Number of found documents: 169
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Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing
Kratochvíl, Václav; Vejnarová, Jiřina
2018 - English
The Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, better known under its abbreviation WUPES, celebrates its 30-year anniversary this year. In 1988, when the first Workshop took place, Czechoslovakia was still a communist country and a part of the Soviet bloc. Since then, many things have changed. For example, Czechoslovakia no longer exists as a country (because in 1993 it was peacefully split into two independent countries - Czechia and Slovakia). From this perspective, it is hard to believe that we have several participants who have attended most workshops in the the thirty-year history of WUPES. As of now, the Program Committee has accepted, based on the extended abstracts, 21 papers to be presented at the Workshop, and 19 out of them are to be published in the present Conference Proceedings. These papers cover diverse topics, such as information processing, decision making, and data analysis, but what is common to most of them is that they are related to uncertainty calculus - Bayesian Networks, Dempster-Shafer Theory, Belief Functions, Probabilistic Logic, Game Theory, etc. Keywords: uncertainty processing; artificial intelligence; bayesian networks Fulltext is available at external website.
Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing

The Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, better known under its abbreviation WUPES, celebrates its 30-year anniversary this year. In 1988, when the first Workshop took place, Czechoslovakia was still a ...

Kratochvíl, Václav; Vejnarová, Jiřina
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2018

Zoologické dny Praha 2018: sborník abstraktů z konference 8.-9. února 2018
Bryja, Josef; Solský, M.
2018 - Czech
Keywords: Zoology; conference Fulltext is available at external website.
Zoologické dny Praha 2018: sborník abstraktů z konference 8.-9. února 2018

Bryja, Josef; Solský, M.
Ústav biologie obratlovců, 2018

Počítačová podpora v archeologii 17/2018. Kouty, 28.-30. 5. 2018. Sborník abstraktů
Novák, David
2018 - Czech
Dvojjazyčný sborník shrnuje příspěvky přednesené na mezinárodní konferenci Počítačová podpora v archeologii 2018, a to formou rozšířených abstraktů. Hlavním tématem konference byla “velká data” v archeologii, mezi dalšími pak sběr archeologických dat pomocí moderních metod, archeologický dálkový průzkum a 3D modelování a vizualizace v archeologii. V rámci konference byla přednesena přednáška zahraničního odborníka (Christopher Green, University of Oxford) a proběhl workshop L. Šmejdy zaměřený na práci nástrojem Google Earth Engine. The bilingual proceedings summarise the contributions presented at the international conference Computer Applications in Archaeology 2018, in the form of extended abstracts. The main topic of the conference was “big data” in archaeology, among others the collection of archaeological data using modern methods, archaeological remote sensing and 3D modeling and visualization in archaeology. The key-note lecture was given by a foreign expert (Christopher Green, University of Oxford). The conference included a workshop by L. Šmejda focused on working with Google Earth Engine. Keywords: digital humanities; archaeological theory and method; big data; 3D; remote sensing Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Počítačová podpora v archeologii 17/2018. Kouty, 28.-30. 5. 2018. Sborník abstraktů

Dvojjazyčný sborník shrnuje příspěvky přednesené na mezinárodní konferenci Počítačová podpora v archeologii 2018, a to formou rozšířených abstraktů. Hlavním tématem konference byla “velká data” v ...

Novák, David
Archeologický ústav, Praha, 2018

Folklore Revival Movements in Europe post 1950. Shifting Contexts and Perspectives.
Stavělová, Daniela
2018 - English
This collection of papers emerges from a symposium on the folklore revival movement of the second half of the twentieth century which was held in Prague in October 2017. As the current findings of ongoing research in this volume demonstrate, across Europe, the performance and investigation of folklore revival movements, especially music and dance, is of vital interest and relevance to understanding their manifestation in the second half of the twentieth century. This present collection opens the door to further critical examination of the power of such cultural practices, their political salience, whether at national, institutional or individual levels, and their deep-seated impact on people who have encountered and evaluated folk revivalism in their lives. Keywords: folklore revival movement; politics; dance Fulltext is available at external website.
Folklore Revival Movements in Europe post 1950. Shifting Contexts and Perspectives.

This collection of papers emerges from a symposium on the folklore revival movement of the second half of the twentieth century which was held in Prague in October 2017. As the current findings of ...

Stavělová, Daniela
Etnologický ústav, 2018

Elektronický sborník příspěvků multioborové konference LASER57
Růžička, Bohdan
2017 - Czech
Konference LASER57 je mezioborová a intersektorová akce, na které se mohou potkat profesionálové z různých oborů. Společným jmenovatelem jsou lasery, optika a jejich aplikace. Účastníci pocházejí z různých prostředí (soukromé společnosti, vysoké školy, veřejné výzkumné organizace atd.). Conference LASER57 is a multidisciplinary and intersectoral event where different kind of specialist can meet each other. They come from various environments (private company, university, public research organization etc.). Their common denominators are laser, optics and its applications.\n\n Keywords: laser; laser technology; optics; optical fiber Fulltext is available at external website.
Elektronický sborník příspěvků multioborové konference LASER57

Konference LASER57 je mezioborová a intersektorová akce, na které se mohou potkat profesionálové z různých oborů. Společným jmenovatelem jsou lasery, optika a jejich aplikace. Účastníci pocházejí z ...

Růžička, Bohdan
Ústav přístrojové techniky, 2017

Od folkloru k world music : Zrcadlení
Uhlíková, Lucie; Přibylová, I.
2017 - Czech
Keywords: music; reflection of music; reflections; Moravian folk songs Fulltext is available at external website.
Od folkloru k world music : Zrcadlení

Uhlíková, Lucie; Přibylová, I.
Etnologický ústav, 2017

Hydrologie malého povodí 2017
Brych, Karel; Tesař, Miroslav
2017 - Czech
CD představuje pné texty vědeckých článků. Články byly připraveny jako příspěvky pro konferenci s mezinárodní účastí “Hydrologie malého povodí 2017”, která se konala 18. až 20.4.2017 v Praze. Konferenci pořádaly: Ústav pro hydrodynamiku AVČR, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Česká vědeckotechnická vodohospodářská společnost, Český hydrometeorologický ústav, Český národní výbor pro hydrologii. Knihu vydal Ústav pro hydrodynamiku AV ČR, v. v. i., v Praze roku 2017. The CD includes the full text of scientific articles. These articles were prepared as the contributions for the Conference with international participation “Hydrology of a small basin 2017” that was held from April 18th to April 20th 2017 in Prague. The Conference was organized by the Institute of Hydrodynamics ASCR in Prague, Institute of Hydrology SAS in Bratislava, the Czech Water Management Society in Prague, Czech Hydrometeorological institute in Prague and Czech Committee for Hydrology. The book was published by the Institute of Hydrodynamics ASCR in Prague in 2017 Keywords: small basin; experimental hydrology; water balance Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Hydrologie malého povodí 2017

CD představuje pné texty vědeckých článků. Články byly připraveny jako příspěvky pro konferenci s mezinárodní účastí “Hydrologie malého povodí 2017”, která se konala 18. až 20.4.2017 v Praze. ...

Brych, Karel; Tesař, Miroslav
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2017

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 18 : Janov nad Nisou, June 19-24, 2016 : proceedings of seminar
Chleboun, J.; Kůs, Pavel; Přikryl, Petr; Segeth, Karel; Šístek, Jakub; Vejchodský, Tomáš
2017 - English
This book comprises papers that originated from the invited lectures, survey lectures, short communications, and posters presented at the 18th seminar Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics (PANM) held in Janov nad Nisou, Czech Republic, June 19-24, 2016. All the papers have been peer-reviewed. The seminar was organized by the Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences under the auspices of, Czech Network for Mathematics in Industry. It continued the previous seminars on mathematical software and numerical methods held (biennially, with only one exception) in Al šovice, Bratří kov, Janov nad Nisou, Ko řenov, L ázně Libverda, Dolní Maxov, and Prague in the period 1983-2014. The objective of this series of seminars is to provide a forum for presenting and discussing advanced theoretical as well as practical topics in numerical analysis, computer implementation of algorithms, new approaches to mathematical modeling, and single- or multi-processor applications of computational methods. Keywords: numerical mathematics Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 18 : Janov nad Nisou, June 19-24, 2016 : proceedings of seminar

This book comprises papers that originated from the invited lectures, survey lectures, short communications, and posters presented at the 18th seminar Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics ...

Chleboun, J.; Kůs, Pavel; Přikryl, Petr; Segeth, Karel; Šístek, Jakub; Vejchodský, Tomáš
Matematický ústav, 2017

Parametric Optimization and Related Topics XI
Červinka, Michal; Kratochvíl, Václav
2017 - English
Parametric Optimization and Related Topics XI was a conference dedicate to Jiří Outrata on the occasion of his seventieth birthday. The programme for 86 participants from 21 countries was composed of five invited and 77 contributed talks, held in 22 sessions. Keywords: Parametric Optimization; Optimization; Equilibrium Fulltext is available at external website.
Parametric Optimization and Related Topics XI

Parametric Optimization and Related Topics XI was a conference dedicate to Jiří Outrata on the occasion of his seventieth birthday. The programme for 86 participants from 21 countries was composed of ...

Červinka, Michal; Kratochvíl, Václav
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2017

SNA´17 - Seminar on Numerical Analysis
Blaheta, Radim; Starý, Jiří; Sysalová, Dagmar
2017 - English
Seminar on Numerical Analysis 2017 (SNA'17) is a continuation in a series of SNA events held in different places in the Czech Republic and organized alternatively by Ostrava and Prague institutions. TheSNA'17isorganizedbytheInstituteofGeonicsoftheCASincollaborationwith VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava and IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Centre. Conference location is one of the lecture rooms in New Aula of the VŠB-TU Ostrava. Let us note that SNA 2016 was reshaped to EMS School in Applied Mathematics (ESSAM) devoted to mathematical modelling, numerical analysis and scientific computing. The SNA'17 is turning back to more traditional winter event. It provides opportunity for meeting and mutual information of the community working in computational mathematics and computer science, but an important part of SNA is devoted to the Winter School with tutorial lectures focused on selected important topics within the scope of numerical methods and modelling. Keywords: mathematics; numerical analysis; modelling Fulltext is available at external website.
SNA´17 - Seminar on Numerical Analysis

Seminar on Numerical Analysis 2017 (SNA'17) is a continuation in a series of SNA events held in different places in the Czech Republic and organized alternatively by Ostrava and Prague institutions. ...

Blaheta, Radim; Starý, Jiří; Sysalová, Dagmar
Ústav geoniky, 2017

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