Počet nalezených dokumentů: 81
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Comparison of soil nematode communities in spruce forests of the Žofín woodland area (Novohradské hory Mts.) and the upper Vydra river basin (Šumava Mts.), Czech Republic
Háněl, Ladislav
2002 - anglický
Soil nematodes were studied in two spruce forests at the Žofín National Nature Reserve and in three spruce forests of the upper Vydra river basin, National Park Šumava, in South Bohemia. The total mean abundance of nematodes in the spruce forests ranged from 863 to 4877x10 3 ind.m-2 with variation from 231 to 6947x10 3 ind.m-2 on individual sampling dates. The most abundant nematode genera were root-fungal feeding Filenchus (48,3% of all nematode individuals in the spruce forests studied), bacterivorous Plectus (11,2%), and omnivorous Eudorylaimus (8,5%). The lowest abundance but the greatest variety of nematodes was found in a waterlogged spruce forests at the Žofín Reserve whereas the greatest abundance of nematodes occurred in the spruce forests of the Vydra river basin. The nematode fauna in the two regions compared showed particular differences, especially in the groups of bacterivorous, plant parasitic and predatory species. Klíčová slova: Nematoda; spruce forests; community structure Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Comparison of soil nematode communities in spruce forests of the Žofín woodland area (Novohradské hory Mts.) and the upper Vydra river basin (Šumava Mts.), Czech Republic

Soil nematodes were studied in two spruce forests at the Žofín National Nature Reserve and in three spruce forests of the upper Vydra river basin, National Park Šumava, in South Bohemia. The total ...

Háněl, Ladislav
Ústav půdní biologie, 2002

Testate amoebae (Protozoa) in soils of restored flowery meadows in the Bílé Karpaty Mts. (Czech Republic)
Balík, Vladimír
2002 - anglický
Soil testate amoebae assemblages were studied in the years 1999-2000 on six differently managed plots in the Bílé Karpaty Mts., South Moravia, Czech Republic. Four experimental plots with different plant cover established on the abandoned field and one conventionally cultivated field plot were investigated at the locality Výzkum. The plot with natural flowery meadow (control plot) was studied at the locality Čertoryje. 25 testate amoebae species were found in all five plots studied on the locality Výzkum. The testate amoebae assemblages were dominated by Cyclopyxis eurystoma var. parvula in 1999 and by Plagiopyxis declivis in 2000. The main coenological parameters increased rapidly during the observed years except for the cultivated field. On the control plot at the Čertoryje locality, 26 testate amoebae species were recorded. The testate amoebae assemblage on this plot was typical for the dry meadows of the warmer areas and was dominated by the Plagiopyxis declivis, Euglypha laevis and Trinema lineare. Values of the coenological parameters studied were typical for such type of habitat. Based on the obtained results, there was evident that the testate amoebae assemblages on experimental plots at the locality Výzkum developed very rapidly and their development tend to the composition characteristic for the old flowery meadows in the Bílé Karpaty Mts. No significant differences in the parameters of the testate amoebae assemblage were established among individual differently managed experimental plots, which situation probably reflects the short period of investigation. Klíčová slova: testate amoebae; flowery meadows; restoration; restaurování Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Testate amoebae (Protozoa) in soils of restored flowery meadows in the Bílé Karpaty Mts. (Czech Republic)

Soil testate amoebae assemblages were studied in the years 1999-2000 on six differently managed plots in the Bílé Karpaty Mts., South Moravia, Czech Republic. Four experimental plots with different ...

Balík, Vladimír
Ústav půdní biologie, 2002

Microscopic fungi in soils of selected spruce forests in the Bohemian Forest
Nováková, Alena
2002 - anglický
Klíčová slova: soil saprotrophic microfungi; CFU-counts; mycelial lenght Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Microscopic fungi in soils of selected spruce forests in the Bohemian Forest

Nováková, Alena
Ústav půdní biologie, 2002

Changes of oribatid mite communities (Acari: Oribatida) during primary succession on colliery spoil heaps near Sokolov, North-West Bohemia, Czech Republic
Starý, Josef
2002 - anglický
In this study oribatid communities of colliery spoil heaps on five successive stages of different age (4-40 years) were investigated. In the course of the study 9034 individuals of oribatid mites, representing 38 species, were collected. Species richness and especially average abundance increased during primary succession. Significantly higher abundance and species diversity were found in the bottom of depressions between dumped heaps in comparison with their top excluding the youngest successive stage. Eurytopic and parthenogenetic species Tectocepheus velatus and Oppiella nova were eudominant in all studied successive stages. The highest species dissimilarity and heterogeneity were found on the youngest stage but species composition becomes more complex and stable in the course of primary succession. Klíčová slova: Oribatida; primary succession; brown coal dumps Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Changes of oribatid mite communities (Acari: Oribatida) during primary succession on colliery spoil heaps near Sokolov, North-West Bohemia, Czech Republic

In this study oribatid communities of colliery spoil heaps on five successive stages of different age (4-40 years) were investigated. In the course of the study 9034 individuals of oribatid mites, ...

Starý, Josef
Ústav půdní biologie, 2002

Earthworms of the Šumava Biosphere Reserve and the effects of management practices on their communities
Pižl, Václav
2002 - anglický
Klíčová slova: soil fauna; earthworms; Šumava Mts. Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Earthworms of the Šumava Biosphere Reserve and the effects of management practices on their communities

Pižl, Václav
Ústav půdní biologie, 2002

Short-term effects of grass mixtures on nematodes inhabiting agricultural soil in the Bílé Karpaty Mts., Czech Republic - a preliminary study
Háněl, Ladislav
2002 - anglický
Short-term changes of nematode assemblages were studied in field soil sown with regional and commercial grass mixtures and compared with those in a cultivated field in the course of one year. Total average abundance of nematodes in the grass mixture plots increased rapidly to 1308-2075 x 10 3 ind.m.-2 whereas in the field it remained relatively low (625 x 10 3 ind.m-2). The increase in population densities mainly concerned microbivores such as Panagrolaimus, Paraphelenchus, Aphelenchus and Aphelenchoides (950-1779 x 10 3 ind. m-2) followed by omnivores + predators (178-296 x 10 3 ind.m-2), while increase in plant parasite populations was slower (105-140 x 10 3 ind. m-2). The development of nematode assemblages suggests a great role of accumulation of above-ground as well as below-ground litter supporting microflora and microbial feeding fauna in initial stages of meadow restoration. In older stages, an increase of root density is expected simultaneously with multiplication of plant parasitic nematodes. Early successional development of soil nematode assemblages seemed to be faster in plots sown with regional grass mixture than in that sown with commercial grass mixture. Klíčová slova: Nematoda; meadow restoration; succession Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Short-term effects of grass mixtures on nematodes inhabiting agricultural soil in the Bílé Karpaty Mts., Czech Republic - a preliminary study

Short-term changes of nematode assemblages were studied in field soil sown with regional and commercial grass mixtures and compared with those in a cultivated field in the course of one year. Total ...

Háněl, Ladislav
Ústav půdní biologie, 2002

Impact of boric acid on Collembola, Protura and Pauropoda in a mountain elm forest in the Šumava National Park, Czech Republic
Rusek, Josef
2002 - anglický
A field experiment with weak boric acid (50g in 10 L water) was performed around trees of mountain elm (Ulmus glabra) in an Ulmeto-Aceretum forest community, Šumava National Park, to establish the impact of the acid on soil Collembola, Protura and Pauropoda. Boron should improve the physiological condition of the elms and their resistance to graphiosis. Soil samples (10 cm2 and 10cm deep) were taken around 10 trees on 15th July 1984. Eight of these trees (A-F, I, H) were without any previous treatment, whereas two trees (G, K) had received an application of boric acid eight months before. Immediately after the July sampling, boric acid was applied around five trees (A-E). Eight days later, a second sampling was done around trees A-E and control trees F and I. Five samples were taken around each tree at each sampling - 50 samples at the first sampling and 35 samples the second time. The soil fauna was extracted in a high-gradient apparatus, sorted into higher taxonomic groups and determined to species level in Collembola, Protura and Pauropoda. The community data and their differences before and after boric acid treatment were statistically evaluated using Sorensen's Average Linkage Method. The studied community was composed of 44 Collembola, 6 Protura and 2 Pauropoda species. The density of Collembola around the trees reached 8000-36 800 ind.m-2. The Shannon-Wiener index of diversity was high (H=3,077). Isotomiella minor, Protaphorura s-vontoernei and Parisotoma notabilis were the most dominant species. The first two species were euconstant and constant, while the third one (C=49,94) was almost euconstant. All other species were recedent or subrecedent. Twenty-one species of Collembola were present eight days after the treatment around trees A-E. Five recedent species occurred in lesser numbers after the treatment. Mesaphorura tenuisensillata became constant and P. notabilis recedent. The differences in collembolan density around individual trees before and after the treatment were not significant. Also, Sorensen's Average Linkage analysis did not show differences in this mesofauna community betweeen the treated and untreated trees. Klíčová slova: boric acid; mountain elm; graphiosis Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Impact of boric acid on Collembola, Protura and Pauropoda in a mountain elm forest in the Šumava National Park, Czech Republic

A field experiment with weak boric acid (50g in 10 L water) was performed around trees of mountain elm (Ulmus glabra) in an Ulmeto-Aceretum forest community, Šumava National Park, to establish the ...

Rusek, Josef
Ústav půdní biologie, 2002

Quantitative and qualitative changes of phenolic compounds in alder leaf litter
Elhottová, Dana; Vrchotová, Naděžda; Tříska, Jan; Krištůfek, Václav
2001 - anglický
Quantitative as well as qualitative changes of phenolic compounds were investigated in different decomposition stages (I-IV) of native alder leaf litter. The Folin-Ciocalteau method was applied for the determination of total phenolic compounds and the reserved phase HPLC for the determination of the phenolic acids. Both values decreased in dependence on stage of litter decomposition. The reduction of the total phenolic compounds and the phenolic acids was 20% and 50%, respectively, in the most decomposed litter (stage IV) in comparison with fresh litter (stage I, 100%). The ratio of free (simple extracted) and bound phenolic compounds (extracted after acid hydrolysis) in the group of total phenolic compounds and phenolic acids was determined. The characteristic feature of the fresh litter (stage I) was higher amount of the free phenolic acids as well as higher ratio of the free phenolic compounds to the bound ones. The following stage II was characterised by two times higher portion of free to bound total phenolic compounds in contrary to phenolic acids where the bound acids dominat ed over the free ones. Higher level of bound to free compounds in both observed phenolic groups was typical for the most decomposed litter samples (stage III and IV).In addition, the stage III and IV were characterised by new compounds, which were formed in the litter during its decomposition and were not detectable in the previous stages (I,II). Klíčová slova: biological degradation; total phenolic compounds; decomposition Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Quantitative and qualitative changes of phenolic compounds in alder leaf litter

Quantitative as well as qualitative changes of phenolic compounds were investigated in different decomposition stages (I-IV) of native alder leaf litter. The Folin-Ciocalteau method was applied for ...

Elhottová, Dana; Vrchotová, Naděžda; Tříska, Jan; Krištůfek, Václav
Ústav půdní biologie, 2001

B.1. Nesyt
Bubík, M.; Balík, Vladimír; Kopecký, J.
2001 - anglický
Wetland near the western margin of the Nesyt Lake is the most important and one of the last salt meadows of south Moravia. Many taxa of halophyte plants and halophilous insects have there the only locality within Czech Republic. Sulphates and chlorides in soil come from Miocene sediments with primary marine salt mineralization. The area of salt meadows is State protected as National Nature Reserve "Slanisko u Nesytu". Recently in the incidentally take sample from surface of filled part of lake frequent agglutinated forminifer Haplophragmoides wilberti Andersen were found. Also some other samples taken later near the western margin of the Nesyt Lake were positive. This is the first find of modern foraminifer fauna in the territory of Czech Republic. Similar find reported Bartenstein (1939) from salt ponds from vicinity of Erfurt, Germany. He assigned his find to Haplophragmoides canariensis. His figure shows, nevertheless very similar forms. Klíčová slova: Nesyt Lake; salt meadows Available at various institutes of the ASCR
B.1. Nesyt

Wetland near the western margin of the Nesyt Lake is the most important and one of the last salt meadows of south Moravia. Many taxa of halophyte plants and halophilous insects have there the only ...

Bubík, M.; Balík, Vladimír; Kopecký, J.
Ústav půdní biologie, 2001

Changes in terrestrial chironomid (Diptera: Chironomidae) community after soil drainage
Frouz, Jan
2000 - anglický
Communities of terrestrial chironomids, both larvae and adults were studied in four seminatural and three drained meadows in South Bohemia during two years.Multivariate analysis indicated that changes in organic matter content and water level were the most important environmental variabkles affecting comunity change after drainage. Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Changes in terrestrial chironomid (Diptera: Chironomidae) community after soil drainage

Communities of terrestrial chironomids, both larvae and adults were studied in four seminatural and three drained meadows in South Bohemia during two years.Multivariate analysis indicated that changes ...

Frouz, Jan
Ústav půdní biologie, 2000

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