Number of found documents: 3139
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Self-balancing of vertical disc rotors supported by contactless bearings
Zapoměl, Jaroslav; Kozánek, Jan; Košina, Jan
2023 - English
Article discusses the self-balancing of the vertical disc rotors supported by contactless bearings on principle of diamagnetic levitation. There are three possibilities of contactless supports: permanent magnet levitation with the help of bismuth, graphite and pyrolitic graphite. Keywords: self balancing; vertical disc rotors; contactless bearings Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Self-balancing of vertical disc rotors supported by contactless bearings

Article discusses the self-balancing of the vertical disc rotors supported by contactless bearings on principle of diamagnetic levitation. There are three possibilities of contactless supports: ...

Zapoměl, Jaroslav; Kozánek, Jan; Košina, Jan
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2023
Šimurda, David; Bodnár, T.
2023 - English
Proceedings contain collection of papers presented during the conference Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2023. Majority of papers is concerned with numerical simulations covering wide range of applications in fluid mechanics.\n Keywords: experimental fluid mechanics; mathematical modelling; CFD; turbulence; stratified fluid; multiphase flow; vortex structures; supersonic flow Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2023

Proceedings contain collection of papers presented during the conference Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2023. Majority of papers is concerned with numerical simulations covering wide range of ...

Šimurda, David; Bodnár, T.
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Applications of blade vibration measurements in the laboratory of rotational laser vibrometry
Maturkanič, Dušan; Procházka, Pavel; Hodboď, Robert; Mekhalfia, Mohammed Lamine; Voronova, Evgeniya
2023 - English
The Laboratory of Rotational Laser Vibrometry was established at the Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v.v.i. in 2015 and the first experiments were started the following year. The measurements are intended for the research of vibration of rotating blades. The paper includes a summary of measurement results using a special turbine model and their consequences in theoretical research, as well as measurements with a real compressor of aircraft engine and comparison with computational analysis. The paper also describes the complex system for measurement and analysis. Keywords: laboratory; turbine; blade; vibration; precision method Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Applications of blade vibration measurements in the laboratory of rotational laser vibrometry

The Laboratory of Rotational Laser Vibrometry was established at the Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v.v.i. in 2015 and the first experiments were started the following year. The measurements are ...

Maturkanič, Dušan; Procházka, Pavel; Hodboď, Robert; Mekhalfia, Mohammed Lamine; Voronova, Evgeniya
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Experimental and numerical investigation of the frequency-modal properties of the switch box
Zolotarev, Igor; Pešek, Luděk; Bula, Vítězslav; Šnábl, Pavel; Gabriel, Dušan; Mračko, Michal; Masák, Jan
2023 - English
The research is linked to increase of seismic resistivity of data board switch boxes. Therefore we deal with numerical modelling of the box for finding the hot spots and designing appropriate modifications. This paper deals with numerical and experimental frequency-modal properties of the switch box and mutual comparison for numerical model validation. Keywords: modal analysis; natural frequencies; eigen-modes of vibration Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Experimental and numerical investigation of the frequency-modal properties of the switch box

The research is linked to increase of seismic resistivity of data board switch boxes. Therefore we deal with numerical modelling of the box for finding the hot spots and designing appropriate ...

Zolotarev, Igor; Pešek, Luděk; Bula, Vítězslav; Šnábl, Pavel; Gabriel, Dušan; Mračko, Michal; Masák, Jan
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Engineering Mechanics 2023
Radolf, Vojtěch; Zolotarev, Igor
2023 - English
The proceedings contains papers presented at the 29th International Conference on Engineering Mechanics, which has been held in OREA Resort Devět Skal in Czech Republic under auspices of the Czech Society of Mechanics and being a part of IFTOMM (The International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science) activities. As it corresponds with character of the conference, this proceedings consists of several topic oriented parts: Biomechanics, Fluid mechanics, Dynamics, Fracture mechanics, Mechatronics, Reliability of structures, Mechanics of solids, Technological processes, Thermodynamics. The volume represents a well-balanced overview of theoretical, numerical and experimental work on fundamental and applied studies. Keywords: biomechanics; dynamics; mechatronics; fluid mechanics; mechanics of solids; fracture mechanics Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Engineering Mechanics 2023

The proceedings contains papers presented at the 29th International Conference on Engineering Mechanics, which has been held in OREA Resort Devět Skal in Czech Republic under auspices of the Czech ...

Radolf, Vojtěch; Zolotarev, Igor
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Přehledná dokumentace vrubů vyrobených technologií laserového vypalování do potrubních těles v rámci projektu TK01030108 (NEMENUS)
Štefan, Jan
2023 - Czech
Tato technická zpráva byla zpracována v rámci projektu DP_04_02_04: Výzkum aplikovatelnosti moderních SHM (Structural Health Monitoring) systémů pro zvýšení spolehlivosti a ekonomičnosti provozu jaderných elektráren (stávajících, nových i malých modulárních reaktorů). Účel této zprávy spočívá v přehledné dokumentaci zkušeností s technologií laserového vypalování, která byla v letech 2020 až 2022 úspěšně aplikována v rámci předchozího projektu TAČR TK01030108 (projekt NEMENUS) pro výrobu vrubů do potrubních zkušebních těles, a která může být dle předpokladů s výhodou využita také v experimentálním programu stávajícího projektu. Informace shromážděné v tomto dokumentu napomohou při specifikaci zadání poskytovateli této služby (spol. ATG, s. r. o.), a při optimalizaci parametrů laseru pro daný účel. This technical report has been prepared within the project DP_04_02_04: Research of applicability of modern SHM (Structural Health Monitoring) systems for increasing reliability and economic efficiency of nuclear power plant operation (existing, new and small modular reactors). The purpose of this report is to provide an overview documentation of the experience with laser technology, which has been successfully applied in the previous TAČR project TK01030108 (NEMENUS project, 2020 and 2022) for the production of notches into pipe test specimens, and which is expected to be advantageously used also in the experimental program of the current project. The information gathered in this document will help in the specification of the assignment to the provider of this service (ATG, s.r.o.), and in the optimization of the laser parameters for the purpose. Keywords: material testing; high-cycle fatigue; laser technology Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Přehledná dokumentace vrubů vyrobených technologií laserového vypalování do potrubních těles v rámci projektu TK01030108 (NEMENUS)

Tato technická zpráva byla zpracována v rámci projektu DP_04_02_04: Výzkum aplikovatelnosti moderních SHM (Structural Health Monitoring) systémů pro zvýšení spolehlivosti a ekonomičnosti provozu ...

Štefan, Jan
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Measurements on Turbine Cascade KOBRA
Luxa, Martin; Hála, Jindřich; Šimurda, David
2023 - English
The report contains results and evaluation of aerodynamic measurement on a blade cascade representing the section imitating the conical stream line in the last rotor row of a gas trubine under considerable off-design condition. The research report contains detailed specifications of the measured model, overview of the results of the optical measurements (interferometry, schlieren method in Toepler configuration) and pneumatic measurements (traversing with five hole conical probe downstream the cascade). Keywords: turbine cascade; turbine off-design condition; tarnsonic flow Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Measurements on Turbine Cascade KOBRA

The report contains results and evaluation of aerodynamic measurement on a blade cascade representing the section imitating the conical stream line in the last rotor row of a gas trubine under ...

Luxa, Martin; Hála, Jindřich; Šimurda, David
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

The influence of first CNN layer initialization on training convergence
Krejsa, Jiří; Věchet, Stanislav; Chen, K.S.
2023 - English
During evaluation of convolution neural networks on the task of sign language single hand alphabet classification we have discovered that in small but not negligible number of cases the training of the network does not converge at all. This paper investigates the problem that we believe is independent of the application. While the true cause of training divergence was not discovered, we can offer the reader an easy solution from practical point of view – initialization of the first CNN layer using pretrained networks parameters. Keywords: convolution neural networks; training; initialization Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The influence of first CNN layer initialization on training convergence

During evaluation of convolution neural networks on the task of sign language single hand alphabet classification we have discovered that in small but not negligible number of cases the training of ...

Krejsa, Jiří; Věchet, Stanislav; Chen, K.S.
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Post-processing the results of the topology optimization with the level set technique
Ježek, Ondřej; Kopačka, Ján; Gabriel, Dušan
2023 - English
Topology optimization (TO) has come to the fore with the development of 3D printing. The most commonly used method is SIMP, a density-based approach, which outputs a per-element constant density field and thus requires post-processing to obtain the shape. Conventional post-processing methods extract optimized topologies in the form of brep models. It yields only C0 continuous geometries, which are usually not suitable for downstream applications such as prototyping, design validation, and design exploration. In this paper, we present a new post-processing method based on the level set principle that overcomes common post-processing issues, such as the lack of smoothness. Keywords: topology optimization; post-processing; level-set; signed distance function Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Post-processing the results of the topology optimization with the level set technique

Topology optimization (TO) has come to the fore with the development of 3D printing. The most commonly used method is SIMP, a density-based approach, which outputs a per-element constant density field ...

Ježek, Ondřej; Kopačka, Ján; Gabriel, Dušan
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Modelling of pulse-triggered running waves on a blade cascade
Šnábl, Pavel; Pešek, Luděk
2023 - English
An experimental cascade of five NACA 0010 blades with pitch degrees of freedom is excited by a moment pulse to one of the blades. Depending on the flow conditions, such as wind speed and the angle of attack of the wind on the blades, the vibration of the excited blade is transmitted by the wind to the other blades. This can result in a running wave that diminishes over time or in a flutter running wave. A simplified spring-mass-damper model with inter-blade connections and non-linear van der Pol dampers is tuned to match experimentally obtained stability curves and tested to see if it can qualitatively model the response of the cascade to the pulse excitation.\n Keywords: pulse-triggered running waves; blade cascade; NACA 0010 Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Modelling of pulse-triggered running waves on a blade cascade

An experimental cascade of five NACA 0010 blades with pitch degrees of freedom is excited by a moment pulse to one of the blades. Depending on the flow conditions, such as wind speed and the angle of ...

Šnábl, Pavel; Pešek, Luděk
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

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