Number of found documents: 289
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Variational Analysis and its applications
Červinka, Michal
2012 - English
Following a longstanding tradition, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University in Prague and the Czech Academy of Sciences will organize a Spring School on Variational Analysis V.The purpose of this meeting is to bring together researchers with common interest in the field. There will be opportunities for informal discussions. Graduate students and others beginning their mathematical career are encouraged to participate. Keywords: variational analysis; analysis and its applications Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Variational Analysis and its applications

Following a longstanding tradition, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University in Prague and the Czech Academy of Sciences will organize a Spring School on Variational Analysis V.The ...

Červinka, Michal
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2012

SIGA 2011
Kolman, Radek; Linkeová, I.; Okrouhlík, Miloslav; Pařík, Petr
2011 - English
The conference SIGA 2011 aimed to bring together mathematicians, physicists, computer designers and engineers dealing with splines who are using them for the numerical solutions of partial differential equations of various problems in mechanics and physics. In computational mechanics, it is isogeometric analysis (IGA) which is being dynamically developed. This numerical method employs shape functions based on different types of splines (B-splines, NURBS, T-splines and many others), and the fields of unknown quantities are consequently described the same way as the geometry of the studied domain. In addition, this approach provides a higher degree of continuity than that offered by the classical finite element (FE) method based on Lagrangian polynomials. Isogeometric analysis aims to integrate FE ideas in CAD systems without necessity to regenerate mesh. The conference intends to create a forum for further discussion in multidisciplinary scientific areas involving mathematics, computer graphics, geometry, physics, engineering and software engineering, respectively. Keywords: finite element method; B-spline; dispersion errors Available at various institutes of the ASCR
SIGA 2011

The conference SIGA 2011 aimed to bring together mathematicians, physicists, computer designers and engineers dealing with splines who are using them for the numerical solutions of partial ...

Kolman, Radek; Linkeová, I.; Okrouhlík, Miloslav; Pařík, Petr
Ústav termomechaniky, 2011

Engineering Mechanics 2011
Fuis, Vladimír
2011 - English
The objective of the 17th conference is to provide a forum for researchers to discuss the state-of-the-art in Mechanics of Solids, Fluids and Thermomechanics, this particularly in connection with problems under investigation in the Czech Republic. Problems of Engineering Mechanics related to the contemplated topics can be discussed, and their solutions presented, during the sessions of the Conference, held at the Hotel of the ŽĎAS, a.s., situated in the beautiful countryside of the Žďár Highlands. Keywords: engineering mechanics Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Engineering Mechanics 2011

The objective of the 17th conference is to provide a forum for researchers to discuss the state-of-the-art in Mechanics of Solids, Fluids and Thermomechanics, this particularly in connection with ...

Fuis, Vladimír
Ústav termomechaniky, 2011

33th Polish-Czech-Slovak Symposium on Mining and Environmental Geophysics : abstract proceedings
Rudajev, Vladimír; Živor, Roman
2011 - English
Sborník obsahuje abstrakta 24 přednášek domácích i zahraničních účastníků, které byly prezentovány na konferenci: 33rd Polish-Czech-Slovak Symposium on Mining and Environmental Geophysics. The Proceedings contain 24 abstracts of papers by Czech and foreign participants, presented on the 33rd Polish-Czech-Slovak Symposium on Mining and Environmental Geophysics Keywords: geophysics; mining geophysics; environmental geophysics Available at various institutes of the ASCR
33th Polish-Czech-Slovak Symposium on Mining and Environmental Geophysics : abstract proceedings

Sborník obsahuje abstrakta 24 přednášek domácích i zahraničních účastníků, které byly prezentovány na konferenci: 33rd Polish-Czech-Slovak Symposium on Mining and Environmental Geophysics....

Rudajev, Vladimír; Živor, Roman
Geologický ústav, 2011

Exploring New Landscapes of Energies: Collection of Extended Abstracts of Papers from the 8th International Geographical Conference & Workshop Congeo ’2011
Frantál, Bohumil
2011 - English
The conference Congeo´2011 on “Exploring New Landscapes of Energies” was the 8th presentation of the geographical conferences organized by the Department of Environmental Geography at the Institute of Geonics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. This year’s conference was organized in the context of a recently initiated research project: “Energy Landscapes: Innovation, Development and Internationalization of Research”, which is aimed at accelerating international collaboration in research in the field of energy/landscape interrelationships. It was the aim of the conference to cover a wide spectrum of concerning issues: New energy geographies: conceptual and methodological challenges; Social–political acceptance of renewable energy innovation; Energy development, landscape character and landscape aesthetics; New energies for multifunctional agriculture; Energy production, local identity and land-use conflicts; Power, environmental (in)justice and politics of land-use; GIS in landscape planning and energy development; etc. This is the collection of abstracts of papers and posters. Keywords: energy landscapes; renewable energy; low carbon society Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Exploring New Landscapes of Energies: Collection of Extended Abstracts of Papers from the 8th International Geographical Conference & Workshop Congeo ’2011

The conference Congeo´2011 on “Exploring New Landscapes of Energies” was the 8th presentation of the geographical conferences organized by the Department of Environmental Geography at the Institute of ...

Frantál, Bohumil
Ústav geoniky, 2011

13th Conference Applied Mechanics 2011 - conference proceedings
Náhlík, Luboš; Majer, Z.; Seitl, Stanislav; Ševčík, Martin; Zouhar, Michal
2011 - English
Contributions from the field of fatigue of materials, dynamics, biomechanics and structural mechanics were presented on the traditional doctoral conference Applied Mechanics. Keywords: applied mechanics; fracture mechanics; dynamics Available at various institutes of the ASCR
13th Conference Applied Mechanics 2011 - conference proceedings

Contributions from the field of fatigue of materials, dynamics, biomechanics and structural mechanics were presented on the traditional doctoral conference Applied Mechanics.

Náhlík, Luboš; Majer, Z.; Seitl, Stanislav; Ševčík, Martin; Zouhar, Michal
Ústav fyziky materiálů, 2011

Colloquium Fluid Dynamics 2011
Jonáš, Pavel; Uruba, Václav
2011 - English
The purpose of the Colloquium is to bring together experts on theoretical and experimental fluid mechanics from the academic institutes, universities and other research and development establishments and to offer the opportunity to exchange and update information on the solved problems and to serve as a forum for discussion with leading scientists. The Colloquium will be held in the building of the Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR. Keywords: fluid dynamics Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Colloquium Fluid Dynamics 2011

The purpose of the Colloquium is to bring together experts on theoretical and experimental fluid mechanics from the academic institutes, universities and other research and development establishments ...

Jonáš, Pavel; Uruba, Václav
Ústav termomechaniky, 2011

Upper Paleozoic to Cenozoic of Central Bohemia (and the GSSP of the Devonian) : excursion guidebook
Kadlec, Jaroslav; Žák, Karel; Pokorný, Petr; Fatka, O.; Košťák, M.; Opluštil, S.; Kvaček, J.; Brocke, R.
2010 - English
Keywords: global stratotype; Paleozoic; Cenozoic; Devonian; excursion guidebook Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Upper Paleozoic to Cenozoic of Central Bohemia (and the GSSP of the Devonian) : excursion guidebook

Kadlec, Jaroslav; Žák, Karel; Pokorný, Petr; Fatka, O.; Košťák, M.; Opluštil, S.; Kvaček, J.; Brocke, R.
Geologický ústav, 2010

Conference Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2010
Příhoda, Jaromír; Kozel, K.
2010 - English
The conference deals with the new trends in the computational and experimental fluid dynamics with regard to the investigation of transitional and turbulent shear flows in external and internal aerodynamics and hydrodynamics, environmental aerodynamics, biomechanics and other applications. Keywords: fluid mechanics; numerical simulation; experimental investigation Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Conference Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2010

The conference deals with the new trends in the computational and experimental fluid dynamics with regard to the investigation of transitional and turbulent shear flows in external and internal ...

Příhoda, Jaromír; Kozel, K.
Ústav termomechaniky, 2010

Ph.D. Workshop 2010 Proceedings
Blaheta, Radim; Kolcun, Alexej
2010 - English
These proceedings contain abstracts and contributions presented at the fifth Ph.D. Workshop of the Institute of Geonics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The workshop is split into two parts held simultaneously in Ostrava and in Brno, which concern geotechnics, rock mechanics, geophysics and mathematical modeling (Ostrava) and physical and social geography (Brno). The main aim is to bring together the Ph.D. students studying and working or having their supervisors at the Institute of Geonics AS CR. For the whole research community, the workshop gives a possibility to see new results and follow the progress in work in the field of Ph.D. training, which is considered as very important for fulfilling the mission of the institute in the society and training researchers for the future development of the institute. Keywords: geotechnics; geomechanics; physical and social geography Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Ph.D. Workshop 2010 Proceedings

These proceedings contain abstracts and contributions presented at the fifth Ph.D. Workshop of the Institute of Geonics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The workshop is split into two ...

Blaheta, Radim; Kolcun, Alexej
Ústav geoniky, 2010

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