Number of found documents: 118
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Diffusion of PHPMA polymers in brain extracellular space
Vargová, Lýdia; Kubinová, Šárka; Tao, L.; Ulbrich, Karel; Šubr, Vladimír; Nicholson, C.; Syková, Eva
2000 - English
The movement of bulky PHPMA polymers through ECS is limited in contrast to linear PHPMA macromolecules which have the same ability to explore ECS as small molecules. Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Diffusion of PHPMA polymers in brain extracellular space

The movement of bulky PHPMA polymers through ECS is limited in contrast to linear PHPMA macromolecules which have the same ability to explore ECS as small molecules.

Vargová, Lýdia; Kubinová, Šárka; Tao, L.; Ulbrich, Karel; Šubr, Vladimír; Nicholson, C.; Syková, Eva
Ústav experimentální medicíny, 2000

Effect of air pollution on human genome
Šrám, Radim; Binková, Blanka; Dejmek, J.; Mračková, Gabriela; Rubeš, J.; Topinka, Jan; Zudová, Z.
1997 - English
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Effect of air pollution on human genome

Šrám, Radim; Binková, Blanka; Dejmek, J.; Mračková, Gabriela; Rubeš, J.; Topinka, Jan; Zudová, Z.
Ústav experimentální medicíny, 1997

Experimental model of acute and chronic colitis in alfa(1,3) fucosyltransferase Fuc-TVII deficient mice
Bendjelloul, F.; Malý, P.; Jirkovská, M.; Mandys, Václav; Prokeçová, L.; Tučková, L.; Tlaskalová, H.
1997 - English
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Experimental model of acute and chronic colitis in alfa(1,3) fucosyltransferase Fuc-TVII deficient mice

Bendjelloul, F.; Malý, P.; Jirkovská, M.; Mandys, Václav; Prokeçová, L.; Tučková, L.; Tlaskalová, H.
Ústav experimentální medicíny, 1997

DNA adducts in placenta as related to air pollution in two areas of the Czech Republic
Topinka, Jan; Binková, Blanka; Mračková, Gabriela; Peterka, Vít; Leníček, J.; Beneš, J.; Dejmek, Jan; Šrám, Radim
1997 - English
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
DNA adducts in placenta as related to air pollution in two areas of the Czech Republic

Topinka, Jan; Binková, Blanka; Mračková, Gabriela; Peterka, Vít; Leníček, J.; Beneš, J.; Dejmek, Jan; Šrám, Radim
Ústav experimentální medicíny, 1997

Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV In C6 Rat Glioma Cell Line Differentiation
Šedo, Aleksi; Malík, R.; Křepela, E.
1997 - English
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV In C6 Rat Glioma Cell Line Differentiation

Šedo, Aleksi; Malík, R.; Křepela, E.
Ústav experimentální medicíny, 1997

Age related changes in the auditory system of the rat: behavioral and electrophysiological study
Rybalko, Natalia; Popelář, Jiří; Syka, Josef
1997 - English
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Age related changes in the auditory system of the rat: behavioral and electrophysiological study

Rybalko, Natalia; Popelář, Jiří; Syka, Josef
Ústav experimentální medicíny, 1997

HPLC analysis of DNA adducts formed in vitro from PAH and nitro-PAH
Mikulaštík, J.; Binková, Blanka
1997 - English
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
HPLC analysis of DNA adducts formed in vitro from PAH and nitro-PAH

Mikulaštík, J.; Binková, Blanka
Ústav experimentální medicíny, 1997

Effect of PM10 during various stages of gestation anf fetal growth
Dejmek, J.; Selevan, S. G.; Beneš, J.; Pilčík, Tomáš; Šrám, Radim
1997 - English
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Effect of PM10 during various stages of gestation anf fetal growth

Dejmek, J.; Selevan, S. G.; Beneš, J.; Pilčík, Tomáš; Šrám, Radim
Ústav experimentální medicíny, 1997

Animal models in studies of the effect of noise on the central auditory system
Popelář, Jiří; Rybalko, Natalia; Syka, Josef
1997 - English
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Animal models in studies of the effect of noise on the central auditory system

Popelář, Jiří; Rybalko, Natalia; Syka, Josef
Ústav experimentální medicíny, 1997

Monoclonal antibodies to canine intra-acrosomal proteins
Geussová, G.; Pěknicová, J.; Čapková, J.; Kaláb, P.; Moos, J.; Philimonenko, Vlada; Hozák, Pavel
1997 - English
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Monoclonal antibodies to canine intra-acrosomal proteins

Geussová, G.; Pěknicová, J.; Čapková, J.; Kaláb, P.; Moos, J.; Philimonenko, Vlada; Hozák, Pavel
Ústav experimentální medicíny, 1997

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