Počet nalezených dokumentů: 1309

The Importance Of Specifying Rr Interval Normalization Method
Milek, Jakub
The main objective of this article is to bring attention to RR intervals resampling. Many researchers dealing with HRV problematic neglect to mention which algorithm they are using in their research. Some of the commonly used methods are presented here and how an algorithm choice can affect final results of HRV spectral analysis is shown. Power spectrum for each method was computed and power of commonly used measures (HF & LF) is presented in table to highlight the possible differences. Klíčová slova: HRV; PSD; RR intervals; resampling; normalization; LF; HF Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
The Importance Of Specifying Rr Interval Normalization Method

The main objective of this article is to bring attention to RR intervals resampling. Many researchers dealing with HRV problematic neglect to mention which algorithm they are using in their research. ...

Milek, Jakub
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Fractal Dimension Analysis And Fractal Properties of Financial Markets
Jedličková, Marie
Financial markets are a subject of many studies and research purposes. The ability to correctly observe and describe the dynamics of financial markets would mean the possibility to predict its future behaviour. Many approaches and methods have been used to achieve this objective. In recent history it has come to light that many natural phenomena could be described using fractal geometry. Alongside with the fractals can be often found the application of fuzzy logic and also the theory of chaos. These three concepts are recently very powerful in describing complex system and getting closer to understanding them. This paper deals with the basic concepts of fractal analysis and also fuzzy logic and the possibility to use those to observe financial markets and analyze their behaviour. The purpose of this is to present the reader with introduction to the problematics and propose starting concepts to begin the research into the matter. Klíčová slova: fractal; financial markets; fractal dimensions; fuzzy set; Mandelbrot; market prediction Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Fractal Dimension Analysis And Fractal Properties of Financial Markets

Financial markets are a subject of many studies and research purposes. The ability to correctly observe and describe the dynamics of financial markets would mean the possibility to predict its future ...

Jedličková, Marie
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Plagiarism Detection in Program Codes Using Mapping Technique
Kašpar, Jakub
The aim of this paper is to introduce the problem of plagiarism and propose a method for plagiarism detection in program codes. In the first part of this paper the basic definition of plagiarism is described. Further in the paper the principle of preprocessing and localization process for signs of plagiarism is introduced. The last part of this paper presents an algorithm for comparison of the detected signs to get the best results possible. The detector was tested on student projects from the BTBIO study program. Klíčová slova: plagiarism; detection; preprocessing; signs; mapping Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Plagiarism Detection in Program Codes Using Mapping Technique

The aim of this paper is to introduce the problem of plagiarism and propose a method for plagiarism detection in program codes. In the first part of this paper the basic definition of plagiarism is ...

Kašpar, Jakub
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Rotor Slot Optimization of an Induction Motor
Szekeres, Vojtech
Proposed paper is dealing with optimization of an induction machine rotor slot by using artificial intelligence. Electrical machine under investigation is commonly manufactured induction motor with simple deep rotor bars. Goal is to achieve the highest possible value of efficiency and power factor. This paper is dealing with description of rotor parametric model and set-up of the optimization algorithm. Results of optimization are proposed as well. Klíčová slova: induction motor; rotor slot; optimization; SOMA; Ansys Maxwell; RMxprt Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Rotor Slot Optimization of an Induction Motor

Proposed paper is dealing with optimization of an induction machine rotor slot by using artificial intelligence. Electrical machine under investigation is commonly manufactured induction motor with ...

Szekeres, Vojtech
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

60 GHz Time Domain Channel Sounder
Vychodil, Josef
This paper describes a time domain channel sounder based on pseudorandom binary sequences. The channel sounder system consists of several off-the-shelf laboratory instruments connected together and controlled from PC. Frequency band of interest is the unlicensed millimeter wave band (MMW), 57–64 GHz. The system’s architecture and its parameters are presented and discussed. Crucial feature of the proposed system is fast measurement speed enabling measurements of real scenarios with moving objects. Klíčová slova: MMW; millimeter wave band; channel sounding Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
60 GHz Time Domain Channel Sounder

This paper describes a time domain channel sounder based on pseudorandom binary sequences. The channel sounder system consists of several off-the-shelf laboratory instruments connected together and ...

Vychodil, Josef
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Directive Dielectric Resonator Antenna
Mrnka, Michal
Relatively directive, single element, linearly polarized, dielectric resonator antenna for the ISM band applications (5.8 GHz) is presented in the paper. Its operation is based on the excitation of higher order modes inside a cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna of low relative permittivity material (εr= 6.15) fed by an aperture coupled microstrip line. The behavior of the mode properties inside the resonator is studied and geometry providing maximum gain is determined. Measurement results are given and compared with simulations results obtained in CST Microwave Studio in order to confirm the correct operation of the antenna. Klíčová slova: dielectric resonator antennas; directive antennas; dielectrics; higher order modes Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Directive Dielectric Resonator Antenna

Relatively directive, single element, linearly polarized, dielectric resonator antenna for the ISM band applications (5.8 GHz) is presented in the paper. Its operation is based on the excitation of ...

Mrnka, Michal
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

The Description of the Program for Factorization of Large Numbers
Levek, Vladimír
The article describes the algorithm for factorization of large numbers. If there is the result of the product of two prime numbers, then the program can find the factors. The first part of the article generally introduces the problem of factoring large integers and its impact in the field of the cryptography. The next part describes the algorithm and the program for calculation. At the end of the article there is a summary of the possibilities of the program. Klíčová slova: Cryptography; Factorization; RSA; Prime number; Large Numbers; Order of magnitude Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
The Description of the Program for Factorization of Large Numbers

The article describes the algorithm for factorization of large numbers. If there is the result of the product of two prime numbers, then the program can find the factors. The first part of the article ...

Levek, Vladimír
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Distributed Framework for Testing Machine Learning Methods
Klusáček, Jan
When designing new Machine learning (ML) methods, solid testing is very important part of process. This article describes a framework that was created for automated testing and comparison of different ML methods. This framework allows to automate most of tedious and recurrent tasks related to comparison and testing of new methods. It consists of two parts. First part is intended for work with results of ML methods. It allows to compare results of different methods with different settings. It allows to create tables and graph from these results and it also perform statistical tests on these results. It is often necessary to perform considerable number of test runs on different datasets and with different settings for purpose of comparison and statistical test. For these reasons it is advisable to automate these tasks as much as possible. Automation of these tasks is purpose of second part of this framework. It allows to divide, plan and execute tasks on remote machines. Whole framework is written using Python and Django framework allowing to easily extend customize it for particular task. Klíčová slova: Machine learning; Python; Parallelization; Web interface Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Distributed Framework for Testing Machine Learning Methods

When designing new Machine learning (ML) methods, solid testing is very important part of process. This article describes a framework that was created for automated testing and comparison of different ...

Klusáček, Jan
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Experimental Analysis of Low Voltage Arc Between Carbon Electrodes with Unknown Cores
Šimek, David
The paper is focused on an electric arc spectroscopy diagnostics related to electric low voltage apparatuses. Measurement of radiation spectra of the electric arc burning between carbon electrodes with unknown cores is presented. Measured radiation spectrum has a lot of suitable atomic spectra lines for comparison purposes. The problems connected with the measurements are discussed. The main part of the paper deals with a prediction of composition of the measured arc plasma. Atomic lines database of National Institute of Standards and Technology was used as a spectral data source for the calculations. Klíčová slova: switching arc; arc plasma composition; atomic emission spectroscopy Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Experimental Analysis of Low Voltage Arc Between Carbon Electrodes with Unknown Cores

The paper is focused on an electric arc spectroscopy diagnostics related to electric low voltage apparatuses. Measurement of radiation spectra of the electric arc burning between carbon electrodes ...

Šimek, David
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

The Eddy Current Losses of High-Speed Solid Rotor Induction Machine as Function of the Radial Air-Gap Lenght
Bárta, Jan
This paper introduces that the appropriately selected air-gap width have major impact in terms of efficiency for high-speed induction machines. Machine of interest is high-speed solid rotor cage induction machine intended for helium turbo-circulator. Proposed study is done from electromagnetic and thermal point of view. Presented results can be used as a guideline for air-gap length selection for others high-speed solid rotor induction machines. Klíčová slova: AC machine; High-speed drive; Induction motors; Finite element analysis Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
The Eddy Current Losses of High-Speed Solid Rotor Induction Machine as Function of the Radial Air-Gap Lenght

This paper introduces that the appropriately selected air-gap width have major impact in terms of efficiency for high-speed induction machines. Machine of interest is high-speed solid rotor cage ...

Bárta, Jan
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

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