Number of found documents: 34
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Biochemical methods as tool for study of reproductive proteins
Postlerová, Pavla; Zigo, Michal; Pohlová, Alžběta; Jonáková, Věra
2015 - English
Study of molecular mechanisms in reproduction is essential for the understanding of this outstanding process. Our lab studies proteins secreted by reproductive organs and sperm using various biochemical methods for a long time. We have expertise in protein extraction from spermatic cells using different approaches, and by kits for proteins from the sperm surface and distinct subcellular compartments. The proteins of reproductive organ fluids are separated by chromatographic methods, such as size exclusion chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography with reverse phase (RP-HPLC) and affinity chromatography on matrices with various ligands. Proteins are subjected to SDS- or 2D-electrophoresis for their characterization and comparison of various extraction methods, different mammalian species, and sperm in different functional development. Electrophoretically separated proteins may be transferred onto nitrocellulose membrane (Western blot) for antibody detection or binding studies with lectin-labelled ligands (lectins, polysaccharides, zona pellucida glycoproteins). We use immunoprecipitation method with specific antibody for protein determination followed by the MALDI identification. Proteins are localized by immunofluorescent techniques on/in spermatic cells and tissue sections of reproductive organs. Isolation of proteins from reproductive tissues and fluids, and the antibody detection is crucial for the studying of reproductive protein origin. Keywords: HPLC; lectins; zona pellucida glycoproteins; monoclonal antibody Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Biochemical methods as tool for study of reproductive proteins

Study of molecular mechanisms in reproduction is essential for the understanding of this outstanding process. Our lab studies proteins secreted by reproductive organs and sperm using various ...

Postlerová, Pavla; Zigo, Michal; Pohlová, Alžběta; Jonáková, Věra
Biotechnologický ústav, 2015

Diabetes mellitus negatively affects male reproductive parameters in vivo
Valášková, Eliška; Žatecká, Eva; Pavlínková, Gabriela; Bohuslavová, Romana; Dorosh, Andriy; Elzeinová, Fatima; Kubátová, Alena; Margaryan, Hasmik; Pěknicová, Jana
2015 - English
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 15% of couples in reproductive age suffer from infertility problems, and up to 60% of cases are caused by male factor. This could be caused by genetic background, environmental factors and various diseases, including diabetes mellitus (DM). However, the impact of DM on male fertility is not fully understood. . The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of DM on reproductive parameters and sperm quality, using mouse model. DM (type 1) was induced by Streptozotocin in FVB inbred mouse strain. Mice with blood sugar levels higher than 13.9 mmol/L were considered diabetic. After 4 weeks of diabetes exposure, diabetic males were bred with wild type females and transgenerational effect of DM was assessed. Selected morphological, cellular, and molecular parameters of diabetic males and their male offspring were compared to appropriate controls. There was an increased in sperm fragmentation and abnormalities of sperm morphology in diabetic mice in both generations. An increased staining with apoptotic marker annexin V was also detected in the diabetic groups. Furthermore, a presence of protamines as major sperm nuclear proteins was analysed. Protamine 1 to protamine 2 ratio (P1/P2), a marker of male fertility, was altered in sperms of experimental diabetic animals in both generations. Our findings indicate that DM type 1 negatively affects sperm quality and P1/P2 ratio and this negative effect is transmitted to the progeny Keywords: diabetes melitus; Sterptozotocin; apoptosis; protamination Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Diabetes mellitus negatively affects male reproductive parameters in vivo

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 15% of couples in reproductive age suffer from infertility problems, and up to 60% of cases are caused by male factor. This could be caused by genetic ...

Valášková, Eliška; Žatecká, Eva; Pavlínková, Gabriela; Bohuslavová, Romana; Dorosh, Andriy; Elzeinová, Fatima; Kubátová, Alena; Margaryan, Hasmik; Pěknicová, Jana
Biotechnologický ústav, 2015

Fluorescent analysis of the differential protein expression in normozoospermic and asthenozoospermic sperm samples
Děd, Lukáš; Čapková, Jana; Kubátová, Alena; Teplá, O.; Pěknicová, Jana
2015 - English
Asthenozoospermia is one of the main seminal pathologies underlying male infertility. Previous proteomic studies have demonstrated the significant differences in the protein profiles between normozoospermic and asthenozoospermic sperm samples. Since these studies were primarily focused on the identification of differentially expressed proteins by mass spectrometry, we aimed to evaluate the ability of our diagnostic antibodies to detect the differential expression of selected protein markers by fluorescent microscopy and flow cytometry techniques. Therefore, we analyzed sperm samples from 30 men with normal and 30 men with astheno spermiograms, average by the panel of our diagnostic anti-human sperm (Hs) antibodies. Fluorescent microscopy and flow cytometry analysis revealed quantitative differences in the protein abundances between normo and astheno sperm samples, namely, in GAPDHs, evaluated with Hs-8 MoAb, VCP, evaluated with Hs-14 MoAb, and ATP synthase, evaluated with MoAb Hs-36. From the methodological point of view, we observed very high correlation between the data obtained by fluorescent microscopy and flow cytometry techniques and therefore both methods are useful for evaluation of protein differences associated with asthenozoospermia. From the clinical point of view, we observed the strong association of the low sperm motility in the sample with the expression of proteins, playing an important role in sperm energy metabolism (expected), but also with the expression of all tested intra-acrosomal proteins. These findings further demonstrate asthenozoospermia as a complex semen disorder frequently associated with other semen pathologies, which are not diagnosed by basic semen analysis, and the possibility to use monoclonal antibodies as a tool for diagnosis of protein associated sperm pathologies in the semen with the low sperm motility. Keywords: monoclonal antibody; asthenozoospermia; flow cytometry Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Fluorescent analysis of the differential protein expression in normozoospermic and asthenozoospermic sperm samples

Asthenozoospermia is one of the main seminal pathologies underlying male infertility. Previous proteomic studies have demonstrated the significant differences in the protein profiles between ...

Děd, Lukáš; Čapková, Jana; Kubátová, Alena; Teplá, O.; Pěknicová, Jana
Biotechnologický ústav, 2015

Dynamics of mouse sperm capacitation and acrosome reaction
Dvořáková-Hortová, Kateřina; Frolíková, Michaela; Děd, Lukáš; Šebková, Nataša
2015 - English
Capacitation followed by the acrosome reaction (AR), is a very complex event of molecular changes, including acrosome matrix rearrangement and actin polymerization, which mammalian sperm must undergo in the female reproductive tract in order to obtain the ability to penetrate and fertilize the egg. CD46 and β1-integrin belong to specific proteins, which are predicted to interact during molecular reorganization of capacitating sperm. The IZUMO1 as the primary fusion protein of the mammalian sperm is also involved in this dynamic network. We investigated the relationship between the Izumo, CD46 and β1 integrin relocation in the sperm head during the capacitation and AR in vitro. We have already successfully monitored by immunofluorescent labelling the dynamics of proteins CD46 and β1-integrin. The changes in the localization of these proteins associated with the AR and their mutual co-localization was observed. The original β1-integrin location in the freshly released epididymal sperm is in the acrosome and it relocates during the AR further through the sperm head compartments into the equatorial segment and over the whole sperm head. Its density over the equatorial segment is decreasing with the extended time of the AR. Also its presence in the perforatorium of the mouse sperm head is very prominent. The pattern for protein CD46 is extremely similar if not identical in both aspects such as compartment localization and time progress during capacitation and AR in vitro. The molecular interaction of CD46 and β1-integrin was investigated using the Proximity Ligation Assay and Super resolution microscopy STED. The data were statistically analysed. The newly obtained results from CD46 and β1-integrin relocation are in correlation with IZUMO1 dynamics and giving a substantial knowledge on the studied protein network rearrangement during capacitation and AR in mouse spermatozoa. Keywords: CD46 monoclonal antibody; acrosome reaction; sperm capacitation; IZUMO 1; Proximity ligation assay Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Dynamics of mouse sperm capacitation and acrosome reaction

Capacitation followed by the acrosome reaction (AR), is a very complex event of molecular changes, including acrosome matrix rearrangement and actin polymerization, which mammalian sperm must undergo ...

Dvořáková-Hortová, Kateřina; Frolíková, Michaela; Děd, Lukáš; Šebková, Nataša
Biotechnologický ústav, 2015

One more drop for decreasing reproduction
Dvořáková-Hortová, K.; Šídlová, A.; Děd, Lukáš; Hladovcová, D.; Vieweg, M.; Weidner, W.; Steger, K.; Stopka, P.; Paradowska-Dogan, A.
2014 - English
Toxoplasma gondii is a common protozoan parasite that infects warm-blooded animals throughout the world, including mice and humans. During infection, both, the parasite and the host, utilize various mechanisms to maximize their own reproductive success. Mice and humans are both the intermediate hosts for Toxoplasma gondii, which forms specialized vacuoles containing reproductive cysts in the formers’ tissue. As half of the human population is infected, developing a disease called toxoplasmosis, along with an ever-growing number of couples suffering with idiopathic infertility, it is therefore surprising that there is a lack of research on how T.gondii can alter reproductive parameters. In this study, a detailed histometric screening of the testicular function along with the levels of the pituitary luteinizing hormone (LH) were analysed in infected mice. Data on relative testis and epididymis weight, and sperm count were also collected. Based on the results obtained, the level of LH in the urine of Toxoplasma gondii infected mice was lower compared to the control. In direct correlation with the hormone level, testicular function and sperm production was also significantly lower in T. gondii positive group using sperm count and histometric analysis as a marker. Not only were the number of leptotene primary spermatocytes and spermatids lowered, but the number of Sertoli cells and the tubule diameter were elevated. In parallel, a pilot epigenetic study on global testicular methylation, and specific methylation of Crem, Creb1 and Hspa1genes essential for successfully ongoing spermatogenesis was performed. Global methylation was elevated in Toxoplasma infected mice, and differences in the DNA methylation of selected genes were detected between the Toxoplasma positive and control group. These findings demonstrate a direct relation between T. gondii infection and the decrease of male reproductive fitness in mice, which may contribute to an increase of infertility in humans. Keywords: Toxoplasma gondii; luteinizing hormone; spermatocytes; methylation Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
One more drop for decreasing reproduction

Toxoplasma gondii is a common protozoan parasite that infects warm-blooded animals throughout the world, including mice and humans. During infection, both, the parasite and the host, utilize various ...

Dvořáková-Hortová, K.; Šídlová, A.; Děd, Lukáš; Hladovcová, D.; Vieweg, M.; Weidner, W.; Steger, K.; Stopka, P.; Paradowska-Dogan, A.
Biotechnologický ústav, 2014

Enzymatic and inhibiting activity in boar epididymal fluid
Davidová, Nina; Ren, Š.; Liberda, J.; Jonáková, Věra; Maňásková-Postlerová, Pavla
2014 - English
Sperm maturation, represents a key step in the reproduction process. Spermatozoa, particularly the plasma membrane, are exposed to epididymal fluid (EF) components representing the natural environment essential for their post-testicular maturation. Changes in the sperm membrane proteins are influenced by proteolytic and glycosidic enzymes present in the EF. Accordingly, the occurrence of inhibitors in this reproductive organ is very important for the regulation of sperm membrane protein processing. In present study, we monitored protease and glycosidase activities, and inhibitors of metallo- and serine proteinases in boar EF. Additionally, we studied acrosin inhibitor in fluid, spermatozoa and tissue along the epididymis. We chromatographically separated boar EF into several fractions. These fractions were subjected to SDS-electrophoresis and the separated proteins were either studied by zymographic methods or transferred to nitrocellulose membranes for detection of metallo- and serine proteinases and their inhibitors, and acrosin inhibitor by specific antibody, respectively. Acrosin inhibitor was monitored also in the sperm and tissue of the boar epididymis. In boar epididymal fluid, several metallo- and serine proteinases with different molecular masses, and inhibitors of metalloproteinase MMP-9 and acrosin were found. We measured strong activity of mannosidase in this fluid. Using specific antibody, we registered the increasing signal of acrosin inhibitor from caput to cauda epididymis in the spermatozoa, fluid and also tissue. Proteinases and their inhibitors in reproductive fluids may play a significant role in reproduction processes. Especially, acrosin inhibitor in the reproductive tract inactivates prematurely released sperm acrosin and protects spermatozoa and reproductive epithelium against proteolytic degradation. High mannosidase activity in boar EF suggests evident role of mannose structures in the sperm interaction during reproductive events. Keywords: enzymatic activity; inhibiting activity; epididymal fluid; proteinase Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Enzymatic and inhibiting activity in boar epididymal fluid

Sperm maturation, represents a key step in the reproduction process. Spermatozoa, particularly the plasma membrane, are exposed to epididymal fluid (EF) components representing the natural environment ...

Davidová, Nina; Ren, Š.; Liberda, J.; Jonáková, Věra; Maňásková-Postlerová, Pavla
Biotechnologický ústav, 2014

Flow cytometry (FCM) sperm assessment In normozoospermic and asthenozoospermic men using monoclonal antibodies against sperm proteins
Čapková, Jana; Kubátová, Alena; Děd, Lukáš; Teplá, O.; Pěknicová, Jana
2014 - English
Recent studies have shown that infertility affects an estimated 15% of all couples. Male infertility is the primary or contributing cause in 60% of these cases. Consequently, application of methods of assisted reproduction is increasing. These methods would benefit from extended evaluation of the sperm quality. For this purpose, we analyzed sperm proteins in men with normal spermiograms and with asthenozoospermia. Ejaculates of both groups were tested with a set of well-characterized monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) to human sperm. No statistically significant differences were found between normospermics and asthenospermics in the expression of sperm surface proteins clusterin, evaluated by Hs-3 MoAb, and semenogelin, evaluated by Hs-9 MoAb. On the other hand, flow cytometry revealed quantitative differences between normozoospermic and asthenozoospermic men in GAPDHS (glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase human sperm-specific glycolytic enzyme), evaluated by Hs-8 MoAb, VCP (valosin-containing protein), detected with Hs-14 MoAb, and PRKAR2A (cAMP-dependent protein kinase type II – alpha regulatory subunit) detected by MoAb Hs-36. Asthenozoospermic men displayed significantly reduced expression of intra-acrosomal proteins with a likely decrease in sperm quality, and thus a negative impact on successful reproduction. Keywords: monoclonal antibody; flow cytometry; spermatozoa; asthenozoospermia Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Flow cytometry (FCM) sperm assessment In normozoospermic and asthenozoospermic men using monoclonal antibodies against sperm proteins

Recent studies have shown that infertility affects an estimated 15% of all couples. Male infertility is the primary or contributing cause in 60% of these cases. Consequently, application of methods of ...

Čapková, Jana; Kubátová, Alena; Děd, Lukáš; Teplá, O.; Pěknicová, Jana
Biotechnologický ústav, 2014

The effect of tetrabromobisphenol a on protamination and DNA quality of mouse sperm
Žatecká, Eva; Castillo, J.; Elzeinová, Fatima; Kubátová, Alena; Děd, Lukáš; Pěknicová, Jana; Oliva, R.
2014 - English
Tetrabromobisphenol (TBBPA) is a widely used brominated flame retardant, currently its consumption is 210,000 tons / year and is still growing. In our previous multigenerational in vivo study we have demonstrated that TBBPA is able to induce apoptosis of testicular cells and changes in the expression of genes important for proper spermatogenesis. However the potential effect of TBBPA on epidydimal spermatozoa had not yet been investigated. Therefore, we performed further study to evaluate the effect of on sperm DNA integrity and on the protamines as the major nuclear proteins. C57Bl/6J mice pups (n=10) were exposed to TBBPA (experimental group) during the gestation, lactation, pre-pubertal and pubertal periods up to the age of 70 days and compared control mice pups (n= 10) which were not exposed. Our results demonstrate that TBBPA treatment results in a significantly decreased P1/P2 ratio, increased total protamine/DNA ratio and increased DNA fragmentation observed between TBBPA and control mice, respectively. Protamines have recently been connected to the epigenetic marking of sperm chromatin in human and mouse spermatozoa. Thus, our findings suggest that TBBPA exposure, in addition to result in increased sperm DNA damage, may also alter the epigenetic marking of sperm chromatin. Keywords: tetrabromobisphenol A; protamine; spermatozoa Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
The effect of tetrabromobisphenol a on protamination and DNA quality of mouse sperm

Tetrabromobisphenol (TBBPA) is a widely used brominated flame retardant, currently its consumption is 210,000 tons / year and is still growing. In our previous multigenerational in vivo study we have ...

Žatecká, Eva; Castillo, J.; Elzeinová, Fatima; Kubátová, Alena; Děd, Lukáš; Pěknicová, Jana; Oliva, R.
Biotechnologický ústav, 2014

Effect of exposure to bisphenol A on gene expression in the testicular tissue in male mice
Dorosh, Andriy; Elzeinová, Fatima; Žatecká, Eva; Kubátová, Alena; Pěknicová, Jana
2014 - English
Laboratory of Reproductive Biology, Institute of Biotechnology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., Prague, Czech Republic Bisphenol A (BPA) is a synthetic, endocrine-disrupting compound able to directly bind estrogen receptors. Free BPA has been detected in human samples indicating that humans are internally exposed to BPA. The purpose of this study was to analyse the effect of BPA on the male reproductive system and testicular gene expression in germ cells. We studied the influence of long-term low concentration BPA exposition on male fertility in vivo in a two-generation study in C57BL/6 mouse strain. In this work, BPA was added with water at two environmentally relevant concentrations: 0, 4 and 4 µg/l. We measured the reproductive organs weight and sperm cells morphology and quality. Expression of genes involved in endocrine regulation and energy metabolism in testis was analysed after BPA exposure. Next, the epigenetic mechanisms of gene expression and regulation during the germ cell differentiation and effect of BPA will be analysed. Keywords: bisphenol A; gene expression; testicular tissue Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Effect of exposure to bisphenol A on gene expression in the testicular tissue in male mice

Laboratory of Reproductive Biology, Institute of Biotechnology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., Prague, Czech Republic Bisphenol A (BPA) is a synthetic, endocrine-disrupting ...

Dorosh, Andriy; Elzeinová, Fatima; Žatecká, Eva; Kubátová, Alena; Pěknicová, Jana
Biotechnologický ústav, 2014

Detection of mannosidase in the porcine urogenital tract – study of the sperm releasing from oviductal reservoir
Maňásková, Pavla; Ren, Š.; Jelínková, Jitka; Krejčová, T.; Liberda, J.
2014 - English
One of the most important steps of reproduction process is the meeting of sperm with oocyte. Binding of sperm with oviductal cells maintains spermatozoa in fertile state. The beginning of sperm capacitation is associated with oocyte ovulation resulting in the sperm release from oviductal reservoir. Hormonal changes after ovulation probably induce distinct oviductal secretion leading to disruption of the sperm protein binding with oviductal saccharide moieties. Another eventuality of the sperm releasing from oviductal reservoir is a change of oviductal environment caused by components of follicular fluid transported with oocyte after ovulation. In the pig, previous studies indicate lectin-type interaction of sperm protein receptors by mannose structures on the surface of oviductal cells. Our study was focused on enzymatic activity of mannosidase and its detection in porcine oviduct (fluid and tissue) and follicular fluid during hormonal cycle. In fluid from follicles in early and late hormonal stages, we measured mannosidase activity by colorimetric methods at physiological and acidic pH. Expression of secreted mannosidase was studied by specific antibody in follicular and oviductal fluids, and oviductal tissues during hormonal cycle. Clearly increased enzymatic activity of secreted mannosidase was found as specific-species in porcine fluid from follicles in late stage of hormonal cycle. On the other hand, detection of secreted mannosidase in follicular fluid as well as in oviductal fluid did not shown any significant differences during hormonal cycle. In oviductal isthmic tissue, we detected decreased protein expression of secreted mannosidase at middle and late follicular phases. These results suggest possible role of follicular mannosidase rather than oviductal one in the sperm releasing from oviductal reservoir in the pig. The additional study of the gene expression of secreted form of mannosidase in oviductal tissue during hormonal cycle should be necessary. Keywords: mannosidase; oviductal reservoir; follicular fluid; enzymatic activity Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Detection of mannosidase in the porcine urogenital tract – study of the sperm releasing from oviductal reservoir

One of the most important steps of reproduction process is the meeting of sperm with oocyte. Binding of sperm with oviductal cells maintains spermatozoa in fertile state. The beginning of sperm ...

Maňásková, Pavla; Ren, Š.; Jelínková, Jitka; Krejčová, T.; Liberda, J.
Biotechnologický ústav, 2014

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