Number of found documents: 289
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Proceedings Interaction and Feedbacks 2009
Zolotarev, Igor
2009 - English
Proceedings INTERACTION AND FEEDBACKS 2009 deals with the problems of interactions of dynamic systems with surrounding liquid or fluent environment and the solutions of the dynamic systems with feedbacks. Sborník Interakce a zpětné vazby 2009 projednává otázky interakce dynamických systémů s okolním kapalným nebo plynným prostředím i problematiku řešení dynamických soustav se zpětnými vazbami. Keywords: interaction; feedbacks Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Proceedings Interaction and Feedbacks 2009

Proceedings INTERACTION AND FEEDBACKS 2009 deals with the problems of interactions of dynamic systems with surrounding liquid or fluent environment and the solutions of the dynamic systems with ...

Zolotarev, Igor
Ústav termomechaniky, 2009

Opportunities of SEIS and SISE: Integrating Environmental Knowledge in Europe
Hradec, J.; Pelikán, Emil; Mirovský, O.; Pillmann, W.; Holoubek, I.; Bandholz, T.
2009 - English
The European conference *Towards /e/Environment* was dedicated to information exchange among public administrations, EU institutions, environmental agencies, scientists and businesses involved in developing and using environmental informatics for the delivery of modern eEnvironment services in Europe. The conference was organised by the Masaryk University in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic, the European Commission, the European Environment Agency and the European Space Agency and further Czech institutions (CENIA, CSO, ICS AS, CHMI, CTU). The proceedings was printed in Masarykova universita in Brno (ISBN 978-80-210-4824-9). Keywords: European research area; environmental sustainability; information processing; environmental protection Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Opportunities of SEIS and SISE: Integrating Environmental Knowledge in Europe

The European conference *Towards /e/Environment* was dedicated to information exchange among public administrations, EU institutions, environmental agencies, scientists and businesses involved in ...

Hradec, J.; Pelikán, Emil; Mirovský, O.; Pillmann, W.; Holoubek, I.; Bandholz, T.
Ústav informatiky, 2009

Proceedings: Dynamics of Machines 2009
Pešek, Luděk
2009 - English
Traditional national colloquium with international participation is an assembly of research works on mechanics of solids aimed at the dynamics of machines. Národní kolokvium s mezinárodní účastí je soubor prací s tématikou mechaniky tuhých těles se zaměřením na dynamiku strojů. Keywords: dynamics of machines; dynamic; modelling Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Proceedings: Dynamics of Machines 2009

Traditional national colloquium with international participation is an assembly of research works on mechanics of solids aimed at the dynamics of machines....

Pešek, Luděk
Ústav termomechaniky, 2009

Time-spatial changes of the regional and landscapes structures. Collection of Abstracts
Kallabová, Eva; Ira, V.
2009 - English
Collection of abstracts – urban, regional, environmental geography, geography of transport and settlements. Regional location – Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Poland. Sborník abstraktů s tématikou urbánní, regionální, environmentální, dopravní a sídelní geografie, regionálně zaměřené na ČR, SR, Rumunsko, Polsko. Keywords: geography; regional structures; landscape Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Time-spatial changes of the regional and landscapes structures. Collection of Abstracts

Collection of abstracts – urban, regional, environmental geography, geography of transport and settlements. Regional location – Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Poland....

Kallabová, Eva; Ira, V.
Ústav geoniky, 2009

Engineering Mechanics 2009. Book of extended abstacts
Náprstek, Jiří; Fischer, Cyril
2009 - English
The objective of the conference is to provide a forum for researchers to discuss the state-of-the-art in Mechanics of Solids, Fluids and Thermomechanics, this particularly in connection with problems under investigation in the Czech Republic. Problems of Engineering Mechanics related to the contemplated topics were discussed, and their solutions presented, during the sessions of the conference. Keywords: engineering mechanics; mechanics of solids and fluids; thermomechanics Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Engineering Mechanics 2009. Book of extended abstacts

The objective of the conference is to provide a forum for researchers to discuss the state-of-the-art in Mechanics of Solids, Fluids and Thermomechanics, this particularly in connection with problems ...

Náprstek, Jiří; Fischer, Cyril
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2009

Lecture notes spring school in variational analysis Paseky 2009
Červinka, Michal
2009 - English
Following a longstanding tradition, a Spring School on Analysis will be held at Paseky nad Jizerou, in a chalet in the Krkonose Mountains, April 19 - April 25, 2009. Sborník zaznamenává práce publikované na Jarní šloke analýzi, která proběhla ve dnech 19-25 dubna tohoto roku v Pasekách nad Jizerou. Keywords: variational analysis; variační analýza Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Lecture notes spring school in variational analysis Paseky 2009

Following a longstanding tradition, a Spring School on Analysis will be held at Paseky nad Jizerou, in a chalet in the Krkonose Mountains, April 19 - April 25, 2009....

Červinka, Michal
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2009

Ph. D. Workshop 2009 Proceedings
Blaheta, Radim; Kolcun, Alexej
2009 - English
These proceedings contain contributions presented at the fourth Ph.D. Workshop of the Institute of Geonics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic held in this year simultaneously in Ostrava and in Brno on November 19, 2009. Ph.D. training belongs among the most important activities not only of the universities but also of the institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Note that in total more than 2000 Ph.D. students are being trained at the institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences. It guarantees that the knowledge and experience from the research will be forwarded and extended, which is of principal importance for the development of the research and the whole academic system. Sborník obsahuje příspěvky, které byly prezentovány na 4. workshopu doktorandů, který se konal na Ústavu geoniky AV ČR. V letošním roce se workshop konal paralelně na ústavu v Ostravě a na pobočce ústavu v Brně, která je sídlem oddělení environmentální geografie. Keywords: geotechnics; mathematical modelling; geology Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Ph. D. Workshop 2009 Proceedings

These proceedings contain contributions presented at the fourth Ph.D. Workshop of the Institute of Geonics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic held in this year simultaneously in ...

Blaheta, Radim; Kolcun, Alexej
Ústav geoniky, 2009

Proceedings 19th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL)
Daněk, Martin; Kadlec, Jiří; Nelson, B.
2009 - English
The International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL) is the first and largest conference covering the rapidly growing area of field-programmable logic. During the past 18 years, many of the advances achieved in reconfigurable architectures, applications, design methods and tools have been first published in the proceedings of the FPL conference series. Its objective is to bring together researchers and industry from all over the world for a wide ranging discussion of FPGAs, including, but not limited to: applications, advanced electronic design automation (EDA), novel system architectures, embedded processors, arithmetic, dynamic reconfiguration, etc. FPL is attended by top-level scientists and researchers. The 19th FPL continues the tradition of the previous editions. FPL2009 was hosted by UTIA AV CR in cooperation with a number of Czech FPGA research groups. Mezinárodní konference o uživatelsky programovatelných logických obvodech a jejich aplikacích (FPL) je nejstarší a největší konference pokrývající rychle rostoucí oblast programovatelných logických obvodů. Během posledních 18 let bylo ve sbornících této konference poprvé uveřejněno mnoho pokroků dosažených v oblasti rekonfigurovatelných architektur, aplikacích, návrhových metod a nástrojů. Konference si klade za cíl přilákat vědecké pracovníky a pracovníky z průmyslu z celého světa a umožnit širokou diskuzi o programovatelných hradlových polích (FPGA), zejména o jejich aplikacích, pokročilých metodách automatizace číslicového návrhu (EDA), nových systémových architekturách, procesorech pro vestavěné aplikace, aritmetických aplikacích, dynamické rekonfiguraci apod. Konference je každoročně organizována v Evropě a zúčastňují se jí nejvýznamnější vědci a výzkumní pracovníci. Konference FPL2009 byla uspořádána ÚTIA AV ČR ve spolupráci s řadou českých výzkumných skupin zabývajících se oblastí FPGA. Keywords: FPGA; Programmable logic; digital design; applications; CAD - Computer aided design; EDA - electronic design automation Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Proceedings 19th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL)

The International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL) is the first and largest conference covering the rapidly growing area of field-programmable logic. During the past 18 ...

Daněk, Martin; Kadlec, Jiří; Nelson, B.
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2009

Proceedings of the 10th International PhD Workshop on Systems and Control
Hofman, Radek; Šmídl, Václav; Pavelková, Lenka
2009 - English
The principle aim of the workshop is to bring young researchers in cybernetics with various backgrounds together in order to exchange knowledge and find inspiration for further research. Hlavním důvod pro pořádání tohoto workshopu je přinést mladým vědcům zabývajícím se kybernetikou, možnost podělit se o své znalosti, inspirovat se pro budoucí výzkum a seznámit se s kolegy. Keywords: decision; algorithm; control; Bayesian approach Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Proceedings of the 10th International PhD Workshop on Systems and Control

The principle aim of the workshop is to bring young researchers in cybernetics with various backgrounds together in order to exchange knowledge and find inspiration for further research....

Hofman, Radek; Šmídl, Václav; Pavelková, Lenka
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2009

Conference Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2009
Příhoda, Jaromír; Kozel, K.
2009 - English
The topic of the conference was new trends in the computational and experimental fluid dynamics with regard to the investigation of transitional and turbulent shear flows in external and internal aerodynamics and hydrodynamics, environmental aerodynamics, biomechanics and other applications. Keywords: internal and external aerodynamics; environmental aerodynamics; biomechanics Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Conference Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2009

The topic of the conference was new trends in the computational and experimental fluid dynamics with regard to the investigation of transitional and turbulent shear flows in external and internal ...

Příhoda, Jaromír; Kozel, K.
Ústav termomechaniky, 2009

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