Number of found documents: 3370
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Surface modification of nanoparticles for sustaining sensitivity of surface-enhanced raman spectrometric measurements in salinated environment
Týčová, Anna; Přikryl, Jan; Vaňhara, P.; Klepárník, Karel; Foret, František
2020 - English
Surface-enhanced Raman spectrometry (SERS) represents a powerful method for analysis of a broad spectrum of analytes ranging from inorganic ions to biomolecules of high complexity. It combines the potential\nof Raman spectrometry for a definite identification of an analyte with remarkable sensitivity achieved by the surface enhancement effect occurring on metal nanoparticles. While low ionic strength influences positively\nthe sensitivity of the SERS measurement, a higher level of inorganic salts leads to fast ruining of colloidal character, which completely devastates the effect of the surface enhancement. The common stabilization of\nnanoparticles by a layer of polymers has a negative impact on the SERS sensitivity since it shields the nanoparticle surface from the analytes. In this work, we aim at the development of the bi-ligand system of\nnanoparticles surface modification for improved stability of colloid in saline solution at sustaining the potential for sensitive SERS analyses. The proposed system relies on the binding of 3-mercaptopropionic acid and\nthiolated polyethylene glycol in a suitable ratio onto the nanoparticle surfaces. While the short chains of the acid sustain the accessibility of the surface for analytes, the polymeric structures act as a steric barrier\npreventing colloid aggregation. Keywords: bi-ligand; nanoparticle; saline solution; surface-enhanced Raman spectrometry Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Surface modification of nanoparticles for sustaining sensitivity of surface-enhanced raman spectrometric measurements in salinated environment

Surface-enhanced Raman spectrometry (SERS) represents a powerful method for analysis of a broad spectrum of analytes ranging from inorganic ions to biomolecules of high complexity. It combines the ...

Týčová, Anna; Přikryl, Jan; Vaňhara, P.; Klepárník, Karel; Foret, František
Ústav analytické chemie, 2020

Historic paint investigation of the Gierczyn parish church painted decoration in the context of the mining history of the region
Svorová Pawełkowicz, Sylwia; Witkowski, M.; Svora, Petr; Wagner, B.
2020 - English
The painted decoration of the Gierczyn parish church situated in the Izera Mountains was studied in the context of the rich mining history of the region known for tin, copper, and cobalt ores extraction. Smalt and copper pigments identification is discussed in the context of possible provenance studies. The aim is to determine to what extent the decoration of the parish church in Gierczyn reflects the mining history of the region and to verify whether local materials could have been used. Historic paint investigation is supported by chemical analysis of pigments. Additionally, the paper presents results of research combining archival studies of copper and cobalt extraction, and smalt production in nearby Przecznica, and of the parish church which was the main temple for local miners. Keywords: Przecznica (Querbach); Gierczyn (Giehren); mining history; smalt; copper pigments Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Historic paint investigation of the Gierczyn parish church painted decoration in the context of the mining history of the region

The painted decoration of the Gierczyn parish church situated in the Izera Mountains was studied in the context of the rich mining history of the region known for tin, copper, and cobalt ores ...

Svorová Pawełkowicz, Sylwia; Witkowski, M.; Svora, Petr; Wagner, B.
Ústav anorganické chemie, 2020

Forest Soil Physico-Chemical Sorption Spatial Links in Central-European Systems of Site Geographical Divisions
Samec, Pavel; Balková, M.; Kučera, A.
2020 - English
Spatial links among soil property values influence variability of soil sorption. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of geotectonic, soil-and biogeographical divisions on forest soil physicochemical sorption spatial links. The effect was investigated through optimal model selection and its comparison among the soil cover division systems of Central-European Highlands in the Czech Republic. Optimal model was selected through the closest-fitting estimations of linear global and local regressions between sorption and chemical or geomorphological forest soil properties. The optimal model comparison was carried out through linear regression with bedrock type proportion (geodiversity) at units of particular division systems. Chemical properties influenced forest soil sorption more than relief. Soil base saturation (BS) was locally more divided than cation exchange capacity (CEC). Local regression of BS with Al2O3 was divided by geotectonic systems the most, but it was not influenced by geodiversity. Geodiversity influenced local regression of CEC with Al2O3 in soil regions as well as regression with C/N in biogeographical regions. Differences between spatial links of BS and CEC suggest that forest soil sorption is divided into multi-level clusters. Spatial link modelling of soil sorption can optimalize forest growth condition division for effective management use. Keywords: cation-exchange capacity; organic-matter; weighted regression; resolution; fractions; ratios; soil aluminium; base saturation; geodiversity; geographically weighted regression Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Forest Soil Physico-Chemical Sorption Spatial Links in Central-European Systems of Site Geographical Divisions

Spatial links among soil property values influence variability of soil sorption. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of geotectonic, soil-and biogeographical divisions on forest soil ...

Samec, Pavel; Balková, M.; Kučera, A.
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2020

EDWork Manual IV. User Guide to EDWork 4.1
Sobolík, Václav; Wein, Ondřej
2020 - English
The presen report would serve as a user guide to the software package EDWork 4.1. Keywords: electrodiffusion technique; edwork manual; user guide Available at various institutes of the ASCR
EDWork Manual IV. User Guide to EDWork 4.1

The presen report would serve as a user guide to the software package EDWork 4.1.

Sobolík, Václav; Wein, Ondřej
Ústav chemických procesů, 2020

Determination of heavy metal poisoning antidote 2,3-dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid using silver solid amalgam electrode
Choińska-Mlynarczyk, Marta; Hrdlička, Vojtěch; Redondo, B. R.; Barek, J.; Navrátil, Tomáš
2020 - English
2,3-Dimercapto-1-propane-sulfonic acid (DMPS) was investigated using direct current voltammetry (DCV), differential pulse cathodic stripping voltammetry (DPCSV), differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry (DPASV), and elimination voltammetry with linear scan (EVLS) at a polished (p-AgSAE)and at a meniscus modified silver solid amalgam electrode (m-AgSAE). EVLS confirmed two consecutive reductions with coupled proton/electron transfer. Voltammetric titrations of DMPS with Pb2+ proved complex formation, with limits of quantification (LOQs) and detection (LODs) 0.3 and 0.1 mu mol L-1 at m-AgSAE and 0.8 and 0.3 mu mol L-1 at p-AgSAE, respectively. Determination of DMPS in commercial drug Dimaval and human urine samples confirmed practical applicability of the developed method. Keywords: cathodic stripping voltammetry; 2,3-dimercapto-1-pro-panesulfonic acid; elimination voltammetry with linear scan Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Determination of heavy metal poisoning antidote 2,3-dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid using silver solid amalgam electrode

2,3-Dimercapto-1-propane-sulfonic acid (DMPS) was investigated using direct current voltammetry (DCV), differential pulse cathodic stripping voltammetry (DPCSV), differential pulse anodic stripping ...

Choińska-Mlynarczyk, Marta; Hrdlička, Vojtěch; Redondo, B. R.; Barek, J.; Navrátil, Tomáš
Ústav fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského, 2020

Career in Polymers XI, Book of Abstracts
Kobera, Libor
2019 - English
The book of abstracts contains the summaries of all the contributions to the Career in Polymers XI., workshop organized by the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR, in Prague, 28-29 June, 2019. This meeting was organized under the auspices of UNESCO/IUPAC course in Polymer Science, and supported by Strategy AV21. Keywords: polymer science; career in polymers; UNESCO course in Polymer Science Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Career in Polymers XI, Book of Abstracts

The book of abstracts contains the summaries of all the contributions to the Career in Polymers XI., workshop organized by the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR, in Prague, 28-29 June, 2019. ...

Kobera, Libor
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2019

Effect of metal sensitizers on photochemical vapor generation of bismuth for analytical atomic spectrometry
Vyhnanovský, Jaromír; Yildiz, D.; Musil, Stanislav
2019 - English
Three new sensitizers with a significant positive effect on the photochemical vapor generation of bismuth were described. Cobalt was found to be the most effective and led to a significant enhancement of the signal. Keywords: photochemical volatile species generation; bismuth; AAS Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Effect of metal sensitizers on photochemical vapor generation of bismuth for analytical atomic spectrometry

Three new sensitizers with a significant positive effect on the photochemical vapor generation of bismuth were described. Cobalt was found to be the most effective and led to a significant enhancement ...

Vyhnanovský, Jaromír; Yildiz, D.; Musil, Stanislav
Ústav analytické chemie, 2019

Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva Aalto 1903
Hanuš, Jan; Fabiánek, Tomáš; Fajmon, Lukáš
2019 - English
Within the airborne hyperspectral campaign for a Finnish university Aalto University were scanned two locations - Hyytiälä (FI) - Järvselja (EST). The scanned processed data is used for other scientific purposes.\nAbstrakt: V rámci letecké hyperspektrální kampaňe pro Finskou univerzitu Aalto-yliopisto byly nasnímány dvě lokality - Hyytiälä (FI) - Järvselja (EST). Předaná zpracovaná data jsou používány pro další vědecké účely. Keywords: flis; hyperspectral; data; lidar; processing Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva Aalto 1903

Within the airborne hyperspectral campaign for a Finnish university Aalto University were scanned two locations - Hyytiälä (FI) - Järvselja (EST). The scanned processed data is used for other ...

Hanuš, Jan; Fabiánek, Tomáš; Fajmon, Lukáš
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2019

Adhesion and growth of adipose tissue-derived stem cells on fibrin assemblies with attached growth factors for tissue engineering of heart valves
Filová, Elena; Trávníčková, Martina; Knitlová, Jarmila; Matějka, Roman; Kučerová, Johanka; Riedelová, Zuzana; Brynda, Eduard; Bačáková, Lucie
2019 - English
Currently used xenogeneic biological heart valve prostheses are decellularized and crosslinked with glutaraldehyde. These grafts usually undergo degeneration and calcification. Pericardium-based heart valve prostheses, re-seeded with autologous cells, i.e. Adipose tissue-derived cells (ASCs) and endothelial cells, could have longer durability and biocompatibility. In order to improve the adhesion of cells and their ingrowth into decellularized pericardium, various fibrin (Fb) layers were developed, i.e. Fb, Fb with covalently bound heparin (H), Fb with either vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) or fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF) in various concentrations (1 ng/ml, 10 ng/ml, 100 ng/ml) or with both VEGF and FGF (100 ng/ml). Growth factors were attached onto Fb via heparin or were adsorbed. ASCs were seeded on theses layers in a DMEM medium supplemented with 2 % of fetal bovine serum, TGFβ1 and BMP-4 (both 2.5 ng/ml), and with ascorbic acid. Cell adhesion and growth/viability was assessed by counted cell number/MTS evaluation. ASCs were stained for differentiation markers of smooth muscle cells, such as alpha-actin, calponin, and myosin heavy chain. On day 7, ASCs on Fb-H-VEGF layers produced both calponin and alpha-actin. An increased FGF concentration caused reduced calponin staining of ASCs. Lack of heparin in fibrin assemblies with growth factors inhibited the production of both alpha-actin and calponin in ASCs. The highest ASCs density/viability was found on Fb-H-VEGF-FGF layer. The proper formulation of fibrin coatings could be favorable for ASCs growth and differentiation and could subsequently support endothelialization of cardiovascular prostheses with endothelial cells. Keywords: adipose tissue-derived stem cells; fibrin assemblies; growth factors; heart valves Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Adhesion and growth of adipose tissue-derived stem cells on fibrin assemblies with attached growth factors for tissue engineering of heart valves

Currently used xenogeneic biological heart valve prostheses are decellularized and crosslinked with glutaraldehyde. These grafts usually undergo degeneration and calcification. Pericardium-based heart ...

Filová, Elena; Trávníčková, Martina; Knitlová, Jarmila; Matějka, Roman; Kučerová, Johanka; Riedelová, Zuzana; Brynda, Eduard; Bačáková, Lucie
Fyziologický ústav, 2019

Purification of water soluble bioactive polysaccharides from biomass of heterotrophic mutant alga Chlorella vulgaris G11.
Sushytskyi, L.; Lukáč, Pavol; Bleha, R.; Čopíková, J.; Vannucci, Luca; Sinica, A.; Kaštánek, P.
2019 - English
Water extract obtained from biomass of mutant alga Chlorella vulgaris G11 was deproteinized and then purified with AEC on DEAE Sepharose FF and SEC on Sepaphadex G-75 superfine columns. Two high MW (>1000 kDa and 98,3 kDa) polysaccharides (CPS1 and CPS3) were eluted with water and 0.5M NaCl on DEAE column, and heteropolysaccharide with MW of 15 kDa (CPS2) was also eluted with water on DEAE. The former fractions were identified as branched rhamnans, the latter one as branched xylogalactofuranan of unusual structure. CPS1 shown properties of unstable polimer: according to GPC analysis and by using light scattering and RI detectors it was found, that some fraction of polymers (260-800 kDa) have self-assembling properties in aqueous solution, and MW of this fraction decreased during some time while polimer with initially bigger MW (>1000 kDa) became bigger. CPS3 was eluted with 0.3-0.5 M of NaCl on DEAE Sepharose FF column and have MW of 98,3 kDa. Cell toxicity of the products were tested in vitro on cell cultures for different concentrations Keywords: Mutant alga; Chlorella vulgaris G11; chromatography; polymer; cell cultures Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Purification of water soluble bioactive polysaccharides from biomass of heterotrophic mutant alga Chlorella vulgaris G11.

Water extract obtained from biomass of mutant alga Chlorella vulgaris G11 was deproteinized and then purified with AEC on DEAE Sepharose FF and SEC on Sepaphadex G-75 superfine columns. Two high MW ...

Sushytskyi, L.; Lukáč, Pavol; Bleha, R.; Čopíková, J.; Vannucci, Luca; Sinica, A.; Kaštánek, P.
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2019

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