained using haematoxylin and eosin. Advanced histological staining methods were applied when examining tissues to map and recognize particular cell types involved in haemato- and lymphopoiesis. Hassall's corpuscles were detected in thymi, particular in the thymic medulla; to our knowledge, it was the first description of Hassall's corpuscles in sturgeons. Subsequently, the thymus of juvenile sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) was examined immunohistochemically. The wide range cytokeratin, vimentin, S-100 protein, leukocyte common antigen LCA (CD45) and CD3 were selected as the markers to map the thymic microenvironment. Commercially available human antibodies were applied on fish tissue, and wide range cytokeratin, vimentin, S-100 protein brought conclusive results and distinguished nature of different microenvironmental components. Contrarily, LCA and CD3 application was negative or inconclusive, and failed. Study confirmed the possibility of human antibody application on fish tissue, together with the need to generate fish and species specific antibodies, mostly when examining lymphoid tissues. Except for the histological and immunohistochemical examination, respectively, the lymphoid or immune system should be tested when using the determination of white blood cell parameters. Generally, the blood is more easily accessible (vessel puncture), and the determination of the total number of leukocytes and the differential counts represent important fish health and physiology status. Under the study, representatives of three different ploidy level groups were tested and white blood cell parameters were monitored monthly during a period of one year. Data suggested the significant effect of ploidy level on total number of leukocytes and morphological nuclear changes in granulocytes and lymphocytes. Annual variation in differential leukocyte counts depended on the species and influence of various external conditions rather than ploidy level. Examination of white blood cell parameters (total number of leukocyte and differential count), as well as histological and immunohistochemical examination, respectively, represent the main methodical approaches for lymphoid organs and immune system assessment in sturgeons. Methods should be applied in an ichthyological practise. Obtained results contribute to fish health status evaluation. Keywords: Acipenser brevirostrum; Acipenser gueldenstaedtii; Acipenser ruthenus; Hassallova tělíska; histologické vyšetření; imunohistochemie; lymfatická tkáň; thymus; ukazatele bílého krevního obrazu Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Metodické přístupy k vyšetření lymfoidních tkání jeseterů

Předkládáme výsledky studií, které byly získány v průběhu doktorského studia a jsou shrnuty v disertační práci. Výzkum se zaměřil se posouzení různých metodických přístupů při vyšetřování lymfoidních ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Selected proteolytic aspects as targets to combat ticks and tick borne pathogens
2021 - English
Ticks and tick-borne diseases (TBD) represent a growing global burden for both human and animal health. Tick-host-pathogen interactions have evolved through dynamic processes that accommodated the genetic traits of the hosts, pathogens transmitted, and the vector tick species that mediate their development and survival. As in other parasites, proteases and proteolysis have been found as one of the key factors in this interaction triangle. This thesis is focused on selected proteolytic aspects of tick and tick-borne diseases: (i) processing of host blood as a source of nutrients and energy (hematophagy) as a continuum of the long-term goal of the Laboratory of Vector Immunology, that established the currently accepted model of multienzyme degradation of host blood proteins by ticks (ii) proteases in innate immunity (iii) validation of Babesia proteasome as a potential therapeutic target against the tick transmitted apicomplexan parasites. Ticks and tick-borne diseases (TBD) represent a growing global burden for both human and animal health. Tick-host-pathogen interactions have evolved through dynamic processes that accommodated the genetic traits of the hosts, pathogens transmitted, and the vector tick species that mediate their development and survival. As in other parasites, proteases and proteolysis have been found as one of the key factors in this interaction triangle. This thesis is focused on selected proteolytic aspects of tick and tick-borne diseases: (i) processing of host blood as a source of nutrients and energy (hematophagy) as a continuum of the long-term goal of the Laboratory of Vector Immunology, that established the currently accepted model of multienzyme degradation of host blood proteins by ticks (ii) proteases in innate immunity (iii) validation of Babesia proteasome as a potential therapeutic target against the tick transmitted apicomplexan parasites. Keywords: klíště; proteázy; trávení krve; parazit; babesia; ixodes ricinus; ixodes scapularis; proteázom Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Selected proteolytic aspects as targets to combat ticks and tick borne pathogens

Ticks and tick-borne diseases (TBD) represent a growing global burden for both human and animal health. Tick-host-pathogen interactions have evolved through dynamic processes that accommodated the ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

The breeding and foraging ecology of the House Sparrow in rural and urban environments
2021 - English
This study describes the effect of farming practices, farmland utilization, and habitat composition in farmland settlements on the distribution and population density of the House Sparrow. Another goal of this study was to describe food availability for offspring and habitat use in rural and urban settlements. The results imply the importance of farms, their surroundings, small-scale farming, and the presence of natural habitats (shrubs, trees, ruderal vegetation) for the local House Sparrow populations. Increased home range size and flight distance were found in urban breeding pairs, implying the absence or lower availability of critical food sources in the urban environment. Future perspectives, threats, and management recommendations to prevent negative factors affecting House Sparrows and the entire bird community inhabiting similar habitats are discussed in this study. This study describes the effect of farming practices, farmland utilization, and habitat composition in farmland settlements on the distribution and population density of the House Sparrow. Another goal of this study was to describe food availability for offspring and habitat use in rural and urban settlements. The results imply the importance of farms, their surroundings, small-scale farming, and the presence of natural habitats (shrubs, trees, ruderal vegetation) for the local House Sparrow populations. Increased home range size and flight distance were found in urban breeding pairs, implying the absence or lower availability of critical food sources in the urban environment. Future perspectives, threats, and management recommendations to prevent negative factors affecting House Sparrows and the entire bird community inhabiting similar habitats are discussed in this study. Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
The breeding and foraging ecology of the House Sparrow in rural and urban environments

This study describes the effect of farming practices, farmland utilization, and habitat composition in farmland settlements on the distribution and population density of the House Sparrow. Another ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Bioenergetic studies in the parasitic protist Trypanosoma brucei: functional characterisation of the mitochondrial FoF1-ATP synthase/ATPase complex
HIERRO YAP, Carolina
2021 - English
This Ph.D. thesis focuses on the functional characterisation of the mitochondrial FoF1-ATP synthase/ATPase complex in the parasitic protist Trypanosoma brucei, a eukaryotic system that enables the study of both operation modes of the complex in physiological settings. The results presented in this thesis are divided in four topics: (i) bioenergetics consequences of mitochondrial FoF1-ATP synthase deficiency in two life cycle stages of the parasite, with emphasis on the roles of subunits ATPaseTb1 and OSCP, (ii) changes in energy metabolism of bloodstream form parasites depleted of cardiolipin, (iii) role of the FoF1-ATP synthase dimerisation in mitochondrial biogenesis and bioenergetics, with focus on the functional characterisation of the dimer-specific subunit g in the insect stage of the parasite, and (iv) role of subunit OSCP in the structural and functional integrity of the FoF1-ATPase in trypanosomes lacking mitochondrial DNA (akinetoplastic). This Ph.D. thesis focuses on the functional characterisation of the mitochondrial FoF1-ATP synthase/ATPase complex in the parasitic protist Trypanosoma brucei, a eukaryotic system that enables the study of both operation modes of the complex in physiological settings. The results presented in this thesis are divided in four topics: (i) bioenergetics consequences of mitochondrial FoF1-ATP synthase deficiency in two life cycle stages of the parasite, with emphasis on the roles of subunits ATPaseTb1 and OSCP, (ii) changes in energy metabolism of bloodstream form parasites depleted of cardiolipin, (iii) role of the FoF1-ATP synthase dimerisation in mitochondrial biogenesis and bioenergetics, with focus on the functional characterisation of the dimer-specific subunit g in the insect stage of the parasite, and (iv) role of subunit OSCP in the structural and functional integrity of the FoF1-ATPase in trypanosomes lacking mitochondrial DNA (akinetoplastic). Keywords: Trypanosoma brucei; mitochondria; FoF1-ATP synthase/ATPase; bioenergetics. Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Bioenergetic studies in the parasitic protist Trypanosoma brucei: functional characterisation of the mitochondrial FoF1-ATP synthase/ATPase complex

This Ph.D. thesis focuses on the functional characterisation of the mitochondrial FoF1-ATP synthase/ATPase complex in the parasitic protist Trypanosoma brucei, a eukaryotic system that enables the ...

HIERRO YAP, Carolina
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Diversity and Ecological Role of Cyanobacterial Lipopeptides
2021 - English
The presented study focuses on the biosynthesis and distribution of lipopeptides in the context of evolutionary history and life strategies of cyanobacteria. Cyanobacteria are ancient organisms often naturally exposed to situations in which other bacteria, such as Bacillus or Pseudomonas, were shown to employ lipopeptides to facilitate colony expansion or iron acquisition. The study explores these analogies and maps the distribution and diversity of lipopeptides across cyanobacteria with various lifestyles. Furthermore, the study provides evidence that widespread cyanobacterial lipopeptides containing a particular structural motif with two -hydroxy aspartate residues are a part of iron stress response and likely facilitate iron acquisition. The gathered information aims to integrate and deepen our knowledge of the ecophysiological roles of cyanobacterial lipopeptides. Keywords: Cyanobacteria; Lipopeptides; Siderophores Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Diversity and Ecological Role of Cyanobacterial Lipopeptides

The presented study focuses on the biosynthesis and distribution of lipopeptides in the context of evolutionary history and life strategies of cyanobacteria. Cyanobacteria are ancient organisms ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Borrelia - host interactions: zoom in on the big picture.
STRNAD, Martin
2021 - English
The thesis was written with the intention to bring together cutting-edge imaging methods and applications in order to illustrate how imaging can answer pathogenesis-related questions in Lyme disease at various resolution scale. Correlative light and electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy-based single-molecule force spectroscopy and solution nuclear magnetic resonance have been used to shed light on the underlying mechanisms associated with Lyme disease Borrelia infection. Specifically, the key molecular players and interactions responsible for the variance in the pathogenicity and disease outcome of Borrelia species have been studied. The rationale behind such studies was highlighted by review articles, which are part of the thesis. The thesis was written with the intention to bring together cutting-edge imaging methods and applications in order to illustrate how imaging can answer pathogenesis-related questions in Lyme disease at various resolution scale. Correlative light and electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy-based single-molecule force spectroscopy and solution nuclear magnetic resonance have been used to shed light on the underlying mechanisms associated with Lyme disease Borrelia infection. Specifically, the key molecular players and interactions responsible for the variance in the pathogenicity and disease outcome of Borrelia species have been studied. The rationale behind such studies was highlighted by review articles, which are part of the thesis. Keywords: microscopy; borrelia; diversity; lyme disease; adhesins Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Borrelia - host interactions: zoom in on the big picture.

The thesis was written with the intention to bring together cutting-edge imaging methods and applications in order to illustrate how imaging can answer pathogenesis-related questions in Lyme disease ...

STRNAD, Martin
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Mechanisms structuring host-parasitoid communities in a global warming perspective
THIERRY, Mélanie Jeanne
2021 - English
Ecological communities are composed of a multitude of interacting species, and the outcome of pairwise interactions depends on other co-occurring species within the community. With current global environmental changes, both abiotic and biotic environment are changing, affecting the structure and dynamics of communities. I used a series of laboratory experiments on a set of Drosophila species and their parasitic wasps to investigate the effects of biotic and abiotic factors on interactions and communities. I first compared the outcome of host-parasitoid interactions across community modules commonly found in host-parasitoid communities (i.e., pairwise interaction, exploitative competition, apparent competition, and both exploitative and apparent competition). I found generally higher host suppression with multiple parasitoid species, but species-specific effects for parasitoid performance. I then observed that warming impacts host communities through direct effects on species performance rather than altered competitive interactions and parasitism. Finally, I found that temperature strongly influences the effects of multiple parasitoids on host suppression across different parasitoid assemblages, suggesting a general pattern for the environmental dependence of trophic and non-trophic interactions. My thesis emphasizes the importance of considering environmental factors and different interaction types to better predict community dynamics in a rapidly changing world. Ecological communities are composed of a multitude of interacting species, and the outcome of pairwise interactions depends on other co-occurring species within the community. With current global environmental changes, both abiotic and biotic environment are changing, affecting the structure and dynamics of communities. I used a series of laboratory experiments on a set of Drosophila species and their parasitic wasps to investigate the effects of biotic and abiotic factors on interactions and communities. I first compared the outcome of host-parasitoid interactions across community modules commonly found in host-parasitoid communities (i.e., pairwise interaction, exploitative competition, apparent competition, and both exploitative and apparent competition). I found generally higher host suppression with multiple parasitoid species, but species-specific effects for parasitoid performance. I then observed that warming impacts host communities through direct effects on species performance rather than altered competitive interactions and parasitism. Finally, I found that temperature strongly influences the effects of multiple parasitoids on host suppression across different parasitoid assemblages, suggesting a general pattern for the environmental dependence of trophic and non-trophic interactions. My thesis emphasizes the importance of considering environmental factors and different interaction types to better predict community dynamics in a rapidly changing world. Keywords: Climate change; temperature; host-parasite networks; multiple predator effects; interactions; Drosophila Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Mechanisms structuring host-parasitoid communities in a global warming perspective

Ecological communities are composed of a multitude of interacting species, and the outcome of pairwise interactions depends on other co-occurring species within the community. With current global ...

THIERRY, Mélanie Jeanne
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Function of the Type IV pili proteins in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803.
2021 - English
The thesis is focused on the function of the Type IV pili machinery in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC. 6803. In my work, I provided evidence that in phototrophs, some pilin proteins have acquired a novel function related to metal transport and assembly of photosynthetic complexes. The tight connection between the synthesis of the major pilin PilA1 and the biogenesis of photosynthetic complexes has been demonstrated in the pilD mutant lacking prepilins peptidase. I isolated and characterized pilD suppressor strains, which revealed the important role of the minor pilin PilA2 in the glycosylation of PilA1 and the restricted mobility of PilA1 prepilin in the membrane. My unpublished data indicate that the retraction mode of pili, driven by the PilT1 molecular motor, facilitates manganese uptake and the activity of this machine is critically important during the regulation from the exponential to the linear growth phase. The thesis is focused on the function of the Type IV pili machinery in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC. 6803. In my work, I provided evidence that in phototrophs, some pilin proteins have acquired a novel function related to metal transport and assembly of photosynthetic complexes. The tight connection between the synthesis of the major pilin PilA1 and the biogenesis of photosynthetic complexes has been demonstrated in the pilD mutant lacking prepilins peptidase. I isolated and characterized pilD suppressor strains, which revealed the important role of the minor pilin PilA2 in the glycosylation of PilA1 and the restricted mobility of PilA1 prepilin in the membrane. My unpublished data indicate that the retraction mode of pili, driven by the PilT1 molecular motor, facilitates manganese uptake and the activity of this machine is critically important during the regulation from the exponential to the linear growth phase. Keywords: type IV pili; Synechocystis; photosystem II; PilD peptidase; major pilin; prepilin toxicity; photoautotrophy; metal transport Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Function of the Type IV pili proteins in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803.

The thesis is focused on the function of the Type IV pili machinery in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC. 6803. In my work, I provided evidence that in phototrophs, some pilin proteins have ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Contribution to the taxonomic revision of the order Oscillatoriales
2021 - English
With the increased use of molecular data, especially the 16S rRNA gene and the following 16S-23S ITS region, many new species and genera have been described in recent years. At the same time, numerous traditional taxa have been recognized as polyphyletic and subsequently subjected to the revisionary process leading to their smaller size and narrower definition. However, there are many species and genera for which no molecular data are available as they were described long before the invent of the sequencing techniques. Thus, it is difficult to allocate their position in the modern phylogenies and move forward with their revisions. This thesis focuses on several simple filamentous cyanobacteria currently classified in the order Oscillatoriales and on the detail study of their type species. The connection of traditional descriptions with corresponding organism results in possibility to obtain reliable molecular data and study the taxa's relationship with other cyanobacteria. Thus, the reference phylogenetic points were established in this thesis for the traditional genera Arthrospira and Oscillatoria, and subsequently two new genera Limnospira and Tenebriella were introduced together with their reference strains. Clarification of the phylogenetic position of the type species of Oscillatoria, O. princeps, means first step towards resolving the polyphyletic nature of the whole order Oscillatoriales and its taxonomic revision. With the increased use of molecular data, especially the 16S rRNA gene and the following 16S-23S ITS region, many new species and genera have been described in recent years. At the same time, numerous traditional taxa have been recognized as polyphyletic and subsequently subjected to the revisionary process leading to their smaller size and narrower definition. However, there are many species and genera for which no molecular data are available as they were described long before the invent of the sequencing techniques. Thus, it is difficult to allocate their position in the modern phylogenies and move forward with their revisions. This thesis focuses on several simple filamentous cyanobacteria currently classified in the order Oscillatoriales and on the detail study of their type species. The connection of traditional descriptions with corresponding organism results in possibility to obtain reliable molecular data and study the taxa's relationship with other cyanobacteria. Thus, the reference phylogenetic points were established in this thesis for the traditional genera Arthrospira and Oscillatoria, and subsequently two new genera Limnospira and Tenebriella were introduced together with their reference strains. Clarification of the phylogenetic position of the type species of Oscillatoria, O. princeps, means first step towards resolving the polyphyletic nature of the whole order Oscillatoriales and its taxonomic revision. Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Contribution to the taxonomic revision of the order Oscillatoriales

With the increased use of molecular data, especially the 16S rRNA gene and the following 16S-23S ITS region, many new species and genera have been described in recent years. At the same time, ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

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