Number of found documents: 42
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Application of the Electrospun Nanofibers in Wastewater Treatment
Lev, J.; Holba, Marek; Kalhotka, L.; Szostková, M.; Kimmer, D.
2011 - English
Electrospun nanofiber filters were used for treated wastewater treatment plant outlets. The efficiency fot the pathogen removal was monitored towards Czech government directions about water reuse. Keywords: nanofibers; wastewater; treatment Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Application of the Electrospun Nanofibers in Wastewater Treatment

Electrospun nanofiber filters were used for treated wastewater treatment plant outlets. The efficiency fot the pathogen removal was monitored towards Czech government directions about water reuse.

Lev, J.; Holba, Marek; Kalhotka, L.; Szostková, M.; Kimmer, D.
Botanický ústav, 2011

The Regeneration Stand and HeighIncrement 10 Years after a Dieback Caused by Bark Beetle Outbreak
Zenáhlíková, J.; Svoboda, M.; Wild, Jan; Kopecký, Martin; Macek, Martin
2011 - English
In 1990s the bark beetle outbreak caused a dieback of mountain spruce forest in Sumava National Park. We analyzed structure of mature stands and natural regeneration more than 10 years after a dieback in 1998. After that forests have been left without human interventions. Nine square plots (400 m(2)) were measured by technology FiledMap. It was examined: trees, snags, stumps and regeneration. Tree layer is completely destroyed, there are only standing stumps, snags and lying logs. There are any mature trees. The dominant species was spruce (Picea abies), only one living rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) was on P60. There were only 25 livings trees higher than 3 m on all plots together. In regeneration density was dominant spruce - 97 %, rowan was represented with 4 %. The number of regeneration differed between plots and covers variation in density which ranched between 1260 12000 ind/ha. Height of regeneration has normal distribution with mean 46 cm, which agrees with age of 10 years. This indicates majority of regeneration established before or in time of stand decomposition. Striking was minimal rate of young individuals, which means lower generative restoration in phase after dieback of tree layer. Height increment increases with increasing height of regeneration. Stand openings lead to expansion of herbal vegetation. Keywords: advanced regeneration; mountain spruce forest; Šumava National Park Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
The Regeneration Stand and HeighIncrement 10 Years after a Dieback Caused by Bark Beetle Outbreak

In 1990s the bark beetle outbreak caused a dieback of mountain spruce forest in Sumava National Park. We analyzed structure of mature stands and natural regeneration more than 10 years after a dieback ...

Zenáhlíková, J.; Svoboda, M.; Wild, Jan; Kopecký, Martin; Macek, Martin
Botanický ústav, 2011

When mammoths were migrating through Moravia: Palaeovegetation of Weichselian
Jankovská, Vlasta
2010 - English
Reconstruction of palaeovegetation and landscape character for Last Glacial Period (Weichselian) on the basis of pollenanalytical research (Czech Republic, E Moravia). Keywords: Weichselian; palaeovegetation; Moravia Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
When mammoths were migrating through Moravia: Palaeovegetation of Weichselian

Reconstruction of palaeovegetation and landscape character for Last Glacial Period (Weichselian) on the basis of pollenanalytical research (Czech Republic, E Moravia).

Jankovská, Vlasta
Botanický ústav, 2010

Biogenic calcite structures in Green Lake, James Ross Island, Antarctica
Elster, Josef; Nedbalová, Linda; Komárek, Jiří; Vodrážka, R.
2009 - English
Microbial carbonates (calcification) have been reported in Antarctic lakes in James Ross Island with unusual periphyton communities (cyanobacteria and green algae). This is the first record of cyanobacterial thrombolite community in Antarctica. Mikrobiální kalcifikované krusty byly zjištěna v antarktických jezerech na ostrově James Ross s neobvyklým složením mikrobiálních společenstev (především sinic a řas). Je to první záznam cyanobakteriálních thrombolitů v Antarktidě. Keywords: Green Lake; James Ross; Biogenic calcite structures Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Biogenic calcite structures in Green Lake, James Ross Island, Antarctica

Microbial carbonates (calcification) have been reported in Antarctic lakes in James Ross Island with unusual periphyton communities (cyanobacteria and green algae). This is the first record of ...

Elster, Josef; Nedbalová, Linda; Komárek, Jiří; Vodrážka, R.
Botanický ústav, 2009

Evaluation of nutrient limitation and heavy metal inhibition in Antarctic streams by a miniaturized algal bioassay
Kvíderová, Jana; Elster, Josef
2009 - English
The algal growth potential and algal primary production rate of Antarctic streams (King George Island, South Shetlands) were measured in miniaturized algal bioassay to evaluate possible nutrient limitation and heavy metal inhibition. The bioassay proved nitrogen limitation in oligotrophic stream samples observed in the field. The heavy metal inhibition was not found. The algal growth potential and algal primary production rate of Antarctic streams (King George Island, South Shetlands) were measured in miniaturized algal bioassay to evaluate possible nutrient limitation and heavy metal inhibition. The bioassay proved nitrogen limitation in oligotrophic stream samples observed in the field. The heavy metal inhibition was not found. Keywords: miniaturizel algal bioassay Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Evaluation of nutrient limitation and heavy metal inhibition in Antarctic streams by a miniaturized algal bioassay

The algal growth potential and algal primary production rate of Antarctic streams (King George Island, South Shetlands) were measured in miniaturized algal bioassay to evaluate possible nutrient ...

Kvíderová, Jana; Elster, Josef
Botanický ústav, 2009

Sustainable approaches to small-area grassland and barren management with respect to flora and insect diversity
Vymyslický, T.; Fabšičová, Martina; Musil, Z.
2009 - English
This study is devoted to the determination of sustainable ways of increasing flora and insect diversity in meadows through the establishment of barren sites and fallows, which help many ephemeral plant species to reproduce from the soil seed bank. We tested the optimal time for the duration of a fallow and it seems to be 3-5 years. Significant differences were observed in the number of species and their cover between nutrient-poor and nutrient-rich areas.No massive occurence of invasive and expansive species was found. In the warm eastern part of the Podyjí NP we found plant species that had been missing there for many years. Keywords: fallows; grasslands; diversity Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Sustainable approaches to small-area grassland and barren management with respect to flora and insect diversity

This study is devoted to the determination of sustainable ways of increasing flora and insect diversity in meadows through the establishment of barren sites and fallows, which help many ephemeral ...

Vymyslický, T.; Fabšičová, Martina; Musil, Z.
Botanický ústav, 2009

Specificity of cyanobacterial microflora in Antarctica
Komárek, Jiří; Komárek, Ondřej
2009 - English
The cyanobacterial microflora of Antarctica is considered to be mainly secondary. The easy transport of diaspores by wind and human activities (particularly in the last decades) was supported by different authors. The continental input of new cyanobacterial spores to Antarctica surely exists, but cannot explain the special stable diversity of Antarctic cyanobacteria. Our studies indicate the specificity and stability of Antarctic cyanobacterial communities. In Antarctica, there exists a wide spectrum of cyanobacterial morpho- and genotypes, which form special communities every year with dominating adapted species, among which numerous Antarctic endemits exist. cyanobakteriální mikroflóra Antarktidy je považována za druhotnou. Snadný transport diaspor větrem a lidskou činností (zvláště v posledních dekádách) byl podpořen pracemi různých autorů. Přísun nových kontinentálních cyanobakteriálních spór do Antarktidy existuje, ale nemůže vysvětlit zvláštní stálou rozmanitost antarktických cyanobakteriálních společenstev. V Antarktidě existuje široké spektrum morfo a genotypů, které každoročně tvoří zvláštní společenstva s dominancí adaptovaných druhů, z nichž je mnoho pro Antarktidu endemických. Keywords: Antarctica; cyanobacteria; specificity Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Specificity of cyanobacterial microflora in Antarctica

The cyanobacterial microflora of Antarctica is considered to be mainly secondary. The easy transport of diaspores by wind and human activities (particularly in the last decades) was supported by ...

Komárek, Jiří; Komárek, Ondřej
Botanický ústav, 2009

Lake ecosystems of James Ross Island: short characteristics
Nedbalová, Linda; Elster, Josef; Komárek, Jiří; Nývlt, D.
2009 - English
We present a short overview of lakes of James Ross Island, their origin, geomorphological and hydrological position, physical, chemical and biological characteristics. Krátký přehled jezer ostrova James Ross, jejich původ, geomorfologické a hydrologické postavení, fyzikální, chemická a biologická charakteristika. Keywords: lakes; ecosystems; James Ross Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Lake ecosystems of James Ross Island: short characteristics

We present a short overview of lakes of James Ross Island, their origin, geomorphological and hydrological position, physical, chemical and biological characteristics....

Nedbalová, Linda; Elster, Josef; Komárek, Jiří; Nývlt, D.
Botanický ústav, 2009

The system for complex monitoring of toxic cyanobacteria in the Czech Republic reservoirs
Maršálek, Blahoslav; Bláha, Luděk; Babica, Pavel; Adamovský, Ondřej; Kohoutek, Jiří; Bláhová, Lucie; Maršálková, Eliška; Sukačová, K.; Feldmanová, Marie
2006 - English
Summary results of a complex monitoring of toxic cyanobacteria in the reservoir of the Czech Republic. Výsledky monitoringu sinic v nádržích České republiky. Keywords: cyanobacteria; microcystin; monitoring Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
The system for complex monitoring of toxic cyanobacteria in the Czech Republic reservoirs

Summary results of a complex monitoring of toxic cyanobacteria in the reservoir of the Czech Republic.

Výsledky monitoringu sinic v nádržích České republiky.

Maršálek, Blahoslav; Bláha, Luděk; Babica, Pavel; Adamovský, Ondřej; Kohoutek, Jiří; Bláhová, Lucie; Maršálková, Eliška; Sukačová, K.; Feldmanová, Marie
Botanický ústav, 2006

The pollen analysis of the chosen Quaternary localities from the Giant Mountains (Krkonoše)
Roszková, A.; Jankovská, Vlasta
2006 - English
Paleoreconstruction of vegetation history in Giant Mts. Paleorekonstrukce historie vegetace v Krkonoších. Keywords: pollen analysis; peat bogs; Giant Mts. Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
The pollen analysis of the chosen Quaternary localities from the Giant Mountains (Krkonoše)

Paleoreconstruction of vegetation history in Giant Mts.

Paleorekonstrukce historie vegetace v Krkonoších.

Roszková, A.; Jankovská, Vlasta
Botanický ústav, 2006

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