Number of found documents: 174
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High-grade limestones from the Santa Cruz Mts. : progress report 2 : pure calcarenite and calcirudite from the Santa Cruz Mts., Jamaica as raw cementitious materials
Novák, Jiří Karel; Bosák, Pavel; Pavková, Jaroslava
2008 - English
Keywords: calcarenite; calcirudite; texture; white cement; Newport formation (Jamaica) Available at various institutes of the ASCR
High-grade limestones from the Santa Cruz Mts. : progress report 2 : pure calcarenite and calcirudite from the Santa Cruz Mts., Jamaica as raw cementitious materials

Novák, Jiří Karel; Bosák, Pavel; Pavková, Jaroslava
Geologický ústav, 2008

Sign and arrival time determination of Acoustic emission signals by means of high-order statistic approach
Lokajíček, Tomáš; Klíma, Karel
2008 - English
Application of high order statistic to determine arrival time and sign of ultrasonic and acoustic emission signals. Využití vyšších statistických momentů pro stanovení času příchodu a znaménka prvního nasazení ultrazvukových signálů a signálů akustické emise. Keywords: high order statistic; signal sign determination; arrival time determination Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Sign and arrival time determination of Acoustic emission signals by means of high-order statistic approach

Application of high order statistic to determine arrival time and sign of ultrasonic and acoustic emission signals....

Lokajíček, Tomáš; Klíma, Karel
Geologický ústav, 2008

Proceedings XXXI. Polish-Czech-Slovakian Symposium on Mining and Environmental Geophysics
Rudajev, Vladimír; Živor, Roman; Svítilová, Jaroslava
2008 - English
Proceedings include papers devoted to geophysical methods application for solution of following problems: mining tremors, structure and properties of rock massif, geotechnical questions and laboratory investigation of rock fracturing. Sborník obsahuje přednášky věnované využití geofyzikálních metod při řešení problematiky důlních otřesů, struktury a vlastností horninového masivu, při řešení geotechnických problémů a při laboratorním výzkumu porušování hornin. Keywords: geophysics; mining; environment Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Proceedings XXXI. Polish-Czech-Slovakian Symposium on Mining and Environmental Geophysics

Proceedings include papers devoted to geophysical methods application for solution of following problems: mining tremors, structure and properties of rock massif, geotechnical questions and laboratory ...

Rudajev, Vladimír; Živor, Roman; Svítilová, Jaroslava
Geologický ústav, 2008

Monitoring of atmospheric precipitation at NPBS : annual report 2008
Navrátil, Tomáš
2008 - English
Keywords: geochemistry; atmospheric depositions; trace elements Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Monitoring of atmospheric precipitation at NPBS : annual report 2008

Navrátil, Tomáš
Geologický ústav, 2008

Jizerské hory Mountains - geology and morphology
Živor, Roman
2007 - English
Basic geological and morphological outlines of the Jizerské hory mountains and their vicinity are depicted. The main regional geology units of area – Krkonoše-Jizera Crystalline Complex and Krkonoše-Jizera pluton – are described. V příspěvku je podána základní geologická a geomorfologická charakteristika Jizerských hor a jejich okolí. Jsou popsány hlavní regionálně geologické jednotky oblasti – krkonošsko-jizerské krystalinikum a krkonošsko-jizerský pluton. Keywords: Jizerské hory Mountains; geology; morphology Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Jizerské hory Mountains - geology and morphology

Basic geological and morphological outlines of the Jizerské hory mountains and their vicinity are depicted. The main regional geology units of area – Krkonoše-Jizera Crystalline Complex and ...

Živor, Roman
Geologický ústav, 2007

Selected igneous rocks from the Benbow Inlier-West proposed as crushed rock aggregates, Jamaica : progress report
Novák, Jiří Karel; Bosák, Pavel; Korbelová, Zuzana; Pavková, Jaroslava
2007 - English
Keywords: igneous rocks; crushed rock aggregates; Jamaica Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Selected igneous rocks from the Benbow Inlier-West proposed as crushed rock aggregates, Jamaica : progress report

Novák, Jiří Karel; Bosák, Pavel; Korbelová, Zuzana; Pavková, Jaroslava
Geologický ústav, 2007

High-grade limestones from the Santa Cruz Mts., Jamaica : progress report
Novák, Jiří Karel; Bosák, Pavel; Pavková, Jaroslava
2007 - English
Keywords: limestones; Jamaica Available at various institutes of the ASCR
High-grade limestones from the Santa Cruz Mts., Jamaica : progress report

Novák, Jiří Karel; Bosák, Pavel; Pavková, Jaroslava
Geologický ústav, 2007

Problematic points in ichntaxonomy: taphoseries, "photoseries" and "graphoseries"
Mikuláš, Radek
2006 - English
The probability of misidentification of trace fossils is extremely high if the authors did not see the original material but used only published photographs. Clearly, it is impracticable to visit all the collections containing the revised material and impossible to visit all type localities, but further caution against the use of photos or drawings must be done here. Photographed material can result in the effect named here “photoseries”: just the method of illumination of the object can make it classifiable as two different ichnotaxa. Diffuse light enables an annulate tunnel to be featured as Rhabdoglyphus, but raking light depicts instead “invaginated segments” of Fustiglyphus of idealized drawings is obviously even more problematic, as shown by nice “graphoseries” if we consider the original specimen, the method of its preparation, and the published figure. Tafosérie jsou daleko rozšířenějším problémem v ichnotaxonomii, než bylo předpokládáno autory koncepce. Lze doložit, že jejich rozpoznání je téměř nemožné, když pracujeme pouze s literárními prameny, nikoliv s reálným, neselektivně sbíraným materiálem. Keywords: Ichnofossils; taxonomy; type material; taphonomy Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Problematic points in ichntaxonomy: taphoseries, "photoseries" and "graphoseries"

The probability of misidentification of trace fossils is extremely high if the authors did not see the original material but used only published photographs. Clearly, it is impracticable to visit all ...

Mikuláš, Radek
Geologický ústav, 2006

Petrography of crushed rocks from the Fuchsmeier's Quarry near Eferding, the South Bohemian batholith
Novák, Jiří Karel; Bosák, Pavel; Böhmová, Vlasta; Pavková, Jaroslava; Straková, Jarmila
2006 - English
Keywords: crushed rocks; batholith Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Petrography of crushed rocks from the Fuchsmeier's Quarry near Eferding, the South Bohemian batholith

Novák, Jiří Karel; Bosák, Pavel; Böhmová, Vlasta; Pavková, Jaroslava; Straková, Jarmila
Geologický ústav, 2006

Palaeozoic palynology in space and time. Book of abstracts
2006 - English
Keywords: Palaeozoic; palynology; conference Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Palaeozoic palynology in space and time. Book of abstracts

Geologický ústav, 2006

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