Number of found documents: 3370
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Manufacture of 3D Printed Microfluidic Channels and Their Characterization by Impedance Spectroscopy and Optical Microscopy Measurements
Štěrba, O.; Vaněčková, Eva; Choińska-Mlynarczyk, Marta; Navrátil, Tomáš; Kolivoška, Viliam
2022 - English
Fused deposition modeling 3D printing employing high-resolution extrusion nozzles and specialized manufacturing protocols have recently attracted attention as an inexpensive tool to create microfluidic devices. In this work, we have applied such an approach to create measurement cells with integrated microchannels of systematically varied dimensions. The real width of channels was inspected by two techniques, namely (A) impedance spectroscopy employing an aqueous sensing electrolyte and (B) optical microscopic imaging of silicone imprints hardened in the interior of printed structures. Both techniques have demonstrated that fused deposition modeling 3D printing enables precise manufacturing of channels with truly microfluidic dimensions. Keywords: Fused deposition modeling 3D printing; Lab-on-a-chip devices; Microfluidic channels; Impedance spectroscopy; Optical microscopy Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Manufacture of 3D Printed Microfluidic Channels and Their Characterization by Impedance Spectroscopy and Optical Microscopy Measurements

Fused deposition modeling 3D printing employing high-resolution extrusion nozzles and specialized manufacturing protocols have recently attracted attention as an inexpensive tool to create ...

Štěrba, O.; Vaněčková, Eva; Choińska-Mlynarczyk, Marta; Navrátil, Tomáš; Kolivoška, Viliam
Ústav fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského, 2022

Chiral capillary electrophoresis with diquats as both passive and active players in enantioseparation games
Kašička, Václav; Bílek, Jan; Koval, Dušan; Sázelová, Petra; Talele, Harish Ramesh; Severa, Lukáš; Reyes Gutierrez, Paul Eduardo; Teplý, Filip
2022 - English
Keywords: chiral capillary electrophoresis; diquats; enantioseparation Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Chiral capillary electrophoresis with diquats as both passive and active players in enantioseparation games

Kašička, Václav; Bílek, Jan; Koval, Dušan; Sázelová, Petra; Talele, Harish Ramesh; Severa, Lukáš; Reyes Gutierrez, Paul Eduardo; Teplý, Filip
Ústav organické chemie a biochemie, 2022

Curcumin oligomers and their stability in the gas phase investigated by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry
Jaklová Dytrtová, Jana; Jakl, Michal; Jakl, M.
2022 - English
Keywords: curcumin; electrospray ionization; mass spectrometry. Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Curcumin oligomers and their stability in the gas phase investigated by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry

Jaklová Dytrtová, Jana; Jakl, Michal; Jakl, M.
Ústav organické chemie a biochemie, 2022

Characterization of Ca2+ binding properties of human ameloblastin I and II isoforms and ameloblastin C-term proteins by capillary electrophoresis
Sázelová, Petra; Vetýšková, Veronika; Boušová, Kristýna; Vondrášek, Jiří; Kašička, Václav
2022 - English
Keywords: calcium ion; capillary electrophoresis; human ameloblastin Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Characterization of Ca2+ binding properties of human ameloblastin I and II isoforms and ameloblastin C-term proteins by capillary electrophoresis

Sázelová, Petra; Vetýšková, Veronika; Boušová, Kristýna; Vondrášek, Jiří; Kašička, Václav
Ústav organické chemie a biochemie, 2022

Study of complexation of 5-phenylazopyrimidines with β-cyclodextrin by affinity capillary electrophoresis
Štěpánová, Sille; Procházková, Eliška; Hruzíková, Anna; Čechová, Lucie; Janeba, Zlatko; Kašička, Václav
2022 - English
Keywords: affinity capillary electrophoresis; β-cyclodextrin; 5-phenylazopyrimidines Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Study of complexation of 5-phenylazopyrimidines with β-cyclodextrin by affinity capillary electrophoresis

Štěpánová, Sille; Procházková, Eliška; Hruzíková, Anna; Čechová, Lucie; Janeba, Zlatko; Kašička, Václav
Ústav organické chemie a biochemie, 2022

Mercury Film Screen-Printed Electrodes
Josypčuk, Bohdan; Šestáková, Ivana; Tvorynska, Sofiia
2022 - English
Mercury film screen-printed electrodes (MF-SPEs) were designed, prepared and tested for the first time as perspective representatives among SPEs that allow measuring at high negative potentials. For this purpose, the precise electrochemical (coulometric) preparation procedure for mercury deposition at the working electrode surface of the commercial silver-SPE was developed and a universal method of preparing MF-electrodes from different metal-SPEs was described. An optimal electrolyzer construction for the mercury deposition, electrolyte composition, electrolysis potential, and an activation of electrode surfaces were proposed. Determination of the zinc content in food supplement tablets was used for the MF-SPEs practical testing. Keywords: flow analysis; mercury film; screen-printed electrodes; electrochemistry Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Mercury Film Screen-Printed Electrodes

Mercury film screen-printed electrodes (MF-SPEs) were designed, prepared and tested for the first time as perspective representatives among SPEs that allow measuring at high negative potentials. For ...

Josypčuk, Bohdan; Šestáková, Ivana; Tvorynska, Sofiia
Ústav fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského, 2022

Spectroelectrochemistry of 1,10-phenantrolines Substituted by Pyrrolidine and Phenothiazine Redox-active Units
Sokolová, Romana; Wantulok, J.; Fiedler, Jan; Nycz, J.; Degano, I.
2022 - English
Compounds based on 1,10-phenanthroline (Phen) and their complexes are used in many fields, such as a stabilizing agent in the synthesis of nanoparticles, catalysts in homogeneous catalysis and as a semiconductor in organic light-emitting diodes (OLED) due to their coordination abilities. In this work, 1,10-phenanthrolines functionalized by pyrrolidine and phenothiazine units were studied by electrochemical methods. Cyclic voltammetry resulted in several oxidation and reduction voltammetric peaks. Structure-activity relationship was investigated using in situ spectroeletrochemistry, spectrophotometry, infrared spectroscopy and chromatography. Keywords: 1,10-phenanthroline; Electrochemistry; Oxidation mechanism; Reduction mechanism Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Spectroelectrochemistry of 1,10-phenantrolines Substituted by Pyrrolidine and Phenothiazine Redox-active Units

Compounds based on 1,10-phenanthroline (Phen) and their complexes are used in many fields, such as a stabilizing agent in the synthesis of nanoparticles, catalysts in homogeneous catalysis and as a ...

Sokolová, Romana; Wantulok, J.; Fiedler, Jan; Nycz, J.; Degano, I.
Ústav fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského, 2022

Degradation of polycaprolactone electrospun materials - methods of analysis
Havlíčková, K.; Řezanka, M.; Kobera, Libor; Kuželová Košťáková, E.; Lukáš, D.; Jenčová, V.
2021 - English
Biodegradable electrospun materials are widely used for medical application. Polycaprolatone is polymer suitable for electrospinning technology and is very often used to create nanofibrous scaffolds for tissue engineering. The time to disintegration or biodegradation of such materials is very important here. However, testing is not entirely easy. It is not possible to create exactly body-like conditions in vitro. Moreover, it is not easy to find suitable analytical methods that would show exactly what happens in the nanofibrous polycaprolactone electrospun samples at certain stages of degradation, ie how the internal structure of decaying nanofibers changes. This paper describes the traditional use of methods for testing polycaprolatone nanofibers by enzymatically catalysed degradation. Morphological changes are studied using scanning electron microscope images. However, it also offers a non-traditional analysis of polycaprolactone electrospun materials using the ssNMR method. Keywords: electrospinning; nanofibers; enzymatic degradation Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Degradation of polycaprolactone electrospun materials - methods of analysis

Biodegradable electrospun materials are widely used for medical application. Polycaprolatone is polymer suitable for electrospinning technology and is very often used to create nanofibrous scaffolds ...

Havlíčková, K.; Řezanka, M.; Kobera, Libor; Kuželová Košťáková, E.; Lukáš, D.; Jenčová, V.
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2021

Toxic responses in human lung epithelial cells (BEAS-2B) exposed to particulate matter exhaust emissions from gasoline and biogasoline
Závodná, Táňa; Líbalová, Helena; Vrbová, Kristýna; Sikorová, Jitka; Vojtíšek-Lom, M.; Beránek, V.; Pechout, M.; Kléma, J.; Cigánek, M.; Machala, M.; Neča, J.; Rössner ml., Pavel; Topinka, Jan
2021 - English
Motor vehicle emissions substantially contribute to air pollution worldwide and cause serious health problems. While the deleterious effects of diesel exhaust particulate matter (PM) have been widely studied, much less attention is paid to toxicity of PM emitted by gasoline engines although they also produce considerable amount of PM. The primary objective of this research was to assess toxic potencies of exhaust PM released by conventional gasoline engine fueled with neat gasoline (EU) or gasoline-ethanol blend (15% ethanol, v/v, E15). Despite a similar particle mass (mu g PM/kg fuel) produced by both fuels, PM emitted by E15 contained higher amount of harmful polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) as suggested by chemical analysis. To examine the toxicity of organic PM constituents, human lung BEAS-2B cells were exposed for 4h and 24h to a subtoxic dose of E0 and E15 PM organic extracts. We used genome scale transcriptomic analysis to characterize the toxic response and to identify modulated biological process and pathways. Whereas 4h exposure to both PM extracts resulted in modulation of similar genes and pathways related to lipid and steroid metabolism, activation of PPAR alpha, oxidative stress and immune response, 24h exposure was more specific for each extract, although both induced expression of PAH-metabolic enzymes, modulated metabolism of lipids or activated PPAR alpha, E15 additionally deregulated variety of other pathways. Overall, the PM mass produced by both fuels was similar, however, higher PAH content in E15 PM organic extract may have contributed to more extensive toxic response particularly after 24h exposure in BEAS-2B cells. Keywords: particulate matter emissions; gasoline; biofuels; toxicity; gene expression profiling Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Toxic responses in human lung epithelial cells (BEAS-2B) exposed to particulate matter exhaust emissions from gasoline and biogasoline

Motor vehicle emissions substantially contribute to air pollution worldwide and cause serious health problems. While the deleterious effects of diesel exhaust particulate matter (PM) have been widely ...

Závodná, Táňa; Líbalová, Helena; Vrbová, Kristýna; Sikorová, Jitka; Vojtíšek-Lom, M.; Beránek, V.; Pechout, M.; Kléma, J.; Cigánek, M.; Machala, M.; Neča, J.; Rössner ml., Pavel; Topinka, Jan
Ústav experimentální medicíny, 2021

Looking into the Photo-stability of Eosin by Electrochemical Methods
Sabatini, F.; Sokolová, Romana; Degano, I.
2021 - English
Eosin Y is a synthetic organic dye belonging to the xanthene family. Its bright and fluorescent\npink hue attracted and intrigued the painters of the 19th century, who experimented eosin as\npigment lake (often called Geranium lake) in their paintings. Nevertheless, eosin coloration is\nas beautiful as unstable, and examples of work of arts with faded hues have been documented.\nEosin is not only photo-sensitive but also pH sensitive, making its study very complex. In this\nwork, the combination of electrochemical and spectroscopic techniques revealed to be effective\nfor correlating the physical evidence of eosin fading with its chemical degradation. Keywords: Eosin; Synthetic dye; UV-Vis spectroelectrochemistry Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Looking into the Photo-stability of Eosin by Electrochemical Methods

Eosin Y is a synthetic organic dye belonging to the xanthene family. Its bright and fluorescent\npink hue attracted and intrigued the painters of the 19th century, who experimented eosin as\npigment ...

Sabatini, F.; Sokolová, Romana; Degano, I.
Ústav fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského, 2021

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