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Mediální framing: transformace obrazu Nursultana Nazarbajeva v amerických médiích
Tokayeva, Assem; Miessler, Jan; Jeřábek, Hynek
2023 - English
The thesis deals with U.S. media coverage of Kazakhstan's first president Nursultan Nazarbayev between 2011 and 2022. Using Bourdieu's theory of journalistic field and Entman's concept of media framing, the content analysis of five different media outlets shows that while commercial newspapers (NYT, WP, WSJ) were more critical than non- profit online media outlets (Eurasianet, RFE/RL) regarding Nazarbayev and his regime during events that challenged his power; their overall coverage of the country, its leader and his legacy has been restrained or even credited Nazarbayev for various achievements. Differences in the degree of critical stance were also identified between the two non- profit media. Providing an overview of Kazakh government-funded lobbying information campaigns abroad, the thesis confirms the importance of research into the use of international media platforms by authoritarian regimes aiming at creating a favorable image abroad. Keywords: Nursultan Nazarbayev, Kazakhstan, media framing, lobbyism, U.S. media, RFE/RL, Eurasianet, NYT, WSJ, WP Range of thesis: 52 pages, i.e. 119,088 characters Práce se zabývá mediálním pokrytím prvního prezidenta Kazachstánu Nursultana Nazarbajeva v USA v letech 2011 až 2022. Pomocí Bourdieuova konceptu novinářského pole a Entmanova konceptu mediálního rámování ukazuje obsahová analýza pěti různých mediálních médií, že zatímco komerční média (NYT, WP a WSJ) byla kritičtější než nezisková média (Eurasianet, RFE/RL) ohledně Nazarbajeva a jeho režimu během událostí, které zpochybnily jeho moc; jejich pokrytí Kazachstanu, Nazarbajeva a jeho režimu bylo neutrální nebo mu dokonce připisovali různé úspěchy. Rozdíly v míře kritického postoje byly také identifikovány mezi oběma neziskovými médii. Práce poskytuje přehled o kazašských vládou financovaných lobbistických informačních kampaních v zahraničí a potvrzuje důležitost výzkumu využívání mezinárodních mediálních platforem autoritářskými režimy s cílem vytvořit příznivý obraz v zahraničí. Klíčová slova Nursultan Nazarbajev, Kazachstán, mediální rámování, lobbing, americká média, RFE/RL, Eurasianet, NYT, WSJ, WP List of Abbreviations OSCE Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe NYT The New York Times RFE/RL Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty WP The Washington Post WSJ The Wall Street Journal USAGM The United States Agency for Global Media USSR The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Keywords: Nursultan Nazarbajev; Kazachstán; mediální rámování; lobbing; americká média; RFE; RL; Eurasianet; NYT; WSJ; WP; Nursultan Nazarbayev; Kazakhstan; media framing; lobbyism; U.S. media; RFE; RL; Eurasianet; NYT; WSJ; WP Available in a digital repository NRGL
Mediální framing: transformace obrazu Nursultana Nazarbajeva v amerických médiích

The thesis deals with U.S. media coverage of Kazakhstan's first president Nursultan Nazarbayev between 2011 and 2022. Using Bourdieu's theory of journalistic field and Entman's concept of media ...

Tokayeva, Assem; Miessler, Jan; Jeřábek, Hynek
Univerzita Karlova, 2023

Kde jsou ženy? Genderová citlivost ve strategiích deradikalizace ženských zahraničních teroristických bojovnic v Německu.
Scharnagl, Annika Johanna; Aslan, Emil; Florea, Adrian
2023 - English
The aim of this thesis is to examine German deradicalisation practices for IS returnees in terms of their gender sensitivity. While the majority of former foreign terrorist fighters were men, up to one third of those who left Germany for Syria or Iraq were women. Furthermore, only women and their children have been repatriated so far as part of the coordinated repatriation efforts. There is thus a good reason to look at the issue using Germany as an example. The literature on deradicalisation suggests that gender plays an important role in this process and should be included in interventions. Therefore, it is also necessary to look at the adaptation of deradicalisation practices based on the gender of the person using the German example. Through expert interviews, the situation on the ground was investigated. The results of this work show that German interventions are already gender-sensitive to some extent. However, they are not named as such and much work and change are still needed to be able to call the whole method gender sensitive. Based on these findings, policy recommendations were formulated. Possible limitations of the work and further fields of research in the field of gender-sensitive deradicalisation are also mentioned. Keywords: Deradicalisation, Gender, Women, Islamic State, Foreign... Available in a digital repository NRGL
Kde jsou ženy? Genderová citlivost ve strategiích deradikalizace ženských zahraničních teroristických bojovnic v Německu.

The aim of this thesis is to examine German deradicalisation practices for IS returnees in terms of their gender sensitivity. While the majority of former foreign terrorist fighters were men, up to ...

Scharnagl, Annika Johanna; Aslan, Emil; Florea, Adrian
Univerzita Karlova, 2023

Šedá geopolitika: Maroko a strategické využití hybridní války na španělských územích v Severní Africe
Valdivia Cuenca, Alicia Maria; Paterson, Ian; Kučera, Tomáš
2023 - English
This dissertation examines Morocco's strategic use of Hybrid Warfare against the Spanish territories of Ceuta and Melilla in North Africa. By focusing on the roots of the conflict and the tools employed, the study aims to understand why and how Hybrid Warfare is the chosen approach and its implications. This analysis contributes to a broader understanding of Hybrid Warfare beyond traditional cases, emphasising its relevance in contemporary international relations. In this sense, the intention is to highlight an actor aiming to achieve traditional strategic goals through non-traditional methods. Furthermore, it aims to prove the utility of Hybrid Warfare as an analytical concept using pre- existing Hybrid Warfare frameworks. Three additional tools will be used to add complexity and depth to the analysis: coercive migration, economic coercion and diplomatic coercion. The goal is to frame events like the 2021 Crisis Migration in Ceuta or the change in the Spanish foreign policy position towards Western Sahara in 2022 within the Moroccan Hybrid Warfare strategy. Keywords: Hybrid Warfare, Morocco, Hybrid Threats, Spanish Territories in North Africa, Grey Zone, Coercive Migration, Economic Coercion, Diplomatic Coercion. Available in a digital repository NRGL
Šedá geopolitika: Maroko a strategické využití hybridní války na španělských územích v Severní Africe

This dissertation examines Morocco's strategic use of Hybrid Warfare against the Spanish territories of Ceuta and Melilla in North Africa. By focusing on the roots of the conflict and the tools ...

Valdivia Cuenca, Alicia Maria; Paterson, Ian; Kučera, Tomáš
Univerzita Karlova, 2023

Empatie, místní znalost a konstrukce utrpení: Analýza epistemologických omezení přístupu amerického vojska k omezování a hlášení občanských škod
Smith, Alice; Cheskin, Ammon; Hynek, Nikola
2023 - English
Civilian harm mitigation and reporting is a mechanism which is used by liberal democracies to illustrate they have taken all measures to prevent harm to civilians during conflict, and therefore abide to principles of Just War theory. However, vast amounts of civilian suffering continue to take place, with no repercussion to the governments at fault, regardless of these technologies. Using the case of the US military during Operation Inherent Resolve in Syria and Iraq from 2014-2018, this research seeks to address this puzzle. In doing so it will attempt to bridge the gap between the work of the US military, and that of non-profit organisations who represent local experiences. This research will make the case that the US militaries failure to construct suffering adequately due to the association of suffering with femininity and the use of masculinised language during conflict. Furthermore, it will illustrate how local knowledge is rejected on the basis of its foundation in emotion and subjectivities which are also associated with femininity. This contradicts the militaries own subjectivities in their decision making found through this research. All in all, this will challenge the ability for the US military to hold the responsibility of mitigating and reporting civilian harm. Making the case that,... Available in a digital repository NRGL
Empatie, místní znalost a konstrukce utrpení: Analýza epistemologických omezení přístupu amerického vojska k omezování a hlášení občanských škod

Civilian harm mitigation and reporting is a mechanism which is used by liberal democracies to illustrate they have taken all measures to prevent harm to civilians during conflict, and therefore abide ...

Smith, Alice; Cheskin, Ammon; Hynek, Nikola
Univerzita Karlova, 2023

Směrem k 'jednotnější Unii' v oblasti bezpečnosti a obrany: případ EMILYO
Schianchi, Eleonora; McDonagh, Ken; Kučera, Tomáš
2023 - English
Towards a 'more united Union' in security and defence: The case of EMILYO Abstract The topic of security and defence integration has sparked a great deal of debate among scholars, and the literature has yet to produce a theory that can account for the variety of elements at work. This research project aims to shed some theoretical light on the still unclear process of EU integration in security and defence, arguing that, notwithstanding the importance of material factors, the role of ideas and widely held beliefs cannot be overlooked. To support this claim, the dissertation will use the programme of mobility for Cadets, the European Initiative for the Exchange of Young Officers (EMILYO) as a case study. First, by applying a theoretical framework designed by Meyer and Strickmann (2011) which combines insights from the Realist tradition (specifically Neoclassical Realist insights) and the focus on ideational factors typical of Constructivism, to demonstrate the importance of a coherent synthesis of theories to incorporate both material and ideational factors. Then, starting from the assumption that further integration can be reached only by fostering a European 'sense of belonging' among the citizens, and thus military personnel, the dissertation explores the outcomes of the experience for the Cadets on an... Available in a digital repository NRGL
Směrem k 'jednotnější Unii' v oblasti bezpečnosti a obrany: případ EMILYO

Towards a 'more united Union' in security and defence: The case of EMILYO Abstract The topic of security and defence integration has sparked a great deal of debate among scholars, and the literature ...

Schianchi, Eleonora; McDonagh, Ken; Kučera, Tomáš
Univerzita Karlova, 2023

Sekuritizovaný rozvoj a státní autoritářství v Pákistánu: Kritická diskurzní analýza čínsko-pákistánského hospodářského koridoru (CPEC)
Ullah, Zafar; Schottli, Jivanta; Karásek, Tomáš
2023 - English
Since the signing of the US$ 62 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in 2015, Pakistani state officials and mainstream media have presented it as a 'game-changer' project for the country's socio-economic development, especially for the people of Pakistan's southwestern province, Balochistan, and the port city of Gwadar. Besides presenting CPEC as a revolutionary development project, the Pakistani state stamped out local opposition and their concerns regarding the project, especially from peripheral geographies like Gwadar, while linking them with 'international conspiracies' against the project. The presentation of CPEC as a revolutionary project and calling out dissidents as 'anti-state' elements in 'speech acts' of the state officials as well as in the mainstream media led to the securitisation of the project. Consequently, the indigenous people of Gwadar, who have reservations against the project, experienced a dramatic increase in the 'militarisation' of their city along with the 'dispossession' of their homes and livelihoods. While the existing academic scholarship, particularly in Pakistan, explores megaprojects and their securitisation, it remains short of investigating the role of official discourses of mega projects in their securitisation. Therefore, this dissertation will... Available in a digital repository NRGL
Sekuritizovaný rozvoj a státní autoritářství v Pákistánu: Kritická diskurzní analýza čínsko-pákistánského hospodářského koridoru (CPEC)

Since the signing of the US$ 62 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in 2015, Pakistani state officials and mainstream media have presented it as a 'game-changer' project for the country's ...

Ullah, Zafar; Schottli, Jivanta; Karásek, Tomáš
Univerzita Karlova, 2023

Uvnitř lvího doupěte: Ideologická diferenciace v palestinském militantním prostředí
Ott, Nathanael; Aslan, Emil; Rivetti, Paola
2023 - English
This dissertation deals with the impact of ideological differentiation on intra-field rebel competition. Existing research on rebel competition focuses on violent forms of rivalry. However, many armed groups deploy non-violent strategies to gain popularity, recruits, and patron support rather than fighting against contenders. One example is the Lions' Den, a Palestinian armed group that emerged in 2022 in Nablus. This dissertation explores to what extent ideological differentiation helped the Lions' Den to successfully compete against established armed groups in the West Bank. This is achieved through an in-depth case study using process-tracing. Thereby, a causal mechanism is developed to track the effect of ideological differentiation on competitive success using empirical evidence from Telegram channels, semi-structured expert interviews, and media sources. The findings show that the Lions' Den differentiated itself ideologically from competing militant groups by adopting a cross-factional stance. Moreover, the evidence indicates that this differentiation allowed the group to gain popularity across political camps, mobilise recruits from various parties, and attract support from otherwise opposing patrons. Thus, ideological differentiation was a decisive factor in the Lions' Den's success. In... Available in a digital repository NRGL
Uvnitř lvího doupěte: Ideologická diferenciace v palestinském militantním prostředí

This dissertation deals with the impact of ideological differentiation on intra-field rebel competition. Existing research on rebel competition focuses on violent forms of rivalry. However, many armed ...

Ott, Nathanael; Aslan, Emil; Rivetti, Paola
Univerzita Karlova, 2023

Sleduj peníze: Proces finančních vyšetřování v Evropské unii
Karlsone, Laima; Glouftsios, Georgios; Scotto, Thomas
2023 - English
Follow the Money: Financial Investigations Process in the European Union Abstract This field analysis study explores the financial investigations process in the European Union from a theory, EU-policy, and practical implementation standpoint. The study examines the origins and justification of asset-focused crime control measures and their legal framework, lists the involved stakeholders, describes their function and interactions, and illustrates financial investigations utility in serious and organised crime and terrorist financing cases. Financial investigations can aid in developing a criminal investigation narrative and hypothesis, by utilizing available financial intelligence in identifying and connecting suspects to each other, to geographical locations, to services. Conversely, transactional information can point to offences prior unknown to the authorities. Despite its added value, financial investigations process, especially of cross-border nature, is faced with various challenges, such as varying levels of relevant EU law transposition in national legislation, lack of access to information held by the non-financial sector, or other member states, and insufficient statistics on criminal assets and asset recovery regime implementation Union-wide. Available in a digital repository NRGL
Sleduj peníze: Proces finančních vyšetřování v Evropské unii

Follow the Money: Financial Investigations Process in the European Union Abstract This field analysis study explores the financial investigations process in the European Union from a theory, ...

Karlsone, Laima; Glouftsios, Georgios; Scotto, Thomas
Univerzita Karlova, 2023

Překážky v bezpečnostní spolupráci: Problém námořního pirátství v jihovýchodní Asii
Robertson, Shaun; Michálek, Luděk; Schottli, Jivanta
2023 - English
South-East Asia is the most prolific piracy region in the world which seldom receives any attention from international governments or media alike. The purpose of this thesis is to understand why piracy can exist at such high levels without gaining the attention of other piracy spots such as Somalia and the Gulf of Guinea and how it is combatted in lieu of more international responses seen in those African regions. Various methods and sources have been used to answer this puzzle like qualitative methods through analysing academic articles, international treaties and up to date news in the region. Furthermore, quantitative analysis through piracy statistic databases have been vital to understanding the situation in not only the South-East Asia but Somalia and the Gulf of Guinea too. The geography of the region is constrained by international law creating tight political boundaries in maritime spaces. The consequences of this are that states value protecting their sovereign territory over combatting piracy. Pirates understand this and can cross transnational boundaries to commit crimes and escape where security forces cannot follow due to respecting maritime territorial boundaries. States do not want to give authority for other states to perform security in their territory and this creates a situation... Available in a digital repository NRGL
Překážky v bezpečnostní spolupráci: Problém námořního pirátství v jihovýchodní Asii

South-East Asia is the most prolific piracy region in the world which seldom receives any attention from international governments or media alike. The purpose of this thesis is to understand why ...

Robertson, Shaun; Michálek, Luděk; Schottli, Jivanta
Univerzita Karlova, 2023

Démonizace ženského zdraví a kriminalizace potratu: Hrozba pro bezpečnost zdraví a porušování lidských práv
Sobrero, Eleonora; McDonagh, Ken; Scotto, Thomas
2023 - English
Eleonora Sobrero 2702631S Abstract This thesis explores the multifaceted issue of the demonisation of women's health and the criminalisation of abortion, highlighting its profound implications for health security and human rights violations. The study focuses on the cases of the United States and Poland, analysing the waves of liberalisation and repression of access to abortion and the persecutory methods resulting from criminalisation. Starting with a comparison of the abortion waves in the two countries, which originated in the mid-20th century and triggered opposite reactions, the research explores the subsequent ebb and flow of abortion rights. Recent events, such as the Polish Constitutional Court's ban on abortion for foetal harm in 2020 and the reversal of Roe v. Wade in the United States in 2022, highlight contemporary challenges to abortion access. Analysis of maternal mortality rates reveals significant differences between the case studies. Poland's top-down approach fostered a robust anti-abortion movement that led to prolonged restrictions. In contrast, U.S. legislation was achieved through feminist struggle, leading to a more gradual but steady approach to restrictions. These differences in legal frameworks manifested themselves in different trends in maternal mortality and access to... Available in a digital repository NRGL
Démonizace ženského zdraví a kriminalizace potratu: Hrozba pro bezpečnost zdraví a porušování lidských práv

Eleonora Sobrero 2702631S Abstract This thesis explores the multifaceted issue of the demonisation of women's health and the criminalisation of abortion, highlighting its profound implications for ...

Sobrero, Eleonora; McDonagh, Ken; Scotto, Thomas
Univerzita Karlova, 2023

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