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Bioerosion in the geologic record of the Czech Republic. Field trip guide for the pre-conference excursion 4th International Bioerosion Workshop August 22 - August 28, Czech Republic
Mikuláš, Radek
2004 - English
Geological record of bioerosion of the Czech Republic represents a great stratigraphic range, variety of settings and diverse substrates. We have to mention microborings in the probable Late Proterozoic stromatolites, bored bioclasts of the Silurian and Devonian, Devonian and Carboniferous hardgrounds and rockgrounds, rare wood borings in the Permian deposits (Bohemian Massif), Jurassic transgressive and reef facies, Early Cretaceous rockgrounds (Carpathians), Upper Cretaceous bored rockgrounds, bioclasts and wood (Bohemian Massif), Cenozoic borings in wood, leaves, fruit stones and bones (Bohemian Massif), bioclasts and rockgrounds of the Miocene bottom and sedimentary fill of the Carpathian Foreland and the Vienna Basin. Several Pleistocene and Holocene archaeological sites contain the record of animal and plant bioerosion coupled with the human activity. Geologický záznam bioeroze v České republice zahrnuje velkou část geologické časové škály, různé typy prostředí a různé substráty. Zvláštní zmínku zasluhují mikroskopické vrtby v pravděpodobných svrchnoproterozoických stromatolitech, navrtané bioklasty silurského a devonského stáří, devonské a karbonské hardgroundy a rockgroundy, ojedinělé vrtby ve dřevě permského stáří, jurské transgresivní a útesové facie, spodnokřídová skalnatá dna karpatské oblasti, svrchnokřídová skalnatá pobřeží, bioklasty a dřevo v platformním pokryvu Českého masivu, některé facie karpatské předhlubně a Vídeňské pánve a konečně archeologická naleziště, která poskytují záznam bioeroze současný se stopami lidské činnosti Keywords: bioerosion; geologic record Czech Republic; excursion guide Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Bioerosion in the geologic record of the Czech Republic. Field trip guide for the pre-conference excursion 4th International Bioerosion Workshop August 22 - August 28, Czech Republic

Geological record of bioerosion of the Czech Republic represents a great stratigraphic range, variety of settings and diverse substrates. We have to mention microborings in the probable Late ...

Mikuláš, Radek
Geologický ústav, 2004

Excursion Guide Hranice Karst
Bosák, Pavel; Geršl, M.
2003 - English
ANOTACE V JAZYCE PRÁCE. Keywords: Hranice Karst; Zbrašov Aragonite Caves; Hydrothermal karst Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Excursion Guide Hranice Karst


Bosák, Pavel; Geršl, M.
Geologický ústav, 2003

Hibsch 2002 Symposium. Excursion Guide,and Abstracts
Ulrych, Jaromír; Cajz, Vladimír; Adamovič, Jiří; Bosák, Pavel
2002 - English
Keywords: Prof J. E. Hibsch; České středohoří; volcanites Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Hibsch 2002 Symposium. Excursion Guide,and Abstracts

Ulrych, Jaromír; Cajz, Vladimír; Adamovič, Jiří; Bosák, Pavel
Geologický ústav, 2002

Guide to the Post-conference excursion Sandstone Landscapes: Diversity, Ecology and Conservation
Mikuláš, Radek; Adamovič, Jiří; Cílek, Václav; Hendrych, J.; Líčenková, M.; Mertlík, J.; Mrkáček, Z.; Petříček, V.; Tomášek, O.; Šoltysová, L.; Vacková, D.; Herben, Tomáš; Kopřivová, L.
2002 - English
The Kokořínsko PLA, Bohemian Paradise PLA and Polická vrchovina Highland represent a high-diversity "sandstone phenomenon". Sandstones of the Bohemian Paradise can be considered as optimum for development of microrelief features influenced by saet erosion and case hardening. Keywords: sandstones; geology; botany Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Guide to the Post-conference excursion Sandstone Landscapes: Diversity, Ecology and Conservation

The Kokořínsko PLA, Bohemian Paradise PLA and Polická vrchovina Highland represent a high-diversity "sandstone phenomenon". Sandstones of the Bohemian Paradise can be considered as optimum for ...

Mikuláš, Radek; Adamovič, Jiří; Cílek, Václav; Hendrych, J.; Líčenková, M.; Mertlík, J.; Mrkáček, Z.; Petříček, V.; Tomášek, O.; Šoltysová, L.; Vacková, D.; Herben, Tomáš; Kopřivová, L.
Geologický ústav, 2002

Guide to the mid-conference excursion to the Bohemian Switzerland National Park
Härtel, H.; Cílek, Václav; Voříšková, L.; Vařilová, Zuzana; Trýzna, M.; Benda, P.
2002 - English
The International conference on Sandstone Landscapes dealt with interdisciplinary topics that included geology and geomorphology, vegetation and invasion species, cultural and environmental aspects. Keywords: sandstone landscapes; diversity; conservation Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Guide to the mid-conference excursion to the Bohemian Switzerland National Park

The International conference on Sandstone Landscapes dealt with interdisciplinary topics that included geology and geomorphology, vegetation and invasion species, cultural and environmental aspects.

Härtel, H.; Cílek, Václav; Voříšková, L.; Vařilová, Zuzana; Trýzna, M.; Benda, P.
Geologický ústav, 2002

Blanice Graben. Field Trip 1A
Martínek, K.; Drábková, J.; Mikuláš, Radek; Šimůnek, Z.; Zajíc, Jaroslav
2001 - English
Lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic, and paleontological (fauna, flora, spores, ichnofossils) data of the Blanice Graben are summarized. The tectonic and kinematic model of the basin is done. Five important localities are described. Keywords: Permo-Carboniferous; Blanice Graben; Czech Republic Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Blanice Graben. Field Trip 1A

Lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic, and paleontological (fauna, flora, spores, ichnofossils) data of the Blanice Graben are summarized. The tectonic and kinematic model of the basin is done. Five ...

Martínek, K.; Drábková, J.; Mikuláš, Radek; Šimůnek, Z.; Zajíc, Jaroslav
Geologický ústav, 2001

Bohemian Field Conference. Excursion Guidebook
Cílek, Václav; Hlaváč, Jaroslav; Ložek, Vojen; Valečka, J.; Žák, K.
2000 - English
The excursion guidebook provides the basic information about Holocene sites, their sediments and paleoenvironmental significance. Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Bohemian Field Conference. Excursion Guidebook

The excursion guidebook provides the basic information about Holocene sites, their sediments and paleoenvironmental significance.

Cílek, Václav; Hlaváč, Jaroslav; Ložek, Vojen; Valečka, J.; Žák, K.
Geologický ústav, 2000

Holocene Calcareous Tufa Cascades in the Bohemian Karst.International Conference on Past Global Changes. Excursion Guide
Cílek, Václav; Hlaváč, Jaroslav; Kadlec, Jaroslav; Kadlecová, R.; Ložek, Vojen; Žák, K.
2000 - English
The excursion guide summarises the lithology, genesis and stratigraphy of the largest calcareous tufa accumulations in the Bohemian Karst. The guide comprises information about pre-historic finds from the Golden Horse Hill and proposal on limestone quarry reclamation. Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Holocene Calcareous Tufa Cascades in the Bohemian Karst.International Conference on Past Global Changes. Excursion Guide

The excursion guide summarises the lithology, genesis and stratigraphy of the largest calcareous tufa accumulations in the Bohemian Karst. The guide comprises information about pre-historic finds from ...

Cílek, Václav; Hlaváč, Jaroslav; Kadlec, Jaroslav; Kadlecová, R.; Ložek, Vojen; Žák, K.
Geologický ústav, 2000

Magmatism and Rift Basin Evolution
Ulrych, Jaromír; Cajz, V.; Adamovič, Jiří
1998 - English
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Magmatism and Rift Basin Evolution

Ulrych, Jaromír; Cajz, V.; Adamovič, Jiří
Geologický ústav, 1998

Global Changes and Essential Elements Cycling in the Environment
Skřivan, Petr; Martínek, Jaroslav
1996 - English
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Global Changes and Essential Elements Cycling in the Environment

Skřivan, Petr; Martínek, Jaroslav
Geologický ústav, 1996

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