Number of found documents: 12866
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The datahub
Vandermaesen, Matthias
2018 - English
The Flemish Museums for Fine and Contemporary Art offer an overview of the art production in the Southern Netherlands and Belgium form the Middle Ages to the Twenty-First Century. The Flemish Art Collection is a non-profit organisation tasked with promoting the collection to an international and diverse audience. Delivery of knowledge and expertise curated by the museums is a big challenge. Blending cultural object records stored accross various databases and commercial registration systems is non-trivial and prevents opening up the collections across the walls of the museums. In 2015, the Flemish Art Collection started the Datahub Project. Over the past years, a modern metadata aggregation platform was built, leveraging open source technologies and open standards. This presentation will highlight the architecture of this platform, and the design process. The Datahub platform is a service oriented architecture and consists of three major components. The core is a home grown, reusable metadata aggregator called The Datahub. This web-application is build with the Symfony framework. Metadata records are ingested via a RESTful API, stored in a MongoDB database and disseminated via an OAI-PMH endpoint. User friendly discovery of metadata is covered via Project Blacklight and geared towards museal workers as well as the general public. Finally, we repurposed the Catmandu framework for flexible and extensible setup of ETL pipelines between the registration systems of the data providers, the Datahub and the discovery interface. Since we are exchanging information about cultural heritage objects, we use the LIDO XML exchange format designed and developed by ICOM. The project taught us several valuable lessons. What are the benefits of looking across the borders of your own domain? What are key success factors? How do you identify pitfalls? But it also raises a set of new questions. How do we go from here? What’s next? The tools and the codebase are freely available under a GPLv3 license and are actively documented and maintained on Github. Keywords: teorie dat; muzea; umění; projekty Available in the NTK library.
The datahub

The Flemish Museums for Fine and Contemporary Art offer an overview of the art production in the Southern Netherlands and Belgium form the Middle Ages to the Twenty-First Century. The Flemish Art ...

Vandermaesen, Matthias
Národní technická knihovna, 2018

Pushing SKOS
Ostrowski, Felix; Pohl, Adrian
2018 - English
This presentation introduces the simple knowledge organization hub (skohub), a proof of concept web service that allows to do just that based on current web standards. Given a SKOS vocubulary, the service publishes it on the web, providing RDF serializations along with a human-readable HTML front end. For each topic described in the vocabulary, a Linked Data Notifications inbox is provided, making it possible to publish and receive notifications about resources related to that topic. Finally, WebSub enables subscriptions for push notifications about resources matching a topic. Keywords: organizace znalostí; knowledge organization; SKOS vocubulary; linked data; věcné slovníky; standardy Available in the NTK library.
Pushing SKOS

This presentation introduces the simple knowledge organization hub (skohub), a proof of concept web service that allows to do just that based on current web standards. Given a SKOS vocubulary, the ...

Ostrowski, Felix; Pohl, Adrian
Národní technická knihovna, 2018

A Machine for Automatic Subject Indexing Using ToC
Pokorný, Jan
2018 - English
The technology developed in the National Library of Technology can extract a document’s table of content (TOC), generate relevant keywords, and suggest terms for various classification schemas (UDC, DDC, LCC, Conspectus). It can fully or substantially automate the process of generating subject access, unite it across libraries, and significantly increase accuracy and relevancy compared to subject assignments by non-specialist catalogers. Such increased quality in subject access terms is often seen in the superior subject facets generated by discovery systems and library OPAC advanced search forms. Keywords: automatická klasifikace; automatic classification; indexní analýza; věcný popis; identifikační popis; optické zpracování znaků Available in the NTK library.
A Machine for Automatic Subject Indexing Using ToC

The technology developed in the National Library of Technology can extract a document’s table of content (TOC), generate relevant keywords, and suggest terms for various classification schemas (UDC, ...

Pokorný, Jan
Národní technická knihovna, 2018

Koch, Ondřej
2018 - English
Let’s take a look at the IT infrastructure of this library and talk about IT architecture in general with practical examples right here where we stand (or sit). How do we do things? How do we solve security issues? What about identities? Do we need a cloud and what kind of cloud? How do we manage our network and computing resources? Let’s look at those „simple and boring“ things like storage, compute and network, let’s talk about digital signage and AV stuff in here. Why? Because it matters, these are the fundamentals of every library as a building, as a place to study and as a place where data is properly and logically stored so that everyone can get meaningful information out of it. Keywords: výpočetní technika; cloud computing; síťové počítače; knihovny Available in the NTK library.

Let’s take a look at the IT infrastructure of this library and talk about IT architecture in general with practical examples right here where we stand (or sit). How do we do things? How do we solve ...

Koch, Ondřej
Národní technická knihovna, 2018

The Delicate Dance of Decentralization and Aggregation: keynote speech
Verborgh, Ruben
2018 - English
Ruben Verborgh is a professor of Semantic Web technology at Ghent University – imec and a research affiliate at the Decentralized Information Group at MIT. He aims to build a more intelligent generation of clients for a decentralized Web at the intersection of Linked Data and hypermedia-driven Web APIs. Through the creation of Linked Data Fragments, he introduced a new paradigm for query execution at Web-scale. He has co-authored two books on Linked Data, and contributed to more than 200 publications for international conferences and journals on Web-related topics. Keywords: linked data; linked data; API; www; rozhraní Available in the NTK library.
The Delicate Dance of Decentralization and Aggregation: keynote speech

Ruben Verborgh is a professor of Semantic Web technology at Ghent University – imec and a research affiliate at the Decentralized Information Group at MIT. He aims to build a more intelligent ...

Verborgh, Ruben
Národní technická knihovna, 2018

Moving from Find & Get and Towards Use & Understanding
Morgan Lease, Eric
2018 - English
Considering the ubiquitous nature of networked computers, the traditional role of libraries is not as critical as it used to be. In other words, the time-honored library activities of collection, organization, preservation, and dissemination of books & journals is quickly being supplanted by the ever-present Google search. Thus, the problem to solve is less about finding & getting information but rather about using & understanding the information found. We continue to drink from the proverbial firehose. This does not foretell the demise of libraries nor librarians. Instead, it represents an opportunity to provide enhanced and value-added services above and beyond our collections. These services can be articulated as action statements such as but not limited to: analyze; annotate; cite; cluster & classify; compare & contrast; confirm; count & tabulate words, phrases, and ideas; delete; discuss, evaluate; find opposite; find similar; graph & visualize; learn from; plot on a map; plot on a timeline; purchase, rate; read at a distance; read closely; read at scale; review; save; share; summarize; tag; trace idea; transform; etc. This presentation elaborates upon these ideas with an emphasis on the possibilities of natural language processing & text mining in libraries. Keywords: textové dolování; text mining; knihovny; informační procesy; zpracování textů Available in the NTK library.
Moving from Find & Get and Towards Use & Understanding

Considering the ubiquitous nature of networked computers, the traditional role of libraries is not as critical as it used to be. In other words, the time-honored library activities of collection, ...

Morgan Lease, Eric
Národní technická knihovna, 2018

The ARCLib Project
Růžička, Michal
2018 - English
The talk informs about the Czech ARCLib project. One of the main goals of the project is the development of an open-source solution for a bit-level and logical preservation of digital documents, respecting the national and international standards as well as the needs of all types of libraries in the Czech Republic. The mission of the ARCLib project lies, among others, in creating a solution that will allow institutions to implement all of the OAIS functional modules and entities, considering institutions’ information model. The architecture is planned as open and modular and the final product will be able to ingest, validate and store data from a majority of software products used for creating, disseminating and archiving libraries’ digital and digitised data in the Czech Republic. Keywords: dlouhodobá ochrana; model OAIS; long-term preservation; bit-level pritection; otevřený software; metodologie; informační systémy Available in the NTK library.
The ARCLib Project

The talk informs about the Czech ARCLib project. One of the main goals of the project is the development of an open-source solution for a bit-level and logical preservation of digital documents, ...

Růžička, Michal
Národní technická knihovna, 2018

Rethinking the IT system architecture
Berthold, Henrike
2018 - English
The Saxon State and University Library in Dresden (SLUB) is the university library of Dresden University of Technology (TUD) and the state library of Saxony with a history starting in1556. Because of these two roles, it is an independent research institution with a range of tasks. They include services for TUD, such as an open access repository, support for specific research communities, collection and long-term preservation of digital documents published in Saxony, and internal production and processing workflows. In the presentation I will present the target IT infrastructure, the background of some design decisions, the challenges we have identified and the projects we currently run to develop our infrastructure towards the target one. Keywords: architektura výpočetních systémů; knihovny; univerzity; výpočetní technika Available in the NTK library.
Rethinking the IT system architecture

The Saxon State and University Library in Dresden (SLUB) is the university library of Dresden University of Technology (TUD) and the state library of Saxony with a history starting in1556. Because of ...

Berthold, Henrike
Národní technická knihovna, 2018

Nové databáze nejen pro milovníky hudby
Horová, Iva; Šír, Filip
2018 - Czech
Příspěvek se zaměřuje na současnost a plány v oblasti budování databází zvukových dokumentů, které jsou důležitým informačním zdrojem nejen pro hudebníky a muzikology, ale také pro studium a výzkum v oborech historie, divadlo, filmová hudba, orální historie, historie nahrávání zvuku a zvukového průmyslu atd. V první řadě přináší informace o nové etapě Virtuální národní fonotéky, která změnila svého provozovatele a po dlouhé době stagnace nastává doba jejího nového rozvoje. Druhým velmi zajímavým zdrojem je mezinárodní databáze diskografií, budovaná v gesci Diskografické komise IASA. Tento velkolepý projekt byl zahájen v roce 2016 díky aktivitě a úzké spolupráci autora příspěvku (předseda Diskografické komise) a Petera Laurence z Harvard University. Dále příspěvek představí dva plánované výstupy, které vzniknou v rámci projektu NAKI II - Nový fonograf Národního muzea. Prvním z nich je Národní diskografická databáze, druhým pak specializovaný portál. Jeho úkolem bude zpřístupňovat a přibližovat široké veřejnosti zajímavosti ze sbírek gramofonových desek NM. The paper describes the present and plans in the field of creating sound documents databases. These e-sources brings important informations not for musicologist and musicians only, but it is study and research support for history, theatre, film music, oral history, voice recording, sound industry etc. As a first we will speak about the Virtual national phonotheque, which is at the stage of significant change. After period of longer stagnation new renaissance is coming. The second very interesting source is an international database Bibliography of Discographies. This amazing project started in 2016 and arises after patronage of Discography Committee of IASA thanks to Filip Šír (the chair of the DC) and Peter Laurence from Harvard University - Library Eda Kuhna. Further information will bring about two planned outputs to be come up in the frame of NAKI II project New Phonograph in National Museum in Prague. The first one is the National discographic database, the second one a specialised sound portal. Keywords: hudební databáze; diskografie; Nový fonograf; záznam zvuku; music databases; discography; New Phonograph; sound recording Available in the NTK library.
Nové databáze nejen pro milovníky hudby

Příspěvek se zaměřuje na současnost a plány v oblasti budování databází zvukových dokumentů, které jsou důležitým informačním zdrojem nejen pro hudebníky a muzikology, ale také pro studium a výzkum v ...

Horová, Iva; Šír, Filip
Národní technická knihovna, 2018

Cestovní zpráva z 13th International Digital Curation Conference
Černohlávková, Petra
2018 - Czech
Cestovní zpráva popisuje průběh účasti na 13. ročníku mezinárodní konference o digitálním kurátorství (IDCC) věnovaném převážné datům a data management plans. Účast na konferenci byla klíčová pro plány vybudování nového repozitáře. Zahraniční cesta přinesla prvotní podrobný vhled do problematiky a do nových trendů na mezinárodní úrovni. Zároveň umožnila navázat kontakty mezi odborníky v dané oblasti, které už vlastní repozitáře spravují. Poznatky a texty příspěvků mohou být využity jako podklad pro zvážení možností NTK v oblasti research data and data stewardship, zároveň jsou inspirací pro další ročníky mezinárodní konference o šedé literatuře a repozitářích pod záštitou NTK. The business report describes the course of participation in the 13th International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC) dedicated to data and data management plans. Participation in the conference was key to plans to build a new repository. The international trip brought a first insight into the issues and new trends at the international level. At the same time, it has made it possible to establish contacts between experts in the field who already manage their repositories. The findings and texts of the papers can be used as a basis for consideration of the possibilities of NTK in the field of research data and data stewardship, and they are also an inspiration for the next year of the international Conference on grey literature and repositories under the auspices of NTK. Keywords: digitální kurátorství; plány pro správu dat; výzkumná data; repozitář; digital curatorship; data management plans; research data; repository; vědecká setkání; teorie dat; šedá literatura Available in the NTK library.
Cestovní zpráva z 13th International Digital Curation Conference

Cestovní zpráva popisuje průběh účasti na 13. ročníku mezinárodní konference o digitálním kurátorství (IDCC) věnovaném převážné datům a data management plans. Účast na konferenci byla klíčová pro ...

Černohlávková, Petra
Národní technická knihovna, 2018

About project

NRGL provides central access to information on grey literature produced in the Czech Republic in the fields of science, research and education. You can find more information about grey literature and NRGL at service web

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